Zone1 A perfect depiction of the history black/white relations in the USA (pt.2)


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015

In the movie “The Shawshank Redemption,” Andy Dufresne went to the warden after listening to a story from a prisoner who got transferred into Shawshank and had been a cellmate with the man who committed the murders that got Dufresne sent to prison. Dufresne repeated the story to the Warden. After listening, Warden Norton knew that Dufresne was telling the truth. Instead of letting Dufresne get a new trial, the Warden started making excuses for why he could not do it. The denials were because Warden Norton was being paid under the table as he ran a contracting scam that included laundering money using Dufresne as an accountant. After listening to the many excuses from Norton, Dufresne asked the question, “Are you always so obtuse?”

This is a perfect analogy to describe the relationship between many in the white community and us as black people.

Why Did Racial Progress Stall in America?​

The answer may show us the path out of our fractured and polarized present.

In terms of material well-being, Black Americans were moving toward parity with white Americans well before the victories of the civil rights era. What’s more, after the passage of civil rights legislation, those trends toward racial parity slowed, stopped and even reversed. Understanding how and why not only reveals why America is so fractured today, but illuminates the path forward, toward a more perfect union.

In the last half-century, however, that collective progress has halted, and many who fought so hard for this progress have now lived to see it reversed.

But if Black Americans’ advance toward parity with whites in many dimensions had been underway for decades before the Civil Rights revolution, why then, when the dam of legal exclusion finally broke, didn’t those trends accelerate toward full equality? Why was the last third of the 20th century characterized by a marked deceleration of progress, and in some cases even a reversal?

We have two answers to these questions.

The first is simple and familiar: White backlash. Substantial progress toward white support for Black equality was made in the first half of the 20th century, but when push came to shove, many white Americans were reluctant to live up to those principles.

The moment America took its foot off the gas in rectifying racial inequalities largely coincides with the moment America’s “we” decades gave way to the era of “I.”

A central feature of America’s “I” decades has been a shift away from shared responsibilities toward individual rights and a culture of narcissism.

black people hate whites because they can never be they vote democrat and never figure out why their lives are still shit
And here is another perfect depiction of the history black/white relations in the USA.

Racists who think we are too dumb to see the real agenda of the current Republican party steady trying to press us into voting for white supremacy by trying to gaslight us about Democrats.We know about what Democrats have and have not done white ---. So it's time you stopped trying to tell us your version.
At some point black people need to pull themselves up by their sneakers and face facts that their own actions have far more of an impact on their life than something that happened decades ago. Black people act like this then run to momma and cry about how oppressed they are.

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In the movie “The Shawshank Redemption,” Andy Dufresne went to the warden after listening to a story from a prisoner who got transferred into Shawshank and had been a cellmate with the man who committed the murders that got Dufresne sent to prison. Dufresne repeated the story to the Warden. After listening, Warden Norton knew that Dufresne was telling the truth. Instead of letting Dufresne get a new trial, the Warden started making excuses for why he could not do it. The denials were because Warden Norton was being paid under the table as he ran a contracting scam that included laundering money using Dufresne as an accountant. After listening to the many excuses from Norton, Dufresne asked the question, “Are you always so obtuse?”

This is a perfect analogy to describe the relationship between many in the white community and us as black people.

Why Did Racial Progress Stall in America?​

The answer may show us the path out of our fractured and polarized present.

In terms of material well-being, Black Americans were moving toward parity with white Americans well before the victories of the civil rights era. What’s more, after the passage of civil rights legislation, those trends toward racial parity slowed, stopped and even reversed. Understanding how and why not only reveals why America is so fractured today, but illuminates the path forward, toward a more perfect union.

In the last half-century, however, that collective progress has halted, and many who fought so hard for this progress have now lived to see it reversed.

