ABC poll is showing a shocking turn

Does Trump win by record percentage?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 54.1%
  • No

    Votes: 17 45.9%

  • Total voters
The bad people, democrats like you, shills like you, have already lost.

View attachment 96067
Can’t tell you how much the election has hurt me
Are all you scum this delusional? There has been no election yet, but when there is, you will have to find a job.

What do the goldfish have to say on this?

Being a paid shill is a sideline hobby there fuck-face. Got a job. Pays very, very well. Another huge bonus this year. Bought this Mac with the last one. Maybe another 7 day cruise or two with this one…. Roatan was fantastic.
You think rallies mean wins?

ross perot

I think the number of people at rallies directly correlate to the number of people supporting that person.
Remind me of us Perot's numbers.
My questions to you libtards? What does Hillary offer YOU that makes you want to vote for her? More increases in Taxes? More increases in Healthcare costs? More inflation? What other than you are a goosestepping Nazi, does the slimy vagina have to offer you , so you will vote for her?
Protection from you. Remember the worst thing you guys say about Clinton is that she's no better than you.

Oh, and you claim Trump is different than you. Because YOU is Kasich Cruz Rubio Jeb. You forget that now that you are on the Trump bandwagon that before Trump you were the assholes that Trump beat up in the GOP primaries.
LOL! You edited out my comment, just like a typical democrat.
prisonmike cheats all the time, so don't like him get to you.
The bad people, democrats like you, shills like you, have already lost.

View attachment 96067
Can’t tell you how much the election has hurt me
Are all you scum this delusional? There has been no election yet, but when there is, you will have to find a job.

What do the goldfish have to say on this?

Being a paid shill is a sideline hobby there fuck-face. Got a job. Pays very, very well. Another huge bonus this year. Bought this Mac with the last one. Maybe another 7 day cruise or two with this one…. Roatan was fantastic.
anything you post is suspect as a lie.
I think the number of people at rallies directly correlate to the number of people supporting that person.
Remind me of us Perot's numbers.
My questions to you libtards? What does Hillary offer YOU that makes you want to vote for her? More increases in Taxes? More increases in Healthcare costs? More inflation? What other than you are a goosestepping Nazi, does the slimy vagina have to offer you , so you will vote for her?
Protection from you. Remember the worst thing you guys say about Clinton is that she's no better than you.

Oh, and you claim Trump is different than you. Because YOU is Kasich Cruz Rubio Jeb. You forget that now that you are on the Trump bandwagon that before Trump you were the assholes that Trump beat up in the GOP primaries.
LOL! You edited out my comment, just like a typical democrat.
prisonmike cheats all the time, so don't like him get to you.
I like him get to you.
You think rallies mean wins?

ross perot

I think the number of people at rallies directly correlate to the number of people supporting that person.
Remind me of us Perot's numbers.
My questions to you libtards? What does Hillary offer YOU that makes you want to vote for her? More increases in Taxes? More increases in Healthcare costs? More inflation? What other than you are a goosestepping Nazi, does the slimy vagina have to offer you , so you will vote for her?
Protection from you. Remember the worst thing you guys say about Clinton is that she's no better than you.

Oh, and you claim Trump is different than you. Because YOU is Kasich Cruz Rubio Jeb. You forget that now that you are on the Trump bandwagon that before Trump you were the assholes that Trump beat up in the GOP primaries.
LOL! You edited out my comment, just like a typical democrat.
No I didn't
I think the number of people at rallies directly correlate to the number of people supporting that person.
Remind me of us Perot's numbers.
My questions to you libtards? What does Hillary offer YOU that makes you want to vote for her? More increases in Taxes? More increases in Healthcare costs? More inflation? What other than you are a goosestepping Nazi, does the slimy vagina have to offer you , so you will vote for her?
Protection from you. Remember the worst thing you guys say about Clinton is that she's no better than you.

Oh, and you claim Trump is different than you. Because YOU is Kasich Cruz Rubio Jeb. You forget that now that you are on the Trump bandwagon that before Trump you were the assholes that Trump beat up in the GOP primaries.
LOL! You edited out my comment, just like a typical democrat.
No I didn't
Yes, you did.
The bad people, democrats like you, shills like you, have already lost.

