A New State Law Every 13 Minutes...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Nanny State U.S.A.

Let’s start with the premise that lawmakers are the only people in America who aren’t convinced we have too many laws.

Now, with the new year tightening its clock-springs, the National Council of State Legislatures tells us we’ve just added 40,000 more. That’s an average of one every 13 minutes.

Oh, goodie.

Laws are like technology. Over time, they become one of two things: indispensable or obsolete. It’s beyond me why most state and federal laws don’t have 15- or 20-year sunset clauses, so we could periodically dispense with the obsolete ones like so many floppy disc drives and 8-track tape decks. (Remember them?)

If left alone, laws can become downright necrotic. If you think it’s hard to get a new law passed, just try repealing one after a special interest group’s lobbyists commit themselves to protecting it.

For my fellow Latin geeks, Tacitus put it best: “Corruptisima republica plurimae leges.” The more corrupt the state, the more plentiful its laws.

Tacitus was a senator and historian in ancient Rome. (Remember them?) He was nonplussed about emperors’ power to enact laws that didn’t improve anything for anyone. He also wrote an 11,000-word eulogy for his father-in-law, so he wasn’t perfect. But Tacitus knew an over-legalized nation when he saw one.

Read more: New State Laws | California | Textbooks | The Daily Caller

This isn't Politics, it's Law. Moved.
Like flies in a spider's web, the more we twist and turn to find a way out, the more bound up we become, until finally, the spider exacts its due for having ensnared us.
The teabagger/republicans have 25 states all to themselves and since 2010 have been on a law making jamboree. Some of them, like Alabama's immigration law caused so many problems that they are in the process of scrapping most of it in shame.
I see Pauli is once again trying to pass off others writings as his own. Quotes aren't hard buddy. Try using them some time.

As for the laws, Pauli's basic premise is flawed. He's assuming ALL laws are bad, so therefore adding more is bad. It makes it appear he wants no laws at all, and thinks that that is the best way for American to be. This makes him either a liar or crazy or a child. I'm betting on the first.
I am quite sure Paul would go to extraordinarily great lengths to prove he is right. His libertarian experimentation would probably be the end of the country as we know it.
Maybe Illinois should require that we show our drain cleaner receipts before being allowed to vote.
Beginning this week, you can't buy drain cleaner in Illinois without showing a photo I.D. and recording your name and address. LOL

New law requires photo ID, logged transaction to buy drain cleaner

They do the same thing here with some cold medicine... Other than drano being used for a weapon, they use it to make meth. I understand cold medicine, not drano.
I stocked the health and beauty department at Kmart when I was in high school, I would stock some cold medicine a couple of times a day because they would either buy or steal it all. I don't know if they needed a state law, for one Kmart and other stores had already started keeping that stuff behind the pharmacy counter...But stores should monitor it, for one to make sure people are not stealing them blind.
Maybe Illinois should require that we show our drain cleaner receipts before being allowed to vote.

Only if you're an American Citizen. If you're an Illegal Alien you do not have to show a valid ID. Because that is now considered 'Racist' and a violation of Non-Citizens' Civil Rights. Apparently this current Government feels that Non-Citizens should have more 'Civil Rights' than actual Citizens. Try not showing a valid ID when requested to do so by authority. Lets see where that gets you. Unless you're a Non-Citizen,you have no rights. What a country we've become.
Several ideas here.

#1 No law can be enacted by executive order over the objection of Congress. If one or the other body disallow any such law, it will be null and void.

#2 Regulatory agencies, Cabinet level agencies and "Czars" can only propose regulations, Any such proposals shall be passed by Congress and signed into law by the President after a 30 day period where the public may read the proposed legislation and advise Congress of their objections if any.

#3 The US House of Representatives shall appoint a citizen Commission to examine the US legal code and all agency regulations now on the book for contradictions and redundancies and submit a report recommending laws that can be stricken.

