A Temporary Solution for Flint: Let them Eat Snow...Der..Duh..

Conservative governance: Penny wise and pound foolish.

A glance at what Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder announced Tuesday in his State of the State speech involving Flint's water crisis:
— $28 million in funding. It is the second wave of state aid to be committed since October, when $10.6 million was announced. The money will pay for filters, replacement cartridges, bottled water, more school nurses and additional intervention specialists. It also will fund lab testing, corrosion control procedures, a study of water system infrastructure, potentially help Flint deal with unpaid water bills, case management of people with elevated lead-blood levels, assessment of potential linkages to other diseases, crisis counseling and mental health services, and the replacement of plumbing fixtures in schools, child care centers, nursing homes and medical facilities.
— The release Wednesday of his emails involving Flint's water emergency. The governor and his office are exempt from public-records requests under Michigan law, but given his administration's regulatory failures, he decided to bow to pressure to disclose more information about what he knew and when.
— The deployment of more Michigan National Guard members to the city, increasing the number from more than 70 to about 200.
— Plans to reach every single Flint household by week's end to check if it has a water filter.
— An appeal of President Barack Obama's denial of his request for a federal disaster declaration. On Saturday, Obama signed an emergency declaration but denied Snyder's request for a disaster declaration based on the legal requirement that such relief is intended for natural events, fires, floods or explosions.
Is flint so bad they don't even have a Walmart or 7/11 anymore?

Who the hell drinks tap water anyways?

Me, until I moved. I forgot just how vile the taste of municipal water was!

The best tasting tap water in America - at least in the 40 + states I've visited, has been Manhattan. Yep, New York City.

The absolute worst tasting tap water is Reno, NV.
I can't drink any of it. After drinking well water most of my life, the overpowering chlorine taste actually triggers my gag reflex.
I can't drink any of it. After drinking well water most of my life, the overpowering chlorine taste actually triggers my gag reflex.

One wonders why the Governor of Michigan allowed such a fiasco to continue, I guess poor people are rather low on his agenda.
Republicans outdid themselves this time. Not only working to block health care, but poisoning a 100,000 people, including thousands of children, with lead. This is even bigger than letting Bin Laden go and invading the wrong country. These are Americans. Born here. Citizens.
They've tried. Cutting veterans benefits, trying to cut school lunches for poor children. But nothing beats this.
This is an outright attempt to kill. Nothing subtle here.
Flint knew the water was polluted when they pulled out of detroit's water. The city council should be arrested and jailed for long long terms.

It was not the City Council's legislative decision to switch to river water. The Emergency Manager appointed by Snyder made that decision as a cost cutting measure.
I can't drink any of it. After drinking well water most of my life, the overpowering chlorine taste actually triggers my gag reflex.

One wonders why the Governor of Michigan allowed such a fiasco to continue, I guess poor people are rather low on his agenda.
Why are you going after the Gov? He didn't authorize it, or have anything to do with it. It is the city council of Flint who is responsible. They changed the water without telling the Gov. what was in it. You just saying that a random republican is responsible. Just because.
Flint knew the water was polluted when they pulled out of detroit's water. The city council should be arrested and jailed for long long terms.

they want to pin it on the governor

but in reality it was a planned move by the karnondi water authority

which is a local municipal corporation
It was a take over by the governor the way Republicans do. They call them "emergency managers". Are they even constitutional? Over riding the voters with "appointed" officials? And has it worked anywhere the GOP does it or is it simply another way the GOP squeezes money from the middle class and the poor?

Love they way these Republican governors are "powerless" when it comes to wrong doing.
I can't drink any of it. After drinking well water most of my life, the overpowering chlorine taste actually triggers my gag reflex.

One wonders why the Governor of Michigan allowed such a fiasco to continue, I guess poor people are rather low on his agenda.
Why are you going after the Gov? He didn't authorize it, or have anything to do with it. It is the city council of Flint who is responsible. They changed the water without telling the Gov. what was in it. You just saying that a random republican is responsible. Just because.
Hello! Knock Knock! He's the governor! Is he so weak, he doesn't know what's going on in his state since. oh, I don't know, since he was told back in August or September OF LAST FUCKING YEAR?
I can't drink any of it. After drinking well water most of my life, the overpowering chlorine taste actually triggers my gag reflex.

