A Question for Those that Support Hamas

All because the Muslims won't enter the modern age and give up their Jihad against all of the planet whom aren't Muslims!

If not a lie on your part than gross ignorance or denial.
So that’s a NO you can’t back up the false claims you made about me lying… just what I thought. Thanks!
Yes and long ago.
Long before your dim awareness brought this forth.

Have Jews sought to convert the Whole World, all of Humanity to Judaism ? Especially by force, the "Sword"?
Have Christians sought to convert the Whole World, all of Humanity to Christianity? Especially by force, the "Sword"?
Has Islam sought to convert the Whole World, all of Humanity to Islamism ? Especially by force, the "Sword"?

Can you answer these questions honestly, or will resort to the usual Lefturd~Socialist lies and disinformation?
Do you not know Christians also imposed their religion by the sword?

You're a fool.

lol. I’m not a liberal.
Do you not know Christians also imposed their religion by the sword?

You're a fool.

lol. I’m not a liberal.
Yet there's no text in the New Testament to that effect, where as there is such in Islamic Scriptures.

You've expressed opinions consistent with liberal positions, but most liberals/Leftist deny they are such, so ...
Thing is the Christian version of will of God/Gawd/Allah doesn't include forcing conversion of all humanity to their religion.
Koran(8:39) - "And fight with them until there is no more persecution and
religion should be only for Allah"

Sahib Muslim (1:33) - the Messenger of Allah Muhammed said "I have been
commanded to fight against the people till they testify that there is no god
but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah."

Sahib Bukhari (8:387)- Allah's Apostle Muhammed said 11
1 have been
ordered to fight the people till they say 1 None has the right to be worshipped
but Allah'"

Ibn Khaldun (1332 -1406) was a renowned Maliki jurist, philosopher,
historian, and sociologist
11 In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the
universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert
everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force .... The other religious
groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious
duty for them, save only for purpose of defense .... Islam is under
obligation to gain power over other nations."

So I advise myself and you to fear God in secret and in public,
and read the Quran, especially the verses of fighting, like al-
Tawbah and al-Anfal. And mention the name of God and pray to God
to grant you good deeds on earth and in heaven and to protect
you from the torture of hell. O God, this is a day of your days,
so take over the hearts of the youth of Islam. We advise them to
fight for your sake, so God, strengthen their hearts and their
feet, aim their shooting, and unite their hearts. God bring your
victory to your Mujahid worshippers everywhere in Palestine,
Iraq, Chechnya, Kashmir, the Philippines and Afghanistan. Lord,
our God, give us patience and strengthen our feet and grant us
victory over the infidels. "And Allah has full control over His
affairs, but most people do not know."
God, pray upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and all his
companions. And the final prayer of ours is that praise be to
God, the Lord of Universes.

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A Young Palestinian Who Found Refuge in Israel​

At age 12, Dor Shachar ran away from Gaza to live in Israel. What transpired was a journey that exposed a deep divide.​

Dor Shachar grew up as Aiman Abu Suboh in a Muslim family of five in the Gaza Strip city of Khan Yunis. At age 7, he was taught in school that he had to kill Jews. At the age of 12 1/2, he ran away from home and lived on a construction site in Israel. In an interview with The Epoch Times in Israel, Mr. Shachar tells his story.

Dor Shachar: When I started school, in first grade, for about a month, they taught us to write letters in Arabic and read. After a month, they began teaching us to kill Jews. They told us at school, "It's a great commandment to kill Jews because they took your land, and you will fight until the last drop of blood to regain the land." They explained to us that the land includes Jaffa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, the entire country of Israel, basically.

I knew Jews who came to the market [in Khan Yunis] to shop. It was a time when there was no intifada, nothing; it was absolute quiet.

They told us in school that Jews have three legs, that they kill children, women, men, and the elderly. That once they were Muslims, but they turned into Jewish infidels, and the biggest commandment is to kill Jews. All the students in the class had to say, "In the name of religion, in the name of God, in the name of Mohammed of Islam—kill Jews."

