A transgender teen used the girls’ locker room. Now her community is up in arms.

Once you start denying reality it is going to far. He is clearly male and will never be a woman. He might get cut up to look more like a woman, but will never be a woman. Adults should not be promoting this silliness.

The transgender is in transition. You have to wait for GRS till she finishes growing.
If the kids don't mind and consider her female, why is there so much fuss.
Transgender is not a whim or a gag for a male to get into the girls locker room.
If she is getting counseling, under medical care and on hormones, she identifies as a female.

Time for people to become understanding and stuff their bigotry under the rug. The girl needs friends and support, not hostility and prejudice by ignorant adults
The only bigots are the liberals who are FORCING upon US their immorality. All a normal citizen wanted was to be left alone, but since the bullies of the left cannot be happy unless they are treading upon US, we see time and again, how they push their homosexual behavior constantly. This is all about Government control and as long as people believe in God, and not the government, the government cannot control the masses like they did in the USSR. Shame REAL history isn't being taught in public education anymore, but if it was, then the liberals would be in real trouble, as they were the RACISTS, SEXISTS, and BIGOTS, but lied to get the low information voter to believe otherwise. And the liberals have no shame in their dishonor.

If someone was a hermaphrodite from birth, what locker room would you make it use? The one the person identifies with or one that it does not?

If is was a transgender taking hormones that identified as a boy, where would you put it?
There is a big difference between someone born with both sexes vs someone who insanely thinks that with a penis and testicles he is a girl. But you libtards keep on pushing your agenda on US, just makes more of US want to move away from liberalism, as we see how "CRAZY" you really are, and not liking it.

No not really. The child identified as a female because that is what her brain chemistry kept telling her from birth. Her parent allowed her transition with hormones after counseling and in agreement with her doctor. She can't have GRS till she finishes growing.
Why should a transgender with breast be put in a boys locker room? You think she will not be harassed or bullied?

The school is doing the right thing legally and morally for the girl.

Why should a transgender boy not be allowed in a boys locker room?

Are lesbian girl allowed in the girls locker room?

Are gay boys allowed in the boys locker room?
You have tortured what ifs way beyond the facts in this case. None of what you are saying is true. It might be true someplace but not in this case.

The boy does not have breasts and isn't being chemically treated. The sole concession to transgenderism is that this boy put on a wig.

The initial complaint came from a female student that an intact male was in the girl's bathroom.
The transgender is in transition. You have to wait for GRS till she finishes growing.
If the kids don't mind and consider her female, why is there so much fuss.
Transgender is not a whim or a gag for a male to get into the girls locker room.
If she is getting counseling, under medical care and on hormones, she identifies as a female.

Time for people to become understanding and stuff their bigotry under the rug. The girl needs friends and support, not hostility and prejudice by ignorant adults
The only bigots are the liberals who are FORCING upon US their immorality. All a normal citizen wanted was to be left alone, but since the bullies of the left cannot be happy unless they are treading upon US, we see time and again, how they push their homosexual behavior constantly. This is all about Government control and as long as people believe in God, and not the government, the government cannot control the masses like they did in the USSR. Shame REAL history isn't being taught in public education anymore, but if it was, then the liberals would be in real trouble, as they were the RACISTS, SEXISTS, and BIGOTS, but lied to get the low information voter to believe otherwise. And the liberals have no shame in their dishonor.

If someone was a hermaphrodite from birth, what locker room would you make it use? The one the person identifies with or one that it does not?

If is was a transgender taking hormones that identified as a boy, where would you put it?
There is a big difference between someone born with both sexes vs someone who insanely thinks that with a penis and testicles he is a girl. But you libtards keep on pushing your agenda on US, just makes more of US want to move away from liberalism, as we see how "CRAZY" you really are, and not liking it.

No not really. The child identified as a female because that is what her brain chemistry kept telling her from birth. Her parent allowed her transition with hormones after counseling and in agreement with her doctor. She can't have GRS till she finishes growing.
Why should a transgender with breast be put in a boys locker room? You think she will not be harassed or bullied?

The school is doing the right thing legally and morally for the girl.

Why should a transgender boy not be allowed in a boys locker room?

Are lesbian girl allowed in the girls locker room?

Are gay boys allowed in the boys locker room?
You have tortured what ifs way beyond the facts in this case. None of what you are saying is true. It might be true someplace but not in this case.

The boy does not have breasts and isn't being chemically treated. The sole concession to transgenderism is that this boy put on a wig.

The initial complaint came from a female student that an intact male was in the girl's bathroom.

it's a dude in a wig and a dress.

