A question seldom asked about abortion.

We have become a disposable society.
We throw things away when they are of no use to us.

Quite true.

When there are individuals who attempt to convince a young woman that the fertilized egg is nothing more than a mass of cells(a heartbeat is detectable at six weeks gestation) rather than a potential valuable human life they have turned the corner on passing down any sense of morality.

I truely believe that there are very few women who actually believe that completely. Men? Possibly. Women? Not wholly. I believe that abortion haunts women for the rest of their lives. I woinder how many women have undergone more than one abortion.

Oddly, I picked up an old copy of The Cider House Rules in a used bookstore covering the subject from the viewpoint of the 30,s and 40's sofar. Back then, there were few options for pregnancy prevention.
Now, there is no reason a woman cannot prevent such an event.

Agreed, and I don't think it is a birth control option of choice for anyone. What leads women to abortions? That is the question I want answered. Why not take a pill? Why not choose I diaphram? Why choose an invasive procedure that is much more expensive and painful?

And before someone tags me a religious wingnut, I'm agnostic, so that comeback can circle the drain.

I'm pro-life personally, but pro-choice politically.

Ether you respect life and find killing of innocent babies as wrong or you dont....You cant be both.
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RvW was upheld in 1973.
55 Million legal abortions since it was.

If it hadn't been then there would have been more people in this country.

Is it fair to assume that 5 million of them would have been illegal abortions?

So 50 million people in this country that aren't here today.

These people weren't wanted obviously, how many of them would have ended up as a burden to society? Criminals, leeches on life-time on entitlement programs, I mean you can't convince me that there are going to be a whole bunch of Tim Tebows in that group.

So the question is where is the real issue to tackle here?

Women are getting pregnant when they don't want to be. I find it hard to believe that these women don't know how they get pregnant or how to avoid it.

Are they stupid? Is it an education problem? A mental health issue? An alcohol or drug problem? Is it our society in general?

I'm pro-life personally, but do we really want over one million unwanted kids born each year in this country? Seems to me the issue isn't with abortion, but elsewhere. Where?

You raise a good point, and pro choice people have brought this argument up before, and the lifers refuse to answer it.
Its a catch 22 - you can ban abortion, but you will end up with more people, meaning a higher crime rate, you will need more jobs, more welfare to pay out etc.

Which is cheapest in the long run?
Agreed, and I don't think it is a birth control option of choice for anyone. What leads women to abortions? That is the question I want answered. Why not take a pill? Why not choose I diaphram? Why choose an invasive procedure that is much more expensive and painful?

Birth control failed them, and as they don't want a baby, abortion is the final option available to them.

Women would take a pill - there is RU486 which terminates a very early pregnancy, but our government at the time banned it, forcing women to wait and have a surgical abortion.
Easier access to the morning after pill would also help.
Ether you respect life and find killing of innocent babies as wrong or you dont....You cant be both.

"Innocent babies" are not being killed. Pregnancies are being terminated. Don't try to turn an abortion into something it's not. Abortion does not and has never killed babies. A baby does not exist until it is fully formed and viable to live outside the womb.
We have become a disposable society.
We throw things away when they are of no use to us.

Quite true.

I truely believe that there are very few women who actually believe that completely. Men? Possibly. Women? Not wholly. I believe that abortion haunts women for the rest of their lives. I woinder how many women have undergone more than one abortion.

Agreed, and I don't think it is a birth control option of choice for anyone. What leads women to abortions? That is the question I want answered. Why not take a pill? Why not choose I diaphram? Why choose an invasive procedure that is much more expensive and painful?

And before someone tags me a religious wingnut, I'm agnostic, so that comeback can circle the drain.

I'm pro-life personally, but pro-choice politically.

Ether you respect life and find killing of innocent babies as wrong or you dont....You cant be both.

Its very possible for an idividual to believe abortion is wrong and never have one under any circumstances while respecting the rights and freedoms of others.

Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean you automatically want to impose your will and beleifs on others.

For some reason many social cons just can't comprehend this basic principle.
Ether you respect life and find killing of innocent babies as wrong or you dont....You cant be both.

"Innocent babies" are not being killed. Pregnancies are being terminated. Don't try to turn an abortion into something it's not. Abortion does not and has never killed babies. A baby does not exist until it is fully formed and viable to live outside the womb.

Sure as hell sure innocent chimps are not being killed
Quite true.

I truely believe that there are very few women who actually believe that completely. Men? Possibly. Women? Not wholly. I believe that abortion haunts women for the rest of their lives. I woinder how many women have undergone more than one abortion.

Agreed, and I don't think it is a birth control option of choice for anyone. What leads women to abortions? That is the question I want answered. Why not take a pill? Why not choose I diaphram? Why choose an invasive procedure that is much more expensive and painful?

