A World War II Mindset Is Needed

that's what your sunday school teacher was saying about Adolf in the 1930s
And America has never recovered from it. Post war boom or not.

never recovered from what?
From the impositions that centralized power put on the people of the USA, using the excuse of joining two world wars.

oh----you feel imposed upon? Can you elaborate?
Just compare the number of laws in America after hitler and before hitler. Or, after Wilson and before Wilson. In America, socialists, communist's, national socialists, like in all other countries too, use the excuse of something remote to whip up mass hysteria, that they then use to control you. For example, Americans criticized hitler for opposing bank secrecy. Now it is the Americans themselves that attacked Swiss banks to eliminate bank secrecy from the very day they beat hitler. America will never recover from what has been done to it by the excuse of hitler or modern terrorism.

I thought I knew about stuff for which Hitler was criticized------in fact, I never came
upon the "bank secrecy" complaint as a reason for going to war or even as a
criticism of Hitler and am not really sure to what you refer.---- the secrecy of SWISS
BANKS? <<<<that galvanized World War II? What does the "excuse of something remote" mean? Like the incessant bombing of London? Is the
bombing in Brussels also an issue TOO REMOTE for your consideration? How
about the events of 9-11-01? Could you give me a little hint as to approximately
where you live to that I can laugh were that area happened to be carpet bombed?
And America has never recovered from it. Post war boom or not.

never recovered from what?
From the impositions that centralized power put on the people of the USA, using the excuse of joining two world wars.

oh----you feel imposed upon? Can you elaborate?
Just compare the number of laws in America after hitler and before hitler. Or, after Wilson and before Wilson. In America, socialists, communist's, national socialists, like in all other countries too, use the excuse of something remote to whip up mass hysteria, that they then use to control you. For example, Americans criticized hitler for opposing bank secrecy. Now it is the Americans themselves that attacked Swiss banks to eliminate bank secrecy from the very day they beat hitler. America will never recover from what has been done to it by the excuse of hitler or modern terrorism.

I thought I knew about stuff for which Hitler was criticized------in fact, I never came
upon the "bank secrecy" complaint as a reason for going to war or even as a
criticism of Hitler and am not really sure to what you refer.---- the secrecy of SWISS
BANKS? <<<<that galvanized World War II? What does the "excuse of something remote" mean? Like the incessant bombing of London? Is the
bombing in Brussels also an issue TOO REMOTE for your consideration? How
about the events of 9-11-01? Could you give me a little hint as to approximately
where you live to that I can laugh were that area happened to be carpet bombed?
You mean 9-11-01? That was 2 buildings, a - 1000 people. During ww2, several Swiss villages/cities were bombed by "error", to force Switzerland into the war, all unsuccessful. But as little as 2 buildings in the U.S lead to total national madness. Even new absolutist bureaucracy has been created for it, called the department of homeland security. And you want carpet bombing? No problem, it has been done, only the United States has killed ~ 10000 people using drone attacks, whilst not being in any declared war with any other country. So yes, my point stands, it is your money and your person that is drawn into a game that is designed for you to lose, nobody else.
never recovered from what?
From the impositions that centralized power put on the people of the USA, using the excuse of joining two world wars.

oh----you feel imposed upon? Can you elaborate?
Just compare the number of laws in America after hitler and before hitler. Or, after Wilson and before Wilson. In America, socialists, communist's, national socialists, like in all other countries too, use the excuse of something remote to whip up mass hysteria, that they then use to control you. For example, Americans criticized hitler for opposing bank secrecy. Now it is the Americans themselves that attacked Swiss banks to eliminate bank secrecy from the very day they beat hitler. America will never recover from what has been done to it by the excuse of hitler or modern terrorism.

