ABC, Sinclair anchor, "I'm going to ram a hot poker up David Hoggs ass"

"sexual assault?" :rofl:
Fucking bedwetters get more loony every day! doesn't matter if he said it about a kid or not
it's not civilized and we can't keep going down the moral ladder until we reach bottom

Honestly, we are talking grabbing pussy, porn stars, genitalia size, and sexual violence of young men as a part of political discourse. We haven't reached the bottom?
We've got "funny and agree", why don't we have "sad but true"?
Well let's see. We have a grown-up, a major network's local TV anchor bullying a KID, using sexual assault imagery on a KID. Well at least it was "only" a tweet, huh? Gotta love those family values types and their media empires.

ABC Sinclair anchor, "I'm going to ram a hot poker up David Boggs ass"

Pro-Trump anchor resigns after threatening to ‘ram a hot poker’ into the ‘ass’ of Parkland survivor David Hogg
09 APR 2018 AT 2100

An anchor at a Sinclair-owned ABC affiliate in St. Louis has resigned from his job amid the fallout from a social media post where he threatened to sexually assault Parkland survivor David Hogg with “a hot poker.”

The Washington Post reported Monday evening that KDNL anchor Jamie Allman resigned following an advertiser boycott after a March 26 tweet where he said he was “hanging out getting ready to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s ass tomorrow.”

Another victim of the Hogg-wash. Just when I was about to volunteer to hold his ass cheeks open. :cul2::cul2:

No need for you to brag. We all know you are the best at holding your ass cheeks apart.

I only do it for you.
You're gonna hold your ass cheeks open for this guy?
Doesn't take a genius to figure out that Hogg will eventually end up taking the bumpy cucumber in one form or another. I'm just hoping when it happens they get some video of it..... would get tens of millions of hits.:coffee:. Is there anything more hysterical than seeing a snowflake fairy get physically abused.:fingerscrossed:
Ladies and gentelmen, the face of today's conservatives ^ right here on display. Hoping loudly he gets to watch a child be sexually abused and furthermore hoping he can record it so all his conservative friends can see it.

A more disgusting example of human being I can't begin to imagine. There should be a law against it.
Well let's see. We have a grown-up, a major network's local TV anchor bullying a KID, using sexual assault imagery on a KID. Well at least it was "only" a tweet, huh? Gotta love those family values types and their media empires.

ABC Sinclair anchor, "I'm going to ram a hot poker up David Boggs ass"

Pro-Trump anchor resigns after threatening to ‘ram a hot poker’ into the ‘ass’ of Parkland survivor David Hogg
09 APR 2018 AT 2100

An anchor at a Sinclair-owned ABC affiliate in St. Louis has resigned from his job amid the fallout from a social media post where he threatened to sexually assault Parkland survivor David Hogg with “a hot poker.”

The Washington Post reported Monday evening that KDNL anchor Jamie Allman resigned following an advertiser boycott after a March 26 tweet where he said he was “hanging out getting ready to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s ass tomorrow.”
For the intellectually challenged and the patently dishonest:

figure of speech
  1. a word or phrase used in a non-literal sense for rhetorical or vivid effect.

    You’re welcome.
Doesn't take a genius to figure out that Hogg will eventually end up taking the bumpy cucumber in one form or another. I'm just hoping when it happens they get some video of it..... would get tens of millions of hits.:coffee:. Is there anything more hysterical than seeing a snowflake fairy get physically abused.:fingerscrossed:
Ladies and gentelmen, the face of today's conservatives ^ right here on display. Hoping loudly he gets to watch a child be sexually abused and furthermore hoping he can record it so all his conservative friends can see it.

A more disgusting example of human being I can't begin to imagine. There should be a law against it.

Ohhhh....... don't be such a fairy.:hello77:

Oh.... and that indeed is the face of today's conservative!! And not defending our homes with an arsenal of wiffle ball bats.:bye1::bye1:
Doesn't take a genius to figure out that Hogg will eventually end up taking the bumpy cucumber in one form or another. I'm just hoping when it happens they get some video of it..... would get tens of millions of hits.:coffee:. Is there anything more hysterical than seeing a snowflake fairy get physically abused.:fingerscrossed:
Ladies and gentelmen, the face of today's conservatives ^ right here on display. Hoping loudly he gets to watch a child be sexually abused and furthermore hoping he can record it so all his conservative friends can see it.

A more disgusting example of human being I can't begin to imagine. There should be a law against it.
That's his sexual preference, and only bigots deny others their civil rights.
The kid decided to take on the grown ups. F**k the kid. If he can't take the heat, stomp his spoiled brat ass back to the rec room. I'm so sick of hearing how the grown ups are picking on some shit-assed kid who decided to join the grown up room. Hogg needs to sit his dumb-assed self back at the kid's table.
He joined the 'grown up' room? You mean by having his school shot up and losing his FRIENDS and TEACHERS, 'he joined'? What did he join?

The ONLY 'group' people JOIN with the full KNOWLEDGE their going to be SHOT AT is the military! This KID didn't join the military. He went to 5th period. He has decided to TALK because he didn't think his school was a war zone.

And now it is okay to vilify him, discussing 'HOT POKERS being shoved up his ass'? Really? Are they going to 'dismember' him too? If he was a girl TALKING, would it be okay to talk about shoving hot pokers up her vagina?
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It's a tough call, but I think this bizarro nutter obsession with Hogg - a high school kid who went through a horrific, bloody tragedy - may be the dumbest thing I've seen yet in the political world.

This is what happens when people become so lost in their ideology that they lose connection with reality.

Fucking amazing.

