A Video on 'Reasonable Gun Control' that Libtards Like

This is really a question of democracy:

Do you consider that gun laws should be made more strict, kept as they are, or less strict?

More strict 58%

Less strict 6%


I assume most people here support the will of the people, no?

Was there some vote I missed? Link?

"Do you support laws that infringe on liberty and leave criminals free to go armed?"
This is really a question of democracy:

Do you consider that gun laws should be made more strict, kept as they are, or less strict?

More strict 58%

Less strict 6%


I assume most people here support the will of the people, no?

If you are a Republican, no.
Gun murder by country - rate per 100,000 people.

Norway 0.1

Australia 0.2

Holland 0.3

US 3.2

NZ 0.2

Canada 0.5

Ireland 0.5

Germany 0.2

Sweden 0.4

UK 0.1

BBC News - US gun debate: Guns in numbers

Another lie by libtard gun grabbing whores. Notice how he only wants to talk about murders in which guns were used, but not murders where other objects are used. He doesnt want to talk about the rise in violent crime rates that gun banning countries typically have.

Here are some stats on ALL murder and note how much gun control many of the top murder rate countries have:

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Guns in Venezuela: Facts, Figures and Firearm Law

Gun politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Venezuela, South Africa, Mexico, Russia, Zimbabwe, Brazil, the Ukraine, and Cuba all have stricter gun laws than the USA and have higher murder rates.

All the countries you named have problems much worse than guns.
Home invasion exploded and the libtards are OK with it because 'the children are safe', one denigrating the whole thing as someone slipping their foot inside your door'.

Watch and weep, those who love freedom and self defense.

'It doesnt bloody add up.'

Gun control is not about guns, it is about control.

Number of Gun Homicides in US in 2012 - 11,101.

Number of Gun Homicides in Australia in 2012- 30.

Data Comparison from GunPolicy.org Facts

Number of Gun Suicides in US in 2011 - 19,766

Number of gun suicides in Australia in 2011- 162

Data Comparison from GunPolicy.org Facts

Frankly, I'm tired of paying this high of a price because you are insecure and are compensating for a tiny penis.

More statistical lies from one of the top five liars on these boards.

All murders for Australia are ten times that high, and their population is less than one tenth of ours.

Joe back to you rock, Joe.
All the countries you named have problems much worse than guns.

Another magic denial of the plain truth by waving some highly subjective, categorical fiction around, *poof* the hard facts dont count for the libtards anymore, just like they do with so many other subjects.

The only thing wrong with liberals are all the libtard fools like RDean that infest it these days.
This is really a question of democracy:

Do you consider that gun laws should be made more strict, kept as they are, or less strict?

More strict 58%

Less strict 6%


I assume most people here support the will of the people, no?

If you are a Republican, no.

Polls do not express the Will of the people; elections do and the House of Representatives is the clearest expression of the Will of the People because of its granularity.
Home invasion exploded and the libtards are OK with it because 'the children are safe', one denigrating the whole thing as someone slipping their foot inside your door'.

Watch and weep, those who love freedom and self defense.

'It doesnt bloody add up.'

Gun control is not about guns, it is about control.

Number of Gun Homicides in US in 2012 - 11,101.

Number of Gun Homicides in Australia in 2012- 30.

Data Comparison from GunPolicy.org Facts

Number of Gun Suicides in US in 2011 - 19,766

Number of gun suicides in Australia in 2011- 162

Data Comparison from GunPolicy.org Facts

Frankly, I'm tired of paying this high of a price because you are insecure and are compensating for a tiny penis.

More statistical lies from one of the top five liars on these boards.

All murders for Australia are ten times that high, and their population is less than one tenth of ours.

Joe back to you rock, Joe.

Why, since you seem impervious facts...

Australia has a much lower murder rate than we do, even factoring in its smaller popuation...
Why, since you seem impervious facts...

Australia has a much lower murder rate than we do, even factoring in its smaller popuation...

They have a lower murder rate because of other factors, but looking at the change in crime rates, especially violent crimes of all kinds to include rape, armed robbery and armed assault, Australia's rates have gone up in most of them and are higher than ours in most categories.

The epitome of the issue was an discussion between Piers Morgan and some gun rights advocates, when Morgan asked if the solution to stopping a gang of criminals from doing a mob assault on a victim was to allow the victim to shoot the assaulters.

