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A Special Middle East Birthday


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Today is the birthday for a significant player in the recent history of the Middle East. No...not that one....I said 'recent.'

But, first…some context.

1."Report On 1,500 Protesters Killed And Khamenei's Role Reverberates Among Iranians"
Report On 1,500 Protesters Killed And Khamenei's Role Reverberates Among Iranians

2. "Special Report: Iran’s leader ordered crackdown on unrest - 'Do whatever it takes to end it'"
Special Report: Iran’s leader ordered crackdown on unrest - 'Do whatever it takes to end it'

3.No one can contend, or pretend that such events are uncommon in that part of the world, or among these people. “We should by now have become used to the death cult that is thriving at the fringes of the Muslim world. This is the cult of people who are proud to declare, "You love life, but we love death." This is the cult that sent waves of defenseless children to be mowed down on the battlefields of the Iran-Iraq war, that trains kindergartners to become bombs, that fetishizes death, that sends people off joyfully to commit mass murder. Because the death cult is not really about the cause it purports to serve. It's about the sheer pleasure of killing and dying.” Opinion | Cult of Death

4. In 1979, an even more radical bunch than the Saudis in charge of Mecca, violently attacked the Grand Mosque of Mecca, killing, of course, any in their way. “Ringleader Juhayman and his followers have inspired al-Qaeda and countless other Islamic revivalist movements to ever greater acts of violence, even though they were mesmerized by their limited understanding of an obscurantist theology and were convinced that that one of their unassuming members was the Messiah. Casual readers will be well served by this introduction to Muslim fundamentalist terrorism.” From publisher’s weekly

5. When the Saudis could not re-take Mecca, they called in the French Special Forces. The radicals were captured, and beheaded. Heads are traditionally sewn back on for burial. A nice touch.

6. October 6, 1981 A young student, Mohammed Islambouli, who had watched the take-over of the Grand Mosque of Mecca ( 11/20/1979) brought the teaching of Juhayman back to Egypt. He shared the burgeoning Islamic revival with his brother, Khaled, a lieutenant in the Egyptian army. On this date, marching past President Sadat, he suddenly emptied his weapon into Sadat for betraying Islam and making peace with the Jews.
A main street n Tehran is named in Kaled Islambouli’s honor.

7. "When Khalid el-islambouli’s unit began to approach the PresidentAnwar Saadat's platform, he with three other soldiers, jumped from their truck and ran towards the stand while throwing grenades toward President Anwar Saadat’s platform, where he was standing with foreign dignitaries. Khalid el-islambouli climbed the platform and emptied his rifle into Anwar Saadat's body, shouting "I have killed the Pharaoh!". Immediately afterwards Khalid el-islambouliwas captured. He and twenty-three co-conspirators were tried and found guilty. Khalid el-islambouli, Muhammad al-Salam Faraj, Essam al-Qamari and three other co-conspirators were executed on 04/15/1982. http://globaljihad.net/view_page.asp?id=402


Anwar Sadat



December 25, 1918
Mit Abu al-Kum, Egypt
(Born on this day)
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When western military soldiers sacrifice their lives in battle for home and country, they are called hero's.

When soldiers in muslim countries fight and die for their home and country, they are disparaged as members of a death cult. ... :cool:
When western military soldiers sacrifice their lives in battle for home and country, they are called hero's.

When soldiers in muslim countries fight and die for their home and country, they are disparaged as members of a death cult. ... :cool:

Let's be fair, Sunni....

1. “The blood of the enemy renews the identity of the lynch mob…Death is not an instrumentality-like the death of the enemy on the battlefield- it has become an end in itself” Laurent Murawiec, “The Mind of Jihad,” p. 8-9

a. It is the blood that informs the act. In the 1971 assassination of Jordan’s prime minister, Wasfi l-Tell, by PLO terrorists. “As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.” Michael Ledeen | National Review

b. Leading Muslim clerics often refer to the love of death. Chief Palestinian Authority cleric Mufti Sheikh Ikrimeh Sabri stated, "We tell them, in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death and martyrdom.” http://old.nationalreview.com/comment/stalinsky200405240846.asp

2. But.....you do have a point in that Communism, at its core, is a ‘death cult.’ Here, let Marx himself say so: “Everything that exists deserves to perish.” These were words were spoken by Goethe’s Mephistopheles, and quoted approvingly by Karl Marx. For a very long time now, Marxism in its guise of modern liberalism has worked toward the satanic goal of making everything that exists perish. http://archive.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2003/8/13/41712.shtml

a. Death and destruction is the necessary precursor to building the new, perfect world, utopia on earth…his Potemkin Village. The rationalization is that the mass slaughter is not the goal, but merely represents the path to utopia.

