ABC, Sinclair anchor, "I'm going to ram a hot poker up David Hoggs ass"

Well let's see. We have a grown-up, a major network's local TV anchor bullying a KID, using sexual assault imagery on a KID. Well at least it was "only" a tweet, huh? Gotta love those family values types and their media empires.

ABC Sinclair anchor, "I'm going to ram a hot poker up David Boggs ass"

Pro-Trump anchor resigns after threatening to ‘ram a hot poker’ into the ‘ass’ of Parkland survivor David Hogg
09 APR 2018 AT 2100

An anchor at a Sinclair-owned ABC affiliate in St. Louis has resigned from his job amid the fallout from a social media post where he threatened to sexually assault Parkland survivor David Hogg with “a hot poker.”

The Washington Post reported Monday evening that KDNL anchor Jamie Allman resigned following an advertiser boycott after a March 26 tweet where he said he was “hanging out getting ready to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s ass tomorrow.”
Maybe he was planning a luau. :dunno:
I still think Center Leftist 'etard is jealous he can't be the catcher instead of Hogg in this scenario:

ABC Sinclair anchor, "I'm going to ram a hot poker up David Boggs ass"
IF Hogg is still a high school student how could he have applied to get into a number of colleges BEFORE he knew what his final grades were?
The LIB MSM have now found out what a lying POS Hoog turned out to be and they won't have him on air anymore.
Doesn't take a genius to figure out that Hogg will eventually end up taking the bumpy cucumber in one form or another. I'm just hoping when it happens they get some video of it..... would get tens of millions of hits.:coffee:. Is there anything more hysterical than seeing a snowflake fairy get physically abused.:fingerscrossed:
Ladies and gentelmen, the face of today's conservatives ^ right here on display. Hoping loudly he gets to watch a child be sexually abused and furthermore hoping he can record it so all his conservative friends can see it.

A more disgusting example of human being I can't begin to imagine. There should be a law against it.
Yes...he is a typical trumpanzee. These are the "people" left supporting trump.
How did calling half the country deplorable and irredeemable work out for you guys on November 8, 2016? :rofl:
I calls em like is sees em Trumpkin.
Doesn't take a genius to figure out that Hogg will eventually end up taking the bumpy cucumber in one form or another. I'm just hoping when it happens they get some video of it..... would get tens of millions of hits.:coffee:. Is there anything more hysterical than seeing a snowflake fairy get physically abused.:fingerscrossed:
Ladies and gentelmen, the face of today's conservatives ^ right here on display. Hoping loudly he gets to watch a child be sexually abused and furthermore hoping he can record it so all his conservative friends can see it.

A more disgusting example of human being I can't begin to imagine. There should be a law against it.
Yes...he is a typical trumpanzee. These are the "people" left supporting trump.
How did calling half the country deplorable and irredeemable work out for you guys on November 8, 2016? :rofl:
I calls em like is sees em Trumpkin.
So how did that mentality work out for you guys throughout the Obama years where you lost record number of seats in both houses of congress, state houses, and governorships, culminating with the results of the 2016 elections?

I can see a low learning curve when I sees em.
Another anally obsessed con.
Yeah, never turn your back on a republican with anything that could be described as a poker.

Another lefty pretending to not understand the concept of figures of speech.
Whatever, just stay over there where we can keep an eye on you.

Your pretense makes you look stupid.
Who's pretending?

I'm genuinely worried.

I live in Kansas, I'm surrounded by republicans with "pokey" objects!

You freaks need to keep your distance!!
You poor snowflake :D
Ban figure of speech!!!
Another anally obsessed con.
Yeah, never turn your back on a republican with anything that could be described as a poker.

Another lefty pretending to not understand the concept of figures of speech.
Whatever, just stay over there where we can keep an eye on you.

Your pretense makes you look stupid.
Who's pretending?

I'm genuinely worried.

I live in Kansas, I'm surrounded by republicans with "pokey" objects!

You freaks need to keep your distance!!

You are pretending, and it makes you look stupid.
Yeah, never turn your back on a republican with anything that could be described as a poker.

Another lefty pretending to not understand the concept of figures of speech.
Whatever, just stay over there where we can keep an eye on you.

Your pretense makes you look stupid.
Who's pretending?

I'm genuinely worried.

I live in Kansas, I'm surrounded by republicans with "pokey" objects!

You freaks need to keep your distance!!

