A rabbi demands a crussade against Russia


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Jews provided to Russia October Revolution, Lenin, GULAG, KGB, Perestroika, Gorbachev, Khodorkowsky, Oligarchs, 'democracy' of 1990s and many other disgusting things. Now they proclaim a crusade officially against Putinism, but in reality against Russian People.

Juts to question why Russians hate Jews and why presstitutes ( think about their owners ) 24/7 non-stop bash Russia

Russian revolutions

We Jews are old hands at fighting Russian hegemony, and we must defend democracy in the US and in Russia, just as Russian Jews are poised to do in Israel
Meanwhile, in America, where Vladimir Putin continues to subvert our democracy, Russia also holds the key to Jewish unity. Just as the fight for Soviet Jewry brought American Jews together a half century ago, a crusade to repel Putinism, the greatest danger to democracy everywhere, can bring American Jews together again in a renewed sense of purpose.

This anti-Russia revolution should be bipartisan. Were it not for the reluctance of Senator Mitch McConnell, who recently held back votes designed to protect US elections, bipartisanship would have prevailed, as it did in 2017, when both houses of Congress approved strict sanctions against Moscow with near-unanimity.

So how can Jews come together to fight our common enemy? We wrote the book on how to overturn the 20th century’s Russian Revolution; we just need to open that same playbook to stop Putin’s hegemonic designs now.

We can begin by protesting all things Russian — their embassy, their consulates, even their cultural emissaries, from hockey teams to the Bolshoi Ballet. It is time to get serious. Hey, Americans once showed displeasure to the French by serving “freedom fries” — so how about a boycott of Russian dressing?

Joshua Hammerman, rabbi of Temple Beth El in Stamford

Russian revolutions

Just for remembrance:
Jewish bolsheviks sacrifice Russia

They better be careful, because Trump works for Putin.

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