#4 A simply majority of either chamber of Congress can petition directly to the Supreme Court of the United States, requesting the Court rule immediately on the Constitutionality of any law or Executive order.
Beginning this week, you can't buy drain cleaner in Illinois without showing a photo I.D. and recording your name and address. LOL

New law requires photo ID, logged transaction to buy drain cleaner

They do the same thing here with some cold medicine... Other than drano being used for a weapon, they use it to make meth. I understand cold medicine, not drano.
I stocked the health and beauty department at Kmart when I was in high school, I would stock some cold medicine a couple of times a day because they would either buy or steal it all. I don't know if they needed a state law, for one Kmart and other stores had already started keeping that stuff behind the pharmacy counter...But stores should monitor it, for one to make sure people are not stealing them blind.

I make soap and use sodium hydroxide (lye) or potassium hydroxide. I used to by small containers of "Red Devil" lye, now I can only get it in 50 lb bags. (Or pay outrageous hazmat fees to have is shipped.)

Apparently, meth users will stop at nothing to cook up a batch:
Woman Cooks Meth for Six Hours in Tulsa Wal-Mart | Complex

Common ingredients to make meth include: Common Crystal Meth Ingredients:
Acetone, Alcohol, Anhydrous ammonia, Battery acid, Benzene, Camera batteries, Camp stove fuel, Chloroform, Cold tablets, Diet aids, Drain cleaner, Energy boosters, Ephedrine, Ether (starting fluid), Freon, Gasoline additives/Rubbing Alcohol, Iodine, Iodine crystals
Lithium from batteries.
Certainly makes me want to put it into my body!
Several ideas here.

#1 No law can be enacted by executive order over the objection of Congress. If one or the other body disallow any such law, it will be null and void.

#2 Regulatory agencies, Cabinet level agencies and "Czars" can only propose regulations, Any such proposals shall be passed by Congress and signed into law by the President after a 30 day period where the public may read the proposed legislation and advise Congress of their objections if any.

#3 The US House of Representatives shall appoint a citizen Commission to examine the US legal code and all agency regulations now on the book for contradictions and redundancies and submit a report recommending laws that can be stricken.

#4 A simply majority of either chamber of Congress can petition directly to the Supreme Court of the United States, requesting the Court rule immediately on the Constitutionality of any law or Executive order.

May I suggest #5: All laws apply equally to all persons, no exemptions for anyone.
Beginning this week, you can't buy drain cleaner in Illinois without showing a photo I.D. and recording your name and address. LOL

New law requires photo ID, logged transaction to buy drain cleaner

They do the same thing here with some cold medicine... Other than drano being used for a weapon, they use it to make meth. I understand cold medicine, not drano.
I stocked the health and beauty department at Kmart when I was in high school, I would stock some cold medicine a couple of times a day because they would either buy or steal it all. I don't know if they needed a state law, for one Kmart and other stores had already started keeping that stuff behind the pharmacy counter...But stores should monitor it, for one to make sure people are not stealing them blind.

I make soap and use sodium hydroxide (lye) or potassium hydroxide. I used to by small containers of "Red Devil" lye, now I can only get it in 50 lb bags. (Or pay outrageous hazmat fees to have is shipped.)

Apparently, meth users will stop at nothing to cook up a batch:
Woman Cooks Meth for Six Hours in Tulsa Wal-Mart | Complex

Common ingredients to make meth include: Common Crystal Meth Ingredients:
Acetone, Alcohol, Anhydrous ammonia, Battery acid, Benzene, Camera batteries, Camp stove fuel, Chloroform, Cold tablets, Diet aids, Drain cleaner, Energy boosters, Ephedrine, Ether (starting fluid), Freon, Gasoline additives/Rubbing Alcohol, Iodine, Iodine crystals
Lithium from batteries.
Certainly makes me want to put it into my body!

When I was in high school a Narc officer came and talked to my health class. He told us about going into a meth house, and the bathtub where they were mixing it up was being eaten up by whatever they were using. That made me never want to try it, along with the years I worked at Kmart. I worked there when meth was at it's worst here, and Spokane had one of the worst problems in the US. I saw what it did to people's skin, and I saw how they acted even when they got off the stuff. I personally never want to look like I have a permanent case of chicken pox.
I rarely search by thread topic. Besides most discussions end up covering the entire spectrum LOL.

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