Abortion Follies: Texas

Actually, the women I mentioned were kept as prisoners and had no access to the morning after pill, or anything else. The other woman chose to have and raise the baby.No morning after pill necessary, although I do think that occurred prior to the morning after pill.

I realize that but the entire rape defense is pretty much moot now
I realize that but the entire rape defense is pretty much moot now
true, except for women held as prisoners.

Speaking of prisoners, women in prison who are raped by ahem "transgender" biologically male prisoners have an incredibly hard time getting the morning after pill because the men that rape them identify af female lesbians and one woman cannot impregnate another woman.
Start handing out that pill like Pez!
true, except for women held as prisoners.

Speaking of prisoners, women in prison who are raped by ahem "transgender" biologically male prisoners have an incredibly hard time getting

My understanding is the Texas legislation has provisions for rape and incest.

The left just refuses to be responsible
I neither favor nor disfavor the Texas law. Stock on up pregnancy tests and take one a day. Planned Parenthood gives them out for free. There are no prohibitions at all before six weeks. See, problem solved.
Oh my poor secretary with that baby. Yes, there was a father. When he found out, he went straight to her family and demanded they insist she marry him. Being old fashioned Yugoslovian, the wedding date was set. No social services, she made good money. He was not essential to the story. It's not like she loved him. Life is short, have plenty of lovers.

There are no sad stories that cover every condition of the human experience. Some women FORCED to have children they don't want DO love them and come to want them. Some other women CHOOSE to have children and it totally destroys them. There is nothing wrong with this law. There was nothing wrong with the law before it was changed.
You consistently contradict yourself;
I neither favor nor disfavor the Texas law.
There is nothing wrong with this law.

you can't have it both ways....your dubious tales non-withstanding. Thing is, there is NOTHING WRONG WITH CHOICE. That is what Roe vs. Wade gave women. That is what you indirectly concede to within your tales. The current Texas law ELIMINATES CHOICE, turns citizens into a type Stasi gov't aides. Doing so goes against the whole point of our gov't ability to "promote the general welfare".

You most likely will continue with the SOS, but the rational, objective adult reader with decent reading comprehension will see through your ploy. So unless you've got something else to add, I'd say we're done here.
we do not have a social fabric that supports responsibility

Yeah we do.

Our children our very responsible, I know dozens of other children who are also.

They've been taught it and learned it.

There is absolutely no reason for an unborn child to be murdered with all the options available. Absolutely none
So … let’s say you get raped… and end up pregnant… you feel good about raising that kid?

Morning after pill....you confounded dumbass.

Try actually reading comments other than flapping your little skinny arms expecting to be taken serious, you fcking troll
So unless you live under a rock, Texas has recently passed laws that virtually makes abortion impossible for the average citizen. Well, here's whats currently going on in the state that wants to force women victims of rape & incest to bring that pregnancy to term. Yep, they're well prepared for all those unwanted kids :rolleyes:

The lower literacy rate is do mostly to the damn illegals and their offspring...don't blame texas for the dems illegals.
Morning after pill....you confounded dumbass.

Try actually reading comments other than flapping your little skinny arms expecting to be taken serious, you fcking troll
The morning after pill is an abortion pill. You fuckers swore you wouldn’t actually try to end Roe but you did .

That’s the next target
The morning after pill is an abortion pill. You fuckers swore you wouldn’t actually try to end Roe but you did .

That’s the next target

Good grief. You're spinning like a top. Go to bed..or bother someone else.

PS, I never swore to not to end Roe, stop lying...fucker
My pro-Life position is consistent, unlike that of some Conservatives.

I support Welfare 100%. Children must be the priority. I support Affordable Care Act 100%. Also, children must be protected from abuse within families.

I oppose guns -- they are used in 33,000 murders and suicides per year.

I oppose dangerous substances.
FYI regarding Obamacare and abortion: Abortion Coverage and the Affordable Care Act

It tried, but didn't do much....still "pro-lifers" bitched about that!

that being said, your smoke screen here doesn't directly address what was put to you, as I didn't ask about guns or drugs Abortion Follies: Texas

Texas has a lousy rating nationwide in educating it's kids....that's just one issue. YOU are supporting an enforcement of a policy that guarantees more (unwanted) children into this dismal system. And why would one potentially place more adults and children on welfare BY FORCE?

Your "pro-life" stance essentially removes CHOICE from a woman in a most personal situation THAT YOU WILL NEVER HAVE TO DEAL WITH. That attitude is on par with those wanting a theocratic gov't...we just finished a 20 year war with that mindset.
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