A new sexual identity is burning up social media

The vibrant, stunning and brave Superstraight community are finally recognised.
Superstraight people are men who are attracted to biological women, and women who are attracted to biological men.
We are proud of our sexual identity.
You'd think other sexual identities would welcome us with open arms, but no.,,,many on Twitter want us dead.
Stand up and be proud.
Informative video below.

Sounds like a bunch emotionally insecure and fragile people struggling with their sexuality or gender identity sexuality

Sounds like people making choices about who they want a relationship with. Like some biological men like only biological men and some biological women like only biological women and some biological men like only biological women and some biological women like biological men. Isn't that up to the individual on who and what they prefer? There was an article that was in a thread awhile back that some transgenders were upset that straight men and women were not willing to have a relationship with them.

Not sure what the fuss is.

Sounds like people who are deeply confused and conflicted about their own sexuality but who have repressed those feeling and channeled them into this pathological and hysterical need to convice themselves and others about how straight and "normal" they are

What a perfect load of horseshit.
Fuck off with that bigot bullshit. They can be what they want to be and believe what they want to believe. I am questioning the psychology behine their need to broadcast it as though-as I said- they have a need to convince themselvs and other what they are.

LOL! YEAH! Fuck off with that bigot bullshit while I'm trying to showcase my bigotry!
The vibrant, stunning and brave Superstraight community are finally recognised.
Superstraight people are men who are attracted to biological women, and women who are attracted to biological men.
We are proud of our sexual identity.
You'd think other sexual identities would welcome us with open arms, but no.,,,many on Twitter want us dead.
Stand up and be proud.
Informative video below.

Sounds like a bunch emotionally insecure and fragile people struggling with their sexuality or gender identity sexuality

Sounds like people making choices about who they want a relationship with. Like some biological men like only biological men and some biological women like only biological women and some biological men like only biological women and some biological women like biological men. Isn't that up to the individual on who and what they prefer? There was an article that was in a thread awhile back that some transgenders were upset that straight men and women were not willing to have a relationship with them.

Not sure what the fuss is.

Sounds like people who are deeply confused and conflicted about their own sexuality but who have repressed those feeling and channeled them into this pathological and hysterical need to convice themselves and others about how straight and "normal" they are

Sounds like you're unable to let people be what they believe they are. What a bigot.

Fuck off with that bigot bullshit. They can be what they want to be and believe what they want to believe. I am questioning the psychology behine their need to broadcast it as though-as I said- they have a need to convince themselvs and other what they are.

Armchair psychiatrist, or just bigot?

Armchair psychiatrist

A really dumb one.
The vibrant, stunning and brave Superstraight community are finally recognised.
Superstraight people are men who are attracted to biological women, and women who are attracted to biological men.
We are proud of our sexual identity.
You'd think other sexual identities would welcome us with open arms, but no.,,,many on Twitter want us dead.
Stand up and be proud.
Informative video below.

Cool. Be proud of who you are. Just do it in the privacy of your bedroom please.

No. We demand that you validate our pride.

I'm so proud of you honey. No go carry out your pride in the bedroom. You're the first person who's "demanded" validation of sexual orientation pride. Everyone else is...whatever...
The vibrant, stunning and brave Superstraight community are finally recognised.
Superstraight people are men who are attracted to biological women, and women who are attracted to biological men.
We are proud of our sexual identity.
You'd think other sexual identities would welcome us with open arms, but no.,,,many on Twitter want us dead.
Stand up and be proud.
Informative video below.

Sounds like a bunch emotionally insecure and fragile people struggling with their sexuality or gender identity sexuality

Sounds like people making choices about who they want a relationship with. Like some biological men like only biological men and some biological women like only biological women and some biological men like only biological women and some biological women like biological men. Isn't that up to the individual on who and what they prefer? There was an article that was in a thread awhile back that some transgenders were upset that straight men and women were not willing to have a relationship with them.

Not sure what the fuss is.

