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A shocking truth about Ukraine: Europeans have never seen anything like that before (A Documentary

This Ukrainian intelligence chief is far too casual:

Ucraina, il generale in mutande: gaffe in diretta tv
This is the shocking moment a Ukrainian MP kicked a security chief in the head after the pair got into a war of words over who was more important. Watch the video also, it’s worth it. Not too many countries could be "proud" of such kind of actions of their officials, it reminds more jungles than 21 century European country.
Ukrainian MP kicks security chief in the HEAD in shocking video

* “For those who did not follow events at the time, the coup in Kiev was a Washington/NATO-backed regime-change operation with US Khazarian mafia proxies and associated loons, including Victoria Nuland and the vacuous John McCain, up to their elbows in the blood and tears of a nation.

Since then, predictably, things have not gone too well for Ukraine as tends to happen for countries touched by Washington's kiss of death.

The Russian speaking more-than-half of the country took none too kindly to their country being taken over by neo-Nazi yobs and American-backed (or just plain American) bankster oligarchs and swiftly rose in a revolt that has been tearing the country apart ever since.

The residents of Crimea voted overwhelmingly to rejoin Russia (to which it used to belong until the Communists gave it to Ukraine). The Crimean Parliament then duly announced its secession from Ukraine and re-entry into the embrace of Mother Russia, where it rightly figured the Crimean people would be a lot safer and more prosperous. Russia backed that up with military muscle just in case the strutting clowns in Kiev got any funny ideas about ignoring the will of the people in the true tradition of Western-style democracy and snatched it back again.”
Steve Cook Writer: Kiev understandably embarrassed by French documentary that lets the cat out of the bag over the Maidan coup.
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* Ukraine wants to join the EU. It will be good for you, because according to EU laws : you free use of the native language.
It will take Ukraine at least 20 to 25 years to join the European Union and NATO, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said March 3.
"Ukraine will definitely not be able to become a member of the EU in the next 20 to 25 years, and not of NATO either," he said in a speech at The Hague.

Despite his prediction, the EU has been paving the way for visa-free travel to the bloc for Ukrainian citizens while providing Kyiv with a generous $40 billion bailout along with the United States and the International Monetary Fund to help it maintain economic stability amid a war with Russia-backed separatists.

NATO also sent a reassuring message to Ukraine last year by holding military exercises there in a show of force against Russia, which has repeatedly denounced the alliance's eastern expansion as a threat to its national security.
But Juncker's comments suggest that Ukraine's ambition to join Europe, frequently expressed by leaders in Kyiv, will not be fulfilled anytime soon.
Juncker says Ukraine won't join EU, NATO for 20-25 years - World Bulletin

* The Flemish liberal Karel De Gucht :
"During my life I will never see Ukraine EU membership.I always was strongly against it. "
Google Translate

Bye, bye, Miss Ukrainian Pie...

* The Ukrainian authorities ignore the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)'s appeals to investigate civilian massacres on Kiev's Maidan square and in the southern Ukrainian town of Odesa.
Kiev Ignores UN Appeals to Investigate Maidan, Odessa Massacres
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It will take Ukraine at least 20 to 25 years to join the European Union and NATO, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said March 3.
"Ukraine will definitely not be able to become a member of the EU in the next 20 to 25 years, and not of NATO either," he said in a speech at The Hague.
Ukraine's NATO membership would be a direct and serious threat to Russia. It should never happen.
The Ukrainian people remain hostage to the deceitful Kiev regime, but no one is ready to welcome them into Europe, the head of the State Duma’s Committee for Security and Countering Corruption, Irina Yarovaya, has told reporters.

The comments came soon after the president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, said in a speech in The Hague that he does not expect Ukraine to join the European Union or NATO in the nearest 20 or even 25 years.

Ukraine will definitely not be able to become a member of the EU in the next 20-25 years, and not of NATO either,” Juncker said, as quoted by German news agency DPA.

Yarovaya gave her comments on the matter to RIA Novosti: “The EU and NATO do not value the sacrifice of the Ukrainian elite. The deceived and dispossessed Ukrainian people remain hostages of the mad and cynical instigators of Maidan,” she said.

Euromaidan activists have already packed their bags, but it turned out that they still have nowhere to go – no one expects them anywhere,” Yarovaya added, using the ‘Euromaidan’ term coined by mass media two years ago to describe the protests against the cancelation of Ukraine’s association agreement with the European Union. The discontent eventually resulted in the ousting of President Viktor Yanukovich, and led to the establishment of the current Kiev regime.
EU’s refusal to accept Ukraine exposes Kiev’s deceit of its own people, says Russian MP
It will take Ukraine at least 20 to 25 years to join the European Union and NATO, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said March 3.
"Ukraine will definitely not be able to become a member of the EU in the next 20 to 25 years, and not of NATO either," he said in a speech at The Hague.
Ukraine's NATO membership would be a direct and serious threat to Russia. It should never happen.
"Ukraine will definitely not be able to become a member of the EU in the next 20-to-25 years, and not of NATO either." Jean Claude-Juncker said the other day.

Russia has been consistent on one particular point since Kiev’s ’Orange revolution,’ back in 2004 - that the US's primary objective is to exploit Ukraine’s fratricidal divisions to serve its own geopolitical goals. Which Moscow believes are to push American forces as close to Russia’s borders as possible, in the name of ‘containment.’

Two things have prevented this plan from fully succeeding. Firstly Ukraine's internal conflicts. Capital city protestors, aided by Galician allies, have now removed two eastern-dominated governments. The second of which was fairly elected. As sentiment in Kiev and Lviv doesn't reflect the entire country, the regimes these demonstrations created have been unable to consolidate popular, nationwide, support. For example, current President Petro Poroshenko, now enjoys lower approval ratings than his ousted predecessor, Viktor Yanukovich, had before Maidan. The other barrier has been many NATO and EU members’ reluctance to countenance full Ukrainian membership of their institutions.

We hear plenty of, often bellicose, Washington solidarity with Ukraine’s army, but very little about its pensioners, who are expected to surviveon average payments of just $14.07 a week, at current exchange rates. This compares to $40.51 in Bulgaria and $41.25 in Russia, where utilities are significantly cheaper.

Free trade with the EU is largely useless to Ukraine, as things stand. For the past two decades, the country’s ruling classes have stolen everything they could, and moved that money abroad. As a consequence, there has been little or no investment in modernizing Ukrainian industry. That means its products are of insufficient quality to compete in cutthroat European markets.

By contrast, Russia offered $15 billion and a 30% discount on gas. This was in response to an IMF demand that Ukraine raise utility prices and slash public spending in return for a bail-out. Post-coup, Ukraine was forced into the latter scenario by default. Since then, nominal GDP has fallen from $183 billion to around $90 billion. Meanwhile, public debt was 94% of GDP in 2015 and annual salaries now average about $2,000, the lowest in Europe. On January 1st, foreign reserves stood at a meagre $12.5 billion.

Ukrainians are living under the illusion that their country is on the road to EU membership and acceptance into the western political and economic system. To achieve these aspirations, they are enduring great sacrifices. The problem is that the EU elite doesn’t want Ukraine to join the club. It’s too big, too corrupt, too poor and too close to Russia. It’s time Kiev’s legislative, and oligarchic, elite told their people the truth. Ukraine’s ‘European choice’ is a fraud, built on false promises.
How EU & NATO exploited Ukraine to serve their own geopolitical goals

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