Aaron Klein Discovers: Soros behind latest Whistleblower, but Trump still on top

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018

An investigative journalism group funded by leftist billionaire George Soros is reportedly responsible for sections of the whistleblower complaint against President Donald Trump that allege he put pressure on Ukraineā€™s president to investigate former Vice President Joe Bidenā€™s son for political gain. And despite Democratsā€™ impeachment push ramping up, a recent poll shows Trump is more popular than the face behind the proceedings to oust him from office ā€“ House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

Besides getting information from a source biased to the left, the complainer compiling and writing the report admitted virtually everything he accused Trump of was hearsay and secondhand.

ā€œI was not a direct witness to most of the events describedā€ the whistleblower conceded, according to Breitbart News, while, at the same time, arguing Trump put the pressure on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.

And Democrats continue to accuse Trump of politically pressuring Volodymyr, even though the transcripts he released of his conversation prove he applied no such pressure or quid pro quo, with the presidentā€™s call for a probe of the Biden familyā€™s involvement constituting only a minor part of the conversation.

However, an attempt to justify the reliance on secondhand information was made.

ā€œHowever, I found my colleaguesā€™ accounts of these events to be credible because multiple officials recounted fact patterns that were consistent with one another,ā€ the whistleblower insisted.

Soros behind it

Regardless of the so-called corroborative accounts, Sorosā€™ organization was highlighted as being a major source of the allegations against the president.

ā€œEven though the statement was written in first person ā€“ ā€˜multiple U.S. officials told meā€™ ā€“ it contains a footnote referencing a report by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP),ā€ Breitbartā€™s Aaron Klein clarified.

(Excerpt) Read more at onenewsnow.com ...


Sorosā€™ involvement and influence in the matter was clear once financial records were examined.

ā€œSorosā€™ Open Society was listed as the No. 2 donor in most of the annual financial records posted on OCCRPā€™s website beginning in 2012,ā€ WND reported.

It was discovered by Breitbart News that Sorosā€™ organization was the number-one donor for numerous years.

In fact, OCCRP is credited for being a major driving force behind the claim that Trump unscrupulously asked top Ukrainians to investigate Biden and his son.

ā€œOCCRP is cited in a key section of the complaint that claims Ukrainian officials followed up on Trumpā€™s request for Ukraine to investigate allegations of corruption by then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, who was receiving $50,000 monthly from a natural gas company despite having no experience in the industry,ā€ WND pointed out.

I suspect the whistleblower has never talked to Soros and is a republican.

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