He simply could not see the justice, fairness or need for the victim to be able to defend himself. For him the victim being beat nearly to death was the preferable outcome rather than anyone, to include the criminals, getting killed.

He is the epitome of what is wrong with libtard thinking. US lower income people that have to work among dangerous criminals will not allow ourselves to be beaten to death while ass hats like Morgan are protected by their HEAVILY ARMED bodyguards.
Bayoubill -

Actually, the US is a democracy - there is no contradiction between federalism and democracy. The same is also true of Switzerland, Australia etc.

Democracy is not "mob-rule", because mobs do not hold elections.

Sure they do. A huge mob held an election just last November. You simply choose not to call it a mob.
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Sure they do. A huge move held an election just last November. You simply choose not to call it a mob.

Why do you consider the majority of American voters to be "a mob".

It's really interesting to see on threads like this how much some peple really hate the American people. I don't get that at all.
Sure they do. A huge move held an election just last November. You simply choose not to call it a mob.

Why do you consider the majority of American voters to be "a mob".

It's really interesting to see on threads like this how much some peple really hate the American people. I don't get that at all.

A mob is simply a large mass of people that act in unison. That's pretty much what an election is.

Although Americans are generally smarter and wiser than the idiot masses in other countries, they can generally be depended upon to make the wrong decision. They are easily swindled and hoodwinked. The history of elections in this country the irrefutable proof. The biggest swindlers and crooks in American history are the most fondly remembered.
This is really a question of democracy:

Do you consider that gun laws should be made more strict, kept as they are, or less strict?

More strict 58%

Less strict 6%


I assume most people here support the will of the people, no?

So we go with ever changing polls? Gay marriage is opposed by most people, where do you want to go with that one, you know, with the will of the people stuff you spout.
Gay marriage is opposed by most people,

Fifty percent of Americans believe same-sex marriages should be recognized by law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages -- down slightly from 53% last year, but marking only the second time in Gallup's history of tracking this question that at least half of Americans have supported legal same-sex marriage. Forty-eight percent say such marriages should not be legal.

Half of Americans Support Legal Gay Marriage
A mob is simply a large mass of people that act in unison. That's pretty much what an election is.

Although Americans are generally smarter and wiser than the idiot masses in other countries, they can generally be depended upon to make the wrong decision. They are easily swindled and hoodwinked. The history of elections in this country the irrefutable proof. The biggest swindlers and crooks in American history are the most fondly remembered.

Well, I guess most voters in most countries can be easily hoodwinked, but at the end of the day the will of the people decides.

We might not always like it - I usually don't here - but I usually feel I have to respect my fellow citizens. They have a right to their opinions.
Gay marriage is opposed by most people,

Fifty percent of Americans believe same-sex marriages should be recognized by law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages -- down slightly from 53% last year, but marking only the second time in Gallup's history of tracking this question that at least half of Americans have supported legal same-sex marriage. Forty-eight percent say such marriages should not be legal.

Half of Americans Support Legal Gay Marriage

What if the poll changes the other way, because several years ago the poll results were different.

All in all, it is a dumb way to govern.
Papa -

I don't disagree with you, really. But it's a stupid politician who doesn't keep an eye on polls to see which the wind is blowing. Polls might go up and down, but there are also those trends that only go in one way - look at the way attitudes towards racism have changed over the past 40 years.

With gay marriage, gun control and climate change I think a smart politician might sense that ten years from now public opinion is only likely to go one way. By getting on board with that they can also come up with sensible policies, and not leave it to extremists to run the debate.
Papa -

I don't disagree with you, really. But it's a stupid politician who doesn't keep an eye on polls to see which the wind is blowing. Polls might go up and down, but there are also those trends that only go in one way - look at the way attitudes towards racism have changed over the past 40 years.

With gay marriage, gun control and climate change I think a smart politician might sense that ten years from now public opinion is only likely to go one way. By getting on board with that they can also come up with sensible policies, and not leave it to extremists to run the debate.

What you call a 'smart politician' most people would call 'unprincipled whores in politics'.

Guess that fits in with how you think.

BTW, these libtard fad-causes do not always win. Busing in the US has largely ended, with a very few places still busing kids for desegregation purposes. The movement to force the Metric system has been stopped cold, and we have had huge success in educating the pbulic from gun grabbing liars like you and have rolled back a lot of gun grabbing laws across the country.

How shallow your world must be to feel like twisting with the wind is the only way to live.

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