A transgender teen used the girls’ locker room. Now her community is up in arms.

No not really. The child identified as a female because that is what her brain chemistry kept telling her from birth. Her parent allowed her transition with hormones after counseling and in agreement with her doctor. She can't have GRS till she finishes growing.
Why should a transgender with breast be put in a boys locker room? You think she will not be harassed or bullied?

That's his problem, of his own creation. The reality is that he's a boy. If he chooses not to accept that reality, then this does not obligate other people to turn their world upside down just so that a mentally-ill boy can pretend to be a girl. He created the problem, he, alone, should deal with whatever consequences arise from it.

The school is doing the right thing legally and morally for the girl.

He's not a girl. He's a boy. And allowing him to go into the girls' locker room is not doing what is morally and legally right for the actual girls.

Why should a transgender boy not be allowed in a boys locker room?

Because a “transgender boy” is not a boy at all, but a mentally-ill girl. She has no business being in the boys' locker room.

Transphobia is the mental illness

7 Questions Answered About Transgender People


What Is Gender Dysphoria?

Being transgender no longer a 'mental disorder': APA

Transphobia is the Mental Illness, not Transexuality
Not mutilation but corrective surgery. It is fixing a birth defect.

Only in the darkest corners of wrong-wing madness, does destroying perfectly healthy sex organs in order to create a dysfunctional, superficial imitation of the opposite sex's sex organs, constitute “corrective surgery” or “fixing a birth defect.”
Cornman’s statement also says that the district accepts all students “no matter race, nationality/ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. We will promote tolerance and acceptance of all students that attend our district while not tolerating bullying/harassing behaviors of any type in any form.”

How bizarre, it is , that not going along with a creepy, perverted male who wants to go into the girls' locker room, constitutes “bullying/harassing behaviors”, but compelling actual girls to put up with the presence of this creepy pervert in their locker room while they are changing does not.

Can there be any stronger proof than this, of just how insane modern liberal ideology has become?

Lily is not a creepy, perverted male. She is for all legal purposes a female and should be treated that way in school and life.
For two hours, approximately 150 students stood in front of Hillsboro High School to protest a transgender teen’s use of the girls’ facilities.

A transgender teen used the girls’ locker room. Now her community is up in arms.

I don't care if he thinks he's a girl or a unicorn, he doesn't belong in a girls locker room. Good for these kids for protesting.

Do Lesbians have the right to use the girls locker room?

Obviously, they don't have a penis.
For two hours, approximately 150 students stood in front of Hillsboro High School to protest a transgender teen’s use of the girls’ facilities.

A transgender teen used the girls’ locker room. Now her community is up in arms.

I don't care if he thinks he's a girl or a unicorn, he doesn't belong in a girls locker room. Good for these kids for protesting.

Fixed it

You mean, now HIS community etc...

Sorry, honey, Dick and balls=HIS/HIM. Not sure where or how you grew up, but whoever raised you did you a great disservice.
Cornman’s statement also says that the district accepts all students “no matter race, nationality/ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. We will promote tolerance and acceptance of all students that attend our district while not tolerating bullying/harassing behaviors of any type in any form.”

How bizarre, it is , that not going along with a creepy, perverted male who wants to go into the girls' locker room, constitutes “bullying/harassing behaviors”, but compelling actual girls to put up with the presence of this creepy pervert in their locker room while they are changing does not.

Can there be any stronger proof than this, of just how insane modern liberal ideology has become?

Lily is not a creepy, perverted male. She is for all legal purposes a female and should be treated that way in school and life.

He is not at all a female, nor will he ever be. He should be taught to like who he is, not to hate himself and have a dangerous surgery to support this fantasy.
Cornman’s statement also says that the district accepts all students “no matter race, nationality/ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. We will promote tolerance and acceptance of all students that attend our district while not tolerating bullying/harassing behaviors of any type in any form.”

Lila said the school administration has been very supportive and is working to make her feel welcome. They have allowed her to use the facilities used by girls and women.

Districts that refuse to allow students to use a bathroom for the gender with which they identify could run afoul of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights, said Kelli Hopkins of the Missouri School Boards’ Association.

“The Office of Civil Rights has issued an opinion that says, if you do this, you have engaged in gender discrimination,” Hopkins said. “At the same time, there is no case law or statute in Missouri that says this is against the law.”

Schools found to have violated a student’s civil rights are at risk of losing some of their federal funding, Hopkins said.


She is a senior and have been in transition since she was 13

Four years a female and now as a senior she should not use the locker room?

In the beginning till the transition medically began, she pretended to identify as a gay male. Now with the transition she wants to be treated as herself, her legal gender, a female.
Anyone sexually mutilating a minor should serve time in prison. When should "she" be allowed to play women's sports? But you're stuck on stupid so all I expect is more mystical crap.

