A Paean To The Most Corrupt Couple

It's no secret that the sleaze bag Arkansas hick rented out the Lincoln bedroom for cash. The most notorious corporate criminal in history at the time, Mark Rich was pardoned while he was on the FBI's 10 most wanted list. Coincidently his estranged wife donated a million dollars to the "Clinton library.
Hillary is from Chicago.

If you listen carefully you can spot the Chicago accent in her voice.
Well....perhaps not 'paean'....Exposé might be more accurate.

Below is the link to the documentary "Clinton Cash"...the entire film.

You will never find a more corrupt couple in all of American political history.

Watch this....and see if you disagree.

Democrat voters: this may endanger your health.

Damn bebbe !!

If you have the word 'paean' in your vocabulary then you must be pretty smart.

But if you are a conserva-turd then you must be pretty dumb.

Not sure what John Birch Society father or uncle brainwashed you.

But there is deprogramming available if you look around.

A perfect example of the sort of post one provides when they are DYING to deny, refute, or rebut....

...but, like the eunuch in the harem....'he'd like to, but just can't.'
That prompts the question, if the Clintons were/are so genuinely corrupt, why the need to lie about them?
How about you watch the video and then we'll discuss it.

Fair enough? ..... :cool:
Liberal pukes won't read or watch anything that will show them facts. It's like hydrophobia for a lefty.
Damn, Sergeant.

How did you yourself become such a John Bircher?

Just wondering.

Four posts.....and you couldn't deny a single one of the charges.

Your additions to this thread...fit in like a Pork BBQ pit in Mecca.
Well....perhaps not 'paean'....Exposé might be more accurate.

Below is the link to the documentary "Clinton Cash"...the entire film.

You will never find a more corrupt couple in all of American political history.

Watch this....and see if you disagree.

Democrat voters: this may endanger your health.

Damn bebbe !!

If you have the word 'paean' in your vocabulary then you must be pretty smart.

But if you are a conserva-turd then you must be pretty dumb.

Not sure what John Birch Society father or uncle brainwashed you.

But there is deprogramming available if you look around.

A perfect example of the sort of post one provides when they are DYING to deny, refute, or rebut....

...but, like the eunuch in the harem....'he'd like to, but just can't.'

I did not say I wanted to boink you bebbe. However I am flattered about your attention to my male member in your post.

But I do know how to deprogram you from your John Birch brainwashing.

It would take a long time though.

Sounds like you are dug-in like a Virginia tick.
That prompts the question, if the Clintons were/are so genuinely corrupt, why the need to lie about them?
How about you watch the video and then we'll discuss it.

Fair enough? ..... :cool:
Liberal pukes won't read or watch anything that will show them facts. It's like hydrophobia for a lefty.
Damn, Sergeant.

How did you yourself become such a John Bircher?

Just wondering.

Four posts.....and you couldn't deny a single one of the charges.

Your additions to this thread...fit in like a Pork BBQ pit in Mecca.
Well the 4th of 4 was for the Sergeant.

He is a good man, but somehow he got his mind railroaded by the John Birch Society.

This nonsense group and its dogmas are still popular in parts of northern Arizona and all over Utah.

That's why Utah is the reddest of red states in the USA.
Well....perhaps not 'paean'....Exposé might be more accurate.

Below is the link to the documentary "Clinton Cash"...the entire film.

You will never find a more corrupt couple in all of American political history.

Watch this....and see if you disagree.

Democrat voters: this may endanger your health.

Damn bebbe !!

If you have the word 'paean' in your vocabulary then you must be pretty smart.

But if you are a conserva-turd then you must be pretty dumb.

Not sure what John Birch Society father or uncle brainwashed you.

But there is deprogramming available if you look around.

A perfect example of the sort of post one provides when they are DYING to deny, refute, or rebut....

...but, like the eunuch in the harem....'he'd like to, but just can't.'

I did not say I wanted to boink you bebbe. However I am flattered about your attention to my male member in your post.

But I do know how to deprogram you from your John Birch brainwashing.

It would take a long time though.

Sounds like you are dug-in like a Virginia tick.

You can run but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

I called you out as not being able to find a single thing in the thread that you could deny.

And....sure enough......still true.

And...please....no sexual references until you find a way to get rid of the marks from those ten foot poles.
Well....perhaps not 'paean'....Exposé might be more accurate.

Below is the link to the documentary "Clinton Cash"...the entire film.

You will never find a more corrupt couple in all of American political history.

Watch this....and see if you disagree.

Democrat voters: this may endanger your health.

Damn bebbe !!

If you have the word 'paean' in your vocabulary then you must be pretty smart.

But if you are a conserva-turd then you must be pretty dumb.

Not sure what John Birch Society father or uncle brainwashed you.

But there is deprogramming available if you look around.

A perfect example of the sort of post one provides when they are DYING to deny, refute, or rebut....

...but, like the eunuch in the harem....'he'd like to, but just can't.'

I did not say I wanted to boink you bebbe. However I am flattered about your attention to my male member in your post.

But I do know how to deprogram you from your John Birch brainwashing.

It would take a long time though.

Sounds like you are dug-in like a Virginia tick.

You can run but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

I called you out as not being able to find a single thing in the thread that you could deny.

And....sure enough......still true.

And...please....no sexual references until you find a way to get rid of the marks from those ten foot poles.

It's funny how girlies in bars -- and you -- always manage to turn the attention of the conversation to men's penises.

I know you're horny. That's why you do it.

As far as your rant, there is nothing in it worth dignifying with a response.
Well....perhaps not 'paean'....Exposé might be more accurate.

Below is the link to the documentary "Clinton Cash"...the entire film.

You will never find a more corrupt couple in all of American political history.

Watch this....and see if you disagree.

Democrat voters: this may endanger your health.

Damn bebbe !!

If you have the word 'paean' in your vocabulary then you must be pretty smart.

But if you are a conserva-turd then you must be pretty dumb.

Not sure what John Birch Society father or uncle brainwashed you.

But there is deprogramming available if you look around.

A perfect example of the sort of post one provides when they are DYING to deny, refute, or rebut....

...but, like the eunuch in the harem....'he'd like to, but just can't.'

I did not say I wanted to boink you bebbe. However I am flattered about your attention to my male member in your post.

But I do know how to deprogram you from your John Birch brainwashing.

It would take a long time though.

Sounds like you are dug-in like a Virginia tick.

You can run but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

I called you out as not being able to find a single thing in the thread that you could deny.

And....sure enough......still true.

And...please....no sexual references until you find a way to get rid of the marks from those ten foot poles.

It's funny how girlies in bars -- and you -- always manage to turn the attention of the conversation to men's penises.

I know you're horny. That's why you do it.

As far as your rant, there is nothing in it worth dignifying with a response.

Let's see...you voluntarily subscribed to a thread revealing and documenting the Clinton Crime Family as the most corrupt of couples....

Clearly, it irked you.

Yet you've posted several attempts to change the subject, cloud the issue, shield the slimy pair......


...effectively proven my thesis.

I love making you dolts jump through hoops.

Doggie Treat?
That prompts the question, if the Clintons were/are so genuinely corrupt, why the need to lie about them?
How about you watch the video and then we'll discuss it.

Fair enough? ..... :cool:
Liberal pukes won't read or watch anything that will show them facts. It's like hydrophobia for a lefty.
Damn, Sergeant.

How did you yourself become such a John Bircher?

Just wondering.
If you only knew. Ask me about it.

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