A Sad Epilogue To A Fabled Career

McCain put his values and the needs of his constituents above the rants of an unstable President

An American hero to the end
His constituents sent him back the last time because he campaigned heavily on repealing Obamacare, then he singlehandidly killed the repeal.

He shit on his constituents,
He shit on his constituents.
He shit on the Republican party.
And he shit on America.
They claimed Mccain was a racist in 2008. Do you know they even claim they like W now?

There is no real point to even acknowledge any of them.
Nothing that Trump did or didn't do will detract from McCain being an asshole RINO.

At least Trump didn't write a letter saying that he loathed the military like Crooked Hillary's husband.

Is that you Donnie??
McCain had been a subversive traitor for decades.....He completely blew his cover after Columbine, when he carpetbagged his saggy ass up to Colorado to pimp for the gun grabbers.

The guy had more honour and dignity in his toenail clippings than you have in your whole morbidly obese body.
There is no honor in burying evidence of your fellow POWs still being held in captivity.

You can screech NUH UH all you want. I don't give a shit. McCain sided with our nation's enemy.

pppfffttt...the nation...RATFLMAO!!! Even the piece itself is an opinion piece. Offers no facts. Even if McCain did give something up under torture, so what? You wouldn't have? Sitting behind your keyboard it's an easy thing to say. Bet you wouldn't last 30 seconds. Neither would I probably.
Nothing that Trump did or didn't do will detract from McCain being an asshole RINO.

At least Trump didn't write a letter saying that he loathed the military like Crooked Hillary's husband.

Is that you Donnie??
No Donnie just paid off a doctor to say he had the dreaded bone spur disease to keep him out of serving his country Guess he was too young then to realize how he could rip the army off
McCain had been a subversive traitor for decades.....He completely blew his cover after Columbine, when he carpetbagged his saggy ass up to Colorado to pimp for the gun grabbers.

The guy had more honour and dignity in his toenail clippings than you have in your whole morbidly obese body.
There is no honor in burying evidence of your fellow POWs still being held in captivity.

You can screech NUH UH all you want. I don't give a shit. McCain sided with our nation's enemy.

pppfffttt...the nation...RATFLMAO!!! Even the piece itself is an opinion piece. Offers no facts. Even if McCain did give something up under torture, so what? You wouldn't have? Sitting behind your keyboard it's an easy thing to say. Bet you wouldn't last 30 seconds. Neither would I probably.
Read the article, moron. Obviously you didn't.

McCain didn't give up his fellow POWs while he was imprisoned.

He gave them up while he was a sitting US Senator.
Once somebody has died. We do not speak ill of the dead.

Normally I would agree with you...I even kept my mouth shut for several months after he died.

But we DO speak ill of hitler now don't we?
Once somebody has died. We do not speak ill of the dead.

Normally I would agree with you...I even kept my mouth shut for several months after he died.

But we DO speak ill of hitler now don't we?
You are comparing him to Hitler? No shit? Hitler? Thunk? Next time think.
All you Reich wingers talking shit about McCain here were probably sucking his dick back in 2008. He lost that election because Bush ruined the Repug brand and the electorate was tired of Iraqnam.

You are confused Moon Bat.

I am not a Republican any more do to all the RINOs like McCain taking over the party.

By the way, all you Libtard filth hated McCain when he was running against your worthless faggot affirmative action Negro boi so you can get down off your high horse..
McCain was a disgrace.....he and ISIS .....omg ....total disgrace of a man!
A Sad Epilogue To A Fabled Career

A sad epilogue to a fabled career | Flopping Aces
27 Dec 19 ~ By DrJohn
John McCain lived a full life and had a storied career. It’s a shame he will be remembered for being part of a conspiracy to try to destroy a Republican candidate and ultimately President of the United States with Russian disinformation. It was no secret that the two men disliked each other intensely. The animus is said to have begun in 1999 when Trump questioned McCain being a hero solely for being captured. I think that was harsh and unfair but that’s Trump. McCain did repay the kindness and then some. McCain blocked repeal of Obamacare. McCain became far more critical of Trump than he ever was of Obama.
The dossier is in tatters. Virtually all of it has been debunked, which makes McCain’s later words worse. In his book published last year, McCain maintained he had an “obligation” to pass the dossier charges against Trump to Comey and he would even do it again. “Anyone who doesn’t like it can go to hell,” McCain exclaimed. If only McCain could have shown that same fire and motivation in his campaign against Barack Obama in 2008 instead of simply knuckling under and surrendering. He might have saved this country from Obama. He didn’t, but he did his best to stop Trump using Russian disinformation. Sadly, this is how McCain will be remembered.

It was the DNC plan to feed the disinformation from as many sources as possible so it would gain credibility. John because of his animus toward DJT became both an accomplice and a fool in the failed coup d' etat.
There is nothing wrong with having concerns. When McCain became aware of this information, he had the duty to turn it over to the FBI, and the FBI had the duty to research it. However, the crime occurred when the information was found to be flawed and without merit, continuing to traffic it and use it to infringe on the rights and privacy of innocent people. The crime is using known garbage to try and undo a legal election.
I disagree with Trump’s characterization of McCain’s service and maybe it was Trump’s fault McCain soiled himself in the end of his life, but he did and that cannot be denied. Anyone Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists decide to celebrate has obviously disgraced themselves somehow.
Nevertheless, Trump is President, McCain was wrong and all those who support impeachment of Trump on the accusations now used are anti-American, anti-Constitution seditionists. In sum treasonous Commie curs all.
I assure you once Durham begins naming names and indicting those who foisted that fraud on our FISA Court and this country they will throw McCain under the bus and claim they depended on the Senator's concerns to the detriment of all. Durham will not indict a dead guy.