I'm pro-life personally, but pro-choice politically.

Ether you respect life and find killing of innocent babies as wrong or you dont....You cant be both.

Its very possible for an idividual to believe abortion is wrong and never have one under any circumstances while respecting the rights and freedoms of others.

Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean you automatically want to impose your will and beleifs on others.

For some reason many social cons just can't comprehend this basic principle.
In other words your a selfish bitch who wants the cool kids to like them...Cool kids dont champion whole sale slaughter of innocent babies.
Ether you respect life and find killing of innocent babies as wrong or you dont....You cant be both.

"Innocent babies" are not being killed. Pregnancies are being terminated. Don't try to turn an abortion into something it's not. Abortion does not and has never killed babies. A baby does not exist until it is fully formed and viable to live outside the womb.

Many of the anit-abortion types think using emotionally charged rhetoric such as "killing babies" and "murder" enhances their argument.

It doesn't. It simply exposes the fact that they are unable to debate the issue intelligently.
RvW was upheld in 1973.
55 Million legal abortions since it was.

If it hadn't been then there would have been more people in this country.

Is it fair to assume that 5 million of them would have been illegal abortions?

So 50 million people in this country that aren't here today.

These people weren't wanted obviously, how many of them would have ended up as a burden to society? Criminals, leeches on life-time on entitlement programs, I mean you can't convince me that there are going to be a whole bunch of Tim Tebows in that group.

So the question is where is the real issue to tackle here?

Women are getting pregnant when they don't want to be. I find it hard to believe that these women don't know how they get pregnant or how to avoid it.

Are they stupid? Is it an education problem? A mental health issue? An alcohol or drug problem? Is it our society in general?

I'm pro-life personally, but do we really want over one million unwanted kids born each year in this country? Seems to me the issue isn't with abortion, but elsewhere. Where?

This is something alot of people aren't thinking about, if abortions were not allowed we would have an influx of people, and a whole bunch of problems.
Ether you respect life and find killing of innocent babies as wrong or you dont....You cant be both.

Its very possible for an idividual to believe abortion is wrong and never have one under any circumstances while respecting the rights and freedoms of others.

Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean you automatically want to impose your will and beleifs on others.

For some reason many social cons just can't comprehend this basic principle.
In other words your a selfish bitch who wants the cool kids to like them...Cool kids dont champion whole sale slaughter of innocent babies.

Are you capable of discussing any issue without resorting to ad hominems and hyperbole?
Its very possible for an idividual to believe abortion is wrong and never have one under any circumstances while respecting the rights and freedoms of others.

Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean you automatically want to impose your will and beleifs on others.

For some reason many social cons just can't comprehend this basic principle.
In other words your a selfish bitch who wants the cool kids to like them...Cool kids dont champion whole sale slaughter of innocent babies.

Are you capable of discussing any issue without resorting to ad hominems and hyperbole?

You need a tissue?
RvW was upheld in 1973.
55 Million legal abortions since it was.

If it hadn't been then there would have been more people in this country.

Is it fair to assume that 5 million of them would have been illegal abortions?

So 50 million people in this country that aren't here today.

These people weren't wanted obviously, how many of them would have ended up as a burden to society? Criminals, leeches on life-time on entitlement programs, I mean you can't convince me that there are going to be a whole bunch of Tim Tebows in that group.

So the question is where is the real issue to tackle here?

Women are getting pregnant when they don't want to be. I find it hard to believe that these women don't know how they get pregnant or how to avoid it.

Are they stupid? Is it an education problem? A mental health issue? An alcohol or drug problem? Is it our society in general?

I'm pro-life personally, but do we really want over one million unwanted kids born each year in this country? Seems to me the issue isn't with abortion, but elsewhere. Where?

This is something alot of people aren't thinking about, if abortions were not allowed we would have an influx of people, and a whole bunch of problems.

We don't have an influx of people because abortion has been so successful. That's why we need immigration. As if that doesn't bring any problems.
In other words your a selfish bitch who wants the cool kids to like them...Cool kids dont champion whole sale slaughter of innocent babies.

Are you capable of discussing any issue without resorting to ad hominems and hyperbole?

You need a tissue?

No, but having a discussion below the junior high level is not something I feel the need to engage in.

In any case though, thank you for answering my question with a resounding 'no.'
Judging from the tens of thousands of people who recently attended the March for Life, abortion is on it's last legs. Most of the people at that March were young. Perhaps it's young people who got the idea and understand that the reason they will be expected to support thousands of immigrants is because their parents got too many abortions. Or, perhaps they have just reached a point where abortion has become too grotesque to continue to support.