Sounds like people who are deeply confused and conflicted about their own sexuality but who have repressed those feeling and channeled them into this pathological and hysterical need to convice themselves and others about how straight and "normal" they are

Sounds like you're unable to let people be what they believe they are. What a bigot.

Fuck off with that bigot bullshit. They can be what they want to be and believe what they want to believe. I am questioning the psychology behine their need to broadcast it as though-as I said- they have a need to convince themselvs and other what they are.

It boils down to this....

Two gay men want to be able to walk down the street holding hands like any other couple without being attacked for it.

Heterosexuals call this "forcing us to validate it"...

LOLOL.................Whoever the artist was who drew this, the red libturd is a photo copy, an exact picture of what they really look like.

For 4 yrs we did not have to deal with this faggotry nonsense, now it is a GD full onslaught of gender confused freakazoidz
richard became rachel.jpg
LOLOL.................Whoever the artist was who drew this, the red libturd is a photo copy, an exact picture of what they really look like.

For 4 yrs we did not have to deal with this faggotry nonsense, now it is a GD full onslaught of gender confused freakazoidz
View attachment 466158
Son you are the damned finest on Avatar creation. The best I probably ever saw. Each one busts me up every time I see it, and then a funnier one pops up. This here is one of your finest. Would you keep it up a lil longer than usual..................LOLOLOL
The vibrant, stunning and brave Superstraight community are finally recognised.
Superstraight people are men who are attracted to biological women, and women who are attracted to biological men.
We are proud of our sexual identity.
You'd think other sexual identities would welcome us with open arms, but no.,,,many on Twitter want us dead.
Stand up and be proud.
Informative video below.

Sounds like a bunch emotionally insecure and fragile people struggling with their sexuality or gender identity sexuality

Sounds like people making choices about who they want a relationship with. Like some biological men like only biological men and some biological women like only biological women and some biological men like only biological women and some biological women like biological men. Isn't that up to the individual on who and what they prefer? There was an article that was in a thread awhile back that some transgenders were upset that straight men and women were not willing to have a relationship with them.

Not sure what the fuss is.

Sounds like people who are deeply confused and conflicted about their own sexuality but who have repressed those feeling and channeled them into this pathological and hysterical need to convice themselves and others about how straight and "normal" they are

Sounds like you're unable to let people be what they believe they are. What a bigot.

Fuck off with that bigot bullshit. They can be what they want to be and believe what they want to believe. I am questioning the psychology behine their need to broadcast it as though-as I said- they have a need to convince themselvs and other what they are.

It boils down to this....

Two gay men want to be able to walk down the street holding hands like any other couple without being attacked for it.

Heterosexuals call this "forcing us to validate it"...


That is old school, I don’t care who anyone holds hands with who. Just the same as I don’t care if a person is super straight.
What is concerning is that people are wanting to murder someone for expressing that they are super straight. That is intolerance at its worst. Of course the left is no more tolerant than the right.
The vibrant, stunning and brave Superstraight community are finally recognised.
Superstraight people are men who are attracted to biological women, and women who are attracted to biological men.
We are proud of our sexual identity.
You'd think other sexual identities would welcome us with open arms, but no.,,,many on Twitter want us dead.
Stand up and be proud.
Informative video below.

Sounds like a bunch emotionally insecure and fragile people struggling with their sexuality or gender identity sexuality

Sounds like people making choices about who they want a relationship with. Like some biological men like only biological men and some biological women like only biological women and some biological men like only biological women and some biological women like biological men. Isn't that up to the individual on who and what they prefer? There was an article that was in a thread awhile back that some transgenders were upset that straight men and women were not willing to have a relationship with them.

Not sure what the fuss is.

Sounds like people who are deeply confused and conflicted about their own sexuality but who have repressed those feeling and channeled them into this pathological and hysterical need to convice themselves and others about how straight and "normal" they are

Sounds like you're unable to let people be what they believe they are. What a bigot.

Fuck off with that bigot bullshit. They can be what they want to be and believe what they want to believe. I am questioning the psychology behine their need to broadcast it as though-as I said- they have a need to convince themselvs and other what they are.