View attachment 96067
Can’t tell you how much the election has hurt me
Are all you scum this delusional? There has been no election yet, but when there is, you will have to find a job.

What do the goldfish have to say on this?

Being a paid shill is a sideline hobby there fuck-face. Got a job. Pays very, very well. Another huge bonus this year. Bought this Mac with the last one. Maybe another 7 day cruise or two with this one…. Roatan was fantastic.
anything you post is suspect as a lie.

Almost as suspect as your English…
And in later polls, the move to Clinton has returned again. She is at 4% and climbing. Tough, odium.

Jake, I thought you were rooting for McMullin and Johnson?
Evan McMullin: A Binary Choice For President Isn't Good Enough

Where does Gary Johnson stand on the issues of the day" the economy, Aleppo and the emails?
He wants to roll them up and smoke them.
Clinton and Trump Even in Latest Poll; Turnout Critical

A notable difference is nonwhites who are not black or Hispanic. Obama won them by 66-31 percent; it's a closer 45-40 percent, Clinton-Trump, in the tracking poll.

Holy hell! Between the fact she is down among blacks,hispanics and DRAMATICALLY down among non hispanic or black minorities...aka Muslims,Asians,etc. This FBI investigation is going to sink her.
I wonder with ALL this information do you think Trump beats the record of percentage of the vote? That would be 26.17% for Harding over Cox.

Hillary is still leading. Sucks huh?
if you believe the rigged polls sure.
It's only rigged when you are losing you big baby. I won't cry rigged election if Trump wins. I'll cry dirty politics and stupid electorate, but I won't cry the game is rigged before the game has been played. That's a pussy move and we all know it.
The ABC poll is rigged and they just went farther. They were polling 9% more democrats than republicans before and NOW it 10%....such idiots. Its why their pathetic poll collapsed so fast. I am waiting on polls that were done AFTER the investigation was reopened...should be hilarious.
What will be hilarious is YOU after election day.

On a nearly daily basis, national polls are being released showing the presidential race as a tie or with Trump having a small lead over Hillary Clinton. The media are passing off these polls as the current state of the presidential race, but, in reality, what they are measuring is a small bump for Donald Trump that is coming from Republicans rallying around their nominee.

Here is a chart of a Gallup poll from 2008 showing John McCain leading Barack Obama, after he had clinched the Republican nomination while Obama and Clinton were in the final stages of the Democratic primary.
Rightttttt 8 days to go and its because the GOP is rallying around him. It has NOTHING to do with the drip drip of the wikileaks emails and it won't have ANYTHING to do with the FBI investigating your criminal candidate....Latest poll has 89% of republicans backing Trump which is roughly what Romney got you twit. Oh and yes I will be hilarious on the 9th because i'll be laughing at all you libtards screeching and screaming!
What firewalls are you talking about? Stacking the ballot boxes with dead, illegal or pets? Or voting in 1 state then crossing over to vote in another? Hmmm? At one time it was everyone's right to vote, but the left decided that our vote shouldn't count. That is why Trump will be the next president, and you better hope he is, or you might get mistaken for an ISIS sympathizer.
Trump is going to lose because the American people are legitimately going to reject him.

This is hard for you, bubby, but you are in the solid minority on this.
Trump has already won. All anyone need do is look at the rallies. Clinton can't get thirty people for Caine while Trump gets 20000. You lost.
You think rallies mean wins?

ross perot

I think the number of people at rallies directly correlate to the number of people supporting that person.
Nope. I'm supporting Clinton and I haven't been to any rallies.
And I have never been to a Trump rally.

Louisville was far too crowded for me to even attempt to go.
Clinton and Trump Even in Latest Poll; Turnout Critical

A notable difference is nonwhites who are not black or Hispanic. Obama won them by 66-31 percent; it's a closer 45-40 percent, Clinton-Trump, in the tracking poll.

Holy hell! Between the fact she is down among blacks,hispanics and DRAMATICALLY down among non hispanic or black minorities...aka Muslims,Asians,etc. This FBI investigation is going to sink her.
I wonder with ALL this information do you think Trump beats the record of percentage of the vote? That would be 26.17% for Harding over Cox.

