A Warren Dilemma.She Only Campaigns On One Issue.How Does She Expect To Win?

Iran could bomb the hell out of a neighbor, and the next day Poker Hauntus will talk about what how Trump cheats on his taxes

Democrats had Iran under control. Trump fucked it up.

But I see you are a bigot.

Was that before or after Obama sent them $1.7 Billion?
Here we go again.
Iranian money.
sure, it built those missiles used in the bombing. already been established and shared with the global allies.
We have all probably noticed this by now. When we see her on the campaign trail, it seems all she talks about is stealing money from all of us who have it, and giving it to the lower middle class/poor. That's it.
So, it's like "Uh,,hey Elizabeth,, "Anything Else"? can you talk about the other 23 issues ?
Warren, as far as I know, has never spoke about any foreign related issues that concern us. Especially Iran.
Warren never talks about trade, the economy, the debt/mess that started under Obama, the future crisis with social security, etc. etc.
Let's all just think of Elizabeth Warren on that debate stage when a moderator asks her about the Iran Crisis.
She will look like Chevy Chase. "Ahh,,,Uhmm,,I thought we all agreed that there weren't going to be any questions about Foreign Matters"
:huh1: :oops-28:
Well, she's got the woman-of-color thing going for her.
Democrats had Iran under control....

Iran could bomb the hell out of a neighbor, and the next day Poker Hauntus will talk about what how Trump cheats on his taxes

Democrats had Iran under control. Trump fucked it up.

But I see you are a bigot.

Was that before or after Obama sent them $1.7 Billion?
and they made all of this surface to air missiles that targeted oil fields to interject pain on the global economy? it was the intention all along. come on man, we all have thinking skills.
Lets go back a little to the Iraq War. It was Cheney's Halliburton that was still working in Iran helping them produce oil & they used those profits to send IEDs into Iraq & killed our soldiers. We were fighting Iraq, Halliburton was enriching Iran.

Then consider that Bush taking our Sadam, took our Iran's number one enemy. Without worrying about Iraq, Iran used that money to become stronger & a stronger influence in the Middle East/

So before you trying to blame Obama, Iran is where it is thanks to the Republican party.

Obama put together a coalition of allies to stop Iran's nuclear program.

Along come Trump. He thinks he knows more that our experts, & those in France, Great Britain, Russia, Germany. A man with ZERO foreign policy.
Iran could bomb the hell out of a neighbor, and the next day Poker Hauntus will talk about what how Trump cheats on his taxes

Democrats had Iran under control. Trump fucked it up.

But I see you are a bigot.

Was that before or after Obama sent them $1.7 Billion?
and they made all of this surface to air missiles that targeted oil fields to interject pain on the global economy? it was the intention all along. come on man, we all have thinking skills.
Lets go back a little to the Iraq War. It was Cheney's Halliburton that was still working in Iran helping them produce oil & they used those profits to send IEDs into Iraq & killed our soldiers. We were fighting Iraq, Halliburton was enriching Iran.

Then consider that Bush taking our Sadam, took our Iran's number one enemy. Without worrying about Iraq, Iran used that money to become stronger & a stronger influence in the Middle East/

So before you trying to blame Obama, Iran is where it is thanks to the Republican party.

Obama put together a coalition of allies to stop Iran's nuclear program.

Along come Trump. He thinks he knows more that our experts, & those in France, Great Britain, Russia, Germany. A man with ZERO foreign policy.
Obama sent them $1.7 Billion
Iran could bomb the hell out of a neighbor, and the next day Poker Hauntus will talk about what how Trump cheats on his taxes

Democrats had Iran under control. Trump fucked it up.

But I see you are a bigot.

Was that before or after Obama sent them $1.7 Billion?
and they made all of this surface to air missiles that targeted oil fields to interject pain on the global economy? it was the intention all along. come on man, we all have thinking skills.
Lets go back a little to the Iraq War. It was Cheney's Halliburton that was still working in Iran helping them produce oil & they used those profits to send IEDs into Iraq & killed our soldiers. We were fighting Iraq, Halliburton was enriching Iran.

Then consider that Bush taking our Sadam, took our Iran's number one enemy. Without worrying about Iraq, Iran used that money to become stronger & a stronger influence in the Middle East/

So before you trying to blame Obama, Iran is where it is thanks to the Republican party.

Obama put together a coalition of allies to stop Iran's nuclear program.

Along come Trump. He thinks he knows more that our experts, & those in France, Great Britain, Russia, Germany. A man with ZERO foreign policy.

