Abortion Follies: Texas

I bitched and moaned? The state legislature, which is elected by its voters decided this and the SCOTUS upheld it. Roe VS Wade also passed 5-4. Why are you saying that Texans cannot decide what is best for TX? We are the United States. We are a Republic. You’re not addressing my points, you’re making other weird points. MA had an insurance mandate long before Obamacare.
repeating moot points does NOT change the FACTS that there are federal laws of which ALL states must adhere to ("promote the general welfare" and all that jazz) this is why the latest Texas 2 step is trying to circumnavigate that...and why they will fail, as the conservative Bloomberg news OP explains: Texas Abortion Ban Is Both Devious and Doomed

I addressed your "points"....you just don't like that you can BS passed my responses and so you feign confusion. No one is buying your BS here except the guy you see in the mirror. this is why your comment about Obamacare and MA is just dumb, as THE REST OF THE COUNTRY had many states with no similar mandate. So all the wailing about Obamacare was just baloney shoveled by greedy insurance companies and corporate/business owners.
repeating moot points does NOT change the FACTS that there are federal laws of which ALL states must adhere to ("promote the general welfare" and all that jazz) this is why the latest Texas 2 step is trying to circumnavigate that...and why they will fail, as the conservative Bloomberg news OP explains: Texas Abortion Ban Is Both Devious and Doomed

I addressed your "points"....you just don't like that you can BS passed my responses and so you feign confusion. No one is buying your BS here except the guy you see in the mirror. this is why your comment about Obamacare and MA is just dumb, as THE REST OF THE COUNTRY had many states with no similar mandate. So all the wailing about Obamacare was just baloney shoveled by greedy insurance companies and corporate/business owners.
That is simply not true per our Supreme Court. Obviously. I do Not like it any more than you do. As I said many are moving from Cali and NY because they dislike the laws there. Many may move from TX to those states if they so choose. Again, I live in MA and we had the insurance mandate long before Obamacare. It was Mitt Romney’s brain child. If the constituents in TX dislike this law they need to vote in different legislators.
Your link in no way invalidates what I provided. Your link does not say what percent of abortions are from rape or incest. It only says what percentage of rapes result in pregnancy.

Big difference.
Please learn to read carefully and compreshensively.

From your link: According to the Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) Texas has a literacy rate of 28% at or below Level 1.

Holy smokes!

Five levels of literacy are defined:

  • Level 1 indicates persons with very poor skills, where the individual may, for example, be unable to determine the correct amount of medicine to give a child from information printed on the package.
  • Level 2 respondents can deal only with material that is simple, clearly laid out, and in which the tasks involved are not too complex. It denotes a weak level of skills, but more hidden than Level 1. It identifies people who can read, but test poorly. They may have developed coping skills to manage everyday literacy demands, but their low level of proficiency makes it difficult for them to face novel demands, such as learning new job skills.
  • Level 3 is considered a suitable minimum for coping with the demands of everyday life and work in a complex, advanced society. It denotes roughly the skill level required for successful secondary school completion and college entry. Like higher levels, it requires the ability to integrate several sources of information and solve more complex problems.
  • Level 4 and level 5 describe respondents who demonstrate command of higher-order information processing skills.
And your point is...?
I knew abortion was wrong when I was 12-years-old and first saw a photograph of an aborted baby torn to pieces.

I've never understood people who don't get it.
This is a lie.

‘Babies’ aren’t aborted.

And this idiotic demagoguery has nothing whatsoever to do with the right to privacy and the limited authority of the state.

Indeed, the right to privacy safeguards your belief that abortion is wrong; citizens are at complete liberty to believe abortion is wrong and take measures to end the practice – provided those measures comport with privacy rights jurisprudence.
Women who are rape victims generally end up loving their children. There are exceptions but the cases of women kept in bondage, tortured and repeatedly raped still want the children once they are born. Why? Shouldn't these children be forcibly removed and killed?
Victims of rape love their children?

My god
Your link in no way invalidates what I provided. Your link does not say what percent of abortions are from rape or incest. It only says what percentage of rapes result in pregnancy.

