A Question for Republicans.

You have had a large primary field which split the vote a lot Trumps numbers in the early votes were in the mid to high 20s I believe he has reached the low 40s a time or two for the most part he has been in the mid 30s so over half the voting Republicans aren't behind Trump. If this had been a field of about six to eight candidates from the start I don't think Trump would be in the position he is today.
That's called spin. The guy that's winning is cut actually losing because all the losers are actually winning. If the field had been smaller Trump would already have the delegates needed to be unbeatable. IF kasich were out,Trump would have won Ohio.
No that's called fact Trumps numbers are what they are I didn't make them up if you don't want an honest answer to a question then don't ask the question.
1) more republican ballots have been cast for candidates other than trump
2) trump has benefited by the unusually split field, making him appear more dominant than he is
3) independents often vote in primaries as spoilers, propping up the candidate perceived as most beatable
4) dumb people think if 'the establishment' doesn't want him he must be good for America

ps no one has received more votes in the primaries than hillary clinton :thup:

PS no one received more votes than Hillary (the evil) because she has been running against one opponent.

Wake up.
Several workers from Trump International Hotel Las Vegas gathered outside the Trump Tower in Manhattan Thursday to protest the company's refusal to recognize their union and sit down at the bargaining table. Since they and hundreds of co-workers voted to join local affiliates of the Unite-Here labor union last December, they say management has resorted to unnecessary stalling tactics. All the workers want, they say, is to start negotiating a contract."

“Mr. Donald Trump is running for president and he’s saying he wants to make America great,” said Maria Jaramillo, a 36-year-old housekeeper with seven years' experience at the hotel. “He can start with the employees at Trump in Las Vegas. Make that change and give us the contract.”
Trump The Hypocrite: Investing Overseas Fine For Him
Trump The Hypocrite: Investing Overseas Fine For Him
"Donald Trump’s appeal is said to be his straight talk. But when it comes to international trade, he sounds like a hypocrite, the classic “Do what I say, not what I do” politician.

While bashing companies for investing in foreign countries, Donald Trump’s own company has shown no inclination to invest and build only in America. In fact, a significant percentage of his company’s hotels and major real estate properties are located abroad.

“Mr. Trump is either inexcusably hypocritical or inexcusably ignorant of economics,” according to Donald J. Boudreaux, a professor of economics at George Mason University. “There is zero economic difference between, say, a U.S. car company’s investments abroad in factories and Mr. Trump’s own investments abroad in hotels: both are meant to improve the bottom line of companies headquartered in the U.S. by taking advantage of profitable economic opportunities outside of the U.S.”
Donald J. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Fla., describes itself as “one of the most highly regarded private clubs in the world,” and it is not just the very-well-to-do who want to get in.

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Since 2010, nearly 300 United States residents have applied or been referred for jobs as waiters, waitresses, cooks and housekeepers there. But according to federal records, only 17 have been hired.

In all but a handful of cases, Mar-a-Lago sought to fill the jobs with hundreds of foreign guest workers from Romania and other countries.

In his quest for the Republican presidential nomination, Mr. Trump has stoked his crowds by promising to bring back jobs that have been snatched by illegal immigrants or outsourced by corporations, and voters worried about immigration have been his strongest backers."
"the donald" is a habitual liar.

I will cast my vote for Trump because he is passionate about this country and pulling her out of the toxic mire the last several administrations have bogged her down in for personal gain. His pockets are full, and will continue to be filled outside of the political realm. We have elected and re-elected professional politicians, and we continue to make that same mistake expecting a different outcome. Politicians in DC are scared witless of Trump, because they fear his cutting off their access to what amounts to a cash cow for them and them alone.
"Look at those hands. Are they small hands? And he referred to my hands — if they're small, something else must be small. I guarantee you there's no problem, I guarantee."
Shockingly, Trump told Yahoo News that he would consider requiring Muslim-Americans to register with a government database, or worse, mandating that they carry special identification cards that note their faith.

The reaction to this idea, fairly or unfairly, by many on social media, was to accuse Trump of wanting to mimic laws that Nazis had imposed on Jews, including requiring them to wear a gold Star of David on their clothes.

After Trump confirmed that he would set up a database for Muslim-Americans, an NBC reporter asked him point blank: "Is there a difference between requiring Muslims to register and Jews in Nazi Germany?" A clearly annoyed Trump at first refused to respond, but then told the reporter, "You tell me," and walked away.