3. Nazism, is also attractive to its adherents because it of the priority it places on death and killing. The nexus of the various totalist philosophies can be seen in the Hitler-Stalin Pact of 1939, which exposed the leftists who were totalitarians, in that they continued to align with Stalin, even though it required league with Nazi Germany.

a. Of course, not all totalists were willing to incorporate the extremes, and a good many socialists split away and joined European democratic socialist and labor party.

b. So, who are the enemies? Those on the left who supported the totalitarian killing machines of the twentieth century, and venerated mass murderers such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Castro and Ho Chi Minh, while blaming America, are the enemy.

4. Another example? Castro’s death cult, in which executions are uncountable, like other leftist ideologies believes that human blood purifies the earth, and since manifestations of grief affirm the reality of the individual, and thus are anathema to the totality, the collective, - mourning for the departed is strictly forbidden. Castro’s Cuba warned family members of murdered dissidents not to cry at their funerals. Valladares, ‘Against All Hope,” p. 378.
2. But.....you do have a point in that Communism, at its core, is a ‘death cult.’

He didn't mention communism.

Seriously, do you even read what people write. This is where I sometimes think you are some kind of computer program, you don't even interact with people.

So let's look at his statement without the spam.

Most of our problems with the Middle East are we invade their countries, they use various tactics to fight back, we call them savages for doing the same thing we'd probably do in the same circumstances.

Here's a crazy idea. Let's not invade their countries, not take a side between them and the Zionists, and take the 700 BILLION we spend every year on the military and use some of that to invest in alternative energy.
2. But.....you do have a point in that Communism, at its core, is a ‘death cult.’

He didn't mention communism.

Seriously, do you even read what people write. This is where I sometimes think you are some kind of computer program, you don't even interact with people.

So let's look at his statement without the spam.

Most of our problems with the Middle East are we invade their countries, they use various tactics to fight back, we call them savages for doing the same thing we'd probably do in the same circumstances.

Here's a crazy idea. Let's not invade their countries, not take a side between them and the Zionists, and take the 700 BILLION we spend every year on the military and use some of that to invest in alternative energy.

Reading comprehension is hardly one of your ...'gifts,' is it.

Did you miss 'western military' in the first line?

Clean off those specs, old timer.
Reading comprehension is hardly one of your ...'gifts,' is it.

Did you miss 'western military' in the first line?

Clean off those specs, old timer.

What does "Western Military" have to do with communism?

Are you ever going to address the point he made. Why are Muslim soldiers savages when they kill, but western soldiers (or eastern soldiers or soldiers anywhere in the world) "heroes" when they do the same thing?

And, no, someone doing something kookie during wartime doesn't cut it. In Vietnam, they had soldiers who cut ears off dead VC soldiers. The Japanese army engaged in Cannibalism.
Reading comprehension is hardly one of your ...'gifts,' is it.

Did you miss 'western military' in the first line?

Clean off those specs, old timer.

What does "Western Military" have to do with communism?

Are you ever going to address the point he made. Why are Muslim soldiers savages when they kill, but western soldiers (or eastern soldiers or soldiers anywhere in the world) "heroes" when they do the same thing?

And, no, someone doing something kookie during wartime doesn't cut it. In Vietnam, they had soldiers who cut ears off dead VC soldiers. The Japanese army engaged in Cannibalism.

I know you're dying to be relevant....but, please....I have no desire to interact with your stupid posts.

Find another venue.
Sadat was one of those rare leaders who overcame his childhood brainwashing, learned from his mistakes, and forgave old enemies, and for this the radical Muslims despised him with a murderous hatred.
JoeB131, I know you're dying to be relevant....but, please....I have no desire to interact with your stupid posts. Find another venue.

Yeah, be advised that JoeB131 defends Mao Tse-Tung and even claims that Mao brought prosperity and stability to China after he took over. No, I'm not kidding.
JoeB131, I know you're dying to be relevant....but, please....I have no desire to interact with your stupid posts. Find another venue.

Yeah, be advised that JoeB131 defends Mao Tse-Tung and even claims that Mao brought prosperity and stability to China after he took over. No, I'm not kidding.

Mao took China from a broken nation to a world power. Yes, he was a ruthless bastard. So was George Washington.

Sadat made his country a client state of the US.... which his own people resented.
JoeB131, I know you're dying to be relevant....but, please....I have no desire to interact with your stupid posts. Find another venue.

Yeah, be advised that JoeB131 defends Mao Tse-Tung and even claims that Mao brought prosperity and stability to China after he took over. No, I'm not kidding.

Mao took China from a broken nation to a world power. Yes, he was a ruthless bastard. So was George Washington.

Sadat made his country a client state of the US.... which his own people resented.

Remember when Washington slaughtered some 80 million of his own people?

Oh....wait.....that was Mao, Obama's fav.....and the moron JoeB's, too.
JoeB131, I know you're dying to be relevant....but, please....I have no desire to interact with your stupid posts. Find another venue.