I thought I knew about stuff for which Hitler was criticized------in fact, I never came
upon the "bank secrecy" complaint as a reason for going to war or even as a
criticism of Hitler and am not really sure to what you refer.---- the secrecy of SWISS
BANKS? <<<<that galvanized World War II? What does the "excuse of something remote" mean? Like the incessant bombing of London? Is the
bombing in Brussels also an issue TOO REMOTE for your consideration? How
about the events of 9-11-01? Could you give me a little hint as to approximately
where you live to that I can laugh were that area happened to be carpet bombed?
You mean 9-11-01? That was 2 buildings, a - 1000 people. During ww2, several Swiss villages/cities were bombed by "error", to force Switzerland into the war, all unsuccessful. But as little as 2 buildings in the U.S lead to total national madness. Even new absolutist bureaucracy has been created for it, called the department of homeland security. And you want carpet bombing? No problem, it has been done, only the United States has killed ~ 10000 people using drone attacks, whilst not being in any declared war with any other country. So yes, my point stands, it is your money and your person that is drawn into a game that is designed for you to lose, nobody else.

Circa 1960 when I was a child----I read Nazi propaganda----mostly written from the mid-1930s-----and thru the 1950s.. The stuff was freely available in pamphlet style throwaways and had been thrown all over town. You got the same style and the
same "logic"
From the impositions that centralized power put on the people of the USA, using the excuse of joining two world wars.

oh----you feel imposed upon? Can you elaborate?
Just compare the number of laws in America after hitler and before hitler. Or, after Wilson and before Wilson. In America, socialists, communist's, national socialists, like in all other countries too, use the excuse of something remote to whip up mass hysteria, that they then use to control you. For example, Americans criticized hitler for opposing bank secrecy. Now it is the Americans themselves that attacked Swiss banks to eliminate bank secrecy from the very day they beat hitler. America will never recover from what has been done to it by the excuse of hitler or modern terrorism.

I thought I knew about stuff for which Hitler was criticized------in fact, I never came
upon the "bank secrecy" complaint as a reason for going to war or even as a
criticism of Hitler and am not really sure to what you refer.---- the secrecy of SWISS
BANKS? <<<<that galvanized World War II? What does the "excuse of something remote" mean? Like the incessant bombing of London? Is the
bombing in Brussels also an issue TOO REMOTE for your consideration? How
about the events of 9-11-01? Could you give me a little hint as to approximately
where you live to that I can laugh were that area happened to be carpet bombed?
You mean 9-11-01? That was 2 buildings, a - 1000 people. During ww2, several Swiss villages/cities were bombed by "error", to force Switzerland into the war, all unsuccessful. But as little as 2 buildings in the U.S lead to total national madness. Even new absolutist bureaucracy has been created for it, called the department of homeland security. And you want carpet bombing? No problem, it has been done, only the United States has killed ~ 10000 people using drone attacks, whilst not being in any declared war with any other country. So yes, my point stands, it is your money and your person that is drawn into a game that is designed for you to lose, nobody else.

Circa 1960 when I was a child----I read Nazi propaganda----mostly written from the mid-1930s-----and thru the 1950s.. The stuff was freely available in pamphlet style throwaways and had been thrown all over town. You got the same style and the
same "logic"
So you are one of those 20th century people. I guess you should know then, or maybe that's why you don't know then. So what is your "logic"? The more hysteria, the more centralized, power, the more government provisioning and preconditioning, the better? This didn't end well in the Soviet Union, and it will be even worse in an automatized and networked 21st century world. Very evil, if not pure evil.
oh----you feel imposed upon? Can you elaborate?
Just compare the number of laws in America after hitler and before hitler. Or, after Wilson and before Wilson. In America, socialists, communist's, national socialists, like in all other countries too, use the excuse of something remote to whip up mass hysteria, that they then use to control you. For example, Americans criticized hitler for opposing bank secrecy. Now it is the Americans themselves that attacked Swiss banks to eliminate bank secrecy from the very day they beat hitler. America will never recover from what has been done to it by the excuse of hitler or modern terrorism.

