A Video on 'Reasonable Gun Control' that Libtards Like

Jim Bowie -

Do you repsect the rights of the victims of gun violence and gun shootings?

Of course I do.

Then you should support laws that reflect that and are based on public safety.

Gun control should be outlawed and gun control advocates put in detention camps and stripped of their citizenship.

Ok, so you are basically promoting a Nazi dictatorship.
No matter how many examples are provided to the mind-numbed, brain-dead lib/prog lemmings, they are unable to face the fact that what has failed before will fail again. They are cowards and liars.

Can you explain why the US has 10 times as many gun-related deaths as countries that have real gun control laws?

You mean like Russia does? Or South Africa?

Oh, wait, they have HHIGHER crime rates and murder rates than they USA, my bad.

Can you explain why we have over 2 million uses of a gun for self defense each year?

Oh dear God.....you are comparing the US with Russia and South Africa??!!

Try comparing the US with a developed western country - like France, Germany, the UK, Canada, Australia, Spain, New Zealand, Holland or Austria.

Those countries have gun control laws based on safety - and as a result have around 10% of the deaths by guns that the US does.
Jim Bowie -

Do you repsect the rights of the victims of gun violence and gun shootings?

Of course I do.

Then you should support laws that reflect that and are based on public safety.

I do support laws that respect their rights, but they do not have the right to disarm the public simply because they are victims of gun free zone laws.

Gun control should be outlawed and gun control advocates put in detention camps and stripped of their citizenship.

Ok, so you are basically promoting a Nazi dictatorship.

Am I? These people are a threat to our Republic, so putting them in places where they cant hurt the rest of us makes sense to me.

You are the Nazi by trying to disarm the public, not me.
These people are a threat to our Republic, so putting them in places where they cant hurt the rest of us makes sense to me.

I agree with the poster earlier who commented that you sound simply insane on this thread.

I'll put you on ignore.
These people are a threat to our Republic, so putting them in places where they cant hurt the rest of us makes sense to me.

I agree with the poster earlier who commented that you sound simply insane on this thread.

I'll put you on ignore.

Oh no! A libtard shit head is going to put me on ignore? What am I to do?

Laugh my ass off, obviously.
Gun murder by country - rate per 100,000 people.

Norway 0.1

Australia 0.2

Holland 0.3

US 3.2

NZ 0.2

Canada 0.5

Ireland 0.5

Germany 0.2

Sweden 0.4

UK 0.1

BBC News - US gun debate: Guns in numbers

Another lie by libtard gun grabbing whores. Notice how he only wants to talk about murders in which guns were used, but not murders where other objects are used. He doesnt want to talk about the rise in violent crime rates that gun banning countries typically have.

Here are some stats on ALL murder and note how much gun control many of the top murder rate countries have:

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Guns in Venezuela: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law

Gun politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Venezuela, South Africa, Mexico, Russia, Zimbabwe, Brazil, the Ukraine, and Cuba all have stricter gun laws than the USA and have higher murder rates.
So apparently the US is doing better than....

...Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Russia...

You have to laugh, don't you?

Also interesting to note that from Jim's own link - the US is the highest ranked western democracy on the list of intentional homicides, with double the number of homicides of any European country:

US 4.8

South Korea 2.6

Finland 2.2

Canada 1.6

U.K. 1.2

So thanks, Jim, for establishing once again that the kind of gun control we have here in Europe means we have half the number of murders that the US does.
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Gun murder by country - rate per 100,000 people.

Norway 0.1

Australia 0.2

Holland 0.3

US 3.2

NZ 0.2

Canada 0.5

Ireland 0.5

Germany 0.2

Sweden 0.4

UK 0.1

Another lie by libtard gun grabbing whores. Notice how he only wants to talk about murders in which guns were used, but not murders where other objects are used. He doesnt want to talk about the rise in violent crime rates that gun banning countries typically have.

Here are some stats on ALL murder and note how much gun control many of the top murder rate countries have

Venezuela, South Africa, Mexico, Russia, Zimbabwe, Brazil, the Ukraine, and Cuba all have stricter gun laws than the USA and have higher murder rates.

Tis idiocy like this, the denial of truth, that makes me want to stop being a staunch Centrist and swing far-left.

Your stupidity is painful.

Yeah, I know contrary data is very painful to fascist gun grabbing Nazis like you.

