A United Resolve . . .


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Tom Petty said it best:

"You can stand me up at the gates of Hell
But I won't back down,
No, I'll stand my ground, won't be turned around"


This thread was inspired by a conversation had recently in another, where a number of conservative members conceded ground to liberal posters and at least one other, who admitted card carrying status as a eugenicist. As Americans, and not necessarily conservative republicans, but also moderate democrats and traditional liberals, and above all else: those proud of our nation, there exist a number of contemporary political issues we cannot compromise one inch with the radical Left.

To do so, to cede even one stride forward to the opposition, is to surrender our nation at some future time in history to Bolshevik revolutionary collapse from within. Any such surrender of core American values would equate treason by betrayal of blood we and our forbears shed to vanquish tyranny in countless forms far off our shores and at home.

A number of other board members here, who lean far Left of most fellow democrats, have openly threatened how standing our patriotic ground on core value issues would only serve to energize and unite their radical democrat masses--in an all out, anything goes attempt to stop victories for traditional America; the America envisioned by our Founders. Similarly, regrettably, fellow conservatives who claim to stand against the radical unhinged modern views of the far Left, have also compared standing immovable on certain, highly galvanizing but core traditional issues, to future self-destruction of our American way of life--if no ground is given; no compromise made to the fringe movements on the other side.

I vehemently disagree.

Who are we, the proud American people, if the values we hold most sacred--values that define us--are willingly surrendered or compromised away? What would be left of us; for us; for our children and their offspring, should we submit as never before in our history? No. We must stand united and immovable. We must be obdurate in the face of the radical Left's most lurid calls for capitulation, submission and promise of ideological restraint.

Now is not the time for negotiation or party unity, if negotiation means acceptance or living with abominations of American values perpetrated against our America by the radical Left. Despite popular so-called level headed calls for bipartisanship we must resist the Left's MSM delivered brinkmanship and return their bluff with that of our own. With the promise and demonstrated truth: "We will never back down. We will never surrender. We will meet any threat to our American Constitutional way of life in kind, tenfold.


The most dangerous and deceptive tactic of the radical American Left is to procrastinate the debate as long as possible--indefinitely--if they are able--while American lives suffer in the background. A primary weapon of this tactic is philosophizing the moral semantics of a given issue until nothing remains save for obfuscation and clinical indifference to any American suffering or need. Removing any moral fact or foundation of ancient right and wrong from the debate is an essential strategy of the radical American Left. If they can remove right and wrong, then for their agenda, nothing is out of reach or too un-American.

The Radical Left are masters of utilization of identity politics, while simultaneously removing or dehumanizing all that defines the individual and makes him or her a human being in the eyes of the government mechanism. They practice identity politics wherein groups of Americans are assigned in bulk to a group based most commonly on indivisible traits, such as race, skin color, heritage, and in some cases, religion or language or sexual preference. Sound familiar? Once assigned to such a group, the radical American Left creates laws and policies for both questionable benefit and punishment of the whole group classification.

An excellent example of identity politics is the historical treatment of African Americans in America. Despite the sum of them being individual human beings, each the embodiment of a separate sentience, will, dreams and desires, the practice of identity politics lumped all African Americans into one large group, and then proceeded to deal with them as a whole, rather than individual, living and breathing people.

After emancipation, even after the valiant civil rights movements of our recent history, the radical Left continued to handle the African American populace as a whole, leading them like Browning's Pied Piper toward a collective promised land with resettlement from farms and rural towns into inner city sprawl; affirmative action; generationally instilled fear and mistrust of all lighter skin tones; the promotion of militant black Islam; and re-segregation by religion, pop-culture (particularly, music), mass market branding, and many more forms. In truth, the African American people are undoubtedly the American radical Left's historically greatest and longest suffering victims.

And now, in our present day America, the Radical American Left has again been decades busy applying identity politics to women, genders, sexual preferences, religions, races and ethnicities--to name a few. All for the purpose of dividing the American people and leading them to hate each other. In point of fact, today in America, any one of these minority groups, surrounded by its individual movement, could very well be the political catalyst for Revolution.


