a world literally divided: we're living in The Age Of Walls


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
there are more walls today than at the height of the Cold War.

they began by separating Greece & Macedonia, Macedonia & Serbia, and as we became less shocked by each stretch of barbed wire, others followed suit. Slovenia built a wall with Croatia, the Austrians fenced off Slovenia, Sweden walled off Denmark, while Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania have all built a wall with Russia.

and Europe is not alone!
There used to be a phrase, "Good fences make for good neighbors". -- Rober Frost
the UAE has built a fence with Oman, Kuwait with Iraq. Iraq and Iran maintain a physical divide, as do Iran & Pakistan, all 435 miles of it. Uzbekistan has closed itself off all 5 neighboring countries. its border with Tajikstan is even mined.

and the story goes on and on and on, through the barriers separating Brunei & Malaysia, Malaysia & Thailand, Pakistan & India, India & Bangladesh, China & North Korea, North & South Korea, etc
the UAE has built a fence with Oman, Kuwait with Iraq. Iraq and Iran maintain a physical divide, as do Iran & Pakistan, all 435 miles of it. Uzbekistan has closed itself off all 5 neighboring countries. its border with Tajikstan is even mined.

and the story goes on and on and on, through the barriers separating Brunei & Malaysia, Malaysia & Thailand, Pakistan & India, India & Bangladesh, China & North Korea, North & South Korea, etc
Bullshit! Walls, and barriers don’t work. Never will... Just ask a leftist who is desperate for voters....
Well, we have rich white elitist that literally live in communities that use money/income as a wall to keep out the poor unedumucated 5th estaters. Or literally they have gates and guards.And they own businesses that hire illegals at the expense of poor Americans. And who do you think THEY support? These wankers are the puppeteers that created this mess, they profit from exploiting illegals, THEY are the ones creating sanctuary cities without the consent of the local populace and OUTSIDE of the legal election process. THEY fund lawyers PACs, and they buy positive rep from the media...everything from TV shows to so- called "NEWS" outlets. Its time we had a real "media" that transcended the monetized bias and had the guts to speak the TRUTH.
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the UAE has built a fence with Oman, Kuwait with Iraq. Iraq and Iran maintain a physical divide, as do Iran & Pakistan, all 435 miles of it. Uzbekistan has closed itself off all 5 neighboring countries. its border with Tajikstan is even mined.

and the story goes on and on and on, through the barriers separating Brunei & Malaysia, Malaysia & Thailand, Pakistan & India, India & Bangladesh, China & North Korea, North & South Korea, etc
Bullshit! Walls, and barriers don’t work. Never will... Just ask a leftist who is desperate for voters....
sometimes physical walls dont go up at all, but we still feel the separation, it's in our minds. these invisible barriers are just as effective.

picture the beginning of 2001: A Space Odyssey, a small tribe a of man-apes is drinking peacefully at a watering hole when another tribe turns up. the individuals are happy to share with their own group, but not with this new tribe. a shrieking match ensues in which the new group succeeds in taking over the watering hole, forcing the others to retreat. at this point, if the newcomers had had the NOUS to make a few bricks and mix some cement they could have walled off their new possession and guarded it. but they have to fight it out again when the first tribe returns some days later, having boned up on warfare, to reclaim its territory.
there are more walls today than at the height of the Cold War.

they began by separating Greece & Macedonia, Macedonia & Serbia, and as we became less shocked by each stretch of barbed wire, others followed suit. Slovenia built a wall with Croatia, the Austrians fenced off Slovenia, Sweden walled off Denmark, while Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania have all built a wall with Russia.

and Europe is not alone!
Did you know that Barrack Hussain Obama has walls built outside his new house in D.C. That is to keep out the liberal scums who voted his sorry ass into office, because he doesn't like poor people. Now if you are uber wealthy like Warren Buffet or Jeff Bezos(liberal billionaires) you can come right in.

Obama lectures America about border walls — but look at the glaring hypocrisy surrounding his home

I think the President should get a helicopter and fly over a bunch of illegals and drop them into O's back yard and have him(Barry) deal with them. Talk about a hoot.
there are more walls today than at the height of the Cold War.

they began by separating Greece & Macedonia, Macedonia & Serbia, and as we became less shocked by each stretch of barbed wire, others followed suit. Slovenia built a wall with Croatia, the Austrians fenced off Slovenia, Sweden walled off Denmark, while Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania have all built a wall with Russia.

and Europe is not alone!