I refused to accept this. All the kids in the class say "Itbah al-yahud," or slaughter the Jews. I asked the teacher to go to the restroom to wash my face because I really didn't feel well, and I just wanted to get out of that place. In response, he slapped me and took me to the principal's room, where he whispered something in his ear about me. The principal asked me to stand facing the wall and hit me on the back with a rubber hose. Then he told me to ask my dad to come with me to school the next day.

The next day, my dad came to school for a meeting with the principal. After about 10 minutes, my dad entered the classroom. He started hitting me and said, "Yes! We need to kill Jews."
At the age of 19, I went to the police and said that I wasn't legal. They arrested me and took me to court. In court, I said that I had been in the country for seven years and that I wanted to convert. My adoptive father brought 250 signatures from the neighbors to show that they knew me and that I truly wanted to convert. But the judge didn't address it. He sentenced me to 45 days in prison plus 10 months of conditional release.

During the hearing before the judge, there were other Palestinians tied to me by our feet. We were linked to each other. They whispered in my ear, "Wait, wait, see what we will do to you."

I knew what they were capable of doing. They have one goal—to kill Jews. They took me to prison in Be'er Sheva [a city in Israel] with the other prisoners. I suffered severe beatings because the other prisoners were told that I wanted to become Jewish. The prison guards separated me and took me to a cell with the Jews. After prison, they deported me to Gaza.
The Epoch Times: At this point, you see your family for the first time in seven years?
Mr. Shachar: Yes. They told me, "You bring shame to the family, and if you respected the family, you would have killed several Jews."
They told me that I wasn't their son. They accepted me because they respected the Palestinian police, not me. They told me to sleep on the roof, so I wouldn't talk to anyone. For a month, I was on the roof.

The Epoch Times: Did your mom also refer to you like that or just your dad?
Mr. Shachar: For women there, it's forbidden to speak, forbidden to interfere.
The Epoch Times: Meaning, your mom is there and doesn't say anything to you?
Mr. Shachar: Nothing. My mom didn't say anything to me. After a month, they kicked me out of the house. I was homeless in the streets of Khan Yunis. I encountered the Palestinian police, and they beat me. After a while, I started working at a construction site in Gaza. I saved money and escaped back to Israel.
The Epoch Times: Are there others like you?
Mr. Shachar: Where are they? The Jewish people have a very short memory. Some 150 years ago, before the establishment of the State of Israel, Palestinians murdered Jews and raped women. Then they developed organizations like Fatah, the PLO, Tanzim, and Islamic Jihad. What about them? Why do we only talk about Hamas? They're all Hamas, but they go by different names. They all killed Jews.
Now, if you eliminate Hamas, the Islamic Jihad will come. If you eliminate Islamic Jihad, another organization will come. For all these factions, no matter what their names are, they have one common goal, and that's us, the Israeli Jews. They don't know how to distinguish between left and right. They don't care.
The Epoch Times: Why do we hear from the IDF spokesperson that there are many Palestinians who want to leave Gaza and Hamas won't let them? Are they all driven by the goal of killing Jews?
Mr. Shachar: For the avoidance of doubt I'll say 1 percent. What we're witnessing is a religious war between Islam and Judaism. When we don't believe in Muhammad, we're considered infidels, and the punishment for infidels is death. We've seen where they've reached. They've reached Ofakim and Sderot (cities in Israel). Keep going like this, and within 10 years, they'll also reach Tel Aviv, I believe even less.
The Epoch Times: I'll ask this from a different angle. Let's say tomorrow Hamas is eliminated. Who will be the citizens left in Gaza in your view?
Mr. Shachar: Islamic Jihad. It's a different name, but the goal is the same.

Hamas Ally CAIR Has Been Operating With Impunity Inside America for 30 Years​

After Hamas massacred 1,200 men, women, and children in Israel last month, FBI Director Christopher Wray warned that the terror group “and its allies” could inspire attacks on Americans “here on our own soil.” He also told the Senate that the FBI is conducting “multiple, ongoing investigations” into people affiliated with the U.S.-designated terrorist group.

What Mr. Wray didn’t say is that the FBI has been investigating Hamas’s biggest ally in America for the past 30 years—without seeking any charges. Launched in 1994 as a secret front organization to support Hamas, according to declassified FBI wiretap transcripts and FBI testimony, the Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) has, in the decades since, become an accepted member of Washington’s lobbying community. The New York Times and other influential newspapers routinely describe CAIR as a “Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization.”
On Oct. 7, the day Hamas terrorists butchered 1,200 Jews, including 33 Americans—raping many and abducting some 240 others to Gaza from southern Israel—CAIR’s national executive director, Nihad Awad, delivered an anti-Israel message in Arabic which seemed to justify what Hamas did.