Yes, we can't all be as pompous as you are...

The real problem here is that they can't come up with an intellectual counter-argument to Hogg at this point, that's why they are so angry.

So Much For the Idea Social Media Brings Folks Together.
It's more likely to get you fired from your job and uninvited to Christmas dinner.​

"sexual assault?" :rofl:
Fucking bedwetters get more loony every day! doesn't matter if he said it about a kid or not
it's not civilized and we can't keep going down the moral ladder until we reach bottom

Honestly, we are talking grabbing pussy, porn stars, genitalia size, and sexual violence of young men as a part of political discourse. We haven't reached the bottom?

It's the 1990's again?
Another anally obsessed con.
Yeah, never turn your back on a republican with anything that could be described as a poker.

Another lefty pretending to not understand the concept of figures of speech.
Whatever, just stay over there where we can keep an eye on you.

Your pretense makes you look stupid.
Who's pretending?

I'm genuinely worried.

I live in Kansas, I'm surrounded by republicans with "pokey" objects!

You freaks need to keep your distance!!
Hogg is right. Congress and the Senate has stood by since the Brady Act was signed and done the NRA’s bidding.-Happens in a Democracy

The NRA used to be in favour of sensible gun laws, but under Wayne LaPierre even background checks are an assault on the 2nd Amendment. The NRA has changed and not for the better.-No, the gun grabbing demands went too far.

And those in Congress and the Senate who have sat on their hands done the NRA’s bidding, and refused to deal with the mounting body counts from schools, and other public shootings, especially since Sandy Hook, do have the blood of innocents on their hands.-No one has done the bidding of the NRA. The Congress (made up of the House and Senate) have been doing what the people want them to do.
Let's not turn the NRA into our whipping boy. Let's hold the elected officials accountable. The NRA does not vote.

Actually, the membership of the NRA DOES vote. That's why their voice is so loud.
I view David Hogg as no different than an 8 year old kid that plays up a division with the 9 and 10 year olds in soccer (or any sport). If the kid is willing and able and the parents allow it then there's nothing wrong with the 8 year old playing up. But that doesn't mean the 9 and 10 year old kids are required to take it easy on him. At 17, David Hogg is playing up in the adult world by doing things that affect adults. He's willing and able and so are his parents. Likewise, he's fair game for criticism just like another other adult.
I view Hogg as yet another brainwashed victim of Leftist indoctrination that is going on in all of our schools and universities today.
Doesn't take a genius to figure out that Hogg will eventually end up taking the bumpy cucumber in one form or another. I'm just hoping when it happens they get some video of it..... would get tens of millions of hits.:coffee:. Is there anything more hysterical than seeing a snowflake fairy get physically abused.:fingerscrossed:
Ladies and gentelmen, the face of today's conservatives ^ right here on display. Hoping loudly he gets to watch a child be sexually abused and furthermore hoping he can record it so all his conservative friends can see it.

A more disgusting example of human being I can't begin to imagine. There should be a law against it.
Yes...he is a typical trumpanzee. These are the "people" left supporting trump.
The kid decided to take on the grown ups. F**k the kid. If he can't take the heat, stomp his spoiled brat ass back to the rec room. I'm so sick of hearing how the grown ups are picking on some shit-assed kid who decided to join the grown up room. Hogg needs to sit his dumb-assed self back at the kid's table.
He joined the 'grown up' room? You mean by having his school shot up and losing his FRIENDS and TEACHERS, 'he joined'? What did he join?

The ONLY 'group' people JOIN with the full KNOWLEDGE their going to be SHOT AT is the military! This KID didn't join the military. He went to 5th period. He has decided to TALK because he didn't think his school was a war zone.

And now it is okay to vilify him, discussing 'HOT POKERS being shoved up his ass'? Really? Are they going to 'dismember' him too? If he was a girl TALKING, would it be okay to talk about shoving hot pokers up her vagina?
It would be totally ok to our trumpanzees. Absolutely. Or they would giggle and pretend it's just a "figure of speech".
Well let's see. We have a grown-up, a major network's local TV anchor bullying a KID, using sexual assault imagery on a KID. Well at least it was "only" a tweet, huh? Gotta love those family values types and their media empires.

ABC Sinclair anchor, "I'm going to ram a hot poker up David Boggs ass"

Pro-Trump anchor resigns after threatening to ‘ram a hot poker’ into the ‘ass’ of Parkland survivor David Hogg
09 APR 2018 AT 2100

An anchor at a Sinclair-owned ABC affiliate in St. Louis has resigned from his job amid the fallout from a social media post where he threatened to sexually assault Parkland survivor David Hogg with “a hot poker.”

The Washington Post reported Monday evening that KDNL anchor Jamie Allman resigned following an advertiser boycott after a March 26 tweet where he said he was “hanging out getting ready to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s ass tomorrow.”
Typical of today's current GOP. Look at their leader.
Doesn't take a genius to figure out that Hogg will eventually end up taking the bumpy cucumber in one form or another. I'm just hoping when it happens they get some video of it..... would get tens of millions of hits.:coffee:. Is there anything more hysterical than seeing a snowflake fairy get physically abused.:fingerscrossed:
Ladies and gentelmen, the face of today's conservatives ^ right here on display. Hoping loudly he gets to watch a child be sexually abused and furthermore hoping he can record it so all his conservative friends can see it.

A more disgusting example of human being I can't begin to imagine. There should be a law against it.
Yes...he is a typical trumpanzee. These are the "people" left supporting trump.
How did calling half the country deplorable and irredeemable work out for you guys on November 8, 2016? :rofl:

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