Big difference.
1. your link is in 1987....mine in 1996. Larger polling audience. So your information is DATED.

2. The title of my source material

Rape-related pregnancy: estimates and descriptive characteristics from a national sample of women​

The national rape-related pregnancy rate is 5.0% per rape among victims of reproductive age (aged 12 to 45); among adult women an estimated 32,101 pregnancies result from rape each year. Among 34 cases of rape-related pregnancy, the majority occurred among adolescents and resulted from assault by a known, often related perpetrator.

Hope this clarifies things.
Your tale just grows by leaps and bounds when logically challenged

Initially you allude to favoring the new Texas law, although no provisions are given as to adopting, caring and educating such children by the state or others. then you spin this tale that a raped woman gave birth instead of abortion so to exact revenge on the kid. Then you top it off with "perhaps" she should have gotten an abortion.

Well, by your own personal example, this is why the new Texas law is DEAD WRONG......it would create more people just like the one you described here.

But to cover your self contradiction, you spin a standard mantra about a woman who opted for multiple abortions instead of using contracetpion until she couldn't....and is happy with a child. No details as to if there is a father, is she on social services to support the kids, etc.
Dubious tales at best, especially in light of your final paragraph of pure suppostion and conjecture.

And when all is said and done, you STILL cannot produce conclusive stats to back your claims. As I told you before, your limited personal experiences does NOT justify a blanket law that effects thousands, if not millions in a negative way. Carry on.
I neither favor nor disfavor the Texas law. Stock on up pregnancy tests and take one a day. Planned Parenthood gives them out for free. There are no prohibitions at all before six weeks. See, problem solved.
Oh my poor secretary with that baby. Yes, there was a father. When he found out, he went straight to her family and demanded they insist she marry him. Being old fashioned Yugoslovian, the wedding date was set. No social services, she made good money. He was not essential to the story. It's not like she loved him. Life is short, have plenty of lovers.

There are no sad stories that cover every condition of the human experience. Some women FORCED to have children they don't want DO love them and come to want them. Some other women CHOOSE to have children and it totally destroys them. There is nothing wrong with this law. There was nothing wrong with the law before it was changed.
Victims of rape love their children?

My god
I gave you two examples of women that loved the children of rape, and one of a woman that hated her daughter of rape. You just cannot make a blanket statement.
I have no idea why y'all are so mad at Texas...

... Missouri did it first...

"Missouri becomes first state in US to no longer perform abortions

By Bethany Blankle, The Center Square

January 18, 2021 - 12:30 PM

Missouri has become the first state in the U.S. where abortions are no longer performed.

the man has a point...but to be fair, MO had legal grounds to a large degree in dealing with facilities that didn't come up to code and such. With that technicality in hand, they went whole hog.
4. Does Relative Ethics have any problems with other government mandates, like the Affordable Care Act?
My pro-Life position is consistent, unlike that of some Conservatives.

I support Welfare 100%. Children must be the priority. I support Affordable Care Act 100%. Also, children must be protected from abuse within families.

I oppose guns -- they are used in 33,000 murders and suicides per year.

I oppose dangerous substances.
I gave you two examples of women that loved the children of rape, and one of a woman that hated her daughter of rape. You just cannot make a blanket statement.
That’s NOT a ringing endorsement
If the Blue states were smart, they would follow the Texasshole blueprint to ban guns, 2nd amendment be damned! A $25,000 bounty plus legal costs to turn in anyone with a unregistered gun.
I wonder how fast the Extreme Court would grant an injunction.
That would be great!

Pro-death Conservatives which advocate for guns are no better then pro-death Liberals who advocate for abortion.
Since the advent of the morning after pill the rape aspect is senseless
The morning after pill is the next target. It IS an abortive drug

You think not?

These same people claimed they would never try to over turn Roe
Since the advent of the morning after pill the rape aspect is senseless
Actually, the women I mentioned were kept as prisoners and had no access to the morning after pill, or anything else. The other woman chose to have and raise the baby.No morning after pill necessary, although I do think that occurred prior to the morning after pill.

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