For those upset with the SC sending abortion back to the states to decide, let's look at abortion laws in Europe.

About that...

Harris confirms that Democrats want abortion legal up to birth

Story by Zachary Faria
• 7mo • 2 min read


We know that Harris supports legal abortion up to birth not just from her refusal to name a week in pregnancy when she thinks it should be illegal. As a senator in January 2018, Harris voted against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would ban abortion when an unborn child could feel pain at around 20 weeks of pregnancy. In February 2020, Harris voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would require that babies born alive after failed abortion attempts be given proper medical care.

We know that Democrats support abortion being legal up to birth because it was Democratic senators like Harris who tanked both of those bills. We also know this because several Democrats running in competitive races in 2022 said that they cannot name a single abortion restriction that they support. And we know it because Psaki, Brennan, and others in liberal media deflect from these facts by falsely claiming that late-term abortions are rare rather than citing a single abortion restriction that the Democratic Party supports.

Just stop with the “up to birth” bullshit.

You’re talking about late term abortions and they are extremely rare and never without good reason
Just stop with the “up to birth” bullshit.

You’re talking about late term abortions and they are extremely rare and never without good reason

"good reason" is a pretty broad category, including things like not wanting to have children at this point in time.
Then, why don't libs outlaw it?

If it "doesn't happen", outlawing Partial Birth Abortion won't affect anyone.

You want ALL abortions banned in the third trimester.

What about the women suffering stillbirths? Or fetal death???
I just told you how many times I've been pregnant in the post you quoted, apparently you can't read either.

And apparently you think that all late term abortions are only done when medically necessary, how foolish of you.

So you would kill off all down's syndrome children, you butcher.

You only said you have 3 children. Not how many times you’ve been pregnant.

I have 3 children too, but I had 2 miscarriages, both of which were incomplete, and both of which required a D&C. Such care is now banned in 22 states.

The danger of sepsis in the second miscarriage was very real. I carried that fetus for more than 2 weeks after it was determined that it had died.

Every woman I know who has had children has similar stories, or they have family or friends with similar stories.

That’s why I don’t believe you’ve EVER been pregnant.
About that...

Harris confirms that Democrats want abortion legal up to birth

Story by Zachary Faria
• 7mo • 2 min read


We know that Harris supports legal abortion up to birth not just from her refusal to name a week in pregnancy when she thinks it should be illegal. As a senator in January 2018, Harris voted against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would ban abortion when an unborn child could feel pain at around 20 weeks of pregnancy. In February 2020, Harris voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would require that babies born alive after failed abortion attempts be given proper medical care.

We know that Democrats support abortion being legal up to birth because it was Democratic senators like Harris who tanked both of those bills. We also know this because several Democrats running in competitive races in 2022 said that they cannot name a single abortion restriction that they support. And we know it because Psaki, Brennan, and others in liberal media deflect from these facts by falsely claiming that late-term abortions are rare rather than citing a single abortion restriction that the Democratic Party supports.

Nothing there changes the lie and there's nothing surprising about your trying desperately to defend a lie,
Nope. And that was a stupid "question"

It made YOU fuckers radical

Hell you folks were blowing up clinics and shooting doctors
All of this has to do with police murdering black people. Nothing to do with abortion at all.

As always with you gullible fools, liars are gonna lie.
True. But it does demonstrate how Republicans and Democrats deal with issues.

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