A question for Christians only please

I am going to rant a little bit so forgive me...shit like this just pisses me off. I want to meet the jack ass who told Ninja that his soul was in mortal peril if he watched porn and tossed off. Seriously I want to meet this fucker just so I can see his face and know once and for all what a moron looks like. I have seen so many threads about how terrorists twist the teachings of the Quran (they do), and how this religions twists this and twists that and here we have poor Ninja who is afraid he is going to burn in hell because every now and then he likes to watch people fuck on the internet and he jerks off. Like none of us ever have given into lustful desires and like God hasn't figured that out already. I am sorry but it just annoys the hell out of me...anyone show me anywhere in scripture where it says you cant have a wank. You won't find one..and this poor guy is beating himself up about some perceived sin that doesn't even exist.

Ninja...toss off all you want....three or four times a day if you want. Use both hands even and talk dirty to yourself. God has bigger shit to worry about than if you are jacking your rod. Unfuckingbelievable
^^^^this is preferred over rape and molestation!

God gave us each varying, involuntary sex drives to assure that we procreate. Were it not for that, men would never refrain from watching TV sports, drinking beer, fixing cars, playing with guns and hunting long enough to make babies. Civilization would disappear from the earth. Thank God for sex drive and the means to abate it without imposing on others.
thanks guys, and yes its porn. Regarding J.R.- I agree. I do not party, drink, do drugs, smoke, gamble. My two main vices are porn and food. I do not hang out with the wrong crowd. I'm kind of a loner. I'm 42, single, no kids.

TBH I have not been to my church in forever. I do pray every day many times a day, read and post in here and on another Christian Board for fellowship, read the Word..not as much as I should though.

I will take everyone's advice and always praying. I think I'm just not "trying" hard enough to stop. I can go several days at a time but then I sin like that for one, 2, 3 days in a row...rinse and repeat. FOR YEARS. I thought this sin would get "better" after knowing God. ughhh.
I think USMB should give you some honorary title for being so honest and sharing. A thought or two on the matter; For some porn might be one way to understand females better. I realize it might sound twisted but watching all those girls having fun and enjoying themselves might make us guys feel better, in more ways then just sexual. (Yes, I doubt many of those girls are actually 'having fun'.) Then there is also the dark side of watching those bad girls get a little pain. The, 'That bitch in the checkout line today should get some of this.' So porn does hit some very deep parts of the psyche, as do horror movies and romantic comedies. So I guess my advice would be try to find a slightly more constructive form of exploration. I have read a few, not a lot, romance novels. If that does not cure you of wanting to understand the female mind nothing will.

On a religious note; I do not know how it is for anyone else but I got a very clear message on porn. It took me a bit to put two and two together but any time I would surf some porn God would drop a very large rock on my head, figuratively speaking of course. God let me know in no uncertain terms that he was not pleased. Did he drop me off a cliff though? Not yet. Believe in God and never stop. If God wanted you dead you would not finish this sentence. As long as you breath God is right there waiting for you.
thanks guys, and yes its porn. Regarding J.R.- I agree. I do not party, drink, do drugs, smoke, gamble. My two main vices are porn and food. I do not hang out with the wrong crowd. I'm kind of a loner. I'm 42, single, no kids.

TBH I have not been to my church in forever. I do pray every day many times a day, read and post in here and on another Christian Board for fellowship, read the Word..not as much as I should though.

I will take everyone's advice and always praying. I think I'm just not "trying" hard enough to stop. I can go several days at a time but then I sin like that for one, 2, 3 days in a row...rinse and repeat. FOR YEARS. I thought this sin would get "better" after knowing God. ughhh.
I think USMB should give you some honorary title for being so honest and sharing. A thought or two on the matter; For some porn might be one way to understand females better. I realize it might sound twisted but watching all those girls having fun and enjoying themselves might make us guys feel better, in more ways then just sexual. (Yes, I doubt many of those girls are actually 'having fun'.) Then there is also the dark side of watching those bad girls get a little pain. The, 'That bitch in the checkout line today should get some of this.' So porn does hit some very deep parts of the psyche, as do horror movies and romantic comedies. So I guess my advice would be try to find a slightly more constructive form of exploration. I have read a few, not a lot, romance novels. If that does not cure you of wanting to understand the female mind nothing will.