Support for abortion drops to record low « Hot Air

The 41% of Americans who now identify themselves as “pro-choice” is down from 47% last July and is one percentage point below the previous record low in Gallup trends, recorded in May 2009. Fifty percent now call themselves “pro-life,” one point shy of the record high, also from May 2009.

Gallup began asking Americans to define themselves as pro-choice or pro-life on abortion in 1995, and since then, identification with the labels has shifted from a wide lead for the pro-choice position in the mid-1990s, to a generally narrower lead for “pro-choice” — from 1998 through 2008 — to a close division between the two positions since 2009. However, in the last period, Gallup has found the pro-life position significantly ahead on two occasions, once in May 2009 and again today. It remains to be seen whether the pro-life spike found this month proves temporary, as it did in 2009, or is sustained for some period.
Judging from the tens of thousands of people who recently attended the March for Life, abortion is on it's last legs. Most of the people at that March were young. Perhaps it's young people who got the idea and understand that the reason they will be expected to support thousands of immigrants is because their parents got too many abortions. Or, perhaps they have just reached a point where abortion has become too grotesque to continue to support.

Support for abortion drops to record low « Hot Air

The 41% of Americans who now identify themselves as “pro-choice” is down from 47% last July and is one percentage point below the previous record low in Gallup trends, recorded in May 2009. Fifty percent now call themselves “pro-life,” one point shy of the record high, also from May 2009.

Gallup began asking Americans to define themselves as pro-choice or pro-life on abortion in 1995, and since then, identification with the labels has shifted from a wide lead for the pro-choice position in the mid-1990s, to a generally narrower lead for “pro-choice” — from 1998 through 2008 — to a close division between the two positions since 2009. However, in the last period, Gallup has found the pro-life position significantly ahead on two occasions, once in May 2009 and again today. It remains to be seen whether the pro-life spike found this month proves temporary, as it did in 2009, or is sustained for some period.

A more recent Rasmussen poll disagrees:

New High: 52% Are Pro-Choice

Sunday, August 05, 2012

More voters than ever are now pro-choice when it comes to abortion, but just as many view it as morally wrong in most situations.

Overall, 52% of Likely U.S. Voters consider themselves pro-choice when it comes to abortion, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Forty-one percent (41%) say they are pro-life. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Abortion isn't going anywhere.
Ether you respect life and find killing of innocent babies as wrong or you dont....You cant be both.

"Innocent babies" are not being killed. Pregnancies are being terminated. Don't try to turn an abortion into something it's not. Abortion does not and has never killed babies. A baby does not exist until it is fully formed and viable to live outside the womb.

that is your OPINION. many believe that a human being exists at conception. Why is your opinion more valid than theirs?

abortion is a cop-out for lack of personal responsibility. if you don't want an unplanned pregnancy--keep your legs together or use contraceptives.
As ultrasounds become more sophisticated, people can see when a collection of cells becomes a baby and it's quite early. Around 8 weeks.

While abortion should always be a last resort for desperate women, it has now lost its intended purpose and become a convenience. It's a way for women to ignore both birth control and dismiss control over their own bodies as even necessary.

Is playing Bang with Friends really going to improve your life?
As ultrasounds become more sophisticated, people can see when a collection of cells becomes a baby and it's quite early. Around 8 weeks.

While abortion should always be a last resort for desperate women, it has now lost its intended purpose and become a convenience. It's a way for women to ignore both birth control and dismiss control over their own bodies as even necessary.

Is playing Bang with Friends really going to improve your life?

RvW was upheld in 1973.
55 Million legal abortions since it was.

If it hadn't been then there would have been more people in this country.

Is it fair to assume that 5 million of them would have been illegal abortions?

So 50 million people in this country that aren't here today.

These people weren't wanted obviously, how many of them would have ended up as a burden to society? Criminals, leeches on life-time on entitlement programs, I mean you can't convince me that there are going to be a whole bunch of Tim Tebows in that group.

So the question is where is the real issue to tackle here?

Women are getting pregnant when they don't want to be. I find it hard to believe that these women don't know how they get pregnant or how to avoid it.

Are they stupid? Is it an education problem? A mental health issue? An alcohol or drug problem? Is it our society in general?

I'm pro-life personally, but do we really want over one million unwanted kids born each year in this country? Seems to me the issue isn't with abortion, but elsewhere. Where?

Abortion enables women to behave irresponsibly. Because they realize they have the option, so it makes them more likely to fuck a guy without a condom, more likely to have drunken one night stands, etc because they know they can get an abortion. Women have the ultimate responsibility to prevent pregnancy because they are the ones who get pregnant. It's just fact..

Oooo trolly.
Thankfully this isnt even true.

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