A person should have to pass a test in order to run for president...


VIP Member
Sep 2, 2018
The only qualification to be president, as far as I know, is to be 35 and an American citizen. So why would people follow what a president says, just because he's president. For me wearing a mask had nothing to do with what Trump said or didn't say. I wear a mask because all the information I've gathered shows it will help keep you safe.
The only qualification to be president, as far as I know, is to be 35 and an American citizen. So why would people follow what a president says, just because he's president. For me wearing a mask had nothing to do with what Trump said or didn't say. I wear a mask because all the information I've gathered shows it will help keep you safe.

I was just thinking the very same thing:

The politician tests should include the Constitution, some history, particularly of this country, and every one of the 100 questions on US Citizenship Naturalization Test (the test immigrants must pass before becoming US citizens).

Then someone who, for example, didn’t know about the Battle of Belleau Wood in WWI, or that Frederick Douglas was an abolitionist, orator, and escaped slave in the 1800’s (not today), or that it was the English who burned down the White House in 1812, not the Canadians (Canada didn’t exist then), or that Russia made major incursions into Ukraine in 2015 or that the US is required to defend all NATO members from attack, or… well you get the idea… that someone [Trump] would not have been elected President."""

The only qualification to be president, as far as I know, is to be 35 and an American citizen. So why would people follow what a president says, just because he's president. For me wearing a mask had nothing to do with what Trump said or didn't say. I wear a mask because all the information I've gathered shows it will help keep you safe.

Who would Trump pay to take the test for him?
We used to not need to have these conversations. Whether we were Republican or Democrat, we knew that the people running for office were politicians. We may have disagreed with them on policy, we may not have even liked them, but we never questioned their fitness and ability to hold office. Then came the reality TV show host and everything goes in the crapper.
We used to not need to have these conversations. Whether we were Republican or Democrat, we knew that the people running for office were politicians. We may have disagreed with them on policy, we may not have even liked them, but we never questioned their fitness and ability to hold office. Then came the reality TV show host and everything goes in the crapper.

I agree that reality TV is a large part of our social decline. But decades of lesser-of-two-evils voting is the main reason we get shittier and shittier candidates. We really need to get over that nonsense. We get bad candidates because we vote for bad candidates. It's not complicated.
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The only qualification to be president, as far as I know, is to be 35 and an American citizen. So why would people follow what a president says, just because he's president

The stupidity of that statement is frightening
Reminded that if the Democrats had run a decent candidate in 2016, instead of the old lady who believed she was entitled to be President, we probably wouldn't have Trump as President today.

And proving they learned nothing from history, today, the Democrats are running Joe fuckin' Biden.

Agree. Completely. May be a first.
The only qualification to be president, as far as I know, is to be 35 and an American citizen. So why would people follow what a president says, just because he's president. For me wearing a mask had nothing to do with what Trump said or didn't say. I wear a mask because all the information I've gathered shows it will help keep you safe.
I cant think of a single person that limits their vote to age and citizenship,,,
We used to not need to have these conversations. Whether we were Republican or Democrat, we knew that the people running for office were politicians. We may have disagreed with them on policy, we may not have even liked them, but we never questioned their fitness and ability to hold office. Then came the reality TV show host and everything goes in the crapper.

I agree that reality TV is a large part of our social decline. But decades of lesser-of-two-evils voting is the main reason we get shittier and shittier candidates. We really need to get over that nonsense. We get bad candidates because we vote for bad candidates. It's not complicated.

To reiterate, if you think both Democrat and Republican candidates are bad, yet you vote for one of them - you are part of the problem
The only qualification to be president, as far as I know, is to be 35 and an American citizen. So why would people follow what a president says, just because he's president. For me wearing a mask had nothing to do with what Trump said or didn't say. I wear a mask because all the information I've gathered shows it will help keep you safe.

You're really up-tight about masks I see. So much so you want to center it around a test.

You strike me as the gullible minion type. By chance are you a PROG?
Masks do nothing except show how obedient to the media you are.

Ok. What information do you have that backs up your theory?
it's not a theory it's a fact. The media are the goebbels arm of the democratic party and shills like you run interference for them. Plus, you need a refresher course, all your "tactics" are worn out and don't work any more. You don't want any "information", all you want is for me to reply so you can spew more bullshit, using me as your focal point.
Masks do nothing except show how obedient to the media you are.
Is that why trump and all SS and Military personal are wearing masks?

Thanks for proving how ignorant you are.

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