It boils down to this....

Two gay men want to be able to walk down the street holding hands like any other couple without being attacked for it.

Heterosexuals call this "forcing us to validate it"...


That is old school, I don’t care who anyone holds hands with who. Just the same as I don’t care if a person is super straight.
What is concerning is that people are wanting to murder someone for expressing that they are super straight. That is intolerance at its worst. Of course the left is no more tolerant than the right.

It's human nature. Both sides are intolerant of what's not "them" these days.

Wanting to murder someone as you describe - that has less to do with ideology than (imo) the culture generated by instant media/messaging and viral media. No one thinks anymore and anonymity allows us to act our worst.
LOLOL.................Whoever the artist was who drew this, the red libturd is a photo copy, an exact picture of what they really look like.

For 4 yrs we did not have to deal with this faggotry nonsense, now it is a GD full onslaught of gender confused freakazoidz
View attachment 466158
Son you are the damned finest on Avatar creation. The best I probably ever saw. Each one busts me up every time I see it, and then a funnier one pops up. This here is one of your finest. Would you keep it up a lil longer than usual..................LOLOLOL
jeremy naomi.png
The vibrant, stunning and brave Superstraight community are finally recognised.
Superstraight people are men who are attracted to biological women, and women who are attracted to biological men.
We are proud of our sexual identity.
You'd think other sexual identities would welcome us with open arms, but no.,,,many on Twitter want us dead.
Stand up and be proud.
Informative video below.

Time for you to get educated

“Superstraight” is the newest anti-LGBTQ insult. Here’s what it means. / LGBTQ Nation

A transphobic and homophobic trend that originated on TikTok is getting a lot of attention on social media: “superstraight.” And it has people defending it, attacking it, and making fun of it.

The idea appears to have originated in a video posted to TikTok last month where user Kyle Royce says that he now identifies as super straight; that is, he is a man who is only attracted to cisgender women.

The idea of “superstraight” was widely panned by LGBTQ people as both transphobic and homophobic. It was called transphobic because it implies that not dating trans people makes a person more straight – as if trans people aren’t really their gender – and because it’s basically cisgender people being exclusionary and making a big deal of their lack of desire to date a class of people when no one asked them in the first place.

And it has been called homophobic because it belittles and mocks sexual minorities, implying that sexual identity is the same as whatever dating preferences a person may have.
I can't believe that some people are just getting around to the knowledge that folks only have sex with people to whom they are sexually attracted, except if they are forced or they are pursuing some financial goal, so I'm looking for the "satire" tag. I've never experienced a same-sex attraction, but I've never felt any animosity toward anyone who has had this experience. Why be obsessed? Live and let live, and enjoy what you've got.

Live and let live isn't the progressive credo, conform or else is.

The real issue is that the trans movement believes that if someone says they are a woman or man, then everyone else should accept they are ACTUALLY a woman or a man, and thus there is no reason a straight man would not be attracted to a trans woman (i.e. a man) except for transphobia.

People who are in the body of one sex but think and experience as those in the other sex bodies have a problem that must make them very uncomfortable. But what is the big deal, here? Let these people be.

I don't understand the right-wings' sexual obsessions, heterosexual women daring to have sex, people who are attracted to persons of the same sex, people having sex with someone not of his/her "race," trans-folk. These circumstances don't involve any "issue" other than some outsider's obsession. This obsession is just plain boring.

This isn't about letting them be, it's about the typical progressive need to force the issue on everyone. tolerance isn't the goal, forced acceptance is.

This is about the lefts fixation on sex, not the rights aversion to it.
why the calls to murder super straight people? These folks are super straightphobic....and that is just disgusting....I can't stand bigots
We need extra punishment for "straight-crimes" and extra censorship for "straight-speech"...
The vibrant, stunning and brave Superstraight community are finally recognised.
Superstraight people are men who are attracted to biological women, and women who are attracted to biological men.
We are proud of our sexual identity.
You'd think other sexual identities would welcome us with open arms, but no.,,,many on Twitter want us dead.
Stand up and be proud.
Informative video below.