Not mutilation but corrective surgery. It is fixing a birth defect.

Kids have plastic surgery in high school. Far too frequently, but it is very popular before graduation.

This whole protest was around 10% of the student body and lasted two hours.

It was not the whole or even most of the school's students involved.

Why should she be denied her right to be treated as who she identifies as?

Other cases have ruled in favor of the transgender child

Rights case ruling favors Colo. transgender girl

Surgery is always dangerous, ask Joan rivers. A healthy child should not be promoted to have unnecessary surgery. This child should be taught to love who he is. Not supported in some fantasy he is a girl. He is not, nor ever will be female.

Her brain is screaming at her that she is a girl

Legally the school has to treat her as a girl.

If your brain was that of an ass, would it matter if your body looked like a dog?

Would you eat dog food or fetch a ball?

If a man lived his life as a man and some accident castrated him, would you expect him to suddenly behave like a woman?

Why would you expect someone with the brain of a woman to act like a man?

His brain does not determine gender. If his brain was saying he is a vampire he would be just as crazy as claiming he is female. Neither are at all true. Gender is easily determined, he is a male.
Agreed! Where are all those women's right fucktards, defending these girls rights to privacy? Oh, hell, no....the left-tards are forcing the "acceptance " of a mentally defective individual in order to destroy the privacy and rights of females "women". Screw all the girls who may be offended or otherwise embarrassed by this dick-sporting, ball-enhanced pervert.
Wear a dress, tell people I'm a girl, and have unfettered access to all the chicks in the girls locker room in high school. It's brilliant, why the hell didn't I think of that?

I think the ass beatings might be a downside.
Why do you think he wants the girls' locker room?? The boys are already kicking his ass as a freak. He's hoping the girls will be more forgiving.
Lily is not a creepy, perverted male.

If a boy—almost a man—who wants put on a wig, claim to be a girl, and go into the girls' locker room while actual girls are in there undressing, doesn't qualify as a creepy pervert, then it is difficult to imagine what it would take to qualify.

She is for all legal purposes a female and should be treated that way in school and life.

By every rational, objective, scientific criterion, he's male. If the law declares otherwise, then the law is wrong.
Does it have a dick? If so then it don't belong in the girls' locker room.
So does Bruce Jenner, but the media is swooning over him, because of his courage and we are supposed to accept his behavior as normal. Maybe Bruce should of been called Abbey Jenner, then he could be Abbey Normal.
View attachment 49112
The media is not necessarily right. "Katlyn" Jenner is a freak, an mentally disturbed individual who is celebrated by the self-same media whores who adore freaks like him.
Wearing a wig and putting a dress on does not make one a girl.
It is quite possible he is an effeminate gay, too young to really know.
Until he has undergone surgery to replace the penis - he is a male.

She was treated as a gay till the school allowed her to be identified as transgender female. The board met before school started and review her records and tried to follow the law for transgender students.

She began her transition when she was 13.

I understand transgender is confusing for some, but getting flip and throwing about lies and insults is not going to change the facts.
She is by law a transgender female and should be treated as female.

If you need a medical and mental definition of transgender and the specifics of law, look them up. Making up your own prejudicial definition is just complicating the situation.
The junk in the trunk is immaterial. She identifies as a female and the medical doctors and the law accepted her as transgender female. Putting her in a boys locker room would be like putting any other girl in there. It would be wrong.

The law says the school must let her use the girls locker room and that is what they did.

Lily is not some guy dressed up as a female for some joke. This is who she is. Just because she has not had the surgery yet till she is old enough don't change who she sees her self as. For all intents and purposes she sees herself as a girl, not as a boy.

Sorry, disagree.
At his age I do not believe he has a sure enough grip of who he is to correctly identify. Like I say, he may very well be an effeminate gay. He may also be looking for attention along with that. Teenagers do incredibly stupid things.
It is not out of the realm of possibility that he is simply gay, but is enjoying the attention and likes to feel like a girl.
I will not believe every single instance of transgender simply because the PC police say you must be a hater to not believe.
"Her" community? At least we need to get the anatomy right. No matter how he views himself, a transgender boy is a "he". Even after so called sexual reassignment a male remains a male and a female still has the DNA of a female.

You appear to be rather understandably confused by the terminology. I guess that's to be expected, at time, when a sane person tries to make sense of insane terminology referring to insane premises.

The term “transgender •••” or “trans •••” refers to someone who is the opposite of •••, but who claims to “identify” as •••, and perhaps is seeking to undergo, or has undergone, chemical and surgical procedures to appear more similar to •••.

Thus, a “transgender boy” is a girl who “identifies” as a boy, but who is, by every rational criterion, a girl. This story at the start of this thread is about a “transgender girl”—someone who, by every rational criterion, is a boy, but who claim to be a girl.