Donald Trump's horrifying words about Muslims (Opinion) - CNN.com

Donald Trump on terrorists: 'Take out their families' - CNNPolitics.com

“Trump’s A Race-Baiting, Xenophobic, Religious Bigot. He Doesn’t Represent My Party. He Doesn’t Represent The Values That The Men And Women Who Wear The Uniform Are Fighting For.”


“He’s Putting Our Soldiers And Diplomats At Risk, He’s Empowering The Enemy And This Ban…Would Take People… Who Came To Our Side In Iraq And Afghanistan And Who Are Under Siege In Their Own Countries, It Basically Becomes A Death Sentence For Them.”

“He Is Empowering Radical Islam And If He Knew Anything About The World At All, [He] Would Know That Most Muslims Reject This Ideology, And They’ve Died By The Thousands Trying To Reject This Radical Ideology.”

“You’re Undercutting Their Efforts, You’re Slandering Their Sacrifice, You’re Marginalizing What They’re Trying To Do To Make The World A Better Place.”

Graham On CNN New Day: “You Know How You Make America Great Again? Tell Donald Trump To Go To Hell” | Lindsey Graham for President 2016 | LindseyGraham.com
Any candidate can promise the moon. But politicians have records of success, failure, or plain backsliding by which their promises may be judged. Trump can try to make his blankness a virtue by calling it a kind of innocence. But he is like a man with no credit history applying for a mortgage — or, in this case, applying to manage a $3.8 trillion budget and the most fearsome military on earth.

Against Trump
1) more republican ballots have been cast for candidates other than trump
2) trump has benefited by the unusually split field, making him appear more dominant than he is
3) independents often vote in primaries as spoilers, propping up the candidate perceived as most beatable
4) dumb people think if 'the establishment' doesn't want him he must be good for America

ps no one has received more votes in the primaries than hillary clinton :thup:
yet, Hillary has received a much smaller portion of the independent vote than the republicans.

Yes, I know...there were as many as 17 of them...

But based on that, the fact that she has received more votes than anyone else holds no water either.

Choose your argument.
Any candidate can promise the moon. But politicians have records of success, failure, or plain backsliding by which their promises may be judged. Trump can try to make his blankness a virtue by calling it a kind of innocence. But he is like a man with no credit history applying for a mortgage — or, in this case, applying to manage a $3.8 trillion budget and the most fearsome military on earth.

Against Trump
and Obama held a real job in the private sector for only 3 years and was not promoted from "contract reader" during that time.....not to mention that he never managed ANY type of real budget other than his own personal finances.

But what does that matter.,........right?
Shockingly, Trump told Yahoo News that he would consider requiring Muslim-Americans to register with a government database, or worse, mandating that they carry special identification cards that note their faith.

The reaction to this idea, fairly or unfairly, by many on social media, was to accuse Trump of wanting to mimic laws that Nazis had imposed on Jews, including requiring them to wear a gold Star of David on their clothes.

After Trump confirmed that he would set up a database for Muslim-Americans, an NBC reporter asked him point blank: "Is there a difference between requiring Muslims to register and Jews in Nazi Germany?" A clearly annoyed Trump at first refused to respond, but then told the reporter, "You tell me," and walked away.

Donald Trump's horrifying words about Muslims (Opinion) - CNN.com

Donald Trump on terrorists: 'Take out their families' - CNNPolitics.com

“Trump’s A Race-Baiting, Xenophobic, Religious Bigot. He Doesn’t Represent My Party. He Doesn’t Represent The Values That The Men And Women Who Wear The Uniform Are Fighting For.”


“He’s Putting Our Soldiers And Diplomats At Risk, He’s Empowering The Enemy And This Ban…Would Take People… Who Came To Our Side In Iraq And Afghanistan And Who Are Under Siege In Their Own Countries, It Basically Becomes A Death Sentence For Them.”

“He Is Empowering Radical Islam And If He Knew Anything About The World At All, [He] Would Know That Most Muslims Reject This Ideology, And They’ve Died By The Thousands Trying To Reject This Radical Ideology.”

“You’re Undercutting Their Efforts, You’re Slandering Their Sacrifice, You’re Marginalizing What They’re Trying To Do To Make The World A Better Place.”

Graham On CNN New Day: “You Know How You Make America Great Again? Tell Donald Trump To Go To Hell” | Lindsey Graham for President 2016 | LindseyGraham.com
cards noting their faiths was for their advantage....such as not having to remove certain clothing for ID cards, etc.....

But what does the truth matter....lets just make it sound like he wants to relive Nazi Germany.
Donald Trump Poses an Unprecedented Threat to American Democracy

a report circulated highlighting his 1990 interview with Playboy in which he praised the brutality of the Tiananmen Square crackdown. This is not the first time I had seen Trump praise dictators.