One wonders why the Governor of Michigan allowed such a fiasco to continue, I guess poor people are rather low on his agenda.
Why are you going after the Gov? He didn't authorize it, or have anything to do with it. It is the city council of Flint who is responsible. They changed the water without telling the Gov. what was in it. You just saying that a random republican is responsible. Just because.

The decision to switch to river water was a direct decision of the emergency manager appointed by Snyder.

The City Council has ZERO authority over the emergency manager, nada, nothing.
I can't drink any of it. After drinking well water most of my life, the overpowering chlorine taste actually triggers my gag reflex.

One wonders why the Governor of Michigan allowed such a fiasco to continue, I guess poor people are rather low on his agenda.
Why are you going after the Gov? He didn't authorize it, or have anything to do with it. It is the city council of Flint who is responsible. They changed the water without telling the Gov. what was in it. You just saying that a random republican is responsible. Just because.

The decision to switch to river water was a direct decision of the emergency manager appointed by Snyder.

The City Council has ZERO authority over the emergency manager, nada, nothing.

Spot on!
Snow: folks, it's made of water that was distilled into clouds and falls pure to the earth. You're welcome..

Actually, that's not true. There is nothing "pure" about it.

That being said, yes....freshly fallen snow can be a good source of fresh water in emergencies, and generally requires little more than a basic boiling to be considered potable.
Flint knew the water was polluted when they pulled out of detroit's water. The city council should be arrested and jailed for long long terms.

It was not the City Council's legislative decision to switch to river water. The Emergency Manager appointed by Snyder made that decision as a cost cutting measure.

And I cannot stress enough to that then, as is true now, there is absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever with sourcing water from the Flint River. The problem was not that the city sourced from the river, the problem was that the river water was given the same chemical treatments as if it had been lake water. The different sources need different treatment protocols.
Flint knew the water was polluted when they pulled out of detroit's water. The city council should be arrested and jailed for long long terms.

It was not the City Council's legislative decision to switch to river water. The Emergency Manager appointed by Snyder made that decision as a cost cutting measure.
When people stopped paying their water bills, there was no money for anything. This is what happens when you refuse to pay bills. There is degeneration.
Flint knew the water was polluted when they pulled out of detroit's water. The city council should be arrested and jailed for long long terms.

they want to pin it on the governor

but in reality it was a planned move by the karnondi water authority

which is a local municipal corporation


Flint's water trouble began in 2013 when the city decided to stop buying treated Lake Huron water from the city of Detroit and get water from the Karegnondi Water Authority instead. Under the leadership of a state-appointed emergency manager who was brought in by Snyder to balance the city's deficit, the city decided in April 2014 to use the Flint River as its water source in order to save $5 million over less than two years until the new infrastructure connecting to KWA was finished.
Protesters Demand Michigan Governor's Resignation During State of the State Speech on Flint Water Crisis | VICE News

But the savings will cost about a billon dollars now
Flint knew the water was polluted when they pulled out of detroit's water. The city council should be arrested and jailed for long long terms.

It was not the City Council's legislative decision to switch to river water. The Emergency Manager appointed by Snyder made that decision as a cost cutting measure.

And I cannot stress enough to that then, as is true now, there is absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever with sourcing water from the Flint River. The problem was not that the city sourced from the river, the problem was that the river water was given the same chemical treatments as if it had been lake water. The different sources need different treatment protocols.
The failure to follow the right protocols leached lead out of the old pipes.
I can't drink any of it. After drinking well water most of my life, the overpowering chlorine taste actually triggers my gag reflex.

One wonders why the Governor of Michigan allowed such a fiasco to continue, I guess poor people are rather low on his agenda.
Why are you going after the Gov? He didn't authorize it, or have anything to do with it. It is the city council of Flint who is responsible. They changed the water without telling the Gov. what was in it. You just saying that a random republican is responsible. Just because.


The good olde weasel out... Blame the other guy... Never own your own stink...
Flint knew the water was polluted when they pulled out of detroit's water. The city council should be arrested and jailed for long long terms.

It was not the City Council's legislative decision to switch to river water. The Emergency Manager appointed by Snyder made that decision as a cost cutting measure.
When people stopped paying their water bills, there was no money for anything. This is what happens when you refuse to pay bills. There is degeneration.

What do you call it when someone so callously doesn't give a shit when an economically depressed city's citizens are poisoned by unelected offcials? I call it degeneracy...some may call it being a ****.

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