Trans means across or beyond. IIRC, it is supposed to be one already in transition. The word has now morphed to include those who are not in transition but believe they were born in the wrong body. They may not ever actually begin the transition and become actual transgender, but if enough people misuse the word loud enough and insist they or correct, well, you know ... we all have our own personal truths, right? The definition must be changed to be more inclusive, a broader umbrella.

I'm transroyal: transitioning to the Empress of the Universe. I already have the tiara and am actively bitching when people disobey. In another year or so, if I am loud and persistent enough, I shall rule the world! Mwahaha
Lily is not a creepy, perverted male.

If a boy—almost a man—who wants put on a wig, claim to be a girl, and go into the girls' locker room while actual girls are in there undressing, doesn't qualify as a creepy pervert, then it is difficult to imagine what it would take to qualify.

She is for all legal purposes a female and should be treated that way in school and life.

By every rational, objective, scientific criterion, he's male. If the law declares otherwise, then the law is wrong.
It's all OK, though, as long as 'it' identifies as a"female"/
Cornman’s statement also says that the district accepts all students “no matter race, nationality/ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. We will promote tolerance and acceptance of all students that attend our district while not tolerating bullying/harassing behaviors of any type in any form.”

Lila said the school administration has been very supportive and is working to make her feel welcome. They have allowed her to use the facilities used by girls and women.

Districts that refuse to allow students to use a bathroom for the gender with which they identify could run afoul of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights, said Kelli Hopkins of the Missouri School Boards’ Association.

“The Office of Civil Rights has issued an opinion that says, if you do this, you have engaged in gender discrimination,” Hopkins said. “At the same time, there is no case law or statute in Missouri that says this is against the law.”

Schools found to have violated a student’s civil rights are at risk of losing some of their federal funding, Hopkins said.


She is a senior and have been in transition since she was 13

Four years a female and now as a senior she should not use the locker room?

In the beginning till the transition medically began, she pretended to identify as a gay male. Now with the transition she wants to be treated as herself, her legal gender, a female.
Anyone sexually mutilating a minor should serve time in prison. When should "she" be allowed to play women's sports? But you're stuck on stupid so all I expect is more mystical crap.

Not mutilation but corrective surgery. It is fixing a birth defect.

Kids have plastic surgery in high school. Far too frequently, but it is very popular before graduation.

This whole protest was around 10% of the student body and lasted two hours.

It was not the whole or even most of the school's students involved.

Why should she be denied her right to be treated as who she identifies as?

Other cases have ruled in favor of the transgender child

Rights case ruling favors Colo. transgender girl

Surgery is always dangerous, ask Joan rivers. A healthy child should not be promoted to have unnecessary surgery. This child should be taught to love who he is. Not supported in some fantasy he is a girl. He is not, nor ever will be female.

Her brain is screaming at her that she is a girl

Legally the school has to treat her as a girl.

If your brain was that of an ass, would it matter if your body looked like a dog?

Would you eat dog food or fetch a ball?

If a man lived his life as a man and some accident castrated him, would you expect him to suddenly behave like a woman?

Why would you expect someone with the brain of a woman to act like a man?

His brain does not determine gender. If his brain was saying he is a vampire he would be just as crazy as claiming he is female. Neither are at all true. Gender is easily determined, he is a male.

You do know there are real vampires, congenital erythropoietic porphyria ???

Do we Always Practice What we Preach? Real Vampires’ Fears of Coming out of the Coffin to Social Workers and Helping Professionals | Critical Social Work - University of Windsor

Real-life vampires are an actual thing—and they even drink human blood

Real-life Vampires Exist, but They Are Scared to Admit Their Practices to Doctors | Smart News | Smithsonian
For two hours, approximately 150 students stood in front of Hillsboro High School to protest a transgender teen’s use of the girls’ facilities.

A transgender teen used the girls’ locker room. Now her community is up in arms.

I don't care if he thinks he's a girl or a unicorn, he doesn't belong in a girls locker room. Good for these kids for protesting.

Fixed it

You mean, now HIS community etc...

Sorry, honey, Dick and balls=HIS/HIM. Not sure where or how you grew up, but whoever raised you did you a great disservice.

Am I missing something here?

I agree.... Dick and balls=HIS/HIM.. That is exactly why I question why the OP quotes. "Now her community is up in arms"

Not her..... Him

They are doing this to children, because children have no political power, so they can get away with it. That's also the reason why Michelle's new starvation meals were imposed on children, but not adults.
For two hours, approximately 150 students stood in front of Hillsboro High School to protest a transgender teen’s use of the girls’ facilities.

A transgender teen used the girls’ locker room. Now her community is up in arms.

I don't care if he thinks he's a girl or a unicorn, he doesn't belong in a girls locker room. Good for these kids for protesting.

Do Lesbians have the right to use the girls locker room?

Legally they do.

So why is there a problem?

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