A professor of medicine’s outraged tweets from her son’s abstinence-only sex ed class

Abstinence does work, if you don't have sex.....I could never wait...
Yeah and teaching butt sex is normal and OK is just peachy keen. Just keep sex ed out of schools, too many "educators"are getting caught diddling the kiddies anyway
The biology of reproduction, I find that fine. The opinions of what, and how, and when...not so much. Teach the mechanics and the consequences. Children don't need to know all the gory details of what passes for modern-day sex-ed. I do rather prefer the abstinence approach myself. Not for religious reasons, but because children need to now what happens and the possible consequences. Not that any of that will deter a horny teenager...
And this is why the religious right needs to be kept out of the decision making when it comes to deciding curriculum in the schools. Idiotic.

Read a professor of medicine s outraged tweets from her son s abstinence-only sex ed class - Vox
Anyone with a shred of common sense should be for abstinance. At least until one is married. It only makes sense. Why would anyone be Opposed to such a common sense spproach?
Unfortunately, we're not discussing someone with a shred of common sense. Abstinence is the only absolutely positive way to insure that a pregnancy does not occur.
Yeah and teaching butt sex is normal and OK is just peachy keen. Just keep sex ed out of schools, too many "educators"are getting caught diddling the kiddies anyway

The Netherlands starts their sex education very early, and look at their teen pregnancy rate compared to that of America. Big difference.
And this is why the religious right needs to be kept out of the decision making when it comes to deciding curriculum in the schools. Idiotic.

Read a professor of medicine s outraged tweets from her son s abstinence-only sex ed class - Vox
Anyone with a shred of common sense should be for abstinance.

Anyone who's been a 16 year old knows that abstinence is not realistic.
Anyone who has been raised by parents with strong moral convictions knows that isnt true. I was raised in a Christian home. I have three sisters who were virgins when they were married. I'm 49, and I never married. I'm still a virgin. Imagine that. So, tell me again how unrealistic it is.
And this is why the religious right needs to be kept out of the decision making when it comes to deciding curriculum in the schools. Idiotic.

Read a professor of medicine s outraged tweets from her son s abstinence-only sex ed class - Vox

Abstinenance-only "sex ed" is a Christian concept and as such shouldn't be allowed in public schools. This approach has been scientificly proven to be detrimental to childhood development.

"In St. Paul's words: "Put to death the base pursuits of the body—for if you live according to the flesh, you shall die: but if by the spirit you mortify the deeds of the flesh, you shall live" (Romans 8:13). St. Paul clearly advocated somatosensory pleasure deprivation and enhancement of painful somatosensory stimulation as essential prerequisites for saving the soul.

"Now concerning the things whereof you wrote to me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman" (1 Corinthians, 7:1).

Experimental animal studies have documented counterparts to these phenomena. For example, animals deprived of somatosensory stimulation will engage in mutilations of their own bodies. Animals deprived of touching early in life develop impaired pain perception and an aversion to being touched by others. They are thus blocked from experiencing the body-pleasure therapy that they need for rehabilitation. In this condition, they have few alternatives but physical violence, where pain-oriented touching and body contact is facilitated by their impaired ability to experience pain. Thus, physical violence and physical pain become therapies of choice for those deprived of physical pleasure."
Article Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence

In a time when self-harm has reached staggering proportions with millions of Youtube videos on the subject, thousands of "nutshot clips" and a rape pendemic plagueing the entire world, Christian values and ideas are clearly resulting in increased violence against the self, and others.
And this is why the religious right needs to be kept out of the decision making when it comes to deciding curriculum in the schools. Idiotic.

Read a professor of medicine s outraged tweets from her son s abstinence-only sex ed class - Vox
Anyone with a shred of common sense should be for abstinance.

Anyone who's been a 16 year old knows that abstinence is not realistic.
Anyone who has been raised by parents with strong moral convictions knows that isnt true. I was raised in a Christian home.