On a religious note; I do not know how it is for anyone else but I got a very clear message on porn. It took me a bit to put two and two together but any time I would surf some porn God would drop a very large rock on my head, figuratively speaking of course. God let me know in no uncertain terms that he was not pleased. Did he drop me off a cliff though? Not yet. Believe in God and never stop. If God wanted you dead you would not finish this sentence. As long as you breath God is right there waiting for you.

thanks a lot R.V. Can you give some examples showing He wasn't pleased? Was it like you losing cash or your cat went missing or car breaking down or getting sick or in trouble at work kinda thing?
thanks guys, and yes its porn. Regarding J.R.- I agree. I do not party, drink, do drugs, smoke, gamble. My two main vices are porn and food. I do not hang out with the wrong crowd. I'm kind of a loner. I'm 42, single, no kids.

TBH I have not been to my church in forever. I do pray every day many times a day, read and post in here and on another Christian Board for fellowship, read the Word..not as much as I should though.

I will take everyone's advice and always praying. I think I'm just not "trying" hard enough to stop. I can go several days at a time but then I sin like that for one, 2, 3 days in a row...rinse and repeat. FOR YEARS. I thought this sin would get "better" after knowing God. ughhh.
I think USMB should give you some honorary title for being so honest and sharing. A thought or two on the matter; For some porn might be one way to understand females better. I realize it might sound twisted but watching all those girls having fun and enjoying themselves might make us guys feel better, in more ways then just sexual. (Yes, I doubt many of those girls are actually 'having fun'.) Then there is also the dark side of watching those bad girls get a little pain. The, 'That bitch in the checkout line today should get some of this.' So porn does hit some very deep parts of the psyche, as do horror movies and romantic comedies. So I guess my advice would be try to find a slightly more constructive form of exploration. I have read a few, not a lot, romance novels. If that does not cure you of wanting to understand the female mind nothing will.

On a religious note; I do not know how it is for anyone else but I got a very clear message on porn. It took me a bit to put two and two together but any time I would surf some porn God would drop a very large rock on my head, figuratively speaking of course. God let me know in no uncertain terms that he was not pleased. Did he drop me off a cliff though? Not yet. Believe in God and never stop. If God wanted you dead you would not finish this sentence. As long as you breath God is right there waiting for you.

thanks a lot R.V. Can you give some examples showing He wasn't pleased? Was it like you losing cash or your cat went missing or car breaking down or getting sick or in trouble at work kinda thing?
It has been probably 6 years now so I do not remember specifics. It would be the kind of thing like car trouble, get a notice that something had gone wrong, something around the house break. The kind of thing that took a day or two to sort out rather than an 'oops' kind of thing. It was so I could just about time it. And it was nothing directly I did, they were just kind of freak accidents. I run from anything remotely sensual now, I will un-maximize the browser window and shift it over if the banner ad is too racy. (I sound like a radical religious nut which, surprisingly to me more than anyone else, I am.)
oh and about beating myself up over the porn addiction (no pun intended), Jesus DID say to lust after a women is just like having sex with her, at least as far as He is concerned. I obv. agree with others that its much better to masterbate than go out and rape- obviously! I would not ever do that.
I have been a Christian since 1997, accepted Christ as my Savior back then. I have been dealing with the same sin for years and years. I blame it 100% on myself, no excuses. I feel hopeless many many times partly because of this same sin I keep committing. I pray each day for forgiveness from this sin, and all my others.

Have any of you guys (Christians please) deal with one sin over and over again, repent or at least try to and keep falling into the same sin? Honest answers please and please do not judge me. I trust God and have faith we will get through this but it has been years. I actually have been committing this sin since I was a child in the 80's.