I thought I knew about stuff for which Hitler was criticized------in fact, I never came
upon the "bank secrecy" complaint as a reason for going to war or even as a
criticism of Hitler and am not really sure to what you refer.---- the secrecy of SWISS
BANKS? <<<<that galvanized World War II? What does the "excuse of something remote" mean? Like the incessant bombing of London? Is the
bombing in Brussels also an issue TOO REMOTE for your consideration? How
about the events of 9-11-01? Could you give me a little hint as to approximately
where you live to that I can laugh were that area happened to be carpet bombed?
You mean 9-11-01? That was 2 buildings, a - 1000 people. During ww2, several Swiss villages/cities were bombed by "error", to force Switzerland into the war, all unsuccessful. But as little as 2 buildings in the U.S lead to total national madness. Even new absolutist bureaucracy has been created for it, called the department of homeland security. And you want carpet bombing? No problem, it has been done, only the United States has killed ~ 10000 people using drone attacks, whilst not being in any declared war with any other country. So yes, my point stands, it is your money and your person that is drawn into a game that is designed for you to lose, nobody else.

Circa 1960 when I was a child----I read Nazi propaganda----mostly written from the mid-1930s-----and thru the 1950s.. The stuff was freely available in pamphlet style throwaways and had been thrown all over town. You got the same style and the
same "logic"
So you are one of those 20th century people. I guess you should know then, or maybe that's why you don't know then. So what is your "logic"? The more hysteria, the more centralized, power, the more government provisioning and preconditioning, the better? This didn't end well in the Soviet Union, and it will be even worse in an automatized and networked 21st century world. Very evil, if not pure evil.

I was born in the 20th century------since we are only 16 years into the twenty-first----
that would make you ------what 14? Maybe it is your age which accounts for the
fact that you have no idea that you are parroting old ideas used by Nazi propagandaists
Just compare the number of laws in America after hitler and before hitler. Or, after Wilson and before Wilson. In America, socialists, communist's, national socialists, like in all other countries too, use the excuse of something remote to whip up mass hysteria, that they then use to control you. For example, Americans criticized hitler for opposing bank secrecy. Now it is the Americans themselves that attacked Swiss banks to eliminate bank secrecy from the very day they beat hitler. America will never recover from what has been done to it by the excuse of hitler or modern terrorism.

I thought I knew about stuff for which Hitler was criticized------in fact, I never came
upon the "bank secrecy" complaint as a reason for going to war or even as a
criticism of Hitler and am not really sure to what you refer.---- the secrecy of SWISS
BANKS? <<<<that galvanized World War II? What does the "excuse of something remote" mean? Like the incessant bombing of London? Is the
bombing in Brussels also an issue TOO REMOTE for your consideration? How
about the events of 9-11-01? Could you give me a little hint as to approximately
where you live to that I can laugh were that area happened to be carpet bombed?
You mean 9-11-01? That was 2 buildings, a - 1000 people. During ww2, several Swiss villages/cities were bombed by "error", to force Switzerland into the war, all unsuccessful. But as little as 2 buildings in the U.S lead to total national madness. Even new absolutist bureaucracy has been created for it, called the department of homeland security. And you want carpet bombing? No problem, it has been done, only the United States has killed ~ 10000 people using drone attacks, whilst not being in any declared war with any other country. So yes, my point stands, it is your money and your person that is drawn into a game that is designed for you to lose, nobody else.

Circa 1960 when I was a child----I read Nazi propaganda----mostly written from the mid-1930s-----and thru the 1950s.. The stuff was freely available in pamphlet style throwaways and had been thrown all over town. You got the same style and the
same "logic"
So you are one of those 20th century people. I guess you should know then, or maybe that's why you don't know then. So what is your "logic"? The more hysteria, the more centralized, power, the more government provisioning and preconditioning, the better? This didn't end well in the Soviet Union, and it will be even worse in an automatized and networked 21st century world. Very evil, if not pure evil.