Like the Palins?
Teens have sex. Kids play with themselves. Sex exploration is a part of growing up. Porn is easily accessible. Sodomy has been around since at least the Greeks. STDs and unexpected pregnancies are a reality. Online options that allow teens to take nude selfies and then get passed around aren't going away. Telling kids to just wait until they are married is all they need to know and everything will be just fine is both unrealistic and dangerous because they'll have no idea what's out there.
You people have no historical perspective at all. Prior to the invention of The Pill, EVERY parent taught "abstinence-only" and it was generally successful. Not just Christian or religious parents, all parents. The idea that teens would inevitably have sex was not true, and the reason why it is perceived that way now is the product of a propaganda campaign by the Left.

Abstinence is 100% effective, but cannot succeed when KIDS ARE TOLDTHAT THEY CAN'T BE EXPECTED TO RESTRAIN THEMSELVES. It's the classic self - fulfilling prophecy.
You people have no historical perspective at all. Prior to the invention of The Pill, EVERY parent taught "abstinence-only" and it was generally successful. Not just Christian or religious parents, all parents. The idea that teens would inevitably have sex was not true, and the reason why it is perceived that way now is the product of a propaganda campaign by the Left.

Abstinence is 100% effective, but cannot succeed when KIDS ARE TOLDTHAT THEY CAN'T BE EXPECTED TO RESTRAIN THEMSELVES. It's the classic self - fulfilling prophecy.
Orphans ... Foundlings ... Waifs ... Half-Orphans ... Street Arabs ... Street Urchins ... all terms used to describe the children who rode the Orphan Trains. When the Orphan Train movement began, in the mid-19th century, it was estimated that approximately 30,000 abandoned children were living on the streets of New York. And over the 75 year span of the Orphan Train movement, it is estimated that between 150,000 and 200,000 "orphan" children were relocated to new homes via the Orphan Trains. But the term "orphan" is used loosely in many cases. Some children were true orphans, no parents, no other family to look after them, living on the streets, sleeping in doorways, fending for themselves by whatever means necessary. But many of these children had parents. Some were "half-orphans", one parent had died and the remaining parent could not care for them, so they were placed in an orphanage. Some children still had both parents, but were merely "turned loose" by the parents because the family had grown too large and they couldn't care for all the children. Some were run-aways - from abuse, drunkeness, etc.
A History of the Orphan Trains

Nope. No historical perspective at all.
And this is why the religious right needs to be kept out of the decision making when it comes to deciding curriculum in the schools. Idiotic.

Read a professor of medicine s outraged tweets from her son s abstinence-only sex ed class - Vox
Anyone with a shred of common sense should be for abstinance. At least until one is married. It only makes sense. Why would anyone be Opposed to such a common sense spproach?
Because it doesn't work. If your only approach is to tell a bunch of teenagers not to do something, and you have no plan B, they are nearly guaranteed to do that thing no matter what it is.

Abstinence should absolutely be taught as the only 100% surefire way to not get pregnant or contract an STD. But it should not be the only way to prevent these things presented, because if it is, the students who think they're invincible and don't care about the teacher's opinion (which is a fair number of them) won't know anything else when they fall victim to their own hormones later.
And this is why the religious right needs to be kept out of the decision making when it comes to deciding curriculum in the schools. Idiotic.

Read a professor of medicine s outraged tweets from her son s abstinence-only sex ed class - Vox
Anyone with a shred of common sense should be for abstinance. At least until one is married. It only makes sense. Why would anyone be Opposed to such a common sense spproach?

And we all know how hormonal teenagers are so well versed in common sense. All we need to do is tell them to not have sex. I wonder why nobody ever thought of that before?
You people have no historical perspective at all. Prior to the invention of The Pill, EVERY parent taught "abstinence-only" and it was generally successful. Not just Christian or religious parents, all parents. The idea that teens would inevitably have sex was not true, and the reason why it is perceived that way now is the product of a propaganda campaign by the Left.

Abstinence is 100% effective, but cannot succeed when KIDS ARE TOLDTHAT THEY CAN'T BE EXPECTED TO RESTRAIN THEMSELVES. It's the classic self - fulfilling prophecy.

No, that's not the problem. The issue is that your "perspective" on history is simply delusional.

Teenagers have been fucking since the dawn of time.

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