And influence the Middle East they have.
must be why John Kerry violated our laws and went over and met with them after trump took office. Has to be. He went over and said, I have the leash, you must obey me now!!! yep that's it.
Actually, John Kerry met one Iranian at a conference in Germany. There was no discussion on the treaty. Here is the likely transcript:

Kerry: Hey, how have you been?
Iranian: Trump is a dick.
Kerry: I know.
Iran could bomb the hell out of a neighbor, and the next day Poker Hauntus will talk about what how Trump cheats on his taxes

Democrats had Iran under control. Trump fucked it up.

But I see you are a bigot.

Was that before or after Obama sent them $1.7 Billion?
and they made all of this surface to air missiles that targeted oil fields to interject pain on the global economy? it was the intention all along. come on man, we all have thinking skills.
Lets go back a little to the Iraq War. It was Cheney's Halliburton that was still working in Iran helping them produce oil & they used those profits to send IEDs into Iraq & killed our soldiers. We were fighting Iraq, Halliburton was enriching Iran.

Then consider that Bush taking our Sadam, took our Iran's number one enemy. Without worrying about Iraq, Iran used that money to become stronger & a stronger influence in the Middle East/

So before you trying to blame Obama, Iran is where it is thanks to the Republican party.

Obama put together a coalition of allies to stop Iran's nuclear program.

Along come Trump. He thinks he knows more that our experts, & those in France, Great Britain, Russia, Germany. A man with ZERO foreign policy.

Bah.. I blame the Eisenhower Administration, they're the idiots that let the British talk them into using the CIA to engineer a coup d'etat against the Mosaddegh led government that started all this U.S. - Iranian animosity in the first place.

If it wasn't for that paranoid warhawk bullshit, it's likely Iran would a moderate, secular state today.
President Trump and Moscow Mitch lying what Putin tells them to do. But as far as Warren you are as usual lying because you don't have an idiea of what you are talking about. The reason you are blasting Warren is because you fear that yes she will beat the Donald.
The world according to RealDave:

Iran before Trump...


The day after Trump took office...suddenly.....

The reason you are blasting Warren is because you fear that yes she will beat the Donald.

Yeah, you're right because as hard as it to believe she has the potential to be worse for the interests of Americans than President Twitter is.

She's a anti-capitalism, anti-business nut case whose ideas are likely to destroy the competitiveness of some of our most successful businesses and hand dominance in key industry sectors over to foreign companies.

"Be afraid, be very afraid" -- Seth Brundle, The Fly
must be why John Kerry violated our laws and went over and met with them after trump took office. Has to be. He went over and said, I have the leash, you must obey me now!!! yep that's it.
Actually, John Kerry met one Iranian at a conference in Germany. There was no discussion on the treaty. Here is the likely transcript:

Kerry: Hey, how have you been?
Iranian: Trump is a dick.
Kerry: I know.
Wink wink
President Trump and Moscow Mitch lying what Putin tells them to do. But as far as Warren you are as usual lying because you don't have an idiea of what you are talking about. The reason you are blasting Warren is because you fear that yes she will beat the Donald.
But you know all about it? Yeah wink wink, nudge nudge no what I mean? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
i just can't believe she is relying on the old go to bullshit line of "let the rich pay for it!".... yeah.
That math was done a long time ago. If every wealth person in America paid 100% tax rates...every dime they made, it wouldn't even put a dent in it. I commend Steve Carell for challenging her on it
We have all probably noticed this by now. When we see her on the campaign trail, it seems all she talks about is stealing money from all of us who have it, and giving it to the lower middle class/poor. That's it.
So, it's like "Uh,,hey Elizabeth,, "Anything Else"? can you talk about the other 23 issues ?
Warren, as far as I know, has never spoke about any foreign related issues that concern us. Especially Iran.
Warren never talks about trade, the economy, the debt/mess that started under Obama, the future crisis with social security, etc. etc.
Let's all just think of Elizabeth Warren on that debate stage when a moderator asks her about the Iran Crisis.
She will look like Chevy Chase. "Ahh,,,Uhmm,,I thought we all agreed that there weren't going to be any questions about Foreign Matters"
:huh1: :oops-28:
Warren appeared on Steven Colbert's show, pushing her same BS about how Medicare For All is going to lower Middle Class health care costs. On this show on which she expected 'softballs' served up to her, Colbert pinned her to the proverbial carpet, exposing the fact she does not want to admit aloud that to pay for it - and all the other freebies - she is going to tax the hell out of the Middle Class.

She is NEVER going to admit that publicly until she has the nomination in her hand, despite the fact that anyone with half a brain understands the money to pay for this stuff doesn't appear out of thin air... and the government does not MAKE any money. Every dime the government has either came from the pockets of American citizens, adding more to the national debt, and/or from PRINTING more.

How is she going to squirm out of more 'close encounters' like the one she had on Colbert's show when they do what he did, which was cut her off in mid-spin and demand to knw how she was paying for it?!

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