A Soviet Strategy

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is an examination of one of the Soviet strategies against the body of Christ. Propagandists infiltrating churches in order to spread propaganda. See the story below for an example of how it is done:

Palestinian Propagandists Infiltrate the Church - Israel News
Americans are trusting. We want to believe good about people. It’s part of the open, free society built by decent folks. It separates us from other cultures, and at the end of the day it’s better to be optimistic than pessimistic. Unless danger lurks.

When delirious activists and regular citizens joyously took sledgehammers to the Berlin Wall, most of us watched the television images with wonder. Finally, the Evil Empire was gone, along with the Nazis and the ancient Assyrians and all the other historical totalitarian states.

Collectively, free people and especially those who fight for freedom breathe a sigh of relief when evil is defeated. Think America, circa 1945-46. We went back to developing this great country, and an unprecedented era of prosperity followed. Yet, our enemies didn’t take a day off. They didn’t go shopping or to the beach. The result was decades of a Cold War that got dicey at times.

The period of 1989-91 doesn’t exactly feel similar, although seemingly we defeated communism.

Except that I don’t think we did. Totalitarians never really go away. They change their spots and strategies, but never really are defeated. In his extraordinary book, “Dupes,” Paul Kengor outlines in chilling detail how the Soviets (beginning even before World War 2!) targeted the U.S. for destruction, from within.

Agents were sent to cozy up to political and religious leaders, and it is this latter group I find fascinating.

continue reading on link above

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