Zone1 A Thing of the Present-It Has Never Stopped


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
What we see here is at USMB is a fraction of the racism that continues in AMERICA right now. This is a reality most whites in this forum want to deny. During my conversations here, I am am communicating with were real humans. These conversations show that racism exists today just as it always has. This is evidence that some in the white community hold the same racist attitudes as was held in the past. Don't not lie to us by pretending that because no blacks allowed is not painted on signs that white racism is gone. Because it continues, everything that has ever happened because of racism happens rght now. I read the comments made in replies and despite the overt racism posted, I continue to see the lies about how racism is something that happened in the long ago past, but it's not. And it's time the lying stopped. It's time the whining stopped about identity politics because people get called out for attempting to push racist policies. White is a fucking race, which means the crying about any anti white discrimination or racism is both playing the race card as well as identity politics.

Whites invented the race card in America and have played it from the start. That's a fact. So repeating some term a flunk out created because his lard ass was too damn stupid to learn history needs to stop.

What we see here is at USMB is a fraction of the racism that continues in AMERICA right now. This is a reality most whites in this forum want to deny. During my conversations here, I am am communicating with were real humans. These conversations show that racism exists today just as it always has. This is evidence that some in the white community hold the same racist attitudes as was held in the past. Don't not lie to us by pretending that because no blacks allowed is not painted on signs that white racism is gone. Because it continues, everything that has ever happened because of racism happens rght now. I read the comments made in replies and despite the overt racism posted, I continue to see the lies about how racism is something that happened in the long ago past, but it's not. And it's time the lying stopped. It's time the whining stopped about identity politics because people get called out for attempting to push racist policies. White is a fucking race, which means the crying about any anti white discrimination or racism is both playing the race card as well as identity politics.

Whites invented the race card in America and have played it from the start. That's a fact. So repeating some term a flunk out created because his lard ass was too damn stupid to learn history needs to stop.

Is there really any point in responding to this IDIOCY ?

In 90% of 2024 racism, blacks are the BENFICIARIES, and whites are the VICTIMS. Before the US Supreme Court's recent decision on Affirmative action (59 years too late), the number was 99%.
Unless I have specifics about what these kids were talking about. . . I don't care what their bullying was about.

. . . it is just as likely the black students used pejorative race based comments referring to the race of the white kids.

This seems like nothing more than an attempt to censor the terms of the debate and impose PC speech. The video even states, it won't get into what the original argument was about, just that there is bullying attached to the original disagreement, while the folks that were involved in it, meant no racism, while the folks that felt they were the "object," of such speech, claim to know what is in the heart of those making such speech.

This is a straw man argument, we see all the time on this forum.

Not enough information from the TYT video, which is notorious click/rage bait. Everyone knows that.
“….black student union…”
“…..the current equity coach…”

Some kids defaced a poster. They used some bad words. Despite all the racial-identity support for black kids this school is said to have, these words traumatized these black kids to the point of tears. What a bunch of fragile pussies. Hire 4 more “equity coaches”. I’m sure that will fix it.

This would have just rolled off the backs of black kids 30 years ago. Identity politics is moving black people backwards.

If we graphed out the power of the Nword over the past several decades, it’s predictable, if the current trajectory is maintained, that in 20 years you will be able to physically defend yourself with the Nword. In 2044 if a black person tries to rob or assaults you, just shout the Nword. They will be so fragile by then that they will collapse to the ground, curl up into the fetal position, and mumble some Puffy Daddy lyric through their tears.
What we see here is at USMB is a fraction of the racism that continues in AMERICA right now. This is a reality most whites in this forum want to deny. During my conversations here, I am am communicating with were real humans. These conversations show that racism exists today just as it always has. This is evidence that some in the white community hold the same racist attitudes as was held in the past. Don't not lie to us by pretending that because no blacks allowed is not painted on signs that white racism is gone. Because it continues, everything that has ever happened because of racism happens rght now. I read the comments made in replies and despite the overt racism posted, I continue to see the lies about how racism is something that happened in the long ago past, but it's not. And it's time the lying stopped. It's time the whining stopped about identity politics because people get called out for attempting to push racist policies. White is a fucking race, which means the crying about any anti white discrimination or racism is both playing the race card as well as identity politics.

Whites invented the race card in America and have played it from the start. That's a fact. So repeating some term a flunk out created because his lard ass was too damn stupid to learn history needs to stop.

Nope. We see pretty hateful black racism here all the time.

In a “protected” forum where it’s safe and cozy for certain people to engage in it.

The good news is that such race-baiting and hustling is singularly unpersuasive.
Unless I have specifics about what these kids were talking about. . . I don't care what their bullying was about.

. . . it is just as likely the black students used pejorative race based comments referring to the race of the white kids.

This seems like nothing more than an attempt to censor the terms of the debate and impose PC speech. The video even states, it won't get into what the original argument was about, just that there is bullying attached to the original disagreement, while the folks that were involved in it, meant no racism, while the folks that felt they were the "object," of such speech, claim to know what is in the heart of those making such speech.

This is a straw man argument, we see all the time on this forum.

Not enough information from the TYT video, which is notorious click/rage bait. Everyone knows that.
Here we see the standard white racist run around that doesn't get applied to white students. These kids aren't lying and I seriously doubt they used perjoriatve comments about whites. White racists usually start shit then whne when the get the consequence put on them.

I used to live in that area, those kids are telling the truth.
standard white racist run

Yoar name calling and ad hom makes yaor entire post not Zone 1 compliant. You can't point to anything in my post that is. . ."standard white racist."

You are being your typical nasty piece of awful, slanderous, piece of shit. I should just report you and ignore your ass.

These kids aren't lying
I did not say that they were. I said, they were characterizing the disagreement of the folks they were disagreeing with, by pointing out the disparaging language, but we don't know both sides of the story. We aren't hearing from the other kids, and we don't know the other side. We don't know what types of language the black kids were using to draw this type of response.

I seriously doubt they used perjoriatve comments about whites.

Of course you doubt both sides were at fault. It would make your entire whining victimization thread pointless. However, anyone that has raised kids, and knows how arguments in schools and on the playgrounds work? Knows that you are full of shit, and haven't got the first clue of what you speak. You are living in denial. In fact, you have resorted to name calling, ad hom and violating Zone 1 rules, you are so desperate to maintain a false paradigm..

I used to live in that area, those kids are telling the truth.

Given your consistent attacks on folks that are nice to you, but disagree with you, and the amount that you lie, I would not be surprised that I have the accurate assessment, and that these kids are manipulative, just like you. . . lying as well.

Take a walk hater.

Yoar name calling and ad hom makes yaor entire post not Zone 1 compliant. You can't point to anything in my post that is. . ."standard white racist."

Your are being your typical nasty piece of awful slanderous piece of shit. I should just report you and ignore your ass.

I did not say that they were. I said, they were characterizing the disagreement of the folks they were disagreeing with, by pointing out the disparaging language, but we don't know both sides of the story. We aren't hearing from the other kids, and we don't know the other side. We don't know what types of language they were using.

Of cousre not. It would make your entire whining victimization thread pointless. However, anyone that has raised kids, and knows how arguments in schools and on the playground work? Knows that you are full of shit, and haven't got the first clue of what you speak. You are living in denial. In fact, you have resorted to name calling, ad hom and violating Zone 1 rules you are so desperate to maintain a false paradigm..

Given your consistent attacks on folks that are nice to you, but disagree with you, and the amount that you lie, I would not be surprised that I have the accurate assessment, and that they are like you. . . lying as well.

Take a walk hater.
Blah, blah, blah. I read your post. Every word.

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