Hillary is still leading. Sucks huh?
if you believe the rigged polls sure.
It's only rigged when you are losing you big baby. I won't cry rigged election if Trump wins. I'll cry dirty politics and stupid electorate, but I won't cry the game is rigged before the game has been played. That's a pussy move and we all know it.
Is that why Al Gore went to the supreme court 7 times to try to over turn the hanging chad vote? He cried Foul when a heavily democrat county swung for Bush, and Al complained that the old foggies there didn't know how to use the punch card system, yet they could handle 7 bingo cards with ease? How easy you guys forget, maybe get off the drugs and your memory could improve....I doubt it.
Doesn't hurt to have your brother as the governor of the fucking state.

Don't you god damn Trump supporters cry that the elections is rigged and then turn around and try to suggest that the GOP/Bush didn't steal Florida in 2000. Jeb Gore wasn't running Florida stupid.
Hillary is still leading. Sucks huh?
if you believe the rigged polls sure.
It's only rigged when you are losing you big baby. I won't cry rigged election if Trump wins. I'll cry dirty politics and stupid electorate, but I won't cry the game is rigged before the game has been played. That's a pussy move and we all know it.
The ABC poll is rigged and they just went farther. They were polling 9% more democrats than republicans before and NOW it 10%....such idiots. Its why their pathetic poll collapsed so fast. I am waiting on polls that were done AFTER the investigation was reopened...should be hilarious.
What will be hilarious is YOU after election day.

On a nearly daily basis, national polls are being released showing the presidential race as a tie or with Trump having a small lead over Hillary Clinton. The media are passing off these polls as the current state of the presidential race, but, in reality, what they are measuring is a small bump for Donald Trump that is coming from Republicans rallying around their nominee.

Here is a chart of a Gallup poll from 2008 showing John McCain leading Barack Obama, after he had clinched the Republican nomination while Obama and Clinton were in the final stages of the Democratic primary.
Rightttttt 8 days to go and its because the GOP is rallying around him. It has NOTHING to do with the drip drip of the wikileaks emails and it won't have ANYTHING to do with the FBI investigating your criminal candidate....Latest poll has 89% of republicans backing Trump which is roughly what Romney got you twit. Oh and yes I will be hilarious on the 9th because i'll be laughing at all you libtards screeching and screaming!
I always knew all you Republicans would vote for Trump eventually. Same way Bernie supporters will vote Hillary.
Clinton and Trump Even in Latest Poll; Turnout Critical

A notable difference is nonwhites who are not black or Hispanic. Obama won them by 66-31 percent; it's a closer 45-40 percent, Clinton-Trump, in the tracking poll.

Holy hell! Between the fact she is down among blacks,hispanics and DRAMATICALLY down among non hispanic or black minorities...aka Muslims,Asians,etc. This FBI investigation is going to sink her.
I wonder with ALL this information do you think Trump beats the record of percentage of the vote? That would be 26.17% for Harding over Cox.

Hillary is still leading. Sucks huh?
if you believe the rigged polls sure.
It's only rigged when you are losing you big baby. I won't cry rigged election if Trump wins. I'll cry dirty politics and stupid electorate, but I won't cry the game is rigged before the game has been played. That's a pussy move and we all know it.
Is that why Al Gore went to the supreme court 7 times to try to over turn the hanging chad vote? He cried Foul when a heavily democrat county swung for Bush, and Al complained that the old foggies there didn't know how to use the punch card system, yet they could handle 7 bingo cards with ease? How easy you guys forget, maybe get off the drugs and your memory could improve....I doubt it.
Doesn't hurt to have your brother as the governor of the fucking state.

Don't you god damn Trump supporters cry that the elections is rigged and then turn around and try to suggest that the GOP/Bush didn't steal Florida in 2000. Jeb Gore wasn't running Florida stupid.
Bush didn't steal anything. The inventor of the internet lost it fair and square, just like your skank has lost this one. Perhaps counseling will help you.
if you believe the rigged polls sure.
It's only rigged when you are losing you big baby. I won't cry rigged election if Trump wins. I'll cry dirty politics and stupid electorate, but I won't cry the game is rigged before the game has been played. That's a pussy move and we all know it.
The ABC poll is rigged and they just went farther. They were polling 9% more democrats than republicans before and NOW it 10%....such idiots. Its why their pathetic poll collapsed so fast. I am waiting on polls that were done AFTER the investigation was reopened...should be hilarious.
What will be hilarious is YOU after election day.

