A report card on the Biden administration

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Biden hit the ground running.

The Times reports, "In 17 executive orders, memorandums and proclamations signed hours after his inauguration, President Biden moved swiftly on Wednesday to dismantle Trump administration policies his aides said have caused the “greatest damage” to the nation.

"Biden’s first actions as president are sharply aimed at sweeping aside former President Donald J. Trump’s pandemic response, reversing his environmental agenda, tearing down his anti-immigration policies, bolstering the teetering economic recovery and restoring federal efforts to promote diversity.

For more on this see: Biden’s 17 Executive Orders and Other Directives in Detail

Listening today, I got the distinct impression there was no time for a weeks long Senate impeachment trial that is doomed to fail. Why in the world would anyone want to invite Trump back to effectively interfere with an overburdened Biden government? Let the courts deal with Trump, not politicians with their own agenda, nearly half of whom are loyal to Trump.

We heard the first professional press briefing in four years. We can all still recall Sean Spicer calling in the White House press corps for his first press briefing, yelling to reporters that Trump had attracted “the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration.”

Trump's press briefings went down from there. Most of the time there were none.

Pardon me, we must all think positive thoughts. Trump with his antagonism toward the press has been replaced by a President who will be open with the press. We are likely to see the return of Presidential solo press conferences. There hasn't been one in three years.

I thought you didn't like fascists. At least that's what you always bleat.
Biden has earned an F- that takes real talent.
On the subject of abject stupidity on the part of politicians:

In what equates to throwing gasoline on a raging fire, Minnesota's Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan posted a highly irresponsible statement on social media declaring that Minnesota is “a place where it is not safe to be Black.” The white liberal politician is essentially telling close to 400,000 black residents that its dangerous to live in the state due to the color of their skin.

Representative Maxine Waters appeared at a racial justice protest Saturday night in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, a suburb not far from where Chauvin's trial is taking place.

"We've got to stay on the street and we've got to get more active, we've got to get more confrontational,” Waters declared to reporters when asked what would happen if the Chauvin trial ends in acquittal. “We've got to make sure that they know that we mean business."

Chauvin's lawyer asked the judge to declare a mistrial over Waters' comments, arguing that she had prejudiced the jury. Judge Peter Cahill denied the request, but said that Waters' comments were "abhorrent" and that she may have handed the defense a lifeline anyway.

"I'll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned,"
Cahill said as arguments in the case concluded Monday and the jury began deliberations.

A trial a year in the making, three weeks of intense deliberations and testimony may be tossed in appeal because of the mind numbing remarks by a black congresswoman from Los Angeles.

Politicians are people of influence who can't keep a job anywhere else.
The US has had at least mass shootings, according to CNN reporting and an analysis of data from the Gun Violence Archive (GVA), local media, and police reports. The US has seen at least 147 mass shootings in 2021.

It is past time for reasonable gun controls, but Republicans will not allow that to happen. They do nothing, and they say nothing as this murderous rampage continues.

"I'll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned," Cahill said as arguments in the case concluded Monday and the jury began deliberations.

A trial a year in the making, three weeks of intense deliberations and testimony may be tossed in appeal because of the mind numbing remarks by a black congresswoman from Los Angeles.

Concerning the incredibly stupid remarks made by Waters and the resulting grounds for appeal, it is the turn of the Democrats to say nothing.
What do we know about Brandon Scott Hole?


The Star tells us, "Officials from the prosecutor's office told IndyStar Sunday they are looking into the specifics of the matter and hope to provide comment as early as Monday afternoon."

Late on a Monday afternoon on the West Coast and still nothing about Hole or his family. Nothing from his computer. Nothing from social media.

The Republicans in Indiana just want this to go away. It's bad enough as it is. A suicidal kid interviewed by law enforcement was able to legally buy two assault weapons.

Days later Brandon Scott Hole remains an enigma.
Now we know why the Republican-run government didn't want tell us anything about Brandon Scott Hole.

The Republicans in Indiana have clamped on national coverage concerning Hole, but the local news continues to dig up information on him, although, days later, we still don't know a thing about Hole or his family, Nothing of a personal nature, that is.

The IndyStar reports, "The 19-year-old man who police say fatally shot eight people at a FedEx facility Thursday night had white supremacist websites on his computer when officers searched his home in March 2020, Indianapolis police said Monday night.

