A Scandal A Day - Here's The Latest


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Nov 28, 2012

Republicans seek IG probe into Sebelius over ObamaCare group donations | Fox News
She was definitely breaking the law as I understand it.

Wasn't the first time. She broke Campaign laws that required her immediate resignation and Obama let her slide.
Most of these scandals have to do with Obama being exactly what we said, an inexperience unprepared ideologue. He has inserted into his administration people just like him who apparently don't know the first thing about governing. Even taking Hillary as an example. What were her qualifications for SoS? She has zero and her term as SoS certainly proved her inexperience and lack of brains. But the left will never admit the error.

This scandal will slide, no one in the MSM cares about Benghazi or the targeting of US citizens do you think they are going to care about this? Not likely.
Most of these scandals have to do with Obama being exactly what we said, an inexperience unprepared ideologue. He has inserted into his administration people just like him who apparently don't know the first thing about governing. Even taking Hillary as an example. What were her qualifications for SoS? She has zero and her term as SoS certainly proved her inexperience and lack of brains. But the left will never admit the error.

This scandal will slide, no one in the MSM cares about Benghazi or the targeting of US citizens do you think they are going to care about this? Not likely.

Sad but true.
Obama, like most dictators, has surrounded himself with incompetents and yes-men. Even rfom the first term to now there has been a decline. Geithner had some qualifications to be SecTreas. Jack Lew has none whatsoever. Gates was qualified to be SecDef. Hagel is barely qualified to order coffee, much less troops. Kerry is no more qualified to be SecState than he is to be head of the VFW. His economic team is filled with basically ignorant kids who have never held a job in their lives.
Hey hey hey guys!!!:eusa_angel: Good morning.

Chin up and think positively. Look, the bright side is that finally after all these years our side is kicking Democrat ass all over the place.

Conservatives have actually been able to pull the scab off this festering wound on America known as the Obama administration and are revealing the diseased liberal nature of this beast in Washington.

And by hammering at all the scandals in an unceasing fashion the Conservatives have so far been able to stymy Obama's agenda.

That alone is a mega bonus. And making the liberals run defense and dance like cats on a hot tin roof strengthens us meanwhile keeping them at bay.

As someone who wandered in the political wilderness up here for years yearning and working towards a Conservative majority, I can tell you that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

2014 is right around the corner. The House must be kept and the Senate must be taken.
Hey hey hey guys!!!:eusa_angel: Good morning.

Chin up and think positively. Look, the bright side is that finally after all these years our side is kicking Democrat ass all over the place.

Conservatives have actually been able to pull the scab off this festering wound on America known as the Obama administration and are revealing the diseased liberal nature of this beast in Washington.

And by hammering at all the scandals in an unceasing fashion the Conservatives have so far been able to stymy Obama's agenda.

That alone is a mega bonus. And making the liberals run defense and dance like cats on a hot tin roof strengthens us meanwhile keeping them at bay.

As someone who wandered in the political wilderness up here for years yearning and working towards a Conservative majority, I can tell you that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

2014 is right around the corner. The House must be kept and the Senate must be taken.

I pray you are right but I am thinking stage 4 cancer.
If one simply goes by events, not political rhetoric, America seems to be recovering from its slide into another Depression. We are bringing home the troops, albeit slowly, General Motors is alive, deficit seem to be coming down, stock market is up, all in all it certainly is looking better. Republicans have a hard time denying the improvement it's all about us.
The problem for Republicans now, is which way to go; blame the Bush disasters on the Democrats or take credit for the improvements? Well, why not try both? The Republican base will support it, if not totally believe it, and some people just might believe it. It's worth a try, but we'll see.
There are no improvements and aside from the stock market pumped up by massive amounts of printing money, the economy is getting worse. GM is improving because Mitt Romney was right, much of the company is moving to China.
There are no improvements and aside from the stock market pumped up by massive amounts of printing money, the economy is getting worse. GM is improving because Mitt Romney was right, much of the company is moving to China.

Well, that and the fact that if you stiff all your creditors you have more money at the end of the month.

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