Either he can use the men's room, or they create a separate gender neutral locker/bathroom for everyone that doesn't want to fit in category A or B.
No not really. The child identified as a female because that is what her brain chemistry kept telling her from birth.
Nonsense. Johns Hopkins no longer does transgender operations and recognizes it as a mental disorder. The gender determines brain function to a degree, not the other way around.

It is not a mental "disorder" but the brain chemistry makes her a mental female despite what her body looks like. Once the girl and her family have gone through the process to transition, she needs to be treated as a female.

This is not a guy in drag, the is a girl born with the wrong body parts.

If she had a third leg?

If it was a male and female Siamese twins?

This is a girl on hormones in preparation for GRS when she finishes growing.

Legally she is female
No not really. The child identified as a female because that is what her brain chemistry kept telling her from birth.
Nonsense. Johns Hopkins no longer does transgender operations and recognizes it as a mental disorder. The gender determines brain function to a degree, not the other way around.

It is not a mental "disorder" but the brain chemistry makes her a mental female despite what her body looks like. Once the girl and her family have gone through the process to transition, she needs to be treated as a female.

This is not a guy in drag, the is a girl born with the wrong body parts.

If she had a third leg?

If it was a male and female Siamese twins?

This is a girl on hormones in preparation for GRS when she finishes growing.

Legally she is female
Brain chemistry that is lacking in reason, is a "MENTAL DISORDER", you libtards have tried to change the wording and be PC so much, that you don't know truth from lies, you have been so brainwashed. XY chromosomes, means MALE. XX chromosomes, means FEMALE. Cant change the DNA, only the package, but inside you are still who you are. Bunch of dumbasses who vote dumbocrat.
No not really. The child identified as a female because that is what her brain chemistry kept telling her from birth.
Nonsense. Johns Hopkins no longer does transgender operations and recognizes it as a mental disorder. The gender determines brain function to a degree, not the other way around.

It is not a mental "disorder" but the brain chemistry makes her a mental female despite what her body looks like. Once the girl and her family have gone through the process to transition, she needs to be treated as a female.

This is not a guy in drag, the is a girl born with the wrong body parts.

If she had a third leg?

If it was a male and female Siamese twins?

This is a girl on hormones in preparation for GRS when she finishes growing.

Legally she is female
Brain chemistry that is lacking in reason, is a "MENTAL DISORDER", you libtards have tried to change the wording and be PC so much, that you don't know truth from lies, you have been so brainwashed. XY chromosomes, means MALE. XX chromosomes, means FEMALE. Cant change the DNA, only the package, but inside you are still who you are. Bunch of dumbasses who vote dumbocrat.
So, explain XX males and XY females? We have both: XX male syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now what, hot shit?
No not really. The child identified as a female because that is what her brain chemistry kept telling her from birth.
Nonsense. Johns Hopkins no longer does transgender operations and recognizes it as a mental disorder. The gender determines brain function to a degree, not the other way around.
It is not a mental "disorder" but the brain chemistry makes her a mental female despite what her body looks like. Once the girl and her family have gone through the process to transition, she needs to be treated as a female.

This is not a guy in drag, the is a girl born with the wrong body parts.

If she had a third leg?

If it was a male and female Siamese twins?

This is a girl on hormones in preparation for GRS when she finishes growing.

Legally she is female
Like I said Johns Hopkins no longer thinks so, so it comes down to them ...or you and your fantasy world.
"Her" community? At least we need to get the anatomy right. No matter how he views himself, a transgender boy is a "he". Even after so called sexual reassignment a male remains a male and a female still has the DNA of a female.
Oh boy reliable Wikipissia. You guys always go with science, yet only when it meets your agenda, but you cant change the truth, no matter how many times you say it. Male or Female? How Chromosomes Play a Role in Gender Formation
The male gametes or sperm cells in humans and other mammals are heterogametic and contain one of two types of sex chromosomes. They are either X or Y. The female gametes or eggs however, contain only the X sex chromosome and are homogametic.

The sperm cell determines the sex of an individual in this case. If a sperm cell containing an X chromosome fertilizes an egg, the resulting zygote will be XX or female. If the sperm cell contains a Y chromosome, then the resulting zygote will be XY or male.
No wonder more libtards cant make it in the world for they don't LEARN because in PUBLIC EDUCATION, they don't teach real science but FAUX science. I used to be sorry for people like you until I found out about the Rules for Radicals. Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
You guys are just plain "EVIL".
Cornman’s statement also says that the district accepts all students “no matter race, nationality/ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. We will promote tolerance and acceptance of all students that attend our district while not tolerating bullying/harassing behaviors of any type in any form.”

Lila said the school administration has been very supportive and is working to make her feel welcome. They have allowed her to use the facilities used by girls and women.

