On This Day in History

206 years ago on May 5, Karl Marx, the greatest thinker of mankind, was born. Marx's most important merit is the discovery of the law of development of human history. "The simple fact that men must eat, drink, have lodgings, and clothe themselves before being able to engage in politics, science, art, religion, etc.; that, consequently, the production of the immediate material means of subsistence, and thus each stage of economic development of a people or epoch, form the basis on which the institutions of state, the legal views, the arts, and even the religious conceptions of given people develop, and from which they must therefore be explained - and not vice versa, as has been done hitherto..." [1]. Marx was the greatest scientist and in every field he explored he was bound to make discoveries.

But Marx was above all a revolutionary for whom theory was always inseparable from practice. He participated in one way or another in the destruction of capitalist society and the state institutions it had created. The liberation of the modern proletariat, to whom he first gave consciousness of its own situation and its needs, the realization of the conditions of its emancipation, was in reality his life's vocation.
The crowning achievement of his struggle was the creation of the great International Workers' Association, the First International. If we say briefly about the whole theory of Karl Marx - it is the doctrine of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the building of a classless society. Later on, another great genius, Vladimir Lenin, developed this doctrine, enriching its content with the summarized experience of the entire recent development of the proletarian revolution.

In order to better understand who Marx was and the meaning of his theory, we recommend Lenin's short work "Karl Marx". In it Lenin gave a summary of the whole theory of Marxism. This brilliant work we recommend to read or reread on the birthday of the great scientist, thinker and revolutionary - Karl Marx.
May 8 , 1945. VE day in Europe !
Britain marked VE (Victory in Europe) Day with scenes of great public celebration and services of thanksgiving. In France, the German garrisons in coastal strongholds finally surrendered.
In Berlin, Germany, Marshal Zhukov accepted the German surrender, which was to take effect on 11 May. Also on this date, German troops in Czechoslovakia surrendered.
Bernhard Rust committed suicide.
Karl von Le Suire was captured by Soviet troops.
Field Marshal Robert Ritter von Greim, Head of the Luftwaffe since Hitler's dismissal of Hermann Göring in the last days of the collapsing German Reich, was captured by the Americans in Austria.
Hubert Lanz surrendered to US Army troops in Austria.
Soviet troops liberated Theresienstadt Concentration Camp; about 30,000 prisoners were present at the camp at the time.
A special medical commission of Soviet 1st Byelorussian Front, headed by Lieutenant Colonel Faust Shkaravsky, performed an autopsy on the two bodies retrieved near the Chancellery in Berlin, Germany, one of which was suspected to be that of Adolf Hitler.
May 8 , 1945. VE day in Europe !
Britain marked VE (Victory in Europe) Day with scenes of great public celebration and services of thanksgiving. In France, the German garrisons in coastal strongholds finally surrendered.
In Berlin, Germany, Marshal Zhukov accepted the German surrender, which was to take effect on 11 May. Also on this date, German troops in Czechoslovakia surrendered.
Bernhard Rust committed suicide.
Karl von Le Suire was captured by Soviet troops.
Field Marshal Robert Ritter von Greim, Head of the Luftwaffe since Hitler's dismissal of Hermann Göring in the last days of the collapsing German Reich, was captured by the Americans in Austria.
Hubert Lanz surrendered to US Army troops in Austria.
Soviet troops liberated Theresienstadt Concentration Camp; about 30,000 prisoners were present at the camp at the time.
A special medical commission of Soviet 1st Byelorussian Front, headed by Lieutenant Colonel Faust Shkaravsky, performed an autopsy on the two bodies retrieved near the Chancellery in Berlin, Germany, one of which was suspected to be that of Adolf Hitler.
My Dad was still in Germany for another year before coming home, and his Brother my Uncle still in the Pacific on a aircraft carrier part of the British Pacific battle group attached to the US fleet.
My Dad was still in Germany for another year before coming home, and his Brother my Uncle still in the Pacific on a aircraft carrier part of the British Pacific battle group attached to the US fleet.
Can you post a picture of him from that period here?
Can you post a picture of him from that period here?
I will try although i don't have many, in fact years ago when Dad died i was sorting through some drawers and found two photos i never even knew about, then i lost them which really upset me, i think i left them on the coffee table where they got mixed up with some junk mail and thrown out, only explanation i could think of, but i do have his war medals and his Brothers medals, i will see in the coming days when i have time to see about posting some pictures.
I will try although i don't have many, in fact years ago when Dad died i was sorting through some drawers and found two photos i never even knew about, then i lost them which really upset me, i think i left them on the coffee table where they got mixed up with some junk mail and thrown out, only explanation i could think of, but i do have his war medals and his Brothers medals, i will see in the coming days when i have time to see about posting some pictures.