But if Black Americans’ advance toward parity with whites in many dimensions had been underway for decades before the Civil Rights revolution, why then, when the dam of legal exclusion finally broke, didn’t those trends accelerate toward full equality? Why was the last third of the 20th century characterized by a marked deceleration of progress, and in some cases even a reversal?

We have two answers to these questions.

The first is simple and familiar: White backlash. Substantial progress toward white support for Black equality was made in the first half of the 20th century, but when push came to shove, many white Americans were reluctant to live up to those principles.

The moment America took its foot off the gas in rectifying racial inequalities largely coincides with the moment America’s “we” decades gave way to the era of “I.”

A central feature of America’s “I” decades has been a shift away from shared responsibilities toward individual rights and a culture of narcissism.

Powerful depiction.
It's hard to understand the point being made, or the strategic angle of racial disparity because of all the frightening videos and crazy pics that get posted.

Only thing I'm getting from this is the black man always wants a helping hand from the white man so he can help himself to the white man's women. This is the reality of what has been taking place in the world of black male athletes, black male actors, black males in corporate, black males in entertainment, etc... It's just a fact that almost every black male who is given a helping-hand by the white man goes after the white man's women.

Therefore the white man has every right to be cautious, distrusting, and 100% against all of the black man's kumbaya trickery. One thing is for sure... the black man never has any promotional plans to do right by his own people, to uplift his own black race, and often times no plans to care for his own children. His plans seem to always be get to the top off the backs of white men, for the sole purpose of getting the white man's women. :stir:
View attachment 933514

In the movie “The Shawshank Redemption,” Andy Dufresne went to the warden after listening to a story from a prisoner who got transferred into Shawshank and had been a cellmate with the man who committed the murders that got Dufresne sent to prison. Dufresne repeated the story to the Warden. After listening, Warden Norton knew that Dufresne was telling the truth. Instead of letting Dufresne get a new trial, the Warden started making excuses for why he could not do it. The denials were because Warden Norton was being paid under the table as he ran a contracting scam that included laundering money using Dufresne as an accountant. After listening to the many excuses from Norton, Dufresne asked the question, “Are you always so obtuse?”

This is a perfect analogy to describe the relationship between many in the white community and us as black people.

Why Did Racial Progress Stall in America?​

The answer may show us the path out of our fractured and polarized present.

In terms of material well-being, Black Americans were moving toward parity with white Americans well before the victories of the civil rights era. What’s more, after the passage of civil rights legislation, those trends toward racial parity slowed, stopped and even reversed. Understanding how and why not only reveals why America is so fractured today, but illuminates the path forward, toward a more perfect union.

In the last half-century, however, that collective progress has halted, and many who fought so hard for this progress have now lived to see it reversed.

But if Black Americans’ advance toward parity with whites in many dimensions had been underway for decades before the Civil Rights revolution, why then, when the dam of legal exclusion finally broke, didn’t those trends accelerate toward full equality? Why was the last third of the 20th century characterized by a marked deceleration of progress, and in some cases even a reversal?

We have two answers to these questions.

The first is simple and familiar: White backlash. Substantial progress toward white support for Black equality was made in the first half of the 20th century, but when push came to shove, many white Americans were reluctant to live up to those principles.

The moment America took its foot off the gas in rectifying racial inequalities largely coincides with the moment America’s “we” decades gave way to the era of “I.”

A central feature of America’s “I” decades has been a shift away from shared responsibilities toward individual rights and a culture of narcissism.


IM2 said...
Some white people just need to shut the fuck up.
It's hard to understand the point being made, or the strategic angle of racial disparity because of all the frightening videos and crazy pics that get posted.

Only thing I'm getting from this is the black man always wants a helping hand from the white man so he can help himself to the white man's women. This is the reality of what has been taking place in the world of black male athletes, black male actors, black males in corporate, black males in entertainment, etc... It's just a fact that almost every black male who is given a helping-hand by the white man goes after the white man's women.