"An Indianapolis Metropolitan Police report from March 3, 2020 for a mental health check in which Brandon Scott Hole, the suspect in Thursday’s shooting, was detained for reportedly threatening to commit “suicide by cop” said an officer “observed what through his training and experience indicated" was white supremacist websites on the teen’s computer after police had confiscated a shotgun from the home."

A few months later Holt was able to legally purchase two AR-15 style assault rifles. He used both to kill eight people at the FedEx facility in Indianapolis.

No wonder Indiana Republicans are trying to shut this down as quickly as possible, which explains the absence of national coverage.
On the subject of abject stupidity on the part of politicians:

In what equates to throwing gasoline on a raging fire, Minnesota's Lt. Gov. Peggy Flanagan posted a highly irresponsible statement on social media declaring that Minnesota is “a place where it is not safe to be Black.

I beg to differ with the woman. The jury in Minneapolis ruled that Derek Chauvin was guilty on all counts.

Chauvin faces up to 40 years in prison for second-degree murder, up to 25 years for third-degree murder and up to 10 years for second-degree manslaughter.

Many experienced a great deal of satisfaction when they saw Chauvin stand up after the verdict was read, was handcuffed and led off to his jail cell.

You see, Peggy, there is justice and Blacks are safe in Minnesota.
"I'll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned," Cahill said as arguments in the case concluded Monday and the jury began deliberations.

A trial a year in the making, three weeks of intense deliberations and testimony may be tossed in appeal because of the mind numbing remarks by a black congresswoman from Los Angeles.
Concerning the incredibly stupid remarks made by Waters and the resulting grounds for appeal, it is the turn of the Democrats to say nothing.

Nothing from the Democrats on this forum. Of course, what Waters said was indefensible. Democrats in Congress are justifying her dangerous remarks by recalling the dangerous remarks by Republicans.

As if two wrongs make a right.

There is little doubt that Chauvin's lawyer is going to appeal, and he is going to use the comments made by the long serving Congresswoman from Los Angeles.
"I'll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned," Cahill said as arguments in the case concluded Monday and the jury began deliberations.

A trial a year in the making, three weeks of intense deliberations and testimony may be tossed in appeal because of the mind numbing remarks by a black congresswoman from Los Angeles.
Concerning the incredibly stupid remarks made by Waters and the resulting grounds for appeal, it is the turn of the Democrats to say nothing.

Nothing from the Democrats on this forum. Of course, what Waters said was indefensible. Democrats in Congress are justifying her dangerous remarks by recalling the dangerous remarks by Republicans.

As if two wrongs make a right.

There is little doubt that Chauvin's lawyer is going to appeal, and he is going to use the comments made by the long serving Congresswoman from Los Angeles.
On January 6th, Mo Brooks (R-AL) told people at the Trump rally that they had to "kick ass." Shortly after that, they invaded the Capitol. Not a peep from the GOP about those comments.
President Biden's DOJ is looking into the Minneapolis police force with the blessing of the Minneapolis chief of police and the city council.

ABC News reports, "Attorney General Merrick Garland announced Wednesday that the Justice Department is launching a "pattern or practice" investigation into the Minneapolis police department."

"Today, I am announcing that the Justice Department has opened a civil investigation to determine whether the Minneapolis Police Department engages in a pattern or practice of unconstitutional, unlawful policing," he said.

Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said Wednesday that he welcomed the investigation and pledged his department's full cooperation. “The chief has been insistent that he wants to make the MPD the best department possible," a statement from the department said.
NBC News reports, "Lisa Christensen was an alternate juror in Derek Chauvin's trial but said she agrees that the former Minneapolis police officer is guilty of murder in George Floyd's death."

"I felt he was guilty," she said in an interview that aired Thursday on "CBS This Morning."

"Christensen lives in Brooklyn Center, where Daunte Wright was fatally shot by police April 11. She said on "CBS This Morning" that protests in the city did not play a role in her believing Chauvin is guilty.

"Dr. Tobin was the one that really did it for me," she said, referring to Dr. Martin Tobin, a world-renowned expert on breathing.

"Tobin testified that, by his calculation, he believes 91.5 pounds — half of Chauvin's body weight and half the weight of his gear — were on Floyd's neck at one point."

"This means that all of his body weight is being directed down at Mr. Floyd's neck," Tobin said.

"Christensen said on "CBS This Morning" that Tobin's testimony really explained things."

"I understood it, down to where he said this is the moment that he lost his life really got to me," she said.
President Joe R. Biden, how refreshing that sounds. What a refreshing day. Our divisive, erratic, foolish, conspiratorial, narcissistic President is gone, replaced by a President who deeply wants to unite us. Barring ill-advised preconceived notions about President Biden, his task should be easy. We are all Americans.