Would like to hear your stories, advice and thoughts. Whether you have come through it to the other side or still "stuck" in it. Thank you. I guess the Holy Spirit convicting me still after all this time is a good thing? Otherwise I would be even in deeper trouble?

eta- I'm not asking for pity or justification as I know this particular sin is wrong (all sin is wrong but you know what I mean). I feel daily like there is an internal struggle to do good and not bad, but often I do the bad anyway KNOWING I'm doing bad and hurting myself and disappointing God:(
Mine was, tbh, was porn

One day I heard a sermon about the omnipresence of God and to imagine Jesus being right there in the room with you.
That did it for me.
Not saying it'll do it for you, but....

Prayers, brother
I have been a Christian since 1997, accepted Christ as my Savior back then. I have been dealing with the same sin for years and years. I blame it 100% on myself, no excuses. I feel hopeless many many times partly because of this same sin I keep committing. I pray each day for forgiveness from this sin, and all my others.

Have any of you guys (Christians please) deal with one sin over and over again, repent or at least try to and keep falling into the same sin? Honest answers please and please do not judge me. I trust God and have faith we will get through this but it has been years. I actually have been committing this sin since I was a child in the 80's.

Would like to hear your stories, advice and thoughts. Whether you have come through it to the other side or still "stuck" in it. Thank you. I guess the Holy Spirit convicting me still after all this time is a good thing? Otherwise I would be even in deeper trouble?

eta- I'm not asking for pity or justification as I know this particular sin is wrong (all sin is wrong but you know what I mean). I feel daily like there is an internal struggle to do good and not bad, but often I do the bad anyway KNOWING I'm doing bad and hurting myself and disappointing God:(
Mine was, tbh, was porn

One day I heard a sermon about the omnipresence of God and to imagine Jesus being right there in the room with you.
That did it for me.
Not saying it'll do it for you, but....

Prayers, brother

thanks man.
Not a christian but could I just point out ...

If you believe in a god and if you believe your god created you, then surely you must believe your god gave you your sex drive as well as all that naked skin and all those wonderful nerve endings.

If you believe in a god, then why don't you believe "he" gave those gifts to you and that "he" means for you to use them?

I have read that some believe their god "tempts" them but if that's true, why wouldn't your feet be considered a temptation? Didn't your god give you those as well? Why wouldn't you refuse to stand on them so you could resist that temptation?

Another point ...

Above, someone said they sin every day.


Honestly, I can't remember a thing I did that I could even remotely consider a sin. Granted that I don't believe sex, masturbation, porn is a "sin" so I looked up the "seven deadly sins":
pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed, and sloth.

Besides taking a day off and not doing much (sloth) and feeling lust for my spouse, I don't do any of those things.

Do "you" really sin?
Not a christian but could I just point out ...

If you believe in a god and if you believe your god created you, then surely you must believe your god gave you your sex drive as well as all that naked skin and all those wonderful nerve endings.

If you believe in a god, then why don't you believe "he" gave those gifts to you and that "he" means for you to use them?

I have read that some believe their god "tempts" them but if that's true, why wouldn't your feet be considered a temptation? Didn't your god give you those as well? Why wouldn't you refuse to stand on them so you could resist that temptation?

Another point ...

Above, someone said they sin every day.


Honestly, I can't remember a thing I did that I could even remotely consider a sin. Granted that I don't believe sex, masturbation, porn is a "sin" so I looked up the "seven deadly sins":
pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed, and sloth.

Besides taking a day off and not doing much (sloth) and feeling lust for my spouse, I don't do any of those things.

Do "you" really sin?