Yeah, be advised that JoeB131 defends Mao Tse-Tung and even claims that Mao brought prosperity and stability to China after he took over. No, I'm not kidding.

Mao took China from a broken nation to a world power. Yes, he was a ruthless bastard. So was George Washington.

Sadat made his country a client state of the US.... which his own people resented.

The Red Banner Youth Brigade

The Kwan family met the Youth Brigade in their living room, which had shrunk to the size of a prison cell due to the number of shouting youth surrounding the family. They gazed at the youth in bewilderment unable to understand the evil that they had done.

“Do you repent? Do you confess to clinging to the old values?”

“Confess and seek reeducation and we will spare you!”

“You are guilty of old thought, old culture, old values…”

“You have built a lackey’s empire on the backs of the people!”

Kwan and his wife, along with their twelve-year-old son were bound and defenseless.

“You are part of the old…”

The tall leader of the cadre engages in a furious dialectic, spittle flying from his mouth.

“You are part of the old! Do you repent?”

With every line he spoke, he swung the black baton, heavy as a cricket bat.

“You will reform your decadent ways!”

“The old ways are a threat to the collective good of the people!”

“You will die if you retain your old beliefs!”

“Repent! Reject the old! Admit you have been seduced by unbeneficial and decadent thought!”

It continued for endless minutes- until the blows the student rained down stole the life from the family. The iron-tipped baton left bloody forms at his feet as he recited the catechism the students thirstily sought to hear."
From the novel “The Stone Monkey,” by Jeffery Deaver
JoeB131, I know you're dying to be relevant....but, please....I have no desire to interact with your stupid posts. Find another venue.

Yeah, be advised that JoeB131 defends Mao Tse-Tung and even claims that Mao brought prosperity and stability to China after he took over. No, I'm not kidding.

Mao took China from a broken nation to a world power. Yes, he was a ruthless bastard. So was George Washington.

Sadat made his country a client state of the US.... which his own people resented.

“How political hatred during Cultural Revolution led to murder and cannibalism in a small town in China
At least 38 people were eaten in Wuxuan during the violence and turmoil, ….

How political hatred during Cultural Revolution led to murder and cannibalism in a small town in China

At least 38 people were eaten in Wuxuan during the violence and turmoil, but the authorities still do not want the details to emerge, according to high-ranking official who investigated the killings….tens of thousands died, with more than 100 people taking part in cannibalism….“This was not cannibalism because of economic difficulties, like during famine,” X.L. Ding, a Cultural Revolution expert at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, said.

“It was not caused by economic reasons, it was caused by political events, political hatred, political ideologies, political rituals.”

In 1968 a geography instructor named Wu Shufang was beaten to death by students at Wuxuan Middle School. The body was carried to the flat stones of the Qian river where another teacher was forced at gunpoint to rip out the heart and liver. Back at the school the pupils barbecued and consumed the organs.

“There were beheadings, beatings, live burials, stonings, drownings, boilings, group slaughters, disembowellings, digging out hearts, livers, genitals, slicing off flesh, blowing up with dynamite, and more, with no method unused.”
How political hatred during Cultural Revolution led to murder and cannibalism in a small town in China

Hussein Obama had a Mao ornament on America's Christmas tree......starting to understand the insult to the nation????

... this was Obama’s guy.

And no one is demanding that the Democrats justify their affection for Mao.
JoeB131, I know you're dying to be relevant....but, please....I have no desire to interact with your stupid posts. Find another venue.

Yeah, be advised that JoeB131 defends Mao Tse-Tung and even claims that Mao brought prosperity and stability to China after he took over. No, I'm not kidding.

Mao took China from a broken nation to a world power. Yes, he was a ruthless bastard. So was George Washington.

Sadat made his country a client state of the US.... which his own people resented.

"Sadat made his country a client state of the US.... which his own people resented."

Just amazing how stupid you are......did you ever open a book, you dunce?????

Sadat was murdered for one reason and one reason only.....he made peace with Israel.

In 1979, an even more radical bunch than the Saudis in charge of Mecca, violently attacked the Grand Mosque of Mecca, killing, of course, any in their way. “Ringleader Juhayman and his followers have inspired al-Qaeda and countless other Islamic revivalist movements to ever greater acts of violence, even though they were mesmerized by their limited understanding of an obscurantist theology and were convinced that that one of their unassuming members was the Messiah. Casual readers will be well served by this introduction to Muslim fundamentalist terrorism.” From publisher’s weekly

When the Saudis could not re-take Mecca, they called in the French Special Forces. The radicals were captured, and beheaded. Heads are traditionally sewn back on for burial. A nice touch.