Eat shit, bitch.
So apparently the US is doing better than....

...Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Russia...

You have to laugh, don't you?

Why do you laugh at these other countries? Russia is a major power, industrialized and a long established nation?

Could it be that you are a racist who thinks that one cant compare nonWestern countries to the US?

And Cuba and Venezuela are libtard paradises, arent they? lol, you are such a fucking fool.

Also interesting to note that from Jim's own link - the US is the highest ranked western democracy on the list of intentional homicides, with double the number of homicides of any European country:

US 4.8

South Korea 2.6

Finland 2.2

Canada 1.6

U.K. 1.2

Dude, you narrow the category of nations to 'western democracies' throw in South Korea and then pat yourself on the back for cherry picking your data?
lol, do you really think people are stupid enough to fall for that bullshit?

Good greif, get a brain somehow, buy one, steal it, borrow it, fuck, I dont care, but stop being such a full retard.

So thanks, Jim, for establishing once again that the kind of gun control we have here in Europe means we have half the number of murders that the US does.

The biggest reason you dont have a high murder rate is that Western Europe is full of a bunch of pussies these days, like the dude that stripped down naked and gave a mugger all his clothes in the UK l ast year. What a fucking ****. But that is the UK these days, a carbon copy of the French punks who let Muslims rampage through their country, lol.



I would far prefer living in a country with murder rates higher than the UK if it is the price of not being turned into a nation of bloddy bitches.
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What kind of weapons do right wingnuts want to arm teachers with? Bazookas? 50 caliber machine guns? Should they be kept loaded and in the umbrella stand next to the teachers desk?

A Glock 9 mm would be perfectly adequate, although I would prefer a .357 magnum for myself. The weapon would be concealed carry and kept on their person at all times, numb nuts.
What kind of weapons do right wingnuts want to arm teachers with? Bazookas? 50 caliber machine guns? Should they be kept loaded and in the umbrella stand next to the teachers desk?

A Glock 9 mm would be perfectly adequate, although I would prefer a .357 magnum for myself. The weapon would be concealed carry and kept on their person at all times, numb nuts.

'Numbnuts is a compliment to RDean, one of the biggest liars on this board, comparable even to Jake Starkey.
This is really a question of democracy:

Do you consider that gun laws should be made more strict, kept as they are, or less strict?

More strict 58%

Less strict 6%


I assume most people here support the will of the people, no?

Fortunately, we have a republic form of government, rather than mob-rule democracy...

but I 'spect you wouldn't know what I'm talking about...

More data cherry picking by another fascist wannabe is all that chart is.

Key phrase: 'gun related', as though being killed with a knife is any better.

Fuck you, Nazi liar.

BTW, if one were to remove the murder stats of Democrat controled cities like Chicago, LA, Detroit, etc, the US has a lower murder rate than all of EuEurope, you piss-for-brains.

you forgot to mention that Dem-controlled den of snakes, New Orleans...
Bayoubill -

Actually, the US is a democracy - there is no contradiction between federalism and democracy. The same is also true of Switzerland, Australia etc.

Democracy is not "mob-rule", because mobs do not hold elections.
Bayoubill -

Actually, the US is a democracy - there is no contradiction between federalism and democracy. The same is also true of Switzerland, Australia etc.

Democracy is not "mob-rule", because mobs do not hold elections.

You are ignorant of the facts, and that is because you have no respect for facts.

The US is not a democracy, it is a Republic, you stupid ****.

And mobs can rule through democratic bodies, like the mob that surrendered the UKs sovereignty by singing the Lisbon treaty and didnt give a shit if the majority in the UK wanted it or not. That is mob rule over a bunch of pussies.
Home invasion exploded and the libtards are OK with it because 'the children are safe', one denigrating the whole thing as someone slipping their foot inside your door'.

Watch and weep, those who love freedom and self defense.

'It doesnt bloody add up.'

Gun control is not about guns, it is about control.

Number of Gun Homicides in US in 2012 - 11,101.

Number of Gun Homicides in Australia in 2012- 30.

Data Comparison from GunPolicy.org Facts

Number of Gun Suicides in US in 2011 - 19,766

Number of gun suicides in Australia in 2011- 162

Data Comparison from GunPolicy.org Facts

Frankly, I'm tired of paying this high of a price because you are insecure and are compensating for a tiny penis.

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