A Question To Conservatives Who Believe In A Ban On Abortions

Rhetorical questions for conservatives who support banning abortion:

How can you claim to be ‘advocates’ of ‘limited government’ when seeking to increase the size and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

How can you claim to be ‘advocates’ of states’ rights when you seek in the courts to overturn state firearm regulatory measures contrary to the will of the people of the states; if states have the right to ban abortion, then states likewise have the right to regulate firearms as they see fit.
I'm not a conservative,,

but what about the individual rights of the baby being killed??
Rhetorical questions for conservatives who support banning abortion:

How can you claim to be ‘advocates’ of ‘limited government’ when seeking to increase the size and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

How can you claim to be ‘advocates’ of states’ rights when you seek in the courts to overturn state firearm regulatory measures contrary to the will of the people of the states; if states have the right to ban abortion, then states likewise have the right to regulate firearms as they see fit.
oh,, your premise is also a lie,,
Rhetorical questions for conservatives who support banning abortion:

How can you claim to be ‘advocates’ of ‘limited government’ when seeking to increase the size and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.

How can you claim to be ‘advocates’ of states’ rights when you seek in the courts to overturn state firearm regulatory measures contrary to the will of the people of the states; if states have the right to ban abortion, then states likewise have the right to regulate firearms as they see fit.
One is clearly in the Constitution and one ISN'T. Unless the 14th right to LIFE........would be for the baby.

The Mississippi isn't a BAN.......it is 15 weeks to decide.
I simply cannot grasp how even a murderous, sociopathic subhuman bitch such as yourself can see it as a greater tragedy for a child to be adopted into a loving family, than for that child to simply, be killed in cold blood.

Even by what previous standards of murderous evil you have solidly exhibited, this is just incomprehensible.

I guess it just serves to demonstrate the folly of trying to think there's a lowest point of evil that someone will ever reach. When one thinks that one has seen the most extreme nadir of evil, depravity, and madness that your kind can exhibit, that you'll find a way to show that it is possible to go even lower than that.
The only depravity is the authoritarian right’s desire force women to give birth against their will through force of law; the depravity of the authoritarian right to compel conformity and punish dissent; the depravity of the authoritarian right to increase the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
The only depravity is the authoritarian right’s desire force women to give birth against their will through force of law; the depravity of the authoritarian right to compel conformity and punish dissent; the depravity of the authoritarian right to increase the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
your premise is a lie,, the women chose to get prego and create another life,,
The only depravity is the authoritarian right’s desire force women to give birth against their will through force of law; the depravity of the authoritarian right to compel conformity and punish dissent; the depravity of the authoritarian right to increase the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
Baloney. You got 15 weeks After that then you NO.

Personal responsibility is out the window with you folks.
A woman deciding whether to have a child or not is none of your business – nor is it the business of the state.
Correct. They are not stopping you from having the baby. lol

After 15 weeks......if you can't make up your mind and the baby is nearing what is considered life........well YOU HAVE A PROBLEM
darling,, lung cancer isnt a human being,, even if you think different,,
No one said it was. Point is, what is inside my body is a part of my body and unless you think women shouldn’t have the same rights and protections you enjoy, the decisions are between me and my doctor.
No one said it was. Point is, what is inside my body is a part of my body and unless you think women shouldn’t have the same rights and protections you enjoy, the decisions are between me and my doctor.
the child inside your body isnt your body,,
No one said it was. Point is, what is inside my body is a part of my body and unless you think women shouldn’t have the same rights and protections you enjoy, the decisions are between me and my doctor.
And in most of the states against your position they almost all have that clause if your life is in danger.

If you don't want to get pregnant. Don't spread your legs.....use protection or get the tubes tied.

If you get knocked up. You have almost 4 months to make up your mind. That is not unreasonable.
definitions are man made not reality,,
a baby in the womb isnt your body its theirs,, and you chose to create it,,
prove me wrong,,
Oh? We can change a whole arbitrarily then?

It absolutely is my body, it is completely within it, and intertwined with my other systems.

If it is not my body, then it has no rights to my body. Unless you are choosing to deny women rights and protections equal to yours.
No, this is one of the lies pro-aborts eagerly believe is reality, so they can pretend that they aren't as bad as they know they are.

The ACTUAL reality is that pro-life people put a lot of their money - THEIR money, not other people's money voted out of their pockets for self-aggrandizement, like leftists do - and their time into helping women who would otherwise get abortions. You would know this, if you spent time listening to pro-lifers, instead of busily "knowing" about them according to your talking points.
The ACTUAL reality is that everyone is pro-life – the conflict is between those who seek to end the practice by violating a woman’s right to privacy and those who seek to end the practice consistent with the right to privacy.

The authoritarian right is more interested in more government, bigger government than finding an ACUTAL solution to the problem.
Oh? We can change a whole arbitrarily then?

It absolutely is my body, it is completely within it, and intertwined with my other systems.

If it is not my body, then it has no rights to my body. Unless you are choosing to deny women rights and protections equal to yours.
You have been DENIED NOTHING. You have choices. Don't make the wrong ones.

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