October 6, 1981 A young student, Mohammed Islambouli, who had watched the take-over of the Grand Mosque of Mecca ( 11/20/1979) brought the teaching of Juhayman back to Egypt. He shared the burgeoning Islamic revival with his brother, Khaled, a lieutenant in the Egyptian army. On this date, marching past President Sadat, he suddenly emptied his weapon into Sadat for betraying Islam and making peace with the Jews.
A main street n Tehran is named in Kaled Islambouli’s honor.

"When Khalid el-islambouli’s unit began to approach the PresidentAnwar Saadat's platform, he with three other soldiers, jumped from their truck and ran towards the stand while throwing grenades toward President Anwar Saadat’s platform, where he was standing with foreign dignitaries. Khalid el-islambouli climbed the platform and emptied his rifle into Anwar Saadat's body, shouting "I have killed the Pharaoh!". Immediately afterwards Khalid el-islambouliwas captured. He and twenty-three co-conspirators were tried and found guilty. Khalid el-islambouli, Muhammad al-Salam Faraj, Essam al-Qamari and three other co-conspirators were executed on 04/15/1982. http://globaljihad.net/view_page.asp?id=402


Anwar Sadat



December 25, 1918
Mit Abu al-Kum, Egypt
JoeB131, I know you're dying to be relevant....but, please....I have no desire to interact with your stupid posts. Find another venue.

Yeah, be advised that JoeB131 defends Mao Tse-Tung and even claims that Mao brought prosperity and stability to China after he took over. No, I'm not kidding.

Mao took China from a broken nation to a world power. Yes, he was a ruthless bastard. So was George Washington.

Sadat made his country a client state of the US.... which his own people resented.

Remember when Washington slaughtered some 80 million of his own people?

Oh....wait.....that was Mao, Obama's fav.....and the moron JoeB's, too.

Yeah, I've provided the guy with numerous links to articles, studies, and reports on Mao's historic mass murdering and tyranny. He still defends him. In one reply, JoeB131 said Mao brought economic prosperity to China. People jumped all over him for that one, and now I notice he no longer repeats that claim.
Mao took China from a broken nation to a world power.

You realize that you're saying these sick and crazy things in a public forum, right? Mao was the one who turned China into a war zone after the Pacific War ended. When Mao took over, China became a backward, poor, North-Korea-like country for decades. He and his henchmen killed tens of millions of Chinese. China only emerged as anything resembling a world power after Mao died and after its new leaders ditched his Marxist economic policies.

Yes, he was a ruthless bastard. So was George Washington.

George Washington was a "ruthless bastard"? No, Mao-loving JoeB131, George Washington was a noble, honorable, and decent man who helped found the greatest experiment in human liberty and economic prosperity the world has ever seen. It is surreal that you would dare to compare Mao to George Washington in any way, shape, or form.

Who are you? Do you live in America? You sound like a Chinese Communist.

Sadat made his country a client state of the US, which his own people resented.

Huh???!!! LOL!!! Good grief, where on earth do you get your aberrant nonsense? Sadat freed his country from Soviet control and expelled all Soviet military advisers from Egypt! Sadat also curbed the abuses of Egypt's hated secret police. Although some Egyptians were leery of his peace deal with Israel, he still enjoyed considerable popular support at the time of his assassination. His main opposition came from radical Muslims, especially in the army.
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Mao took China from a broken nation to a world power.

You realize that you're saying these sick and crazy things in a public forum, right? Mao was the one who turned China into a war zone after the Pacific War ended. When Mao took over, China became a backward, poor, North-Korea-like country for decades. He and his henchmen killed tens of millions of Chinese. China only emerged as anything resembling a world power after Mao died and after its new leaders ditched his Marxist economic policies.

Yes, he was a ruthless bastard. So was George Washington.

George Washington was a "ruthless bastard"? No, Mao-loving JoeB131, George Washington was a noble, honorable, and decent man who helped found the greatest experiment in human liberty and economic prosperity the world has ever seen. It is surreal that you would dare to compare Mao to George Washington in any way, shape, or form.

Who are you? Do you live in America? You sound like a Chinese Communist.

Sadat made his country a client state of the US, which his own people resented.

Huh???!!! LOL!!! Good grief, where on earth do you get your aberrant nonsense? Sadat freed his country from Soviet control and expelled all Soviet military advisers from Egypt! Sadat also curbed the abuses of Egypt's hated secret police. Although some Egyptians were leery of his peace deal with Israel, he still enjoyed considerable popular support at the time of his assassination. His main opposition came from radical Muslims, especially in the army.
Joe claims a degree in history, LOL. Apparently he failed to learn anything resembling the truth.

Anyone who thinks Mao and Washington were similar, has the brains of a gnat. Mao was one of world history’s greatest mass murderers, yet Joe venerates him. WTF!

China would still be a primitive backwater death camp of a nation, had it continued to follow Maoist policies. Oh Joe...please seek mental help.

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