Therefore the white man has every right to be cautious, distrusting, and 100% against all of the black man's kumbaya trickery. One thing is for sure... the black man never has any promotional plans to do right by his own people, to uplift his own black race, and often times no plans to care for his own children. His plans seem to always be get to the top off the backs of white men, for the sole purpose of getting the white man's women. :stir:
And here we see another example of just how obtuse members of the white right wing actually is. First, the white man, black man, Native American man, Asian Man etc., do not have ownership rights of any woman. Now let me move on from that load of idiocy, Because the history of this country shows that it has been the white man who has wanted the helping hand from us. Whites didn't want to work the free land the government gave you, so you had slaves. In the 20th century, blacks paid taxes for programs that helped whites gain wealth while we were excuded from these programs. Still today the white man depends on our tax dollars and deposits to get services or start businesses that blacks don't get.

White men raped black women, and today you have police like Daniel Holdsclaw who for years raped black women and got away with it because he was a cop. So it is apparent that crossvody is a straight up, stump stupid, sorry, racist SOB.
View attachment 933514

In the movie “The Shawshank Redemption,” Andy Dufresne went to the warden after listening to a story from a prisoner who got transferred into Shawshank and had been a cellmate with the man who committed the murders that got Dufresne sent to prison. Dufresne repeated the story to the Warden. After listening, Warden Norton knew that Dufresne was telling the truth. Instead of letting Dufresne get a new trial, the Warden started making excuses for why he could not do it. The denials were because Warden Norton was being paid under the table as he ran a contracting scam that included laundering money using Dufresne as an accountant. After listening to the many excuses from Norton, Dufresne asked the question, “Are you always so obtuse?”

This is a perfect analogy to describe the relationship between many in the white community and us as black people.

Why Did Racial Progress Stall in America?​

The answer may show us the path out of our fractured and polarized present.

In terms of material well-being, Black Americans were moving toward parity with white Americans well before the victories of the civil rights era. What’s more, after the passage of civil rights legislation, those trends toward racial parity slowed, stopped and even reversed. Understanding how and why not only reveals why America is so fractured today, but illuminates the path forward, toward a more perfect union.

In the last half-century, however, that collective progress has halted, and many who fought so hard for this progress have now lived to see it reversed.

But if Black Americans’ advance toward parity with whites in many dimensions had been underway for decades before the Civil Rights revolution, why then, when the dam of legal exclusion finally broke, didn’t those trends accelerate toward full equality? Why was the last third of the 20th century characterized by a marked deceleration of progress, and in some cases even a reversal?

We have two answers to these questions.

The first is simple and familiar: White backlash. Substantial progress toward white support for Black equality was made in the first half of the 20th century, but when push came to shove, many white Americans were reluctant to live up to those principles.

The moment America took its foot off the gas in rectifying racial inequalities largely coincides with the moment America’s “we” decades gave way to the era of “I.”

A central feature of America’s “I” decades has been a shift away from shared responsibilities toward individual rights and a culture of narcissism.

And here we see another example of just how obtuse members of the white right wing actually is. First, the white man, black man, Native American man, Asian Man etc., do not have ownership rights of any woman. Now let me move on from that load of idiocy, Because the history of this country shows that it has been the white man who has wanted the helping hand from us. Whites didn't want to work the free land the government gave you, so you had slaves. In the 20th century, blacks paid taxes for programs that helped whites gain wealth while we were excuded from these programs. Still today the white man depends on our tax dollars and deposits to get services or start businesses that blacks don't get.

White men raped black women, and today you have police like Daniel Holdsclaw who for years raped black women and got away with it because he was a cop. So it is apparent that crossvody is a straight up, stump stupid, sorry, racist SOB.
1. The white man already had homes, land, businesses way before slavery. He got that without slaves. As a matter of fact it was the white men who already owned homes, land, and/or businesses who could afford to buy slaves. Therefore he was doing some kind of labor before the slaves arrived. By having slaves it freed the white man up to where could go off to college while all labor got done.