You are pretending, and it makes you look stupid.
He IS stupid, no pretending.
Oh, so you're dropping your earlier pretense of not knowing it was a figure of speech?

Did you get feedback that that line of shit wasn't sticking and now you're walking it back?

If you would seriously, just a few hours ago, claim to really believe he was going to heat a poker on nation tv and assault his interviewee,

how do you expect me to believe anything you say?

Well, I don't believe anything you say, so why should I be alone?

I didn't reverse my stance. I find it more than a bit odd that you think I did.

I find it unlikely that you truly don't believe what I say. I am a very honest person, and I think most people can sense that, after a while.

You are the one pretending to not understand normal english usage to justify censorship.

And you have certainly walked it back, from not believing it was a figure of speech to, arguing that it was inappropriate.

It is completely reasonable that you should have no credibility, while I, who have been very consistent and honest on this site, would.

Nope. I only know what I see. It doesn't take a lot of time to see that your cheese done slid clear off your cracker. You've been attacking anyone who disagrees with you, simply for disagreeing with you, and not just attacking but accusing us of trying to kill free speech because this sick fuck who by the way RESIGNED said something that was absolutely heinous.

The fact that you are going to defend him when I never said he couldn't say that, as thought I had in fact said that is why I do not ascribe value to the words coming off your keyboard.

The minute you twist the truth, it ceases to be the truth.

"Cheese"?, "Cracker"?

What are you talking about? YOu don't know what food I have at my table?

Oh, wait, was that a figure of speech?

Mmm, how ironic.

Your dishonesty is plain to see.

If the reporter in question was a good little lib, talking about an upcoming conservative guest, we would have never even heard of this and if we did, you would fully support him.

You never saw The Green Mile?
Criminal Cinema

Thughugging supernatural fairy tales from Harveywood abet the release of subhuman predators back into society.
LoL, a 17 year old kid is making the hard right act like snowflake melting betas.

How pathetic.
Bluffing at Poker

You political pedophiles are protecting your precious ambitious imbecile by trying to shame us into not destroying his reputation, as if anybody would listen to the other side's advice on the proper strategy for his own side. Wise gun-rights advocates see your pathetic shaming as a desperate signal that we are getting the job done. Time to double down on dumping on the Democrats' darling dunce.
Well let's see. We have a grown-up, a major network's local TV anchor bullying a KID, using sexual assault imagery on a KID. Well at least it was "only" a tweet, huh? Gotta love those family values types and their media empires.

ABC Sinclair anchor, "I'm going to ram a hot poker up David Boggs ass"

Pro-Trump anchor resigns after threatening to ‘ram a hot poker’ into the ‘ass’ of Parkland survivor David Hogg
09 APR 2018 AT 2100

An anchor at a Sinclair-owned ABC affiliate in St. Louis has resigned from his job amid the fallout from a social media post where he threatened to sexually assault Parkland survivor David Hogg with “a hot poker.”

The Washington Post reported Monday evening that KDNL anchor Jamie Allman resigned following an advertiser boycott after a March 26 tweet where he said he was “hanging out getting ready to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s ass tomorrow.”
For the intellectually challenged and the patently dishonest:

figure of speech
  1. a word or phrase used in a non-literal sense for rhetorical or vivid effect.

    You’re welcome.
Boneless Ribs

Why would anyone get it, when "oxymoron" is a figure of speech that our Illiterate Language Lords made us believe means the opposite of what it has always meant? Those ignorant but highly placed Diploma Dumbos use it to mean what more truly educated generations called "a contradiction in terms."
It's a tough call, but I think this bizarro nutter obsession with Hogg - a high school kid who went through a horrific, bloody tragedy - may be the dumbest thing I've seen yet in the political world.

This is what happens when people become so lost in their ideology that they lose connection with reality.

Fucking amazing.

Yes, we can't all be as pompous as you are...

The real problem here is that they can't come up with an intellectual counter-argument to Hogg at this point, that's why they are so angry.

Angry because " no intellectual counter argument to Hogg...."

Hey s0n..... hate to break it to you but all the anger and misery on this is coming from people on the left. There is zero need for conservatives to come up with a counter argument when they are winning. Well maybe for banter on an internet forum but in the real world Hogg hasn't accomplished dick. Congress has been asleep for at least 3 weeks now on this issue. All Hogg did was get Laura Ingram booted off her show for one week.

Conservatives never need a counter argument..... when you are winning it's not necessary.

Have a blast at your marches!!!!:2up::cul2::cul2:

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