Translated into English, it reads: “All Arab peoples must go out on Sunday, Oct. 8—and every day—in demonstrations in support of the Palestinians and in rejection of normalization with the occupier and the apartheid regime [Israel].”
While CAIR is now a mainstay of American politics—headquartered just three blocks from the U.S. Capitol, with 35 offices across the country—its history reveals its close connections with terror groups such as Hamas, as detailed in the 2009 book this reporter co-authored with counterterrorism expert P. David Gaubatz, “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America.”

The story began in the Palestinian refugee camp in Jordan in the 1960s, where Mr. Awad and a co-founder of CAIR, Omar Ahmad, were born. Both men eventually came to the United States for university studies. By 1992, Mr. Awad was a key member of the so-called Palestine Committee in America, which helped finance Hamas. According to a 1992 letter from the Gaza Strip, Hamas asked the committee for money to buy “weapons, weapons, our brothers.”
“CAIR is the leading Hamas entity inside the United States, and the FBI has taken no action to prosecute them,” said Mr. Guandolo, who helped lead several major counterterrorism probes at the Washington field office after 9/11. He explained that “politically correct” FBI leadership is hesitant to go after a minority religious group and is overly sensitive to charges of “Islamophobia” often leveled by CAIR against its critics.

The FBI’s reluctance to roll up the Hamas front has pushed private investigators to take matters into their own hands. In 2008, a counterterrorism specialist led a team of investigators in a daring undercover operation of CAIR that included infiltrating its national headquarters located on New Jersey Avenue in Washington, near the Capitol building. Working as interns, the investigators, who posed as recent converts to Islam wearing traditional Muslim garb, secretly video-recorded conversations with CAIR officials. During the six-month operation, they also intercepted more than 12,000 pages of documents that CAIR intended to shred as trash. The evidence, which was turned over to the FBI, is documented in “Muslim Mafia,” which also features an appendix with several key internal CAIR documents reprinted.

Among other things, the book revealed that CAIR employed violent Islamic terrorists and then supported the terrorists behind the scenes even after they were convicted. It also uncovered an influence operation against members of key homeland security committees in Congress that included planting CAIR operatives in congressional offices. Internal CAIR documents laid out a plan to elect dozens of pro-Hamas Muslims to Congress. CAIR even started holding Muslim prayer sessions each Friday in the basement of the Capitol.

“Muslim Mafia” also traced the deeper roots of Hamas back to the secretive Muslim Brotherhood, the pro-jihad group founded in Egypt that built a sophisticated network of Islamic nonprofits inside the United States several decades ago. The book documented how Muslim Brotherhood leaders wrote a secret blueprint for “destroying [America] from within ... so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.” FBI investigators discovered the manifesto stashed in a sub-basement of a Brotherhood leader’s home in Annandale, Virginia, after raiding his residence as part of a terrorism probe.

Several alarmed Republican members of Congress held a press conference about the book’s findings, warning that a Hamas terror front group was infiltrating Congress.
Besides exposing Hamas’s political arm in America, the book exposed the inner workings of the broader anti-Israel lobby, which includes several left-wing groups aligned with CAIR. This lobby is now revealing itself in the wake of Israel’s own 9/11.
Did you also support al qaeda when America was attacked on 9/11?

If not, explain what the difference is between the two terrorist organizations. What Hamas did to Israel is no different than what ISIS did to America. There only place suitable for terrorists is HELL.
You don't know what you are talking about. o_O
The converted....out of thin air?

Over time. Ben Gurion talked about Jews becoming Christians or Muslims in the past 1600 years.it made him angry, but he said Palestinians were descended from 1st century Jews.

"I am the only one who will prevent a Palestinian state in Gaza and [the West Bank] after the war,” the Kan public broadcaster quotes Netanyahu as having told the lawmakers.