Despite its weaponization, organization and social program targeting of such minority American groups, the radical American Left does not concern itself with the well being or even basic health of the group as a whole or of its individual members, as witnessed by their historical treatment of African Americans. Adversely, in fact, the radical Left views each identity group as political currency to be harvested and used whenever convenient or necessary, from which to create a base of support and a human interest platform to run on. To the radical American Left, we are not people with individual faces, families and basic needs, we are chattel to be used as fuel in upcoming political campaigns.

An excellent recent and ongoing example of the above are the migrant children separated from their parental figures or so-called guardians at the border. Once again, the radical Left views these children as a group, rather than individuals. Always remember that numbers, not individual suffering, matters most to the radical Left. That precisely is why the radical Left has dwelled, throughout the children at the border crisis, on numbers separated, not individual fates--unless an individual's fate was garishly tragic enough to tug at the hearts of millions of voters.


Once the radical American Left has weaponized a minority group, it then aims that weapon at large cross sections of the American voter age public. Pleas for sympathy with and protection of these groups, used as ammunition, is then fired out through MSM 24/7 outlets at the American people, who being among the most compassionate in the world, rise up in outrage at the ballot box to vote in radical candidates, who then continue or rejuvenate the radical Left political cycle.

With the above arise the need for Political Correctness--a paradigm engineered to ensure mass voter compliance with identity politic policies and laws. Within Political Correctness grows unlimited power for ruination of even the most powerful member of the political opposition; political assignation without physical death; yet. So powerful even that the one accused of violating P.C. etiquette will often remove his or herself from their political or professional position long held.

This practice is nearly identical to Soviet party fanaticism which saw mother's and father's so brainwashed they would voluntarily send themselves to the political prison if they even began to doubt their own party loyalty, for the sake of their children's future in the party. Imagine that, a lifetime away from your child, volunteered, for breaking political correctness.

How far away from making such messianic hypocrisy a reality in our of America today?


The Radical American Left's all out assault on being American continues as of this writing. Much the same as it wishes to govern by identity politics, so does the radical Left need to remove the very foundations of America from Americans.

God must go (the end of faith). Religion must go (the end of belief in right and wrong). Sanctity/value of individual life must go (abortion, youth suicide, assisted suicide, unplugging patients). Borders must go (to let in new identity groups). The Constitution must slowly be dissolved (to remove protections against ultimate Political Correctness).

Families must go (motivation to defend land and nation and property). Gender must go (the ultimate single group identity: neutral). Federal and state law enforcement agencies must go (they interfere with organizing and direction of identity groups).

All sense of ancient, fundamental right and wrong must go (without these, the sky is the limit of perversion and debauchery).

And . . . Capitalism must go (for achievement of a socio-communist state based on identity politics)


The Radical American Left does not want to co-exist with the rest of the more moderate, traditional, patriotic, proud to be--American political apparatus and populace. No. The Radical Left wants to assimilate all members of all other parties and force them into identity groups it can then use as fuel for a Revolution.

Therefore, those of us who love our nation; those of us who have fought for her, believe in her; those of us who still have faith in God and our Founding Fathers--we can never; we must never compromise or negotiate or submit to the agenda of the Radical Left.


Our best hope of avoiding bloodshed is twofold: One, reaching out to our youth in public schools and universities across the nation through new policies and laws and movements in attempts to defuse the growing MSM inspired race and sex and political divisions; eventually ending the power of Political Correctness.

And two, winning elections and lobbying our representatives to stand firmly as possible in the majority--never budging from core values--yet still including representation for all loyal Americans in hopes of alienating as few as possible.

Otherwise and at length, America could once again face foundation cracking, violent inner strife.
I read it so you didn't have to.

God, motherhood and apple pie. And looniness. Baseball wasn't mentioned.

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