A Nations Response.

Rightwinger is right, we as a nation have and will provide aid in times of emergency. The US govt nor it's people do this expecting anything in return.
If you provide humanitarian aid with the thought of getting something in return, its more like prostitution.

I didn't say we expected anything. I said we always get their middle finger!

The only way you get the middle finger is if you ask for something.

Ask for the middle finger.
Rightwinger is right, we as a nation have and will provide aid in times of emergency. The US govt nor it's people do this expecting anything in return.
If you provide humanitarian aid with the thought of getting something in return, its more like prostitution.

I didn't say we expected anything. I said we always get their middle finger!

The only way you get the middle finger is if you ask for something.

We have always been first and formost in times of need for other countries. Way to go President Obama. I dont agree with his policies and will let it go at that. This is a good thing.

completely agree
Indeed it is a swift and meaningful response. I think other countries are also chipping in. Haiti is bloody unlucky, about the only thing it's got going for it is it's close to the US which makes - as RW pointed out - for an effective response. Good on Obama and the American people, especially those who will be in there helping out. I heard the 82nd Airborne is going to have the job of clearing the corpses from the streets, that's a terrible job to have to do but they'll get it done.
Hundreds of U.S. troops have arrived in Haiti, and a high-ranking Army officer said Friday that food, water, medicine and other emergency relief supplies are being rushed to victims of this week's massive earthquake.

Lt. Gen. Ken Keen, appearing on nationally broadcast U.S. morning news shows, reported from Haiti that some 300 members of the Army's 82nd Airborne Division arrived overnight, as well as sailors coming in aboard the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson.

"We have much more support on the way," Keen said. "Our priority is getting relief out to the needy people, to mitigate the suffering that the Haitian people are experiencing right now.
U.S troops arrive in Haiti

This is a crisis that will bring out peoples desire and will to help others in need and it serves nothing in order to make it into referendum on the Obama Administration. While it's no secret, I do not support the Administrations domestic policy or defense agenda, this is NOT a matter of that agenda and the President has my full support as he should have every Americans during this crisis.
In spite of what many see as a negative global reputation, this is what the US does best. In times of need, both the American people and the American Govenment has stepped up to provide aid and never asked for anything in return.


As a people, the american people personally donate more money to every disaster than all the worlds governments combined (yes that includes our own government).

Every country in the world makes the same claim. Per person, the British also show an incredibly generous character when another nation is affected by tragedy.

As a people, the american people personally donate more money to every disaster than all the worlds governments combined (yes that includes our own government).

Every country in the world makes the same claim. Per person, the British also show an incredibly generous character when another nation is affected by tragedy.

Thats true there are several nations around the world giving in this crisis, the UK among them.
As a people, the american people personally donate more money to every disaster than all the worlds governments combined (yes that includes our own government).

Every country in the world makes the same claim. Per person, the British also show an incredibly generous character when another nation is affected by tragedy.

Thats true there are several nations around the world giving in this crisis, the UK among them.

If you watch UK news, you'd think the UK was the only country there. If you watch US news, you would think we are the only ones there. No doubt, the same is true of lots of nations. In fact, it takes a coordinated INTERNATIONAL effort to really help those struggling to cope with this or any other tragedy.

We, alongside the Brits, Canadians and various other nations, will be there doing everything humanly possible to save as many as possible.

I hope that each countries citicizens continue to help financially as much as possible.

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