A new generation of L.A. Satanists finds community in blasphemous times

You do realize that satanic cults like to rape children when they get into it deep enough.
like ALISTER CROWLEY.........................


You know that whole "Satanic ritual abuse" moral panic was based entirely on bullshit, right?

No you just live in the closet and deny actual events, and you obviously know NOTHING about ALISTER CROWLEY either.
Those who are not in touch with their sixth sense and only see what's in their face have un repairable closed minds and one track thinking.

there are forces that are greater than your pathetic peon beings will ever have or be.

Forces of shit most ass clowns don't have and that's what makes you all the same.


Let me guess - you know all about Aleister Crowley, because you read some bullshit on "EndTimesHeadlines", or some other bonkers conspiracy site - and you believed it, because you're that much of a sucker.

I learned a long time ago that it's really not worth challenging your delusions. At this point, all there is to do is laugh at them.
:anj_stfu: if jackoffs like you only knew what fools you are.
I'm not a fascist at all. I assume you think Pinochet was a fascist or something...you'd be wrong if you do.


It's adorable how hard you're trying.
Trust me, if I actually were a fascist...I'd have no issue admitting it. The one thing you can't claim about me, is that I am dishonest.

You're not getting it.

I don't give a flying fuck whether you consider yourself a fascist or not. You can make up whatever distinctions you want.

You are trying so hard to be controversial, and get a rise out of people - and I can't help but see that as pathetic.
I don't have to make up anything, I actually know what fascism is.

I don't have to try hard to rile people up, that part is easy.


Whatever you say.
You could always block me if you prefer not to read what I post.

It's adorable how hard you're trying.
Trust me, if I actually were a fascist...I'd have no issue admitting it. The one thing you can't claim about me, is that I am dishonest.

You're not getting it.

I don't give a flying fuck whether you consider yourself a fascist or not. You can make up whatever distinctions you want.

You are trying so hard to be controversial, and get a rise out of people - and I can't help but see that as pathetic.
I don't have to make up anything, I actually know what fascism is.

I don't have to try hard to rile people up, that part is easy.


Whatever you say.
You could always block me if you prefer not to read what I post.

I prefer to mock you. It's much more fun.
You do realize that satanic cults like to rape children when they get into it deep enough.
like ALISTER CROWLEY.........................


You know that whole "Satanic ritual abuse" moral panic was based entirely on bullshit, right?

Go give yourself a history lesson

Crowley's lifestyle was absolutely shocking in the era in which he lived. Besides his interest in the occult, he was sexually promiscuous with both genders (at a time when homosexuality was still illegal in Britain), frequented prostitutes, was vocally defiant against Christianity and Victorian and post-Victorian prudishness toward sexual subjects, and was a drug addict.

Aleister Crowley: The Wickedest Man in the World


Yes, we all know that Crowley was a hedonist.

What do you think that proves, exactly?
People that look up to him are probably just as twisted as he was, if not more so.

As are people who look up to Pinochet. But that's the whole point, isn't it?
Pinochet was a hero. There is nothing wrong with looking up to him.
You do realize that satanic cults like to rape children when they get into it deep enough.
like ALISTER CROWLEY.........................


You know that whole "Satanic ritual abuse" moral panic was based entirely on bullshit, right?

No you just live in the closet and deny actual events, and you obviously know NOTHING about ALISTER CROWLEY either.
Those who are not in touch with their sixth sense and only see what's in their face have un repairable closed minds and one track thinking.

there are forces that are greater than your pathetic peon beings will ever have or be.

Forces of shit most ass clowns don't have and that's what makes you all the same.


Let me guess - you know all about Aleister Crowley, because you read some bullshit on "EndTimesHeadlines", or some other bonkers conspiracy site - and you believed it, because you're that much of a sucker.

I learned a long time ago that it's really not worth challenging your delusions. At this point, all there is to do is laugh at them.
:anj_stfu: if jackoffs like you only knew what fools you are.


You know that whole "Satanic ritual abuse" moral panic was based entirely on bullshit, right?

Go give yourself a history lesson

Crowley's lifestyle was absolutely shocking in the era in which he lived. Besides his interest in the occult, he was sexually promiscuous with both genders (at a time when homosexuality was still illegal in Britain), frequented prostitutes, was vocally defiant against Christianity and Victorian and post-Victorian prudishness toward sexual subjects, and was a drug addict.

Aleister Crowley: The Wickedest Man in the World


Yes, we all know that Crowley was a hedonist.

What do you think that proves, exactly?
People that look up to him are probably just as twisted as he was, if not more so.