I was born in the 20th century------since we are only 16 years into the twenty-first----
that would make you ------what 14? Maybe it is your age which accounts for the
fact that you have no idea that you are parroting old ideas used by Nazi propagandaists
Call me whatever you want. Money is money, and losing is losing. It has merit to point out new propaganda that makes you lose, by design. And nazi propaganda is irrelevant in the 21st century, as it is classified as ancient history.
I thought I knew about stuff for which Hitler was criticized------in fact, I never came
upon the "bank secrecy" complaint as a reason for going to war or even as a
criticism of Hitler and am not really sure to what you refer.---- the secrecy of SWISS
BANKS? <<<<that galvanized World War II? What does the "excuse of something remote" mean? Like the incessant bombing of London? Is the
bombing in Brussels also an issue TOO REMOTE for your consideration? How
about the events of 9-11-01? Could you give me a little hint as to approximately
where you live to that I can laugh were that area happened to be carpet bombed?
You mean 9-11-01? That was 2 buildings, a - 1000 people. During ww2, several Swiss villages/cities were bombed by "error", to force Switzerland into the war, all unsuccessful. But as little as 2 buildings in the U.S lead to total national madness. Even new absolutist bureaucracy has been created for it, called the department of homeland security. And you want carpet bombing? No problem, it has been done, only the United States has killed ~ 10000 people using drone attacks, whilst not being in any declared war with any other country. So yes, my point stands, it is your money and your person that is drawn into a game that is designed for you to lose, nobody else.

Circa 1960 when I was a child----I read Nazi propaganda----mostly written from the mid-1930s-----and thru the 1950s.. The stuff was freely available in pamphlet style throwaways and had been thrown all over town. You got the same style and the
same "logic"
So you are one of those 20th century people. I guess you should know then, or maybe that's why you don't know then. So what is your "logic"? The more hysteria, the more centralized, power, the more government provisioning and preconditioning, the better? This didn't end well in the Soviet Union, and it will be even worse in an automatized and networked 21st century world. Very evil, if not pure evil.

I was born in the 20th century------since we are only 16 years into the twenty-first----
that would make you ------what 14? Maybe it is your age which accounts for the
fact that you have no idea that you are parroting old ideas used by Nazi propagandaists
Call me whatever you want. Money is money, and losing is losing. It has merit to point out new propaganda that makes you lose, by design. And nazi propaganda is irrelevant in the 21st century, as it is classified as ancient history.

Money? how interesting -----not a page of Nazi propaganda ---the stuff I read as
a child, leaves out the issue of MONEY ------. The big push to avoid DISLIKING
ADOLF was always linked to ---***might COST YOU MONEY ****. Any
effort to combat adolf in his agenda is all----GOING TO COST MONEY---specifically ---it will cost MONEY for the average, hard working, hard drinking, semiliterate
You mean 9-11-01? That was 2 buildings, a - 1000 people. During ww2, several Swiss villages/cities were bombed by "error", to force Switzerland into the war, all unsuccessful. But as little as 2 buildings in the U.S lead to total national madness. Even new absolutist bureaucracy has been created for it, called the department of homeland security. And you want carpet bombing? No problem, it has been done, only the United States has killed ~ 10000 people using drone attacks, whilst not being in any declared war with any other country. So yes, my point stands, it is your money and your person that is drawn into a game that is designed for you to lose, nobody else.

Circa 1960 when I was a child----I read Nazi propaganda----mostly written from the mid-1930s-----and thru the 1950s.. The stuff was freely available in pamphlet style throwaways and had been thrown all over town. You got the same style and the
same "logic"
So you are one of those 20th century people. I guess you should know then, or maybe that's why you don't know then. So what is your "logic"? The more hysteria, the more centralized, power, the more government provisioning and preconditioning, the better? This didn't end well in the Soviet Union, and it will be even worse in an automatized and networked 21st century world. Very evil, if not pure evil.

I was born in the 20th century------since we are only 16 years into the twenty-first----
that would make you ------what 14? Maybe it is your age which accounts for the
fact that you have no idea that you are parroting old ideas used by Nazi propagandaists
Call me whatever you want. Money is money, and losing is losing. It has merit to point out new propaganda that makes you lose, by design. And nazi propaganda is irrelevant in the 21st century, as it is classified as ancient history.

