A Sad Epilogue To A Fabled Career

The man was a fucking disgrace!

He tells the voters "vote for me and I will end obamacare"...he not only voted NO to end it...he sabotaged the vote.

A fitting last move to his shameful pitiful life!

Wouldn't you think in your final hours of life you would be working on making peace with your creator?

Not McCain...he was still filled with hate...making public statements that Trump and Palin are not allowed at his funeral (like they really wanted to go in the first place). Poor Pence got stuck with the task.

He was a small petty man with a massive ego!

There you guys go again. The echo chamber roars into the void. I'm from the south, raised by Christian parents. Once somebody has died. We do not speak ill of the dead. The man was of great service to his country. May he rest in peace.
Tim McVeigh served his nation with honor.
So we can’t speak ill of him?
Who pray tell gives a fuck about how you couch anything?
A similar number to those who care how your turn coat ass feels about current events...
I was never with you son.
There was never any question about that....
There you guys go again. The echo chamber roars into the void. I'm from the south, raised by Christian parents. Once somebody has died. We do not speak ill of the dead. The man was of great service to his country. May he rest in peace.
Tim McVeigh served his nation with honor.
So we can’t speak ill of him?
Who pray tell gives a fuck about how you couch anything?
A similar number to those who care how your turn coat ass feels about current events...
I was never with you son.
There was never any question about that....
So no one turned anything, relax. I never embraced the Clintons like Don did. OR that "other" party.
The man was a fucking disgrace!

He tells the voters "vote for me and I will end obamacare"...he not only voted NO to end it...he sabotaged the vote.

A fitting last move to his shameful pitiful life!

Wouldn't you think in your final hours of life you would be working on making peace with your creator?

Not McCain...he was still filled with hate...making public statements that Trump and Palin are not allowed at his funeral (like they really wanted to go in the first place). Poor Pence got stuck with the task.

He was a small petty man with a massive ego!

There you guys go again. The echo chamber roars into the void. I'm from the south, raised by Christian parents. Once somebody has died. We do not speak ill of the dead. The man was of great service to his country. May he rest in peace.
Tim McVeigh served his nation with honor.
So we can’t speak ill of him?

Knock yourself out. We passed judgement in a court of law, and sentenced him to death by lethal injection in Terre Haute, IN for his crimes.
McCain had been a subversive traitor for decades.....He completely blew his cover after Columbine, when he carpetbagged his saggy ass up to Colorado to pimp for the gun grabbers.

The guy had more honour and dignity in his toenail clippings than you have in your whole morbidly obese body.
The man was a fucking disgrace!

He tells the voters "vote for me and I will end obamacare"...he not only voted NO to end it...he sabotaged the vote.

A fitting last move to his shameful pitiful life!

Wouldn't you think in your final hours of life you would be working on making peace with your creator?

Not McCain...he was still filled with hate...making public statements that Trump and Palin are not allowed at his funeral (like they really wanted to go in the first place). Poor Pence got stuck with the task.

He was a small petty man with a massive ego!

There you guys go again. The echo chamber roars into the void. I'm from the south, raised by Christian parents. Once somebody has died. We do not speak ill of the dead. The man was of great service to his country. May he rest in peace.
He was dead drunk and dead last in his class at Annapolis, where he only got in because of his father and grandfather.....He lost his A-4 while hot-dogging it under fire.

He completely cashed in his "war hero" chit by being let off the hook for his role in the Keating scam.

His entire career in the District of Criminals was spent being a good little tool for arms lobbyists and the military-industrial complex.

Juan McQuisling can eat a bottomless duffel bag of dicks in hell.

i guess you're just a classy guy Oddball. A fitting handle, no doubt.
Much like the hero of our own american revolution... Benedict Arnold. We wouldnt exist as a nation without him. But he lost faith. And turned coat. Like McCain. All the great deeds of a mans past, can never erase the final betrayal...

He'll be remembered by most as a great military man and a flawed Senator. Not even close to being a traitor. Hang your head in shame, Scum.
McCain had been a subversive traitor for decades.....He completely blew his cover after Columbine, when he carpetbagged his saggy ass up to Colorado to pimp for the gun grabbers.

The guy had more honour and dignity in his toenail clippings than you have in your whole morbidly obese body.

McCain had no honor at all, none. Money and personal hatred drove him.
Much like the hero of our own american revolution... Benedict Arnold. We wouldnt exist as a nation without him. But he lost faith. And turned coat. Like McCain. All the great deeds of a mans past, can never erase the final betrayal...

He'll be remembered by most as a great military man and a flawed Senator. Not even close to being a traitor. Hang your head in shame, Scum.
I'll hang my head, the day you can place a rope around my neck. Come get some...
McCain had been a subversive traitor for decades.....He completely blew his cover after Columbine, when he carpetbagged his saggy ass up to Colorado to pimp for the gun grabbers.

The guy had more honour and dignity in his toenail clippings than you have in your whole morbidly obese body.

McCain had no honor at all, none. Money and personal hatred drove him.

This is a thread about McCain, not the Orange Buffoon.
I have always thought that McCain showed much strength in overcoming what he experienced in Vietnam. He was physically and mentally broken. I don't know if he ever came back fully from that horrible experience. Nevertheless, he was rewarded for his service greatly. I wish all veterans were rewarded equally. He may have been a hero but he was a lousy politician IMO.
One of the most despicable things ever done in American politics is when that McCain asshole cast the deciding vote not to repeal Obamacare out of spite to Trump.

Petty sonofabitch! Fuck America because he was butthurt.

He was a real coward doing that.
One of the most despicable things ever done in American politics is when that McCain asshole cast the deciding vote not to repeal Obamacare out of spite to Trump.

Petty sonofabitch! Fuck America because he was butthurt.

He was a real coward doing that.
He was a political coward and a loser.....His 2008 Campaign was one of the worst in history. Just because he was a 'war hero' doesn't mean he was an adequate candidate for President. He should have been able to beat Obama handily but instead, we got saddled with a fool like Obama who was controlled by the Clintons.
Much like the hero of our own american revolution... Benedict Arnold. We wouldnt exist as a nation without him. But he lost faith. And turned coat. Like McCain. All the great deeds of a mans past, can never erase the final betrayal...

He'll be remembered by most as a great military man and a flawed Senator. Not even close to being a traitor. Hang your head in shame, Scum.

Please explain that John McCain was a great Military man?

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