To the moon with all of the walls; we need ramparts man! With merlons and all associated jazz works.
the title of Thomas Friedman's book The World Is Flat was based on the belief that globalization would inevitably bring us together. it has done that, but it has also inspired us to build walls.

Zuckerberg believed social media would unite us. it has, but it has also given voice and organizational ability to new cyber tribes who spend their time spewing racist shit on the internet.
the title of Thomas Friedman's book The World Is Flat was based on the belief that globalization would inevitably bring us together. it has done that, but it has also inspired us to build walls.

Zuckerberg believed social media would unite us. it has, but it has also given voice and organizational ability to new cyber tribes who spend their time spewing racist shit on the internet.

Yes, And this is because some cultures since ancient times and counting . . . tick . . . tick . . . hold sacred radically different interpretations of right and wrong, expressed, sometimes often violently, in radically different rites and rituals and cultural practices. Overcoming that is the key to a one world nation not day and night trying to blow itself to smithereens.
as you approach the Mutianyu section of the Great Wall Of China, the highway diminishes into a simple 2-lane road, the buildings fewer and the landscape more verdant.

the wall was built on a simplistic idea: on one side civilization, on the other barbarity. it is a line separating the steppe from the sown field, nomadism from agriculture.
There is a dichotomy between what certain people expected from the internet/free speech and what they really got. Everybody is a crackpot or racist unless they agree with you.
over the centuries, the Great Wall protected China, uniting it as a political entity and provided stability to develop farms in the west and north.

as the wall stretched westwards it also protected part of the Silk Route, furthering China's economic power.

at its longest, including the parallel walls, the wall stretched for 13,000 miles. that is equivalent to four walls parallel to each other, each stretching from the east coast of the US all the way across to the Pacific Ocean, with lots of bricks to spare...
the title of Thomas Friedman's book The World Is Flat was based on the belief that globalization would inevitably bring us together. it has done that, but it has also inspired us to build walls.

Zuckerberg believed social media would unite us. it has, but it has also given voice and organizational ability to new cyber tribes who spend their time spewing racist shit on the internet.

There's always an equal reaction to anything.

Take Football safety for example...The more you make the helmet
safer...the bigger the weapon it becomes.
the Great Wall's role as a symbol of defense, of dividing the Han from the outsiders, is invaluable, it remains an icon of a great and ancient culture.
there are more walls today than at the height of the Cold War.

they began by separating Greece & Macedonia, Macedonia & Serbia, and as we became less shocked by each stretch of barbed wire, others followed suit. Slovenia built a wall with Croatia, the Austrians fenced off Slovenia, Sweden walled off Denmark, while Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania have all built a wall with Russia.

and Europe is not alone!
Did you know that Barrack Hussain Obama has walls built outside his new house in D.C. That is to keep out the liberal scums who voted his sorry ass into office, because he doesn't like poor people. Now if you are uber wealthy like Warren Buffet or Jeff Bezos(liberal billionaires) you can come right in.

Obama lectures America about border walls — but look at the glaring hypocrisy surrounding his home

I think the President should get a helicopter and fly over a bunch of illegals and drop them into O's back yard and have him(Barry) deal with them. Talk about a hoot.

I can see it now. Barack with a microphone going, “Hey! Hey, now. C’mon now. Hey c’mon! C’mon now. Hey hey hey hey! C’mon. Now... now now now now—hey!” Etc etc etc and them not giving him a moment of their time!
Tibet serves as a buffer zone for China's heartland, preventing India from dominating the high ground along the border with India, the Himalayas act as a barrier, which is why a major conflict has never happened between China & India. this also allows China to protect its water sources, Tibet is called the "Asian Water Tower" since so many rivers flow out of it.
I don't know why Greece and Macidonia would have a problem and to tell the truth I don't give a damn. I bet Greece doesn't support ten million illegal Macidonians and vice versa.
I don't know why Greece and Macidonia would have a problem and to tell the truth I don't give a damn. I bet Greece doesn't support ten million illegal Macidonians and vice versa.
i'm an expert on all global politics, except Greece. sorry

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