CDZ a small number of incredibly wealthy and powerful people own and control a significant part of the economy and exert enormous influence

The inequality of unequal protection of the laws is one economic problem that should be corrected to improve the efficiency of our economy.
That is correct, some very wealthy folks control the country.
In 1913, Congress gave them control of America's money and banking.
Using the advantages this gave them, they immediately bought up most medical schools and made them drug pushing organizations.

Those folks had the means to bribe, blackmail, extort, and otherwise control businesses, lawyer, & legislators in Congress and the States to pass laws that favor the Richman.

They arranged for WW1 and used it to kill the Russian Tsar & His family as Nathan Rothschild promised to do less than 100 years previous, overthrow the German Kaiser, and get millions of people killed, including the millions tortured and murdered by the Communists.

When they could not buy out major businesses and such, they created the Great Depression in which over 7 million people disappeared. Then in 1942, USA was suddenly able to produce vast quantities of supplies, weapons, ammunition, clothing, ships, planes, trucks, armored vehicles & food and take it all over thousands of miles of ocean and destroy it all in order to save Stalin and his murdering hordes from Germany working to save Russia from Stalin et. al..

All our wars since 1913 have been in service to the lusts of the Richman.
Bernie Sanders [email protected]

Thu, Oct 21 at 4:20 PM

In the year 2021, the United States and the rest of the world face two very different political paths. On the one hand, there is a growing movement toward oligarchy in which a small number of incredibly wealthy and powerful people own and control a significant part of the economy and exert enormous influence over the lives of people in this country.
== On the other hand, there is a growing movement of working people and young people who, in increasing numbers, are fighting for justice.
== There are teachers demanding that schools are adequately funded and that their students get a quality education.
== There are coal miners in Alabama who have been on strike for months after losing wages, holidays, paid time off, medical care and their pensions.
== There are nurses on the picket line in Buffalo who are fighting for better wages and working conditions in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.
== There are 1,400+ Kellog's factory workers in Michigan, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Nebraska who have been on strike since earlier this month fighting back against a plan to give new workers lower wages and inferior benefits.
== And there are 10,000 John Deere workers who are now on strike, who are fighting for decent wages, pensions and retirement and health care benefits.

In solidarity,Bernie Sanders
Paid for by Friends of Bernie Sanders

Yeah. And bernie is one of the scumbags.
Bernie Sanders [email protected]

Thu, Oct 21 at 4:20 PM

In the year 2021, the United States and the rest of the world face two very different political paths. On the one hand, there is a growing movement toward oligarchy in which a small number of incredibly wealthy and powerful people own and control a significant part of the economy and exert enormous influence over the lives of people in this country.
== On the other hand, there is a growing movement of working people and young people who, in increasing numbers, are fighting for justice.
== There are teachers demanding that schools are adequately funded and that their students get a quality education.
== There are coal miners in Alabama who have been on strike for months after losing wages, holidays, paid time off, medical care and their pensions.
== There are nurses on the picket line in Buffalo who are fighting for better wages and working conditions in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.
== There are 1,400+ Kellog's factory workers in Michigan, Tennessee, Pennsylvania and Nebraska who have been on strike since earlier this month fighting back against a plan to give new workers lower wages and inferior benefits.
== And there are 10,000 John Deere workers who are now on strike, who are fighting for decent wages, pensions and retirement and health care benefits.

In solidarity,Bernie Sanders
Paid for by Friends of Bernie Sanders
since the birth of nations, and especially the (early!) rise of interacting nations (trade/diplomacy/war/migration/social-mixing),
there has always been a form of aristocracy ruling the mass populations through various forms of government and justice and bureaucracy and policing methods.

sometimes leaders arise to a certain rank in that wider (international) aristocracy who want to spread more of the wealth stored in the biggest bank accounts to the middle and lower classes.
Bernie is a fine example of such a leader, and sorely needed in todays world, according to me at least.

but to actually make the wealth gap smaller, Bernie is going to need others like him at all levels of politics in several countries around the world.
it is up to the media and the people themselves to make *that* happen.

and this band of political Robin Hoods must then stay genuinely friendly with the rest of the aristocracy by not tapping too much of their wealth or income, or they'll be eliminated as a political force (in various ways, ranging from public shaming to assasination by quick or nasty ways).
history is rife with example of *that* happening, but it's mostly kept very secret.

on the up-side, world-leaders have recently all pledged to enforce a 15% tax on companies.
now let's see if the principle of 'tax havens' is *actually* addressed structurally and sustainably, or whether it's another false promise to keep the masses reading and watching the mass media news appeased.
"a small number of incredibly wealthy and powerful people own and control a significant part of the economy and exert enormous influence"

So what?

Seriously. People get so bent out of shape about this. If we choose to give most of our money to a few people, who's to say that was wrong? Why should government overrule consumers? (assuming that's what Bernie and the OP are after).
That is correct, some very wealthy folks control the country.
In 1913, Congress gave them control of America's money and banking.
Unlike the OP's whining, this is a genuine problem. A problem that bitcoin is in the process of solving.
"a small number of incredibly wealthy and powerful people own and control a significant part of the economy and exert enormous influence"

So what?

Seriously. People get so bent out of shape about this. If we choose to give most of our money to a few people, who's to say that was wrong? Why should government overrule consumers? (assuming that's what Bernie and the OP are after).
i don't think that's what Bernie is after.
he seems to be 'after', increasing services and quality of services for middle- and lower-class citizens via various forms of tax increases on the wealthiest.
Unlike the OP's whining, this is a genuine problem. A problem that bitcoin is in the process of solving.
the stock markets tried that too.
didn't really work.

i do have realistic hopes that bitcoin and it's similar digital money flows, can even wealth out a bit more.
i don't think that's what Bernie is after.
he seems to be 'after', increasing services and quality of services for middle- and lower-class citizens via various forms of tax increases on the wealthiest.
Oh. Well, the OP was going on and on about wealth inequality. I guess they were just joking.
the stock markets tried that too.
didn't really work.

i do have realistic hopes that bitcoin and it's similar digital money flows, can even wealth out a bit more.
They might or might not. Inequality is not a problem in my view. But central banking and fiat currency are used to devalue the currency and transfer wealth to "friends of the government". That needs to end.
They might or might not. Inequality is not a problem in my view. But central banking and fiat currency are used to devalue the currency and transfer wealth to "friends of the government". That needs to end.
do you think severe inequality is a problem?
because that's the state of the world.

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