Abandoned puppy with mouth tied shut finds new home


It's enough to make you cry. Things like this just enrage me.

That poor baby. I'm glad he found love.

All our animals have been rescue dogs. Our newest, Chloe, was abused and neglected. She's just a little bitty thing. Part terrier, part yorkie. It still hurts my chest to remember her fear and sadness when we got her.

Now she's happy, a diva and adores us.
I have an elderly rescue. When he was found he weighed six pounds. His mouth and ears were raging with infection. His fur was almost all gone. He weighs 9 pounds. All his teeth but one are gone. He has a chronic infection in his ears. The infection was so bad it ruptured his ear drums. He had a stroke. I give him his medicine twice a day. Clean his ears. I got him a buggy for when his sciatica is real bad. Henry does not give kisses. I don't think he knows how but he cuddles and had screaming nightmares.

No wonder I despise people. Put a hole in his lips and zip tie his mouth shut.

Is Henry a cat? I'm glad you found him, Tipsy. That poor baby. Chloe was in bad shape when we got her. Emotionally, spiritually and physically. She still doesn't do or know how to do some things like play. I wanted to go back to that guys house and burn it down.

Now that we live in the boonies with some acreage, I've been mulling the idea of building a kennel and taking in foster dogs and rescue dogs.
Henry is a maltipoo dog. He does not play either. He used to run but his sciatica is now too bad for running. I have rescued animals before.
That picture made me smile. She was a beauty!

Thanks man...... it's amazing how attached we become to the furry animals. She was amazing. Truly just a good dog. I don't think I ever had to discipline her for anything.

I'm a gal... ;)

I agree. I'd do just about anything for my dogs. They love you endlessly and could probably teach us a few things about how to treat people.

Cept that bastard that attacked me when I was a child! He can kiss my ass.

I lived with a true terror of dogs for years and missed out on a lot of years I could have had with dogs in my life. It was a dog very much like your babe that helped me overcome my fears and finally go to the pound and pick my first dog. I truly owed that dog so much... I picked a Shepard/lab mix that might have been among the best the planet had to offer. :) He lived to be about four thousand years old, but we finally had to put him down a few years ago. I miss him still.

To bring this back around to politics a bit, this kind of thing is why capitalists and righties don't believe in socialism. Humans are flawed.

That said, it is good that the poor pup found a good home. Now he can do what domesticated dogs are meant to do, be spoiled.
Unless you are saving puppies in the situation

why post this???????????


are you saving puppies?

The more you know, the better off they'll be.


but to post something so horrific like this ....just for conversation?

Sad.,...what insignificant cold hearted human beings we have become.

Skye... It's an article about an event that happened. It moved him enough to post it, comment and yeah... Maybe converse about it.

Horrid things will stay horrid if no one knows about it or enough about it to care and do something, whether it be to donate money or volunteer to help put a stop to things like this.

Evil flourishes in a vacuum


but just "to converse" without doing anything for the puppy.....? just converse?


if you are not going to help those poor puppies.....what's the use?


That's all.

Did you read the article? The dog got help in the form of the person that found it.
And again... Education and information sharing are a couple of the best ways to help animals that need it.

I have my own rescue puppy who is now past his middle age we even rescued a cat that passed a few years ago. I have done my part, when I could, and I would love to do more if not for circumstances.

I post it just as people post many uncomfortable news, to educate and awareness. If you are going to the petstore to get your next dog, maybe consider the pound, or a rescue centre. There are animals who have been treated cruelly and who can become very happy and loving animals if given the chance.
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Sometimes the depravity of humans is truly unconscionable, especially with the vulnerable & defenseless

I agree. It's beyond my understanding. What must be missing in the person that could commit such atrocities on those that love us so unconditionally?

I'd love to punch these fuckers in the throat.
It was barking too much. That's why they did it. And the puppy probably got away (smart puppy) which is why it was on so long.
My last pup was put in the pound cause she barked too much. The folks who had her before had thrown her outside - she /hated/ being cold and wet, hated snow, so yeah not an outside dog by any stretch. We had her for 12 years, took seven for her to stop cowering and pissing on the floor if my husband walked quickly across the room, took about eight before she'd stay in the same room with him. Though after that she realized that he had the good snacks and her cute was far to strong for him heh
Sometimes the depravity of humans is truly unconscionable, especially with the vulnerable & defenseless

I agree. It's beyond my understanding. What must be missing in the person that could commit such atrocities on those that love us so unconditionally?

I'd love to punch these fuckers in the throat.
It was barking too much. That's why they did it. And the puppy probably got away (smart puppy) which is why it was on so long.

