A Quick Look at President Trump and the Big Picture


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Things That Are Positive
The economy Trade deals China relations Russia (our frenemy) is working with the U.S. on Syria, North Korea China is putting pressure on North Korea Jobs Healthcare progress (more to do) Supreme Court nominee confirmed Tax reform maybe Optimism for an Israeli-Palestinian ā€œdealā€ Safe Zones coming along for Syrian refugees Illegal immigration down over 70% because of Trumpā€™s persuasion alone. Business confidence high. Things that are Negative Unproven allegations of Russian collusion with Trump campaign. Trump claims he invented the phrase ā€œprime the pump.ā€ Trump tweeted a warning that Comey better be careful what he says because he might have been taped in the White House. But such recordings havenā€™t been confirmed. Or denied. Critics say Trump is crazy. Trump claimed his campaign had been ā€œwiretappedā€ by Obama, but it might have been only incidental surveillance. Or not. Weā€™ll probably never know. Critics say Trump is a loose cannon. Critics say ā€œwords matterā€ and Trump is careless with words. Trumpā€™s approval rating is abysmal. There is ā€œchaosā€ in the White House Trump doesnā€™t study topics in detail. Trump might fire people on his staff for various reasons. There is in-fighting with Trumpā€™s staff. Trump got two scoops of ice cream when others got one. Trump threatened to end press briefings but probably didnā€™t mean it. Trump is influenced by whoever gives him the latest article that is sometimes fake news. Trump calls the mainstream media fake news. Trump has criticized the courts, judges, and anyone else you are not supposed to criticize as a president. Health care didnā€™t get passed on the first try. And still needs work. Trump will be impeached or jailed any day now for whatever. Trump keeps relying on trusted family advisors such as Jared Kushner and Ivanka. Trump fired Comey as both sides wanted, but his timing raised suspicions, and he talked about it wrong in an interview. Also didnā€™t coordinate with his communication staff. Trump says things that do not pass the fact-checking. Trump doesnā€™t realize that his business skills donā€™t translate into government. (This was the same reason people said he couldnā€™t win the election.)
Things that Might Be Good or Bad (Depending on your Point of View)
Trump is prioritizing jobs over climate risks in the near term. Trump is reducing government regulations. Trump is moving responsibility for several topics to states, per the Constitution.
As the article asks, ā€œDid you find the pattern?ā€

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