2. What you are doing is confusing the slave owners with those who stole Africans and sold them into slavery. The slaver owners paid a fair price for their slaves. They did not steal them.

3. White male slave owners were not the only ones raping black women. Black women were also raped by the other black slaves. In America today black women are viewed by black men, white men and by nearly every human in United States as being trash, low class, and worthless. The black female is the only female both the black man and the white man deserted, abandoned, sold, raped, harmed, assaulted, etc.... Both the black man and the white man turned their backs on their little black daughters. Don't you dare make it seem like the white man is the only man who has harmed the black female when today in modern America the black man is still harming, abandoning and categorizing the black female as ugly, ghetto, and less then the white female.

4. At least when the white man got whatever help he received to get to the top he NEVER abandoned his white women. He made sure they got there with them. We also see clearly that the selfish and rotten agenda of the black man is to get to some sort of top ONLY so can get a white woman. That is his ultimate goal-white women. This was deeply instilled in him by his white male slave owners during slavery to worship, cater to, and see nothing but beauty in the white women. The black man still craves that part of his slavery indoctrination. Once the black man today threw his black females to the gutter he has has NOTHING. No one to crowd around for his police shootings, his woe is me ramblings, nor for his head hung low-can't get a white woman-can't get a job-cant start a business-white man holding you down generational mental setbacks. I don't need to call you names. The truth is both history, and today's reality. Yes, people do own women once they marry them that woman is their wife both legally and lawfully. Learn some morals.
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  • Brilliant
Reactions: IM2
1. The white man already had homes, land, businesses way before slavery. He got that without slaves. As a matter of fact it was the white men who already owned homes, land, and/or businesses who could afford to buy slaves. Therefore he was doing some kind of labor before the slaves arrived. By having slaves it freed the white man up to where could go off to college while all labor got done.

2. What you are doing is confusing the slave owners with those who stole Africans and sold them into slavery. The slaver owners paid a fair price for their slaves. They did not steal them.

3. White male slave owners were not the only ones raping black women. Black women were also raped by the other black slaves. In America today black women are viewed by black men, white men and by nearly every human in United States as being trash, low class, and worthless. The black female is the only female both the black man and the white man deserted, abandoned, sold, raped, harmed, assaulted, etc.... Both the black man and the white man turned their backs on their little black daughters. Don't you dare make it seem like the white man is the only man who has harmed the black female when today in modern America the black man is still harming, abandoning and categorizing the black female as ugly, ghetto, and less then the white female.

4. At least when the white man got whatever help he received to get to the top he NEVER abandoned his white women. He made sure they got there with them. We also see clearly that the selfish and rotten agenda of the black man is to get to some sort of top ONLY so can get a white woman. That is his ultimate goal-white women. This was deeply instilled in him by his white male slave owners during slavery to worship, cater to, and see nothing but beauty in the white women. The black man still craves that part of his slavery indoctrination. Once the black man today threw his black females to the gutter he has has NOTHING. No one to crowd around for his police shootings, his woe is me ramblings, nor for his head hung low-can't get a white woman-can't get a job-cant start a business-white man holding you down generational mental setbacks. I don't need to call you names. The truth is both history, and today's reality. Yes, people do own women once they marry them that woman is their wife both legally and lawfully. Learn some morals.
Don't you dare EVER post any more bullshit like this to me again white boy. This is nothing but a bunch of white supremacist crap. Don't talk about what black men have done to black women when you have continously enslaved white women. When was the ERA passed bitch? Never. So even as these stupid right wing white women co sign white supremacy they don't have equal rights under the constitution.

While we blacks were in slavery, white women were in another type of bondage. That bondage was called Coverture. This was an English law that immigrated to America with the British colonists. Under this law, married women had no rights her husband was bound to respect. In this law, a married woman's rights were tied to her husband. A married woman or “femme covert” could not own property, sign contracts, decide how to spend her own money, or write a will. Unmarried women, or women categorized as “femme sole” could do all those things. The Law of Coverture was based on a belief that when a woman got married, she and her husband became one person. When you hear right-wingers talking about individualism, understand that individualism did not apply to white females.