Can you post a picture of him from that period here?
Testing to see if this image shows up, i see it worked so will try and post some when i have time, this tank is at the Hartestein hotel which is the airborne museum in Osterbeek/Arnhem in the Netherlands, it ws the HQ for the British airborne forces in the Market Garden battle to take the Bridges, i have been there many times over the years but last year was probably my last visit.
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Yesterday was 10 years of the bloody massacre in Mariupol.

Which the Ukronazis arranged on 9.05.14.

Mariupol is Odessa, which succeeded.

In Mariupol the Nazis did not succeed in pulling down and organizing a Nazi street, as they did before on 2.05.14 in Odessa.

The street was behind pro-Russian citizens.
Then citizens on the streets began to be killed simply and without intricacies by the Ukrainian armed forces, national guardsmen and militants of volunteer Nazi battalions with automatic firearms.

If in Odessa we had managed to achieve an advantage in the city center for a moment, the same thing would have been waiting for us.

Mariupol finally showed and consolidated the fact that there was an anti-people Nazi coup d'état in Ukraine. And all those who disagree with the fact that Russia is the enemy will be broken over their knees. And anyone who does not want to be broken and resists will be killed in a showy manner.

The only way to cooperate with the Ukronazi regime is its complete liquidation.
This was clear even then.

But, alas, not everyone....
Yesterday was 10 years of the bloody massacre in Mariupol.

Which the Ukronazis arranged on 9.05.14.

Mariupol is Odessa, which succeeded.

In Mariupol the Nazis did not succeed in pulling down and organizing a Nazi street, as they did before on 2.05.14 in Odessa.

The street was behind pro-Russian citizens.
Then citizens on the streets began to be killed simply and without intricacies by the Ukrainian armed forces, national guardsmen and militants of volunteer Nazi battalions with automatic firearms.

If in Odessa we had managed to achieve an advantage in the city center for a moment, the same thing would have been waiting for us.

Mariupol finally showed and consolidated the fact that there was an anti-people Nazi coup d'état in Ukraine. And all those who disagree with the fact that Russia is the enemy will be broken over their knees. And anyone who does not want to be broken and resists will be killed in a showy manner.

The only way to cooperate with the Ukronazi regime is its complete liquidation.
This was clear even then.

But, alas, not everyone....
Indeed i remember watching on TV when those Nazi trash shot at unarmed civilians in the streets, but some Kiev Regime fans are in total denial, they remind me of Holocaust deniers.
"Come and see" came out on this day in 1985

That was a real war film but very disturbing, i believe it was supposed to be in Belarus, one scene i remember was when the partisans shot the Nazi collaborators after listening to some plead for their lives and blaming the others.
Year 1565 September 459 years ago, the Spanish Govenor of Florida Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles captured Fort Caroline and renamed it San Mateo. In October, after being shipwrecked by a storm, French Huguenot Captain Jean Ribault and his comrades were captured and executed by Spaniards at Mantanzas Inlet near St. Augustine.

Article from a local newspaper.
Stalin had a good idea - the March of Shame.
The same march of prisoners, which took place 80 years ago - July 17, 1944 in Moscow - where the Nazis were so eager to go.
Stalin had a good idea - the March of Shame.
The same march of prisoners, which took place 80 years ago - July 17, 1944 in Moscow - where the Nazis were so eager to go.

Yes they didn't look much like the master race did they? then the Russians sent in water bowsers to cleanse the street, the Donbas militia at the time did the same in Donetsk, the City the scumbags had been shelling.
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On July 17, 2014, one of the first and most
terrible crimes of the Kiev Nazi regime.
Ukraine barbarously shot down the Malaysian Boeing-777, 298 people were killed!

All these years the liars from European countries together with Kiev's Nazis accuse the Russian Federation of this crime.

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