As are people who look up to Pinochet. But that's the whole point, isn't it?
Pinochet was a hero. There is nothing wrong with looking up to him.

You do realize that satanic cults like to rape children when they get into it deep enough.
like ALISTER CROWLEY.........................


You know that whole "Satanic ritual abuse" moral panic was based entirely on bullshit, right?
Some of it was, some of it wasn't.


No, it was all bullshit. Every single little bit of it was bullshit.


Feel free to give us an example of a "true" part of the satanic ritual abuse moral panic.
You have google.
Trust me, if I actually were a fascist...I'd have no issue admitting it. The one thing you can't claim about me, is that I am dishonest.

You're not getting it.

I don't give a flying fuck whether you consider yourself a fascist or not. You can make up whatever distinctions you want.

You are trying so hard to be controversial, and get a rise out of people - and I can't help but see that as pathetic.
I don't have to make up anything, I actually know what fascism is.

I don't have to try hard to rile people up, that part is easy.


Whatever you say.
You could always block me if you prefer not to read what I post.

I prefer to mock you. It's much more fun.
You hardly ever even participate in threads I'm in most of the time. I think this is the longest back and forth we have ever had. Better step your game up.
and to prove just what a STUPID FK YOU ARE! END TIMES headlines is just as a WEAK ASS excuse as those stupid fks who use INFOWARS know why dumb ass because IF YOU KNEW HOW THE FK TO CLICK A GAWD DAM LINK YOU WOULD KNOW THAT LINK TAKES YOU TO THE ORIGINAL SOURCE MORON...

or are you to dumbed down to know what " READ MORE MEANS"....

You're not getting it.

I don't give a flying fuck whether you consider yourself a fascist or not. You can make up whatever distinctions you want.

You are trying so hard to be controversial, and get a rise out of people - and I can't help but see that as pathetic.
I don't have to make up anything, I actually know what fascism is.

I don't have to try hard to rile people up, that part is easy.


Whatever you say.
You could always block me if you prefer not to read what I post.

I prefer to mock you. It's much more fun.
You hardly ever even participate in threads I'm in most of the time. I think this is the longest back and forth we have ever had. Better step your game up.

Prob. b.c. the a.h is a satanic prick themselves LOL they've got to defend their practice .
You're not getting it.

I don't give a flying fuck whether you consider yourself a fascist or not. You can make up whatever distinctions you want.

You are trying so hard to be controversial, and get a rise out of people - and I can't help but see that as pathetic.
I don't have to make up anything, I actually know what fascism is.

I don't have to try hard to rile people up, that part is easy.


Whatever you say.
You could always block me if you prefer not to read what I post.

I prefer to mock you. It's much more fun.
You hardly ever even participate in threads I'm in most of the time. I think this is the longest back and forth we have ever had. Better step your game up.


That's because you're boring and completely predictable.
I don't have to make up anything, I actually know what fascism is.

I don't have to try hard to rile people up, that part is easy.


Whatever you say.
You could always block me if you prefer not to read what I post.

I prefer to mock you. It's much more fun.
You hardly ever even participate in threads I'm in most of the time. I think this is the longest back and forth we have ever had. Better step your game up.


That's because you're boring and completely predictable.

Whatever you say.
You could always block me if you prefer not to read what I post.

I prefer to mock you. It's much more fun.
You hardly ever even participate in threads I'm in most of the time. I think this is the longest back and forth we have ever had. Better step your game up.


That's because you're boring and completely predictable.
View attachment 170300


As I said. Boring and predictable.

He believes he is. He banned me for three days last week because another poster was openly promoting child abuse and I called him out on it. So I was punished for that.
Although there’s no mention of Aleister Crowley in the records of The Order of Chaeronea, they could hardly have been unaware of one another, since Crowley was both a pioneer of “sexual liberation” and a practitioner of homosexual sex. The subject of sexual magick, while it’s really of central importance to this investigation, is one I’ve avoided until now, because it becomes all-too-easy to lose the ground of factual reportage once strayed into more esoteric and philosophic waters. However, it’s worth mentioning in brief (having just come across this material myself via author Phil Hine’s website), that the Theosophical Society (tied to the Fabians via Annie Besant) was implicated in child sexual abuse in the early 1900 because of Charles Leadbeater. Canadian sociologist Stephen Kent writes in Religious Justifications for Child Sexual Abuse in Cults:

Child Abuse as Sex Magick & Sexual Research: Aleister Crowley & Alfred Kinsey (Occult Yorkshire 14)

Most Trump haters are to fkn stupid to CONNECT ALL THE DOTS that lead right to the ELITES of today

Then came this


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