A Muslim deserving praise


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
Since the attacks on 9/11, I have been told of the "moderate Muslims" who are the "real" representatives of the faith. In all that time, I never caught glimpse of this most elusive of creatures.

But that has changed, I am happy to say that a leading Muslim has come forth to say that which has needed to be said for so many decades.

{Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi called for a “religious revolution” in Islam that would displace violent jihad from the center of Muslim discourse.

“Is it possible that 1.6 billion people (Muslims worldwide) should want to kill the rest of the world’s population—that is, 7 billion people—so that they themselves may live?” he asked. “Impossible.”

Speaking to an audience of religious scholars celebrating the birth of Islam’s prophet, Mohammed, he called on the religious establishment to lead the fight for moderation in the Muslim world. “You imams (prayer leaders) are responsible before Allah. The entire world—I say it again, the entire world—is waiting for your next move because this umma (a word that can refer either to the Egyptian nation or the entire Muslim world) is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost—and it is being lost by our own hands.”}

Egyptian President Calls for 8216 Religious Revolution 8217 in Islam Washington Free Beacon

Bravo President al-Sisi. I salute your courage.
GOOD :thup:

The country's information ministry said President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi asked the heads of the country's leading Muslim groups "to confront the misleading ideologies harming Islam and Muslims worldwide."

In a translation of the speech provided by The Cairo Post, Sisi said: "We should closely examine the situation in which we are in. It does not make sense that the thought we sanctify pushes this entire nation to become a source of apprehension, danger, murder and destruction in the entire world. I am not saying the religion [itself]. I am saying this thought that has been sanctified; texts and thoughts that have been sanctified for hundreds of years. And disagreeing with [these texts and thoughts] has become very difficult. To the extent that [this thought] makes an enemy of the whole world."

Egypt s president calls for religious revolution in Islam - CBS News
Pres. Al Sisi is just another dictator installed by the military junta after the illegal coup on the democratically elected president Morsi.

His words mean nothing to the Egyptian people. ...... :cool:
Pres. Al Sisi is just another dictator installed by the military junta after the illegal coup on the democratically elected president Morsi.

His words mean nothing to the Egyptian people. ...... :cool:
Can we have the name of a raghead leader not "installed" in that, or a similar fashion?
Pres. Al Sisi is just a puppet for the secular military generals who run Egypt.

So far not a single Imam or religious scholar has backed him or his words. ...... :cool:
Pres. Al Sisi is just another dictator installed by the military junta after the illegal coup on the democratically elected president Morsi.

His words mean nothing to the Egyptian people. ...... :cool:
I hadn't realized that a goofy convert, safely ensconced in the Great Satan was assigned as spokes-wannabe for the Egyptian people. ...... :cool:
How about the Imams in other muslim countries who are free to say what they want?
The OP is about Egypt.

Not sure how your question pertains to the topic? ..... :cool:
"Egypt's president called for a "religious revolution" over the New Year, saying that top Muslim clerics bear responsibility for helping to reign in extremist views."

I would say that, intended or not, his sentiments will be heard throughout the muslim world....what do you expect the response to be?
"Egypt's president called for a "religious revolution" over the New Year, saying that top Muslim clerics bear responsibility for helping to reign in extremist views."

I would say that, intended or not, his sentiments will be heard throughout the muslim world....what do you expect the response to be?
Everyone in the muslim world knows that the Egyptian president is just a puppet mouthpiece for the illegal military junta who rules the country.

He is nothing and his words mean nothing in the muslim world.

But the gullible western media is eating it up. ...... :cool:
I read an interesting piece of reporting a day or so ago. In Egypt there was a government official or someone supporting the government anyway giving a speech praising al-Sisi, CC. Two people in the crowd spoke up as Sunni Man has just now. Apparently they did not have to wait for the government officials to step in. The crowd turned on them. The two ran and made it a little ways before the angry mob caught up to them and gave them a through beating.

The way I see it CC's suppression of the 'extremists' will turn many to ISIS, either directly or simply following ISIS's example of taking the initiative. Either way I foresee an uprising in Egypt within the next 18 months or so of a do-or-die nature. ISIS is the modern day French Revolution.
"Egypt's president called for a "religious revolution" over the New Year, saying that top Muslim clerics bear responsibility for helping to reign in extremist views."

I would say that, intended or not, his sentiments will be heard throughout the muslim world....what do you expect the response to be?
Everyone in the muslim world knows that the Egyptian president is just a puppet mouthpiece for the illegal military junta who rules the country.

He is nothing and his words mean nothing in the muslim world.

But the gullible western media is eating it up. ...... :cool:
Forget who uttered the words...deal with the words...do you agree with the words. I know you are a muslim...but don't try to fool an Irishman...
Seems like good news to me.

Back in the day, It was some Christian leader who finally grew the stones to say "Dudes! :uhh: "

And so ended The Spanish Inquisition. :thup:
The previous president Morsi and his party the Muslim Brotherhood won the democratic election by popular vote of the people.

A year later the secular military generals staged a coup and jailed the president and his supporters and installed the puppet Al Sisi as president.

The US and other western countries should have denounced the overthrow of a democratically elected government. But since the new government is friendly to Israel nothing was done.

Now the secular.Egyptian government is trying to paint the people who are opposed to the illegal military backed junta as "religious extremists" and affiliated to ISIS and other groups.
First generation to understand the right of everyone to be wrong about the unanswerable questions of origins, afterlife and destiny gets to watch their grandchildren reach for the stars.
Pres. Al Sisi is just another dictator installed by the military junta after the illegal coup on the democratically elected president Morsi.

His words mean nothing to the Egyptian people. ...... :cool:

I disagree. If nothing else, his words are being published and circulated and they speak truth.

Whatever you may think of his personal history, the call to end religiously motivated warfare is on the right side of our collective history, and if he continues to speak this truth people will listen. People are tired of dying.

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