Money? how interesting -----not a page of Nazi propaganda ---the stuff I read as
a child, leaves out the issue of MONEY ------. The big push to avoid DISLIKING
ADOLF was always linked to ---***might COST YOU MONEY ****. Any
effort to combat adolf in his agenda is all----GOING TO COST MONEY---specifically ---it will cost MONEY for the average, hard working, hard drinking, semiliterate
Well, in that case, did you notice that you are not allowed to dislike a few other people either? For example the neo Marxist power centers of European decision making?
Circa 1960 when I was a child----I read Nazi propaganda----mostly written from the mid-1930s-----and thru the 1950s.. The stuff was freely available in pamphlet style throwaways and had been thrown all over town. You got the same style and the
same "logic"
So you are one of those 20th century people. I guess you should know then, or maybe that's why you don't know then. So what is your "logic"? The more hysteria, the more centralized, power, the more government provisioning and preconditioning, the better? This didn't end well in the Soviet Union, and it will be even worse in an automatized and networked 21st century world. Very evil, if not pure evil.

I was born in the 20th century------since we are only 16 years into the twenty-first----
that would make you ------what 14? Maybe it is your age which accounts for the
fact that you have no idea that you are parroting old ideas used by Nazi propagandaists
Call me whatever you want. Money is money, and losing is losing. It has merit to point out new propaganda that makes you lose, by design. And nazi propaganda is irrelevant in the 21st century, as it is classified as ancient history.

Money? how interesting -----not a page of Nazi propaganda ---the stuff I read as
a child, leaves out the issue of MONEY ------. The big push to avoid DISLIKING
ADOLF was always linked to ---***might COST YOU MONEY ****. Any
effort to combat adolf in his agenda is all----GOING TO COST MONEY---specifically ---it will cost MONEY for the average, hard working, hard drinking, semiliterate
Well, in that case, did you notice that you are not allowed to dislike a few other people either? For example the neo Marxist power centers of European decision making?

I am not allowed to dislike ---WHO??? "neo Marxist power centers of European dicision making"???? can you name a few?
I thought I knew about stuff for which Hitler was criticized------in fact, I never came
upon the "bank secrecy" complaint as a reason for going to war or even as a
criticism of Hitler and am not really sure to what you refer.---- the secrecy of SWISS
BANKS? <<<<that galvanized World War II? What does the "excuse of something remote" mean? Like the incessant bombing of London? Is the
bombing in Brussels also an issue TOO REMOTE for your consideration? How
about the events of 9-11-01? Could you give me a little hint as to approximately
where you live to that I can laugh were that area happened to be carpet bombed?
You mean 9-11-01? That was 2 buildings, a - 1000 people. During ww2, several Swiss villages/cities were bombed by "error", to force Switzerland into the war, all unsuccessful. But as little as 2 buildings in the U.S lead to total national madness. Even new absolutist bureaucracy has been created for it, called the department of homeland security. And you want carpet bombing? No problem, it has been done, only the United States has killed ~ 10000 people using drone attacks, whilst not being in any declared war with any other country. So yes, my point stands, it is your money and your person that is drawn into a game that is designed for you to lose, nobody else.

Circa 1960 when I was a child----I read Nazi propaganda----mostly written from the mid-1930s-----and thru the 1950s.. The stuff was freely available in pamphlet style throwaways and had been thrown all over town. You got the same style and the
same "logic"
So you are one of those 20th century people. I guess you should know then, or maybe that's why you don't know then. So what is your "logic"? The more hysteria, the more centralized, power, the more government provisioning and preconditioning, the better? This didn't end well in the Soviet Union, and it will be even worse in an automatized and networked 21st century world. Very evil, if not pure evil.

I was born in the 20th century------since we are only 16 years into the twenty-first----
that would make you ------what 14? Maybe it is your age which accounts for the
fact that you have no idea that you are parroting old ideas used by Nazi propagandaists
Call me whatever you want. Money is money, and losing is losing. It has merit to point out new propaganda that makes you lose, by design. And nazi propaganda is irrelevant in the 21st century, as it is classified as ancient history.

WWII is not ancient history, professor.
So you are one of those 20th century people. I guess you should know then, or maybe that's why you don't know then. So what is your "logic"? The more hysteria, the more centralized, power, the more government provisioning and preconditioning, the better? This didn't end well in the Soviet Union, and it will be even worse in an automatized and networked 21st century world. Very evil, if not pure evil.

