A True Test of Courage


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
There are just some things you cannot deny, some things you cannot fight.

I came out as bisexual today to my grandmother. Her response restored a lot of the faith I had lost in humanity.

"I still love you, regardless."

I was very afraid to tell her. As you know, she is a devout Christian. I am a Christian. Do I feel like I betrayed my faith? To a certain extent, but that feeling will soon pass. She says "God doesn't make mistakes". So if that's true, what I am is not a mistake on God's part.

I'd say this test of courage began after finishing a TV show where the lead character was bisexual. That set off an internal conflict within me that raged on for nearly half a decade. That conflict ended today. I laid down the gauntlet and confronted who I was, and accepted my true self. All that time I felt like I had been fighting my bisexuality, but in reality I was denying the truth.

I don't expect the great majority of you to understand. Some of you have religious and political objections, others simply will say it's impossible to be a bisexual conservative. I'm not here to have a debate about it. I'm not here to kowtow to one political ideology or another because of what I am. If you can't accept it, that's all on you.

Nothing feels as good as resolving an internal conflict within yourself. But what comes after is an inane fear of what is to come. I will deal with that when it comes for me.

Anywho, I'll see you around.

You know Templar, when Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was, Jesus said "Love God above all else, and love one another like you love God."

Gender and ethnicity were not specified, so love who you want.
The best to you, TK, on this walk. And, I think, a number on USMB may have suspected something such as this. No matter. Be who you are.
There are just some things you cannot deny, some things you cannot fight.

I came out as bisexual today to my grandmother. Her response restored a lot of the faith I had lost in humanity.

"I still love you, regardless."

I was very afraid to tell her. As you know, she is a devout Christian. I am a Christian. Do I feel like I betrayed my faith? To a certain extent, but that feeling will soon pass. She says "God doesn't make mistakes". So if that's true, what I am is not a mistake on God's part.

I'd say this test of courage began after finishing a TV show where the lead character was bisexual. That set off an internal conflict within me that raged on for nearly half a decade. That conflict ended today. I laid down the gauntlet and confronted who I was, and accepted my true self. All that time I felt like I had been fighting my bisexuality, but in reality I was denying the truth.

I don't expect the great majority of you to understand. Some of you have religious and political objections, others simply will say it's impossible to be a bisexual conservative. I'm not here to have a debate about it. I'm not here to kowtow to one political ideology or another because of what I am. If you can't accept it, that's all on you.

Nothing feels as good as resolving an internal conflict within yourself. But what comes after is an inane fear of what is to come. I will deal with that when it comes for me.

Anywho, I'll see you around.


We are what we are. Glad to hear you found the courage to tell your grandmother and great to hear she accepted you for who you are. Your grandmother is a wise woman.
I am glad you figured it out, and don't worry about the idiots who wish to abuse you for your sexuality. Ignore them and walk on by.
Do you blog, TK? IF not...you should. You write very well. I know you have struggled to find work, but maybe its been staring you in the face all this time? Writing. You get paid for it once you establish yourself and get followers. And the more followers you get, the more exposure you will have. AND...maybe you could assist others who were/are in the same boat you are....acknowledging your fears and triumphs such as this thread. How many younger ones need to hear what took you forever to face, before offing themselves or feeling so alone for so long.

Write. You are good at it, no matter the topic.
A person's sexuality is his or her own business IMO. I think it's a bit odd a TV show confirmed it for you, but good luck regardless.

No, it didn't confirm it for me at the time. Something you see as so insignificant is capable of provoking very significant change. I didn't come out for four years after that. These feelings were alien to me until I finally pinned them down.
Do you blog, TK? IF not...you should. You write very well. I know you have struggled to find work, but maybe its been staring you in the face all this time? Writing. You get paid for it once you establish yourself and get followers. And the more followers you get, the more exposure you will have. AND...maybe you could assist others who were/are in the same boat you are....acknowledging your fears and triumphs such as this thread. How many younger ones need to hear what took you forever to face, before offing themselves or feeling so alone for so long.

Write. You are good at it, no matter the topic.

That never occurred to me, Gracie. I have an overall interest in the arts, so I can draw and write. Maybe I will combine the two to make something special. I will encourage others in my situation...who endured my struggle... to be truthful to themselves.
James Swift. Look him up on Twitter. He had a short time on the tv show UTOPIA before it was cancelled. Gay guy. Dresses as female. Ru Paul fan. After the show ended, he got on twitter. Then he wrote a book. He only had about 200 followers but now he is in the thousands. He also works/writes for gay teens, to help them. MDK can help you with more, but James may be able to help you more with suggestions on what he did to get from where he was...to where he is NOW.
So what?

And I mean that. Like if you had said "I like broccoli." Or "I drive a KIA." Or "I'm black."

You do you, TK, to hell with everyone else.

At least you didn't tell us you like Budweiser... that's where I draw the line...

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