The stance clashes directly with the policy of the Biden administration, which has sought to revive talk of a two-state solution in order to maintain the support of the Arab world, as he continues to offer full-throttled backing of Israel.
Yet there's no text in the New Testament to that effect, where as there is such in Islamic Scriptures.

You've expressed opinions consistent with liberal positions, but most liberals/Leftist deny they are such, so ...
Thing is the Christian version of will of God/Gawd/Allah doesn't include forcing conversion of all humanity to their religion.
Koran(8:39) - "And fight with them until there is no more persecution and
religion should be only for Allah"

Sahib Muslim (1:33) - the Messenger of Allah Muhammed said "I have been
commanded to fight against the people till they testify that there is no god
but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah."

Sahib Bukhari (8:387)- Allah's Apostle Muhammed said 11
1 have been
ordered to fight the people till they say 1 None has the right to be worshipped
but Allah'"

Ibn Khaldun (1332 -1406) was a renowned Maliki jurist, philosopher,
historian, and sociologist
11 In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the
universalism of the [Muslim] mission and [the obligation to] convert
everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force .... The other religious
groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious
duty for them, save only for purpose of defense .... Islam is under
obligation to gain power over other nations."

So I advise myself and you to fear God in secret and in public,
and read the Quran, especially the verses of fighting, like al-
Tawbah and al-Anfal. And mention the name of God and pray to God
to grant you good deeds on earth and in heaven and to protect
you from the torture of hell. O God, this is a day of your days,
so take over the hearts of the youth of Islam. We advise them to
fight for your sake, so God, strengthen their hearts and their
feet, aim their shooting, and unite their hearts. God bring your
victory to your Mujahid worshippers everywhere in Palestine,
Iraq, Chechnya, Kashmir, the Philippines and Afghanistan. Lord,
our God, give us patience and strengthen our feet and grant us
victory over the infidels. "And Allah has full control over His
affairs, but most people do not know."
God, pray upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and all his
companions. And the final prayer of ours is that praise be to
God, the Lord of Universes.


In context Muslims are not permitted to fight unless they are persecuted. War is strictly defensive. The rules are that they cannot kill women, children, old people and noncombatants..or livestock. They cannot destroy trees, crops or water sources.

They are also obliged to negotiate a peace at the first sign the enemy is willing.

You should read it in context. That's not to say that Muslims never break the rules of warfare, but those are the rules. Far more enlightened than kill all the Canaanites and their livestock.
In context Muslims are not permitted to fight unless they are persecuted. War is strictly defensive. The rules are that they cannot kill women, children, old people and noncombatants..or livestock. They cannot destroy trees, crops or water sources.

They are also obliged to negotiate a peace at the first sign the enemy is willing.

You should read it in context. That's not to say that Muslims never break the rules of warfare, but those are the rules. Far more enlightened than kill all the Canaanites and their livestock.
And yet terrorists that are Muslim purposefully target women and children and non-combatants. They do not ask for peace. Your Muslim buddies must not have read those rules since EVERY single Muslim terrorist organization breaks them on purpose every time they attack.
And yet terrorists that are Muslim purposefully target women and children and non-combatants. They do not ask for peace. Your Muslim buddies must not have read those rules since EVERY single Muslim terrorist organization breaks them on purpose every time they attack.

Hatred and ignorance in neon. Congratulations.
The question isn't why he hates terrorists that burn babies alive, but why you don't.
What I don’t get is that just last month, Muslim terrorists went house to house to find every Jew they could find - man, woman, child, baby, and fetus* - and decapitated them with shovels, burned them alive, raped them to death - and Surada is going on and on about the virtues of Muslims.

* in one case, a Muslim monster cut out the fetus of a pregnant woman, then cut its head off while the mother bled out in agony but was able to witness it, and then killed the mother.
What I don’t get is that just last month, Muslim terrorists went house to house to find every Jew they could find - man, woman, child, baby, and fetus* - and decapitated them with shovels, burned them alive, raped them to death - and Surada is going on and on about the virtues of Muslims.

* in one case, a Muslim monster cut out the fetus of a pregnant woman, then cut its head off while the mother bled out in agony but was able to witness it, and then killed the mother.
The creature knows it and it approves.

It is only in this forum to dispense its taqiyya. It purports to be some old American woman, but it could be most anything.
Racist motivated posting:


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