I was born in the 20th century------since we are only 16 years into the twenty-first----
that would make you ------what 14? Maybe it is your age which accounts for the
fact that you have no idea that you are parroting old ideas used by Nazi propagandaists
Call me whatever you want. Money is money, and losing is losing. It has merit to point out new propaganda that makes you lose, by design. And nazi propaganda is irrelevant in the 21st century, as it is classified as ancient history.

Money? how interesting -----not a page of Nazi propaganda ---the stuff I read as
a child, leaves out the issue of MONEY ------. The big push to avoid DISLIKING
ADOLF was always linked to ---***might COST YOU MONEY ****. Any
effort to combat adolf in his agenda is all----GOING TO COST MONEY---specifically ---it will cost MONEY for the average, hard working, hard drinking, semiliterate
Well, in that case, did you notice that you are not allowed to dislike a few other people either? For example the neo Marxist power centers of European decision making?

I am not allowed to dislike ---WHO??? "neo Marxist power centers of European dicision making"???? can you name a few?
You mean 9-11-01? That was 2 buildings, a - 1000 people. During ww2, several Swiss villages/cities were bombed by "error", to force Switzerland into the war, all unsuccessful. But as little as 2 buildings in the U.S lead to total national madness. Even new absolutist bureaucracy has been created for it, called the department of homeland security. And you want carpet bombing? No problem, it has been done, only the United States has killed ~ 10000 people using drone attacks, whilst not being in any declared war with any other country. So yes, my point stands, it is your money and your person that is drawn into a game that is designed for you to lose, nobody else.

Circa 1960 when I was a child----I read Nazi propaganda----mostly written from the mid-1930s-----and thru the 1950s.. The stuff was freely available in pamphlet style throwaways and had been thrown all over town. You got the same style and the
same "logic"
So you are one of those 20th century people. I guess you should know then, or maybe that's why you don't know then. So what is your "logic"? The more hysteria, the more centralized, power, the more government provisioning and preconditioning, the better? This didn't end well in the Soviet Union, and it will be even worse in an automatized and networked 21st century world. Very evil, if not pure evil.

I was born in the 20th century------since we are only 16 years into the twenty-first----
that would make you ------what 14? Maybe it is your age which accounts for the
fact that you have no idea that you are parroting old ideas used by Nazi propagandaists
Call me whatever you want. Money is money, and losing is losing. It has merit to point out new propaganda that makes you lose, by design. And nazi propaganda is irrelevant in the 21st century, as it is classified as ancient history.

WWII is not ancient history, professor.
Okay, we can agree that ww2 is contemporary for those who have it in their interest today, and ancient history for those who don't, and they can change this back and forth any day.
You mean 9-11-01? That was 2 buildings, a - 1000 people. During ww2, several Swiss villages/cities were bombed by "error", to force Switzerland into the war, all unsuccessful. But as little as 2 buildings in the U.S lead to total national madness. Even new absolutist bureaucracy has been created for it, called the department of homeland security. And you want carpet bombing? No problem, it has been done, only the United States has killed ~ 10000 people using drone attacks, whilst not being in any declared war with any other country. So yes, my point stands, it is your money and your person that is drawn into a game that is designed for you to lose, nobody else.

Circa 1960 when I was a child----I read Nazi propaganda----mostly written from the mid-1930s-----and thru the 1950s.. The stuff was freely available in pamphlet style throwaways and had been thrown all over town. You got the same style and the
same "logic"
So you are one of those 20th century people. I guess you should know then, or maybe that's why you don't know then. So what is your "logic"? The more hysteria, the more centralized, power, the more government provisioning and preconditioning, the better? This didn't end well in the Soviet Union, and it will be even worse in an automatized and networked 21st century world. Very evil, if not pure evil.

