ABC News Exclusive: Obama Admin Slashed 60,000 Jobs From Recent Stimulus Report

ABC News Exclusive: Obama Administration Slashed 60,000 Jobs From Recent Stimulus Report - ABC News

The Obama administration, under fire for inflating job growth from the $787 billion stimulus plan, slashed over 60,000 jobs from its most recent report on the program because the reporting outlets had submitted "unrealistic data," according to a document obtained by ABC News.


Why am I not surprised.:lol::lol: He will just spin it and say, they SAVED those 60,000 jobs, and the libs will buy it hook line and sinker.:lol::lol:
None of this administration's numbers add up. Just assume they're lying about everything...because they are. If they're claiming Unemployment is at 10.2% than just go ahead and assume it's more like 20%. They also just declared the Recession over and everything is just great. So just go ahead and assume that the Recession is definitely not over and everything is far from being great. I just don't believe anything coming from this White House at this point. It's pretty sad.
The lies of this administration continue to mount... and the amount of them the winger lefties are willing to still swallow is even more astounding
my fav part

"The Denver Post also cited overstated federal figures with the Colorado Head Start program, noting that the government reported 269 jobs saved or created by the program, but only three were actually saved or created.

The Chicago Tribune noted that the administration said $4.7 million in stimulus money for schools in north Chicago had saved the jobs of 473 teachers, but the school district only employed 290 teachers. The statistics – claiming that stimulus money had helped save or create 14,330 school jobs in Illinois – were "riddled with anomalies that raise questions about their validity."

The Boston Globe also reported that Massachusetts recipients of stimulus funds claimed that 12,000 jobs had been saved or created, "that number has been inflated by miscounts, erroneous figures, or claiming jobs for work not yet started."
The left response:

1. ABC is a discredited source.
2. Fox News is behind this.
3. Any job saved is worth $1million.
4. The stimulus wasn't designed to save jobs.
5. They got the definition of a job saved wrong.
6. You posters are poopyheads.
7. Just give Obama a chance, he'll do better next quarter with another stimulus.
Their numbers just don't add up. So just assume they're lying about everything...because they are. :(
10. you're a racist and you hate the fact that we have a black President.
11. Government run healthcare will create 6 million new jobs and save the country.
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