Between 1839 and 1895, Married Women's Property Acts were passed in every state. The first U.S. Married Women's Property Act was passed in Mississippi in 1839. This law allowed married women to earn money from their property, but the law still gave the husband control of basically everything else. While the wife could earn an income, the husband was running the business. By 1900, laws were written that formally ended Coverture in every state. I said the word formally because things didn’t end by 1900, and there are some white men like you still running around today with the coverture mentality.

White men like you think that women are your property. This is why you talk about what the black man has done to "his woman". Living with white racism is stressful, because whites like you make us think about buying an AR 17 and shooting up every white person we can. But due to our faith in God, many of us don't act on that. White racism has devalued back men, reducing our earning power and abiity to properly give women the treasures they are worthy of. So don't be a white man trying to lecture me about what black men don't do, because it's your punk ass racism that causes every problem we have.

And it doesn't matter what whites owned, they bought slaves to do the work they were too lazy to do. Everything whites like you say about other races of people is projection. Whites called non whites savages white committing acts of savagery. Whites claimed blacks were lazy and violent while forcing blacks to do labor you were too lazy to do, and comitted violent acts against black people. Whites said blacks lacked sexual control while rapng black women and black men. Whites had sex farms where slaves were forced to have sex with each other or the slavemasters and whoever else the slavemaster decided could get some. You really need to just be quiet, recognize the truth, and work to cleanse yourself of your racism.

So once again we the another example of what I illustrated in the OP. Your white ass denies the role your own racism plays because you are the one dishing it out and you think it's normal. It's not, and if you think it is, that is another example of psychosis.
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Don't you dare EVER post any more bullshit like this to me again white boy. This is nothing but a bunch of white supremacist crap. Don't talk about what black men have done to black women when you have continously enslaved white women. When was the ERA passed bitch? Never. So even as these stupid right wing white women co sign white supremacy they don't have equal rights under the constitution.

While we blacks were in slavery, white women were in another type of bondage. That bondage was called Coverture. This was an English law that immigrated to America with the British colonists. Under this law, married women had no rights her husband was bound to respect. In this law, a married woman's rights were tied to her husband. A married woman or “femme covert” could not own property, sign contracts, decide how to spend her own money, or write a will. Unmarried women, or women categorized as “femme sole” could do all those things. The Law of Coverture was based on a belief that when a woman got married, she and her husband became one person. When you hear right-wingers talking about individualism, understand that individualism did not apply to white females.

Between 1839 and 1895, Married Women's Property Acts were passed in every state. The first U.S. Married Women's Property Act was passed in Mississippi in 1839. This law allowed married women to earn money from their property, but the law still gave the husband control of basically everything else. While the wife could earn an income, the husband was running the business. By 1900, laws were written that formally ended Coverture in every state. I said the word formally because things didn’t end by 1900, and there are some white men like you still running around today with the coverture mentality.

White men like you think that women are your property. This is why you talk about what the black man has done to "his woman". Living with white racism is stressful, because whites like you make us think about buying an AR 17 and shooting up every white person we can. But due to our faith in God, many of us don't act on that. White racism has devalued back men, reducing our erarning power and abiity to properly give women the treasures they are worthy of. So don't be a white man trying to lecture me about what back men don't do, because it's your punk ass racism that causes every problem we have.

And it doesn't matter what whites owned, they bought slaves to do the work they were too lazy to do. Everything whites like you say about other races of people is projection. Whites called non whites savages white committing acts of savagery. Whites claimed blacks were lazy and violent while forcing blacks to do labor you were too lazy to do, and comitted violent acts against black people. Whites said blacks lacked sexual control while rapng black women and black men. Whites had sex farms where slaves were forced to have sex with each other or the slavemasters and whoever else the slavemaster decided could get some. You really need to just be quiet, recognize the truth, and work to cleanse yourself of your racism.