Districts that refuse to allow students to use a bathroom for the gender with which they identify could run afoul of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights, said Kelli Hopkins of the Missouri School Boards’ Association.

“The Office of Civil Rights has issued an opinion that says, if you do this, you have engaged in gender discrimination,” Hopkins said. “At the same time, there is no case law or statute in Missouri that says this is against the law.”

Schools found to have violated a student’s civil rights are at risk of losing some of their federal funding, Hopkins said.


She is a senior and have been in transition since she was 13

Four years a female and now as a senior she should not use the locker room?

In the beginning till the transition medically began, she pretended to identify as a gay male. Now with the transition she wants to be treated as herself, her legal gender, a female.
Oh boy reliable Wikipissia. You guys always go with science, yet only when it meets your agenda, but you cant change the truth, no matter how many times you say it. Male or Female? How Chromosomes Play a Role in Gender Formation
The male gametes or sperm cells in humans and other mammals are heterogametic and contain one of two types of sex chromosomes. They are either X or Y. The female gametes or eggs however, contain only the X sex chromosome and are homogametic.

The sperm cell determines the sex of an individual in this case. If a sperm cell containing an X chromosome fertilizes an egg, the resulting zygote will be XX or female. If the sperm cell contains a Y chromosome, then the resulting zygote will be XY or male.
No wonder more libtards cant make it in the world for they don't LEARN because in PUBLIC EDUCATION, they don't teach real science but FAUX science. I used to be sorry for people like you until I found out about the Rules for Radicals. Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
You guys are just plain "EVIL".
I see you couldn't deal with reality, like XX males and XY females. What a surprise...
Cornman’s statement also says that the district accepts all students “no matter race, nationality/ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. We will promote tolerance and acceptance of all students that attend our district while not tolerating bullying/harassing behaviors of any type in any form.”

Lila said the school administration has been very supportive and is working to make her feel welcome. They have allowed her to use the facilities used by girls and women.

Districts that refuse to allow students to use a bathroom for the gender with which they identify could run afoul of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights, said Kelli Hopkins of the Missouri School Boards’ Association.

“The Office of Civil Rights has issued an opinion that says, if you do this, you have engaged in gender discrimination,” Hopkins said. “At the same time, there is no case law or statute in Missouri that says this is against the law.”

Schools found to have violated a student’s civil rights are at risk of losing some of their federal funding, Hopkins said.


She is a senior and have been in transition since she was 13

Four years a female and now as a senior she should not use the locker room?

In the beginning till the transition medically began, she pretended to identify as a gay male. Now with the transition she wants to be treated as herself, her legal gender, a female.
Anyone sexually mutilating a minor should serve time in prison. When should "she" be allowed to play women's sports? But you're stuck on stupid so all I expect is more mystical crap.
Didn't he say he was gay? He probably couldn't control himself in the boy's locker room. He slapped a wig on his head and claims to be a girl.

Iran treats all gays like transsexuals. They are forcibly given surgery.

Before the age of 13 when the transition process began. She is now 17, a senior at the school.

This protest was 150, out of student body of 1200, kids for two hours, before returning to classes.
Didn't he say he was gay? He probably couldn't control himself in the boy's locker room. He slapped a wig on his head and claims to be a girl.

Iran treats all gays like transsexuals. They are forcibly given surgery.

Before the age of 13 when the transition process began. She is now 17, a senior at the school.

This protest was 150, out of student body of 1200, kids for two hours, before returning to classes.
Getting a dozen kids to protest would be amazing. 150 is remarkable. But no, he's fucked up in the head and will never have a normal life it he gets mutilated.
Cornman’s statement also says that the district accepts all students “no matter race, nationality/ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. We will promote tolerance and acceptance of all students that attend our district while not tolerating bullying/harassing behaviors of any type in any form.”

Lila said the school administration has been very supportive and is working to make her feel welcome. They have allowed her to use the facilities used by girls and women.

Districts that refuse to allow students to use a bathroom for the gender with which they identify could run afoul of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights, said Kelli Hopkins of the Missouri School Boards’ Association.

“The Office of Civil Rights has issued an opinion that says, if you do this, you have engaged in gender discrimination,” Hopkins said. “At the same time, there is no case law or statute in Missouri that says this is against the law.”

Schools found to have violated a student’s civil rights are at risk of losing some of their federal funding, Hopkins said.


She is a senior and have been in transition since she was 13

Four years a female and now as a senior she should not use the locker room?

In the beginning till the transition medically began, she pretended to identify as a gay male. Now with the transition she wants to be treated as herself, her legal gender, a female.
Anyone sexually mutilating a minor should serve time in prison. When should "she" be allowed to play women's sports? But you're stuck on stupid so all I expect is more mystical crap.

