A paralyzed cat lying on sidewalk crying for help and no one paid attention rescue


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
I'm sure the good person who saved the cat will receive pardon of many sins in afterlife

And here is the second story, God bless those who helps poor animals

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I can recall one fire when the boys radio'd "we got a little one out"

Somehow they managed to get what was maybe a year old pup out of a blazing inferno

They laid her on the lawn, motionless , i was trying to get a pulse , my partner started mouth to muzzle......

I was trying to figure out how to fit a non-rebreather to that muzzle

After a bit, the tail started, we could see the life come back into her eyes, it took a while but she also stood up

Keep in mind, we did our think w/crowd watching , who all applauded the pups return to life

Of all the corn ball awards we all were granted for saving humans , this was the one incident i really recall as being special

We found a paralyzed deer in the woods once. We put it out of its misery.
I can recall one fire when the boys radio'd "we got a little one out"

Somehow they managed to get what was maybe a year old pup out of a blazing inferno

They laid her on the lawn, motionless , i was trying to get a pulse , my partner started mouth to muzzle......

I was trying to figure out how to fit a non-rebreather to that muzzle

After a bit, the tail started, we could see the life come back into her eyes, it took a while but she also stood up

Keep in mind, we did our think w/crowd watching , who all applauded the pups return to life

Of all the corn ball awards we all were granted for saving humans , this was the one incident i really recall as being special


A lot of fire departments have masks for animals on board now. I know ours does. In addition to helping them do first aid on animals, their presence reminds the crews to be mindful of animals too. A lot of the FD people have received additional first aid training for injured animals as well. A lot of that change started with feel good stories like yours getting someone to say, "Hey, we are going to buy them equipment for that and get them the skills".

I think, but am not 100% certain that I have seen a story that some of the PD units locally have the masks for cats and dogs as well packed in with with their O2 tanks.
A lot of fire departments have masks for animals on board now. I know ours does. In addition to helping them do first aid on animals, their presence reminds the crews to be mindful of animals too. A lot of the FD people have received additional first aid training for injured animals as well. A lot of that change started with feel good stories like yours getting someone to say, "Hey, we are going to buy them equipment for that and get them the skills".

I think, but am not 100% certain that I have seen a story that some of the PD units locally have the masks for cats and dogs as well packed in with with their O2 tanks.
it's endearing to know that their are sorts that care enough Dekster

myself , i belonged to a number of rather impoverished crews that simply had to 'make it work' in my day......


it's endearing to know that their are sorts that care enough Dekster

myself , i belonged to a number of rather impoverished crews that simply had to 'make it work' in my day......


lol my brother did a vfd like that. one of my coworkers house caught on fire through the chimney and my brother was in charge. he had a few choice words about him. Said my brother asked if anybody was inside and he told him no and my brother said "Well stand back and watch all your shit burn to the ground" and it did.

When i asked the bro about it he said yep, that's what happened. They only have a few people really well-trained to fight fires from the interior, limited water out in the sticks, and no back up so their policy was not even to attempt to save a structure once the fire is in the ceiling or the walls unless there is someone inside or they don't know.
They only have a few people really well-trained to fight fires from the interior
your bro is right Dekster

in their defense, there was just no funding

and so they simply threw in the podunks they could find that were willing to step into turnout w/ the maltese cross

we learned the hard way

myself, i replaced a fallen FF that did not


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