So once again we the another example of what I illustrated in the OP. Your white ass denies the role your own racism plays because you are the one dishing it out and you think it's normal. It's not, and if you think it is, that is another example of psychosis.
So true. These lazy ass white racists relied on hard-working black slaves to produce everything for them. Even the industrialization of the North was funded with cotton, tobacco..etc. It was the black slave who was picking, processing, and packaging the cotton and tobacco. The Whites brought the Chinese to lay the train tracks and also used black slaves.

This forum is full of dumb, uneducated, white racist trailer park trash. It underscores the reason why the internet should be banned in trailer-parks.
Don't you dare EVER post any more bullshit like this to me again white boy. This is nothing but a bunch of white supremacist crap. Don't talk about what black men have done to black women when you have continously enslaved white women. When was the ERA passed bitch? Never. So even as these stupid right wing white women co sign white supremacy they don't have equal rights under the constitution.

While we blacks were in slavery, white women were in another type of bondage. That bondage was called Coverture. This was an English law that immigrated to America with the British colonists. Under this law, married women had no rights her husband was bound to respect. In this law, a married woman's rights were tied to her husband. A married woman or “femme covert” could not own property, sign contracts, decide how to spend her own money, or write a will. Unmarried women, or women categorized as “femme sole” could do all those things. The Law of Coverture was based on a belief that when a woman got married, she and her husband became one person. When you hear right-wingers talking about individualism, understand that individualism did not apply to white females.

Between 1839 and 1895, Married Women's Property Acts were passed in every state. The first U.S. Married Women's Property Act was passed in Mississippi in 1839. This law allowed married women to earn money from their property, but the law still gave the husband control of basically everything else. While the wife could earn an income, the husband was running the business. By 1900, laws were written that formally ended Coverture in every state. I said the word formally because things didn’t end by 1900, and there are some white men like you still running around today with the coverture mentality.

White men like you think that women are your property. This is why you talk about what the black man has done to "his woman". Living with white racism is stressful, because whites like you make us think about buying an AR 17 and shooting up every white person we can. But due to our faith in God, many of us don't act on that. White racism has devalued back men, reducing our erarning power and abiity to properly give women the treasures they are worthy of. So don't be a white man trying to lecture me about what back men don't do, because it's your punk ass racism that causes every problem we have.

And it doesn't matter what whites owned, they bought slaves to do the work they were too lazy to do. Everything whites like you say about other races of people is projection. Whites called non whites savages white committing acts of savagery. Whites claimed blacks were lazy and violent while forcing blacks to do labor you were too lazy to do, and comitted violent acts against black people. Whites said blacks lacked sexual control while rapng black women and black men. Whites had sex farms where slaves were forced to have sex with each other or the slavemasters and whoever else the slavemaster decided could get some. You really need to just be quiet, recognize the truth, and work to cleanse yourself of your racism.

So once again we the another example of what I illustrated in the OP. Your white ass denies the role your own racism plays because you are the one dishing it out and you think it's normal. It's not, and if you think it is, that is another example of psychosis.
So true. These lazy ass white racists relied on hard-working black slaves to produce everything for them. Even the industrialization of the North was funded with cotton, tobacco..etc. It was the black slave who was picking, processing, and packaging the cotton and tobacco. The Whites brought the Chinese to lay the train tracks and also used black slaves.