Not mutilation but corrective surgery. It is fixing a birth defect.

Kids have plastic surgery in high school. Far too frequently, but it is very popular before graduation.

This whole protest was around 10% of the student body and lasted two hours.

It was not the whole or even most of the school's students involved.

Why should she be denied her right to be treated as who she identifies as?

Other cases have ruled in favor of the transgender child

Rights case ruling favors Colo. transgender girl
The story of two transgender children
Didn't he say he was gay? He probably couldn't control himself in the boy's locker room. He slapped a wig on his head and claims to be a girl.

Iran treats all gays like transsexuals. They are forcibly given surgery.

Before the age of 13 when the transition process began. She is now 17, a senior at the school.

This protest was 150, out of student body of 1200, kids for two hours, before returning to classes.
Getting a dozen kids to protest would be amazing. 150 is remarkable. But no, he's fucked up in the head and will never have a normal life it he gets mutilated.

Kids that get put of classes for and hour or two hours? Not that hard, no matter the reason.
Once you start denying reality it is going to far. He is clearly male and will never be a woman. He might get cut up to look more like a woman, but will never be a woman. Adults should not be promoting this silliness.

The transgender is in transition. You have to wait for GRS till she finishes growing.
If the kids don't mind and consider her female, why is there so much fuss.
Transgender is not a whim or a gag for a male to get into the girls locker room.
If she is getting counseling, under medical care and on hormones, she identifies as a female.

Time for people to become understanding and stuff their bigotry under the rug. The girl needs friends and support, not hostility and prejudice by ignorant adults
The only bigots are the liberals who are FORCING upon US their immorality. All a normal citizen wanted was to be left alone, but since the bullies of the left cannot be happy unless they are treading upon US, we see time and again, how they push their homosexual behavior constantly. This is all about Government control and as long as people believe in God, and not the government, the government cannot control the masses like they did in the USSR. Shame REAL history isn't being taught in public education anymore, but if it was, then the liberals would be in real trouble, as they were the RACISTS, SEXISTS, and BIGOTS, but lied to get the low information voter to believe otherwise. And the liberals have no shame in their dishonor.

If someone was a hermaphrodite from birth, what locker room would you make it use? The one the person identifies with or one that it does not?

If is was a transgender taking hormones that identified as a boy, where would you put it?
There is a big difference between someone born with both sexes vs someone who insanely thinks that with a penis and testicles he is a girl. But you libtards keep on pushing your agenda on US, just makes more of US want to move away from liberalism, as we see how "CRAZY" you really are, and not liking it.

No not really. The child identified as a female because that is what her brain chemistry kept telling her from birth. Her parent allowed her transition with hormones after counseling and in agreement with her doctor. She can't have GRS till she finishes growing.
Why should a transgender with breast be put in a boys locker room? You think she will not be harassed or bullied?

The school is doing the right thing legally and morally for the girl.

Why should a transgender boy not be allowed in a boys locker room?

Are lesbian girl allowed in the girls locker room?

Are gay boys allowed in the boys locker room?

Ones gender is easy to physically determine, it is not a state of mind.
Cornman’s statement also says that the district accepts all students “no matter race, nationality/ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. We will promote tolerance and acceptance of all students that attend our district while not tolerating bullying/harassing behaviors of any type in any form.”

Lila said the school administration has been very supportive and is working to make her feel welcome. They have allowed her to use the facilities used by girls and women.

Districts that refuse to allow students to use a bathroom for the gender with which they identify could run afoul of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights, said Kelli Hopkins of the Missouri School Boards’ Association.

“The Office of Civil Rights has issued an opinion that says, if you do this, you have engaged in gender discrimination,” Hopkins said. “At the same time, there is no case law or statute in Missouri that says this is against the law.”

Schools found to have violated a student’s civil rights are at risk of losing some of their federal funding, Hopkins said.


She is a senior and have been in transition since she was 13

Four years a female and now as a senior she should not use the locker room?

In the beginning till the transition medically began, she pretended to identify as a gay male. Now with the transition she wants to be treated as herself, her legal gender, a female.

He will never be a she. They might cut him up, but he'll never get pregnant or have a period. He is not a female.
Didn't he say he was gay? He probably couldn't control himself in the boy's locker room. He slapped a wig on his head and claims to be a girl.

Iran treats all gays like transsexuals. They are forcibly given surgery.

Before the age of 13 when the transition process began. She is now 17, a senior at the school.

This protest was 150, out of student body of 1200, kids for two hours, before returning to classes.

So 150 should be made uncomfortable because of one student with a mental disorder? That makes no sense.

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