A yarmaluke on top & mormon underwear on his bottom


Apr 9, 2009
Will someone please try
to explain to me
why an American Presidential candidate
would wear a yarmaluke on his top
and Mormon underwear on his bottom

and a grin or grimace on his face - --
while standing in front of a Jewish Wailing Wall?

The way Mitty stood there-
to have his picture taken
you might think he had come there aching

to see

or maybe to hear something!

Might his underwear have had something to do with it?

Or maybe he feared the cap might fall off?


Your response?
lol, he should have worn some eagle feathers and war paint in recognition of the Jewish ancestry of the American Indian.
Will someone please try
to explain to me
why an American Presidential candidate
would wear a yarmaluke on his top
and Mormon underwear on his bottom

and a grin or grimace on his face - --
while standing in front of a Jewish Wailing Wall?

The way Mitty stood there-
to have his picture taken
you might think he had come there aching

to see

or maybe to hear something!

Might his underwear have had something to do with it?

Or maybe he feared the cap might fall off?


Your response?

Romney looked fine to me.....

On the other hand, Obama....
Will someone please try
to explain to me
why an American Presidential candidate
would wear a yarmaluke on his top
and Mormon underwear on his bottom

and a grin or grimace on his face - --
while standing in front of a Jewish Wailing Wall?

The way Mitty stood there-
to have his picture taken
you might think he had come there aching

to see

or maybe to hear something!

Might his underwear have had something to do with it?

Or maybe he feared the cap might fall off?


Your response?

I find it most interesting that you have rarely posted since 2009 and all of a sudden you are on the radar screen with this thread. I've been noticing a trend of late.

Now to your actual post. Why would you mock Romney for this?

Romney behaved appropriately. Why would you ever assume for one moment that Christians, and yes a Mormon is a Christian would not be anything other than enthralled to be able to touch the Wall?

I'm hoping and praying that I can make a trip to the Holy Land. #1 on my bucket list.
It's called being respectful. I know this is a foreign concept to some people on this board. But it's respectful.
Nothing about Harvesting the souls of Jewish people for Mormonism is respectful.
Nothing about Harvesting the souls of Jewish people for Mormonism is respectful.

Are you really bitching about that? It wasnt disrespectful,,,, take you lips off of Obama's cock, just once.

Again with the gay shit?

Man..it's like it's all you fucking think about you fucking dirty ass faggot.

How do you even know Obama has a cock?

I've never seen it..heck..I don't even think about it.

You? It's all you think about..

What a fucking homo little punk you are..
On havesting the souls of Jews..

Nobel-laureate Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel and a top official from the Simon Wiesenthal Center said Tuesday that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney should use his stature in the Mormon Church to block its members from posthumously baptizing Jewish victims of the Holocaust.

Their comments followed reports that Mormons had baptized the deceased parents of Wiesenthal, the late Holocaust survivor and Nazi-hunter. Wiesel appeared in a church database used to identify potential subjects of baptisms.

Elie Wiesel calls on Mitt Romney to make Mormon church stop proxy baptisms of Jews - The Washington Post
Nothing about Harvesting the souls of Jewish people for Mormonism is respectful.

Was Romney going door to door? Are you stoned or shit faced or something?

And if you are attempting to make a monumental leap of what the LDS and the JW's do because by the way to try to bring people to Jesus, no different than Islam wants to bring those to Allah, and attempt to tie this into Romney's state visit, pathetic. Pathetic Sallow.
Nothing about Harvesting the souls of Jewish people for Mormonism is respectful.

Really... A letter from the first Presidency of the Mormon church read in church about a month ago said that if temple work was done on Jewish or famous people they could be subject to church discipline.
On havesting the souls of Jews..

Nobel-laureate Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel and a top official from the Simon Wiesenthal Center said Tuesday that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney should use his stature in the Mormon Church to block its members from posthumously baptizing Jewish victims of the Holocaust.

Their comments followed reports that Mormons had baptized the deceased parents of Wiesenthal, the late Holocaust survivor and Nazi-hunter. Wiesel appeared in a church database used to identify potential subjects of baptisms.

Elie Wiesel calls on Mitt Romney to make Mormon church stop proxy baptisms of Jews - The Washington Post

Some bohunk from motown decides to baptize posthumuously someone and now Romney is responsible?

whoa geeze!

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