Time for you to get educated

“Superstraight” is the newest anti-LGBTQ insult. Here’s what it means. / LGBTQ Nation

A transphobic and homophobic trend that originated on TikTok is getting a lot of attention on social media: “superstraight.” And it has people defending it, attacking it, and making fun of it.

The idea appears to have originated in a video posted to TikTok last month where user Kyle Royce says that he now identifies as super straight; that is, he is a man who is only attracted to cisgender women.

The idea of “superstraight” was widely panned by LGBTQ people as both transphobic and homophobic. It was called transphobic because it implies that not dating trans people makes a person more straight – as if trans people aren’t really their gender – and because it’s basically cisgender people being exclusionary and making a big deal of their lack of desire to date a class of people when no one asked them in the first place.

And it has been called homophobic because it belittles and mocks sexual minorities, implying that sexual identity is the same as whatever dating preferences a person may have.

Get a life, bozo.
If I don't want to ride a ladyboy, that's my personal freedom.
Respect my sexual identity.
The vibrant, stunning and brave Superstraight community are finally recognised.
Superstraight people are men who are attracted to biological women, and women who are attracted to biological men.
We are proud of our sexual identity.
You'd think other sexual identities would welcome us with open arms, but no.,,,many on Twitter want us dead.
Stand up and be proud.
Informative video below.

Time for you to get educated

“Superstraight” is the newest anti-LGBTQ insult. Here’s what it means. / LGBTQ Nation

A transphobic and homophobic trend that originated on TikTok is getting a lot of attention on social media: “superstraight.” And it has people defending it, attacking it, and making fun of it.

The idea appears to have originated in a video posted to TikTok last month where user Kyle Royce says that he now identifies as super straight; that is, he is a man who is only attracted to cisgender women.

The idea of “superstraight” was widely panned by LGBTQ people as both transphobic and homophobic. It was called transphobic because it implies that not dating trans people makes a person more straight – as if trans people aren’t really their gender – and because it’s basically cisgender people being exclusionary and making a big deal of their lack of desire to date a class of people when no one asked them in the first place.

And it has been called homophobic because it belittles and mocks sexual minorities, implying that sexual identity is the same as whatever dating preferences a person may have.

Get a life, bozo.
If I don't want to ride a ladyboy, that's my personal freedom.
Respect my sexual identity.

Thank you for confirming what I suspected. You are totally unable to grasp the meaning of the article that I posted. It is these super straights who are being disrespectful
The vibrant, stunning and brave Superstraight community are finally recognised.
Superstraight people are men who are attracted to biological women, and women who are attracted to biological men.
We are proud of our sexual identity.
You'd think other sexual identities would welcome us with open arms, but no.,,,many on Twitter want us dead.
Stand up and be proud.
Informative video below.

Time for you to get educated

“Superstraight” is the newest anti-LGBTQ insult. Here’s what it means. / LGBTQ Nation

A transphobic and homophobic trend that originated on TikTok is getting a lot of attention on social media: “superstraight.” And it has people defending it, attacking it, and making fun of it.

The idea appears to have originated in a video posted to TikTok last month where user Kyle Royce says that he now identifies as super straight; that is, he is a man who is only attracted to cisgender women.

The idea of “superstraight” was widely panned by LGBTQ people as both transphobic and homophobic. It was called transphobic because it implies that not dating trans people makes a person more straight – as if trans people aren’t really their gender – and because it’s basically cisgender people being exclusionary and making a big deal of their lack of desire to date a class of people when no one asked them in the first place.

And it has been called homophobic because it belittles and mocks sexual minorities, implying that sexual identity is the same as whatever dating preferences a person may have.

Get a life, bozo.
If I don't want to ride a ladyboy, that's my personal freedom.
Respect my sexual identity.

Thank you for confirming what I suspected. You are totally unable to grasp the meaning of the article that I posted. It is these super straights who are being disrespectful

Why are the only threads you appear in faggot or pedophile threads?

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