On a nearly daily basis, national polls are being released showing the presidential race as a tie or with Trump having a small lead over Hillary Clinton. The media are passing off these polls as the current state of the presidential race, but, in reality, what they are measuring is a small bump for Donald Trump that is coming from Republicans rallying around their nominee.

Here is a chart of a Gallup poll from 2008 showing John McCain leading Barack Obama, after he had clinched the Republican nomination while Obama and Clinton were in the final stages of the Democratic primary.
Rightttttt 8 days to go and its because the GOP is rallying around him. It has NOTHING to do with the drip drip of the wikileaks emails and it won't have ANYTHING to do with the FBI investigating your criminal candidate....Latest poll has 89% of republicans backing Trump which is roughly what Romney got you twit. Oh and yes I will be hilarious on the 9th because i'll be laughing at all you libtards screeching and screaming!
I always knew all you Republicans would vote for Trump eventually. Same way Bernie supporters will vote Hillary.
Actually 34% of people who WERE going to vote for Clinton now say they are thinking it over and more likely to NOT vote for her. I am sure you saw that poll....I was voting for Trump since the beginning. Hell even a former Clinton ally has yanked his support its just the beginning...just wait till what the FBI finds in those emails starts to leak out....they have the warrant now.
Hillary is still leading. Sucks huh?
if you believe the rigged polls sure.
It's only rigged when you are losing you big baby. I won't cry rigged election if Trump wins. I'll cry dirty politics and stupid electorate, but I won't cry the game is rigged before the game has been played. That's a pussy move and we all know it.
Is that why Al Gore went to the supreme court 7 times to try to over turn the hanging chad vote? He cried Foul when a heavily democrat county swung for Bush, and Al complained that the old foggies there didn't know how to use the punch card system, yet they could handle 7 bingo cards with ease? How easy you guys forget, maybe get off the drugs and your memory could improve....I doubt it.
Doesn't hurt to have your brother as the governor of the fucking state.

Don't you god damn Trump supporters cry that the elections is rigged and then turn around and try to suggest that the GOP/Bush didn't steal Florida in 2000. Jeb Gore wasn't running Florida stupid.
Bush didn't steal anything. The inventor of the internet lost it fair and square, just like your skank has lost this one. Perhaps counseling will help you.
It is going to be so sweet the day after election day. How many times have you guys thought "this is the last time we will ever have to deal with the Clintons" or "this is the smoking gun" and then

It's only rigged when you are losing you big baby. I won't cry rigged election if Trump wins. I'll cry dirty politics and stupid electorate, but I won't cry the game is rigged before the game has been played. That's a pussy move and we all know it.
The ABC poll is rigged and they just went farther. They were polling 9% more democrats than republicans before and NOW it 10%....such idiots. Its why their pathetic poll collapsed so fast. I am waiting on polls that were done AFTER the investigation was reopened...should be hilarious.
What will be hilarious is YOU after election day.

On a nearly daily basis, national polls are being released showing the presidential race as a tie or with Trump having a small lead over Hillary Clinton. The media are passing off these polls as the current state of the presidential race, but, in reality, what they are measuring is a small bump for Donald Trump that is coming from Republicans rallying around their nominee.

Here is a chart of a Gallup poll from 2008 showing John McCain leading Barack Obama, after he had clinched the Republican nomination while Obama and Clinton were in the final stages of the Democratic primary.
Rightttttt 8 days to go and its because the GOP is rallying around him. It has NOTHING to do with the drip drip of the wikileaks emails and it won't have ANYTHING to do with the FBI investigating your criminal candidate....Latest poll has 89% of republicans backing Trump which is roughly what Romney got you twit. Oh and yes I will be hilarious on the 9th because i'll be laughing at all you libtards screeching and screaming!
I always knew all you Republicans would vote for Trump eventually. Same way Bernie supporters will vote Hillary.
Actually 34% of people who WERE going to vote for Clinton now say they are thinking it over and more likely to NOT vote for her. I am sure you saw that poll....I was voting for Trump since the beginning. Hell even a former Clinton ally has yanked his support its just the beginning...just wait till what the FBI finds in those emails starts to leak out....they have the warrant now.
Bring it. The truth is there's nothing there. It was a political hit.

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