Case closed.
McCain had been a subversive traitor for decades.....He completely blew his cover after Columbine, when he carpetbagged his saggy ass up to Colorado to pimp for the gun grabbers.

The guy had more honour and dignity in his toenail clippings than you have in your whole morbidly obese body.
There is no honor in burying evidence of your fellow POWs still being held in captivity.

You can screech NUH UH all you want. I don't give a shit. McCain sided with our nation's enemy.

pppfffttt...the nation...RATFLMAO!!! Even the piece itself is an opinion piece. Offers no facts. Even if McCain did give something up under torture, so what? You wouldn't have? Sitting behind your keyboard it's an easy thing to say. Bet you wouldn't last 30 seconds. Neither would I probably.
Read the article, moron. Obviously you didn't.

McCain didn't give up his fellow POWs while he was imprisoned.

He gave them up while he was a sitting US Senator.

Did he? Supposition dipshit, by the writer.
McCain had been a subversive traitor for decades.....He completely blew his cover after Columbine, when he carpetbagged his saggy ass up to Colorado to pimp for the gun grabbers.

The guy had more honour and dignity in his toenail clippings than you have in your whole morbidly obese body.
There is no honor in burying evidence of your fellow POWs still being held in captivity.

You can screech NUH UH all you want. I don't give a shit. McCain sided with our nation's enemy.

pppfffttt...the nation...RATFLMAO!!! Even the piece itself is an opinion piece. Offers no facts. Even if McCain did give something up under torture, so what? You wouldn't have? Sitting behind your keyboard it's an easy thing to say. Bet you wouldn't last 30 seconds. Neither would I probably.
Read the article, moron. Obviously you didn't.

McCain didn't give up his fellow POWs while he was imprisoned.

He gave them up while he was a sitting US Senator.

Did he? Supposition dipshit, by the writer.
So, why do you think so much of McCain? Was it because he threw his fellow POWs to the Commies? Or simply that he joined you in your hatred for Trump?
McCain put his values and the needs of his constituents above the rants of an unstable President

An American hero to the end
Dim bulbs like you believe anyone who stabbs the Republican party in the back is a hero.
He stood up for his country....NOT his party
And he was a hero no matter what the trump scum and his fellow scumbags say
So was Benedict Arnold. Till he wasn’t...
A Sad Epilogue To A Fabled Career

A sad epilogue to a fabled career | Flopping Aces
27 Dec 19 ~ By DrJohn
John McCain lived a full life and had a storied career. It’s a shame he will be remembered for being part of a conspiracy to try to destroy a Republican candidate and ultimately President of the United States with Russian disinformation. It was no secret that the two men disliked each other intensely. The animus is said to have begun in 1999 when Trump questioned McCain being a hero solely for being captured. I think that was harsh and unfair but that’s Trump. McCain did repay the kindness and then some. McCain blocked repeal of Obamacare. McCain became far more critical of Trump than he ever was of Obama.
The dossier is in tatters. Virtually all of it has been debunked, which makes McCain’s later words worse. In his book published last year, McCain maintained he had an “obligation” to pass the dossier charges against Trump to Comey and he would even do it again. “Anyone who doesn’t like it can go to hell,” McCain exclaimed. If only McCain could have shown that same fire and motivation in his campaign against Barack Obama in 2008 instead of simply knuckling under and surrendering. He might have saved this country from Obama. He didn’t, but he did his best to stop Trump using Russian disinformation. Sadly, this is how McCain will be remembered.

It was the DNC plan to feed the disinformation from as many sources as possible so it would gain credibility. John because of his animus toward DJT became both an accomplice and a fool in the failed coup d' etat.
There is nothing wrong with having concerns. When McCain became aware of this information, he had the duty to turn it over to the FBI, and the FBI had the duty to research it. However, the crime occurred when the information was found to be flawed and without merit, continuing to traffic it and use it to infringe on the rights and privacy of innocent people. The crime is using known garbage to try and undo a legal election.
I disagree with Trump’s characterization of McCain’s service and maybe it was Trump’s fault McCain soiled himself in the end of his life, but he did and that cannot be denied. Anyone Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists decide to celebrate has obviously disgraced themselves somehow.
Nevertheless, Trump is President, McCain was wrong and all those who support impeachment of Trump on the accusations now used are anti-American, anti-Constitution seditionists. In sum treasonous Commie curs all.
The exact same article could be written for John Lewis. A lion of the civil rights rights movement and a political hack in his twilight.
So, why do you think so much of McCain? Was it because he threw his fellow POWs to the Commies? Or simply that he joined you in your hatred for Trump?

1) I think he was okay, but went through a lot during his time as a POW
2) Already shown you that him 'throwing' his fellow POWs to the commies is an outright lie. You know this, but are such a diehard Deplorable you can't help yourself but get down with the rest of the pond scum.
I was uncomfortable with some of the things Senator McCain said, and his fusses and fights with people, etc., but when it came time to serve his country, he did so. His capture was met with torture, and when his military father tried to get him out of the slammer, he refused unless they let every man there go, as I remember it. His life is over now, and I only hope his wounds are healed, and he makes peace with his pride. RIP, Senator McCain. America appreciates your service and putting your fellow prisoners first. We're sorry we didn't quite understand the rest, but it's past, and a prayer of peace to your family for the good things you did in the behalf of America's native people on reservations, their needs, and their hurts.

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