That said, although I voted for Biden for obvious reasons, not unlike 81 million Americans who did the same, I am a conservative Independent. That's official. In CA, we have to declare our political posture. Until I was driven out by Trump, for over a quarter of a century I was a declared Republican. I voted for Biden, but I have some reservations concerning him, mostly having to do with taxation and spending.

I said all that because I want to be honest with readers. I want them to know where I am coming from.

Whether or not Biden will be a good President is obviously an open question, but I think he is a good man. He will do his best to unite us and adopt policies that benefit all Americans, while removing those policies that do us harm. He wants the United States to rejoin the community of nations, and the days of isolation and making unitary decisions that involve other nations, in particular our traditional allies, are over.

The European Union's top politician, Ursula von der Leyen, said it best. "After four long years, Europe has a friend in the White House."

For the first time in four years, there is optimism in America created by a popular President. 59% of Americans approve of Biden.

On day one, Trump's approval rating was 40%, and, although it went lower than that, it never got much higher. Thus the reason for American optimism.
Ahhh yes, Pinochijoe and his puppetmaster Gepettobama
CNBC reports, "Leaders of countries like Brazil, Canada and Japan made commitments on Thursday to curb domestic greenhouse gas emissions and tackle climate change during President Joe Biden’s climate summit.

"The pledges come shortly after Biden vowed to reduce U.S. emissions by at least 50% by 2030, more than doubling the country’s prior commitment under the 2015 Paris climate agreement.

"The president convened the summit to urge global cooperation on climate change. “It’s an encouraging start,” Biden told world leaders during the summit. “We’re really beginning to make some real progress.'"

Biden's main opposition to all this? Republicans in the U.S. Senate.
CNBC reports, "Leaders of countries like Brazil, Canada and Japan made commitments on Thursday to curb domestic greenhouse gas emissions and tackle climate change during President Joe Biden’s climate summit.

"The pledges come shortly after Biden vowed to reduce U.S. emissions by at least 50% by 2030, more than doubling the country’s prior commitment under the 2015 Paris climate agreement.

"The president convened the summit to urge global cooperation on climate change. “It’s an encouraging start,” Biden told world leaders during the summit. “We’re really beginning to make some real progress.'"

Biden's main opposition to all this? Republicans in the U.S. Senate.
And yet these countries are too incompetent to accomplish this task without US Tax dollars and US scientists.
The only thing Joe Biden really wants is to be able to bury his nose in some little girls hair, pervert that he is.
This is really beginning to hack me off.

NBC reports, "More protests are planned this weekend in the wake of the deadly shooting of a 16-year-old girl by police in Columbus, Ohio, another fatal police encounter roiling a city where allegations of police brutality and police shootings of Black children and men have bred public mistrust."

"Now that we're here and we've had a consistent decade of patterns and practices of ineptitude and racism, our call is for the Justice Department to investigate," Jasmine Ayres, a community organizer who was part of the mayor's working group to develop a police review board, said.

Why didn't Officer Nicholas Reardon just let the Bryant girl stab the second girl to death?

Why didn't the police officers on the scene huddle around and discuss what to do as Bryant lunged toward the second girl with a knife?

Let's spend another two days deciding on what Reardon should have done.

This is getting ridiculous. This was a good shoot.
"I'll give you that Congresswoman Waters may have given you something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned," Judge Peter Cahill said.

CNBC reports, "Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is scheduled to be sentenced June 16 after his conviction this week on charges including second-degree unintentional murder in the death of George Floyd, a Minnesota court said Friday.

"Chauvin’s sentencing will take place at 1:30 p.m. CT, according to the court schedule, NBC News reported.

Chauvin’s attorneys will have 60 days to appeal the outcome.
Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., on Thursday downplayed the urgency of vaccinating all Americans against Covid-19, putting the controversial Wisconsin Republican at odds with public health guidance aimed at easing the ongoing pandemic.

"The science tells us that vaccines are 95% effective. So if you have a vaccine, quite honestly, what do you care if your neighbor has one or not? I mean, what is it to you?" Johnson said in an interview with conservative radio host Vicki McKenna.

"You got a vaccine, and science is telling you it's very, very effective. So why is this big push to make sure everybody gets a vaccine?" Johnson asked.

How in the world did this idiot get elected?

It's easy to see why Republicans on this forum do not want to talk about Republicans. Their entire focus is on Democrats. Strange, huh?
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