My previous view of Trump was as a kind of vaccine. The Republican Party relies on the covert mobilization of racial resentment and nationalism. Trump, as I saw it, was bringing into the open that which had been intentionally submerged. It seemed like a containable dose of disease, too small to take over its host, but large enough to set off a counter reaction of healthy blood cells. But the outbreak of violence this weekend suggests the disease may be spreading far wider than I believed, and infecting healthy elements of the body politic.

I remain convinced that Trump cannot win the presidency. But what I failed to account for was the possibility that his authoritarian style could degrade American politics even in defeat. There is a whiff in the air of the notion that the election will be settled in the streets — a poisonous idea that is unsafe in even the smallest doses.

Here is another factor I failed to predict. Trump, as I’ve noted, lies substantively within the modern Republican racial political tradition that seamlessly incorporates such things as the Willie Horton ads and the uncontroversial service of Louisiana representative Steve Scalise, who once called himself “David Duke without the baggage,” as House Majority Whip. But Trump’s amplification of white racial resentment matters. His campaign has dominated the national discourse. Millions of Americans who have never heard of Steve Scalise are seized with mortal terror of Trump, whose ubiquity in campaign coverage makes him seem larger and more unstoppable than he is. And terror is corrosive.

Trump was asked about Gorbachev — who was nearing the end of his time in power. Trump said, “Russia is out of control and the leadership knows it. That’s my problem with Gorbachev. Not a firm enough hand.”

His interviewer asked, “You mean firm hand as in China?”

Trump answered, “When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak … as being spit on by the rest of the world –”


"Get your people in line, Bernie," Trump said...

Donald Trump blames Sanders supporters for Chicago unrest - CNNPolitics.com

Trump ends wild day on campaign trail by calling for protesters' arrests

"I'm going to ask that you arrest them," Trump said to the police. "I'll file whatever charges you want. If they want to do this ... we're going to go strongly for your arrests."

Trump said arresting protesters would "ruin the rest of their lives" by giving them a "big arrest mark."

"Once that starts happening, we're not going to have any more protesters, folks," Trump said.

"We don't want to use our military, honestly. We don't want to use our military. But we're being scoffed at right now and we never fight to win."

“We're going to win so much. You're going to get tired of winning. you’re going to say, ‘Please Mr. President, I have a headache. Please, don't win so much. This is getting terrible.’ And I'm going to say, ‘No, we have to make America great again.’ You're gonna say, ‘Please.’ I said, ‘Nope, nope. We're gonna keep winning.’

25 quotes capturing Donald Trump’s final pitch to South Carolina
the National Review is hardly liberal media out to deceive Republicans

Conservatives against Trump

The National Review thinks Republicans are unable to think for themselves and gets mad if we don't do as we're told. Maybe they are right about some Republicans but a lot of us can, and we're tired of being told one thing to get our vote then disappointed by those we elected. Remember the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. Makes Trump supporters the ONLY sane voters in either party.

:lol: maybe you just need to grow up and get real...
he's a terrible leader appealing to base fear and loathing as opposed to "the better angels of our nature".

an old Dickens quote used by Abraham Lincoln in the civil war era ^

"he's just telling it like it is" and "he's just saying what most of us are thinking" could have also been said about lynching blackie or keeping him from being served at the public diner, etc...leaders should be guided by principles, not consensus.
That's it, pull the race card. If we don't agree with you it's because we're racist. Wake up sheeples, you're being fed a load of crap by the established party leaders and you're just eatin' right up. We're Trump supporters. We're not racist. Wa're not uneducated. We're for the most part Patriots that want to make this country into the Republic it should be.
All the reports I see say most Republican hate Donald Trump. If that's the case why is he getting so many more votes than anyone else? Are we being misled by the media?

Mathematics. Up until now, the majority of the votes have been split between multiple candidates. That's the definition of a "plurality".
You have had a large primary field which split the vote a lot Trumps numbers in the early votes were in the mid to high 20s I believe he has reached the low 40s a time or two for the most part he has been in the mid 30s so over half the voting Republicans aren't behind Trump. If this had been a field of about six to eight candidates from the start I don't think Trump would be in the position he is today.
That's called spin. The guy that's winning is cut actually losing because all the losers are actually winning. If the field had been smaller Trump would already have the delegates needed to be unbeatable. IF kasich were out,Trump would have won Ohio.

Maybe, maybe not. I guess we'll see.

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