AA77 Did NOT Crash At The Pentagon On 9/11


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009
Greetings to All:

While my previous Pentagon Topic (here) presents What Really Happened at the Pentagon On 9/11, this Topic proves beyond all doubt that AA77 Did NOT Crash At The Pentagon On 9/11.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTJehfQkuyE"]AA77 Did NOT Crash At The Pentagon On 9/11[/ame]

Click through the photographic evidence from this website (here = upper right = click "Next") and try to find just one picture of AA77 crashed ANYWHERE.


This is one of the best pictures of the West Wedge E-Ring Wall 'before' the roof collapsed at 10:15 AM (Pentagon Timeline). The second-story hole measures exactly 18-feet 3-inches and the windows above and to the left of the little hole are NOT even broken.


The second-story concrete slab remains very much intact and a man can stand on top of the undamaged green SUV and reach up to that elevation! There is simply no room for a real 40+ feet tall 100-ton Jetliner to crash here!


The Official Cover Story LIE says that AA77 crashed into the Pentagon at a 45-degree angle from the southwest at 530 miles per hour, but this picture clearly shows standing light poles and construction trailers standing directly in that flight path!


This little 8-foot by 10-foot hole in the C-ring Wall is only 220 feet (diagram) from the outer E-ring Wall. However, the 100-ton Jetliner has 'two' 6-ton Rolls-Royce Engines (pic) that should have exited this C-ring Wall in just .39 seconds! The Official Cover Story LIARS around here want you to believe that a real 100-ton Jetliner ...


... vanished into thin air in the .39 seconds it took to travel from the outer E-Ring Wall ...


... to the inner C-Ring Wall (on left) that leads to A/E Drive where this fireman is standing. However, Jamie McIntyre (CNN Pentagon Correspondent) says that never happened and he was there on 9/11:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm_cnFoMHjA"]Live CNN Report of Jamie McIntyre at the Pentagon[/ame]

All that the Official Cover Story Stooges around here have to do is produce a picture of AA77 crashed at the Pentagon, but nobody on earth has that kind of evidence. The Govt Documentation Proves 9/11 Was An Inside Job (my Topic) as the FAA Timeline clearly says that the aircraft crashed into the Pentagon at 9:32 AM and NOT according to the 9:38 AM Cover Story LIE.

Some of my other 9/11 and Pentagon Topics:

This Is What Happened On 9/11
Govt Documentation Proves 9/11 Inside Job
Flight 93/Shanksville
Flight 77/Pentagon
WTC-7 Controlled Demolition
9:32 AM First Explosion Can Break The Pentagon Case Wide Open
Pentagon Timeline
DoD Manipulated Fire And Firemen
Flight 77 Never Crashed Near The Pentagon
April Gallop Was Injured During 9:31:39 AM Missile Strike
9:31 AM Missile Strike: Answers To Bill Veale's Questions
"9/11 Press For Truth" Continues: The Video
Secret Bush-Clinton-FED Pakistani Accounts Linked To 9/11 Attacks
Dick Cheney, Karl Rove And Donald Rumsfeld Have Been Murdering Americans
Rebuttal To CIT Claims About What "Did Not" Hit The Pentagon
Poll: Who Supports The Official 9/11 Cover Stories


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Hi Retired:

Where is it? Where are the people from the flight? RETARD.

Nice rebuttal! Whats the matter? Retired has no pictures of AA77 crashed ANYWHERE, but he wants to believe Bush, Rove, Cheney and Rumsfeld anyway.


Let me guess! A band of Bearded Jihadist Radicals made your 100-ton Jetliner vanish into thin air!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2THs3oNooM"]These Official Cover Story Stooges Crack Me Up!!![/ame]



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If it did not crash into the Pentagon....how did they recover the bodies from passengers on Flight 77 in the Pentagon ruins??
Hi Winger:

If it did not crash into the Pentagon....how did they recover the bodies from passengers on Flight 77 in the Pentagon ruins??


What bodies? This Topic is about AA77 NOT crashing at the Pentagon on 9/11 or any other day. This is a definite INSIDE JOB (What Really Happened On 9/11) where Bush, Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld and everyone else is LYING. Before you can place any bodies at the Pentagon, then show us how your 100-ton Jetliner crashed there ...

GL, because you need it,

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What bodies? This Topic is about AA77 NOT crashing at the Pentagon on 9/11 or any other day. This is a definite INSIDE JOB (What Really Happened On 9/11) where Bush, Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld and everyone else is LYING. Before you can place any bodies at the Pentagon, then show us how your 100-ton Jetliner crashed there ...

GL, because you need it,


You are ducking Terral. You don't have Flight 77 bodies without Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon......you don't have Flight 77 aircraft parts either
What bodies? This Topic is about AA77 NOT crashing at the Pentagon on 9/11 or any other day. This is a definite INSIDE JOB (What Really Happened On 9/11) where Bush, Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld and everyone else is LYING. Before you can place any bodies at the Pentagon, then show us how your 100-ton Jetliner crashed there ...

GL, because you need it,


You are ducking Terral. You don't have Flight 77 bodies without Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon......you don't have Flight 77 aircraft parts either

Terrel has previously claimed that the Pennsylvania flight landed else where and that the Pentagon flight was canceled.
If something other than the plane, say a missle, struck the Pentagon, from where and how was it launched????? And by whom?
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Terral State Hospital

coincidence? I think not......


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Before you can place any bodies at the Pentagon, then show us how your 100-ton Jetliner crashed there ...

GL, because you need it,


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTNRkb7AaQk]YouTube - 9/11 Debunked: Pentagon Flight 77 Photo Evidence[/ame]

Second: I have the link of pictures of Bodies.. If you want it, i'll post it.
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Before you can place any bodies at the Pentagon, then show us how your 100-ton Jetliner crashed there ...

GL, because you need it,


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTNRkb7AaQk]YouTube - 9/11 Debunked: Pentagon Flight 77 Photo Evidence[/ame]

Second: I have the link of pictures of Bodies.. If you want it, i'll post it.
facts dont matter to the delusional dipshit troofers
Second: I have the link of pictures of Bodies.. If you want it, i'll post it.

Please respect the dead and don't post pictures
Terral how do you continue to show your face around here with more theories after your massive swine flu prediction fail ?
Second: I have the link of pictures of Bodies.. If you want it, i'll post it.

Please respect the dead and don't post pictures

If it is a link to rebut the delusional it is fine, one does not have to click on the link.

Remember Terrel has made the claim that the DC flight was canceled so there was no plane crew or passengers. He never explained how the Government kidnapped those people, murdered them and placed their bodies and body parts in the wreckage of the pentagon. He never explained how all the plane debris got there either. Nor the eye witnesses that saw the plane.
Second: I have the link of pictures of Bodies.. If you want it, i'll post it.

Please respect the dead and don't post pictures

If it is a link to rebut the delusional it is fine, one does not have to click on the link.

Remember Terrel has made the claim that the DC flight was canceled so there was no plane crew or passengers. He never explained how the Government kidnapped those people, murdered them and placed their bodies and body parts in the wreckage of the pentagon. He never explained how all the plane debris got there either. Nor the eye witnesses that saw the plane.

For that matter...why the DMORT at Dover would cop to the cause of death being a plane crash and not two ounces of lead behind the ears.
If it did not crash into the Pentagon....how did they recover the bodies from passengers on Flight 77 in the Pentagon ruins??

Its a conspiricy maaaaaaan..

oh and I read somewhere those planes didn't hit the towers either. Maaaaaaaaan.

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