This forum is full of dumb, uneducated, white racist trailer park trash. It underscores the reason why the internet should be banned in trailer-parks.
Fortunately for America, there has always been a part of the white population who have seen these wrongs and helped fight to stop them. And they don't tell us how we should be eternally grateful for the help, they just do it and celebrate with is when the change comes. In this time we of all coors who oppose this trash must unite against these scumbags and work to make them irrelevant. Never again, should we allow ourselves as a nation to get to this point.
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And here we see another example of just how obtuse members of the white right wing actually is. First, the white man, black man, Native American man, Asian Man etc., do not have ownership rights of any woman. Now let me move on from that load of idiocy, Because the history of this country shows that it has been the white man who has wanted the helping hand from us. Whites didn't want to work the free land the government gave you, so you had slaves. In the 20th century, blacks paid taxes for programs that helped whites gain wealth while we were excuded from these programs. Still today the white man depends on our tax dollars and deposits to get services or start businesses that blacks don't get.

White men raped black women, and today you have police like Daniel Holdsclaw who for years raped black women and got away with it because he was a cop. So it is apparent that crossvody is a straight up, stump stupid, sorry, racist SOB.
Why do you always resort to shit that white people don’t do today? I get no more help or handouts from the government than you do, I actually get zero handouts.
Don't you dare EVER post any more bullshit like this to me again white boy. This is nothing but a bunch of white supremacist crap. Don't talk about what black men have done to black women when you have continously enslaved white women. When was the ERA passed bitch? Never. So even as these stupid right wing white women co sign white supremacy they don't have equal rights under the constitution.

While we blacks were in slavery, white women were in another type of bondage. That bondage was called Coverture. This was an English law that immigrated to America with the British colonists. Under this law, married women had no rights her husband was bound to respect. In this law, a married woman's rights were tied to her husband. A married woman or “femme covert” could not own property, sign contracts, decide how to spend her own money, or write a will. Unmarried women, or women categorized as “femme sole” could do all those things. The Law of Coverture was based on a belief that when a woman got married, she and her husband became one person. When you hear right-wingers talking about individualism, understand that individualism did not apply to white females.

Between 1839 and 1895, Married Women's Property Acts were passed in every state. The first U.S. Married Women's Property Act was passed in Mississippi in 1839. This law allowed married women to earn money from their property, but the law still gave the husband control of basically everything else. While the wife could earn an income, the husband was running the business. By 1900, laws were written that formally ended Coverture in every state. I said the word formally because things didn’t end by 1900, and there are some white men like you still running around today with the coverture mentality.

White men like you think that women are your property. This is why you talk about what the black man has done to "his woman". Living with white racism is stressful, because whites like you make us think about buying an AR 17 and shooting up every white person we can. But due to our faith in God, many of us don't act on that. White racism has devalued back men, reducing our earning power and abiity to properly give women the treasures they are worthy of. So don't be a white man trying to lecture me about what black men don't do, because it's your punk ass racism that causes every problem we have.

And it doesn't matter what whites owned, they bought slaves to do the work they were too lazy to do. Everything whites like you say about other races of people is projection. Whites called non whites savages white committing acts of savagery. Whites claimed blacks were lazy and violent while forcing blacks to do labor you were too lazy to do, and comitted violent acts against black people. Whites said blacks lacked sexual control while rapng black women and black men. Whites had sex farms where slaves were forced to have sex with each other or the slavemasters and whoever else the slavemaster decided could get some. You really need to just be quiet, recognize the truth, and work to cleanse yourself of your racism.

So once again we the another example of what I illustrated in the OP. Your white ass denies the role your own racism plays because you are the one dishing it out and you think it's normal. It's not, and if you think it is, that is another example of psychosis.
I don’t believe crossbody has enslaved anybody. What wrongs black men are doing TODAY to black women is relevant, not what some whites did to blacks BEFORE OUR LIFETIMES.
Don't you dare EVER post any more bullshit like this to me again
Ladies and gentlemen...

What we have here is a democrat begging republicans with his hand out for a hand up; how pathetic!

You sit in the that democrat plantation, whose lies filled you with covid vaccination, and it won't give you an ounce of allocation.

By the way... your profanity does NOTHING to intimidate me- not one thing, it's the profanity pacifier you suck on every time you lose.

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