That was their excuse but the reason they put a zip tie on the pup is because they are sickening degenerates with no heart or conscience.
We should legalized death by torture for those who abuse animals. Put it on pay per view and pay off the national debt.
I used to watch Animal Cops, but had to quit. I couldn't take seeing the animals suffering from whatever mistreatments. For whatever this puppy may have suffered, it was actually very lucky by comparison to what others have had to endure. Many do not survive.
I wonder if that dog could find its way back to where ever it was first like plenty of other dogs can do. The puppy doing just that could then lead its new owner to the perpetrator.

God bless you and the precious animal always!!!


P.S. And may that monster in hiding rot.
The more you know, the better off they'll be.


but to post something so horrific like this ....just for conversation?

Sad.,...what insignificant cold hearted human beings we have become.

Skye... It's an article about an event that happened. It moved him enough to post it, comment and yeah... Maybe converse about it.

Horrid things will stay horrid if no one knows about it or enough about it to care and do something, whether it be to donate money or volunteer to help put a stop to things like this.

Evil flourishes in a vacuum


but just "to converse" without doing anything for the puppy.....? just converse?


if you are not going to help those poor puppies.....what's the use?


That's all.

Did you read the article? The dog got help in the form of the person that found it.
And again... Education and information sharing are a couple of the best ways to help animals that need it.

I have my own rescue puppy who is now past his middle age we even rescued a cat that passed a few years ago. I have done my part, when I could, and I would love to do more if not for circumstances.

I post it just as people post many uncomfortable news, to educate and awareness. If you are going to the petstore to get your next dog, maybe consider the pound, or a rescue centre. There are animals who have been treated cruelly and who can become very happy and loving animals if given the chance.

Totally agree with you! :thup:

It's enough to make you cry. Things like this just enrage me.

That poor baby. I'm glad he found love.

All our animals have been rescue dogs. Our newest, Chloe, was abused and neglected. She's just a little bitty thing. Part terrier, part yorkie. It still hurts my chest to remember her fear and sadness when we got her.

Now she's happy, a diva and adores us.
I have an elderly rescue. When he was found he weighed six pounds. His mouth and ears were raging with infection. His fur was almost all gone. He weighs 9 pounds. All his teeth but one are gone. He has a chronic infection in his ears. The infection was so bad it ruptured his ear drums. He had a stroke. I give him his medicine twice a day. Clean his ears. I got him a buggy for when his sciatica is real bad. Henry does not give kisses. I don't think he knows how but he cuddles and had screaming nightmares.

No wonder I despise people. Put a hole in his lips and zip tie his mouth shut.

I don't understand these people... it's so easy to not get an animal. Every dog I have had was a rescue. My last one, Cricket I had to put down due to cancer. Broke my heart. She was so awesome.

This her watching TV one night:

View attachment 190019

She is gorgeous !!!!!! Thank you for posting!!!:D
I am pleased the puppy now has a loving home, the other POS if found should be shot where they stand.

I did not read the story just the thread title that the puppy had mouth tied shut, cannot read things about animal cruelty, too traumatic and makes blood boil. Anyone found guilty of animal cruelty, like child cruelty should be executed.
I hope they find the sick POS who did this to a puppy. Make him face justice and be sure the sob has done anything worse to other animals or humans.

Humans are the most sick of all earths species in that we are sadistic. Only a coward of the lowest form would engage in this type of abuse. What purpose does it serve?

Abandoned puppy with mouth tied shut finds new home

An abandoned puppy was discovered on the side of the road in South Carolina with its mouth bound shut by a plastic zip-tie.

Liz Heatherly was driving by with her sister when she spotted Norman, a black and white 12-week-old Labrador/hound mix, on a back country road with something white around his jaw. When she pulled over and approached the nervous dog, she realized his mouth was fastened shut and the tie had cut into his skin. Heatherly cut the tie off his mouth and rushed Norman to the vet.

“We were horrified. I couldn’t believe that someone could be such a monster,” Heatherly told SWNS. “The zip tie had been put around his mouth so tightly, his mouth was all bloody and scabbed. They believed he had been zip tied for between three and four days.”

The pup was also severely underweight and covered with ticks and fleas. But after being treated with a flea bath and receiving shots, Heatherly decided to take the little guy home with her.

The vet didn’t initially think the hair would grow back over the wound around his mouth, but it ended up growing back white, leaving a bright ring on his face that stands out from his black coloring.
If his mouth were bound how did she know his name ? Fake News ! ( sorry---I'm looking for a job in Washington)

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