A question of trust

I trust the government because being retired and getting a chance to watch on cable our courts throughout the nation, in my opinion the defendants receive fair hearings.
You watch "Judge Judy" and based on that, you trust the government?
We NEED Government.
We Need a Constitution.

Do I trust Government, 60-40.

I Despise MOST all ( 90%) of politicians as they are corrupt.
Both fuuuking Parties.
We NEED Government.
We Need a Constitution.

Do I trust Government, 60-40.

I Despise MOST all ( 90%) of politicians as they are corrupt.
Both fuuuking Parties.
Yeah, like there's an alternative? And to do what exactly?
Do you trust our government? Why ? / Why not?

I guess that would be based on what you mean by the Govt.

If you are speaking of our politicians then not even a tiny little bit.

If you are speaking of the various agencies within the Govt then yes for the most part.

In my job I use the data published by NASS, I trust it.

When we fly we trust Govt ATC and safety inspectors.

When we buy food from the grocery store we are trusting the USDA and FDA inspectors.

My wife is a nurse for the VA, thus she is "the Govt" and I trust her and her co-workers.
1)it's the underlying motive for many threads
2)i like reading posters take on it
1) Due mainly to Reagan uttering his stupid phrase: "Hello, I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
Hello, I'm your child's 4th grade teacher...
Hello, I deliver your mail..
Hello, I put out house fires..
Hello, I answer the phone when you dial 911..

Trust any of those people?
Or does asking the question, "Do you trust our government?" probably reveal more about you than any possible answer? Do you often dog whistle?

2) Do you like providing posters with meaningful options?
Which of our governments are you talking about?
Do you wish for no government at all?
And how old did you say you were again?
It's a simple Q, but the devil is in the details.

Do you trust our government? Why ? / Why not?

no, there is no poll

this isn't a yes/no

this is 'details' of WHY......

please opine.....

The government can't be trusted. However, it is what it is and I don't know the answer. Everyone needs government whether it be so called Democratic, socialist, communist, etc.
I think I've finally got it. Reagan felt pressured into having to tip his mail carrier every year. So one night he dreamt that his mail carrier had actually approached him, saying "Hi, I'm from The Government and I'm here to help!" To which Ronnie readily responded, "Hey, I pay taxes which pay for your exceptional wages and benefits. So just do your job and don't come knocking expecting any cherries on top from me." Then he slams the door, cutting off the mail carriers response, "Uh no, Ronnie. I was just trying to inform you that your mailbox is smashed so badly that you'll have to go to the Post Office for your mail until it's repaired, but here's today's.. ah, fuck it, never mind then."
I think I've finally got it. Reagan felt pressured into having to tip his mail carrier every year. So one night he dreamt that his mail carrier had actually approached him, saying "Hi, I'm from The Government and I'm here to help!" To which Ronnie readily responded, "Hey, I pay taxes which pay for your exceptional wages and benefits. So just do your job and don't come knocking expecting any cherries on top from me." Then he slams the door, cutting off the mail carriers response, "Uh no, Ronnie. I was just trying to inform you that your mailbox is smashed so badly that you'll have to go to the Post Office for your mail until it's repaired, but here's today's.. ah, fuck it, never mind then."

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