A lot of that stuff comes from later church tradition over countless centuries as the church tried to control the actions of the peasants. A lot of the stories in the Bible were re-interpreted in order to make a point about behaviors the church didn't want. For example in 1st Corinthians Paul writes that people should not have sex and shouldn't get married or divorced or try to gain their freedom if they were a slave, etc. Basically he advised that people shouldn't try to change their current status whatever that was. The reason why he advised that is because Paul was an apocalypticist who was teaching that the end was coming very soon so what was the point of getting married when everyone would be in heaven shortly anyhow? What was the point of having children when those children would never grow up? What was the point of getting a new job or gaining your freedom because everyone will be in heaven in a very short time anyhow?

Well when that never happened, the Vatican simply re-interpreted that advice to say that you should live a clean chaste life. This is why priests and nuns don't marry or have sex (or at least aren't supposed to). It's because of what Paul wrote in Corinthians. That gave the Vatican the solution to two problems: 1) it solved the pesky little problem that the world had not ended yet like Paul said it would, and 2) it solved the problem of the peasants behaving in sexual activities (probably their only source of enjoyment) that the Vatican didn't agree with.

The Bible itself, however, has nothing to say on the matter.
OK, technically not porn. Still tasteless.
Not a christian but could I just point out ...

If you believe in a god and if you believe your god created you, then surely you must believe your god gave you your sex drive as well as all that naked skin and all those wonderful nerve endings.

If you believe in a god, then why don't you believe "he" gave those gifts to you and that "he" means for you to use them?

I have read that some believe their god "tempts" them but if that's true, why wouldn't your feet be considered a temptation? Didn't your god give you those as well? Why wouldn't you refuse to stand on them so you could resist that temptation?

Another point ...

Above, someone said they sin every day.


Honestly, I can't remember a thing I did that I could even remotely consider a sin. Granted that I don't believe sex, masturbation, porn is a "sin" so I looked up the "seven deadly sins":
pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed, and sloth.

Besides taking a day off and not doing much (sloth) and feeling lust for my spouse, I don't do any of those things.

Do "you" really sin?

A lot of that stuff comes from later church tradition over countless centuries as the church tried to control the actions of the peasants. A lot of the stories in the Bible were re-interpreted in order to make a point about behaviors the church didn't want. For example in 1st Corinthians Paul writes that people should not have sex and shouldn't get married or divorced or try to gain their freedom if they were a slave, etc. Basically he advised that people shouldn't try to change their current status whatever that was. The reason why he advised that is because Paul was an apocalypticist who was teaching that the end was coming very soon so what was the point of getting married when everyone would be in heaven shortly anyhow? What was the point of having children when those children would never grow up? What was the point of getting a new job or gaining your freedom because everyone will be in heaven in a very short time anyhow?

Well when that never happened, the Vatican simply re-interpreted that advice to say that you should live a clean chaste life. This is why priests and nuns don't marry or have sex (or at least aren't supposed to). It's because of what Paul wrote in Corinthians. That gave the Vatican the solution to two problems: 1) it solved the pesky little problem that the world had not ended yet like Paul said it would, and 2) it solved the problem of the peasants behaving in sexual activities (probably their only source of enjoyment) that the Vatican didn't agree with.

The Bible itself, however, has nothing to say on the matter.

Interesting to me is the comment about the advice against masturbation was really nothing more than a misinterpretation.
thanks guys, and yes its porn. Regarding J.R.- I agree. I do not party, drink, do drugs, smoke, gamble. My two main vices are porn and food. I do not hang out with the wrong crowd. I'm kind of a loner. I'm 42, single, no kids.

TBH I have not been to my church in forever. I do pray every day many times a day, read and post in here and on another Christian Board for fellowship, read the Word..not as much as I should though.

I will take everyone's advice and always praying. I think I'm just not "trying" hard enough to stop. I can go several days at a time but then I sin like that for one, 2, 3 days in a row...rinse and repeat. FOR YEARS. I thought this sin would get "better" after knowing God. ughhh.

If you think you are sinning and need help, then you need to get some outside help like you are doing now.

Best advice is to get with Christians that believe as you do and use them for support, advice, and prayer.

Like and addiction like alcoholism, you need support.

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