I was born in the 20th century------since we are only 16 years into the twenty-first----
that would make you ------what 14? Maybe it is your age which accounts for the
fact that you have no idea that you are parroting old ideas used by Nazi propagandaists
Call me whatever you want. Money is money, and losing is losing. It has merit to point out new propaganda that makes you lose, by design. And nazi propaganda is irrelevant in the 21st century, as it is classified as ancient history.

WWII is not ancient history, professor.

different people have an entirely different view of ANCIENT-------my baby attended
a really backward Yeshiva until high school ----at which point he transferred to
a really hot shot high school ---VERY DIVERSE POPULATION---lots of children of UN people and stuff like that (now some people know the High school) He came up with an observation (cute little baby that he was) ----"ma----Christians think
that history started 2000 years ago, muslims think it started 1400 years and, jews
think it started about 6000 years ago... <<< a simple naïve observation
Circa 1960 when I was a child----I read Nazi propaganda----mostly written from the mid-1930s-----and thru the 1950s.. The stuff was freely available in pamphlet style throwaways and had been thrown all over town. You got the same style and the
same "logic"
So you are one of those 20th century people. I guess you should know then, or maybe that's why you don't know then. So what is your "logic"? The more hysteria, the more centralized, power, the more government provisioning and preconditioning, the better? This didn't end well in the Soviet Union, and it will be even worse in an automatized and networked 21st century world. Very evil, if not pure evil.

I was born in the 20th century------since we are only 16 years into the twenty-first----
that would make you ------what 14? Maybe it is your age which accounts for the
fact that you have no idea that you are parroting old ideas used by Nazi propagandaists
Call me whatever you want. Money is money, and losing is losing. It has merit to point out new propaganda that makes you lose, by design. And nazi propaganda is irrelevant in the 21st century, as it is classified as ancient history.

WWII is not ancient history, professor.
Okay, we can agree that ww2 is contemporary for those who have it in their interest today, and ancient history for those who don't, and they can change this back and forth any day.

why would "we" agree on so idiotic a concept-----it happened in about the middle part of the 20th century-----SEE? easy----- numbers ,make things EASY
So...will we go total war footing? Rationing, the corporations required by the government to switch to war production?
Detention camps!

very likely.

Who will be put in them, US citizens? You can bet you're sweet bippy it won't be our guests! Makes sense to me.

I would guess it would be people with ties to terrorist groups or who advocated
Most likely it would be like the Asian American camps in ww2 .
That is, roundup anyone that is different.
So...will we go total war footing? Rationing, the corporations required by the government to switch to war production?
Detention camps!

very likely.

Who will be put in them, US citizens? You can bet you're sweet bippy it won't be our guests! Makes sense to me.

I would guess it would be people with ties to terrorist groups or who advocated
Most likely it would be like the Asian American camps in ww2 .
That is, roundup anyone that is different.

I don't think so------that program has been THOROUGHLY
discredited. I think it would more likely be associates of
terrorists whose actions on their own did not constitute crime ----
something like "being a member of a communist party" during
the cold war ----Being a member of a group whose member have
been involved in terrorism and the group ethos is ----terrorist
Circa 1960 when I was a child----I read Nazi propaganda----mostly written from the mid-1930s-----and thru the 1950s.. The stuff was freely available in pamphlet style throwaways and had been thrown all over town. You got the same style and the
same "logic"
So you are one of those 20th century people. I guess you should know then, or maybe that's why you don't know then. So what is your "logic"? The more hysteria, the more centralized, power, the more government provisioning and preconditioning, the better? This didn't end well in the Soviet Union, and it will be even worse in an automatized and networked 21st century world. Very evil, if not pure evil.

I was born in the 20th century------since we are only 16 years into the twenty-first----
that would make you ------what 14? Maybe it is your age which accounts for the
fact that you have no idea that you are parroting old ideas used by Nazi propagandaists
Call me whatever you want. Money is money, and losing is losing. It has merit to point out new propaganda that makes you lose, by design. And nazi propaganda is irrelevant in the 21st century, as it is classified as ancient history.

WWII is not ancient history, professor.
Okay, we can agree that ww2 is contemporary for those who have it in their interest today, and ancient history for those who don't, and they can change this back and forth any day.

False choice.

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