Abortion Stopped In Utah

The problem is, there are too many factors in the issue, and both sides only look at one, maybe two. The black and white answers of "yes and no" do not fit in this at all, those answers rarely fit in anything dealing with real life. So it either has to be broken into many different issues or it has to be regulated, making it flat out illegal will just cause a lot of death and suffering.


There is nothing complex about this issue... Nothing at all...

The complexities are a function of the rationalizations which come from having made poor choices and the desperate need to reject the consequences of those decisions.
I took care of the babies I made. You fail to care for your child you go to jail and the state puts them up for adoption to a loving family. We do it all the time and it works.

Let me get this straight -- I get counseling to help me decide if I should kill another human being. Who in the world could be in favor of killing a defensive tiny baby for convenience. Don't answer that!!!

The more we abort the more uncivilized we become. Only a barbarian, a savage or an insane person would kill a defensive tiny baby.

I think it's quite the opposite. It's the barbarian societies like Iran, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Bolivia, Columbia, etc... that oppose abortion. Enlightened societies understand that forcing a woman to be pregnant against her will is sick.

Sounds to me like instead of becoming enlightened, they just found new and more subtle ways to continue being barbarians. Excuse me if I don't applaud you for your ingenuity.

And unless someone held a gun to her head while raping her, no one "forced" her to be pregnant.
The problem is, there are too many factors in the issue, and both sides only look at one, maybe two. The black and white answers of "yes and no" do not fit in this at all, those answers rarely fit in anything dealing with real life. So it either has to be broken into many different issues or it has to be regulated, making it flat out illegal will just cause a lot of death and suffering.


There is nothing complex about this issue... Nothing at all...

The complexities are a function of the rationalizations which come from having made poor choices and the desperate need to reject the consequences of those decisions.

Really? So if the woman will die unless aborted you would rather they both die?
Exactly. She's too fucked up to become a mother, so guess who's going to foot the bill for the new kid once it arrives? Me and You.

Not to mention that since they saved it from such an event, it will likely be severely damaged and live a miserable life AND be more than twice the cost of those who haven't.
actually the baby will probably be alright, time will tell. But babies are pretty protected in the womb. I was in a bad car accident when I was in the beginning of my pregnancy and was wearing a seat belt. My son came out just fine. She will probably have other complications but I bet the baby will be fine.

On the other hand, my mother fell down some stairs while she was pregnant, and my brother never made it out of the hospital.
Oh, yeah. Pro-abortion people NEVER force their beliefs on others . . . you know, aside from the judicial fiat that forced abortion into legality over the expressed wishes of most of the country, that is. But, you know, after that, they became ALL about keeping their fat mouths shut about their beliefs and respecting other people's . . . :eusa_whistle:

That's a poor example. Reliance on majoritarian approval of abortion rights effectively constitutes tyranny of the majority, considering that the criminalization of abortion brings about a greater imposition upon women who cannot obtain abortions than the legalization of abortion does upon the majority who oppose their legality.

Not to mention that the people who champion legalized abortion are usually the same people supporting things like PC speech codes, hate crime laws, radical environmentalism, big government control of every frigging thing . . . Yeah, they aren't about forcing THEIR beliefs on ANYONE.

Is that so? I support legalized abortion and oppose everything else you've mentioned. It's unfortunate when some choose to deal with misinformed stereotypes instead of reality, isn't it? ;)

No you don't ya lying sack of communist CRAP.

ROFL.. Whatta LOAD!
You're really reaching on that statement....

Not really. To predict the future all you have to do is look at the past and follow the trend line out into the future.

I've heard of religions that either do or used to sacrifice children but I don't see and baby killing (after the baby is fully born) in this country's future. I don't agree with it but I cannot have an abortion so it's not my call.

You don't, huh? Why don't you look at some of those European nations liberals admire so much, and observe that they kill already-born infants who aren't considered healthy enough to allow to survive. Or look at some of the bioethicists who are so admired by leftists in this very country who advocate killing babies up to a year old if they're not exactly what the parents ordered.
Go look up Peter Singer, sweetie pie, and tell us how much he's "reaching".

More idiocy from you. Peter Singer has never promoted the killing of healthy human infants, nor would there be a utilitarian justification for such.

On the other hand, my mother fell down some stairs while she was pregnant, and my brother never made it out of the hospital.

Are you sure it wasn't when she was pregnant with you? That would explain a few things. ;)
I think it's more in line with Nazi policy for men to be telling women what to do with their own bodies.

You still refuse to recognize it's not just the woman's body but also the baby's body.

I guess our discussion will terminate here. Have a good day.

Adults have far more rights than children, so it stands to reason that an adult woman has significantly more rights than a couple cells.

Same logic that leads to killing babies that are born with defects. Hey, adults have more rights than babies, right?

What's it like, being evil?
You still refuse to recognize it's not just the woman's body but also the baby's body.

I guess our discussion will terminate here. Have a good day.

Adults have far more rights than children, so it stands to reason that an adult woman has significantly more rights than a couple cells.

Same logic that leads to killing babies that are born with defects. Hey, adults have more rights than babies, right?

What's it like, being evil?

It's quite fun actually, but you fail to address several parts of the issue.
It's your duty as a human being to speak out. Who will speak for the babies except you? Don't be like the German citizens while their Nazi government was killing the Jews.

how can you compare a fully formed human life with a zygote just because that's what your religion dictates? other people's beliefs don't conform to yours.

maybe you should stick to making decisions for yourself and not for others?

Define "fully formed". A newborn infant isn't as "fully formed" as an adult. Neither is a toddler, or a grade-schooler. So unless you're advocating a "moral standard" that allows for the possibility of killing THOSE groups, explain just how "fully formed" one has to be to acquire value. And then be prepared to show your work, because despite your belief that this is rooted in "religion", our position is rooted in biology, and yours isn't.

So much for leftists valuing science.
Adults have far more rights than children, so it stands to reason that an adult woman has significantly more rights than a couple cells.

Same logic that leads to killing babies that are born with defects. Hey, adults have more rights than babies, right?

What's it like, being evil?

It's quite fun actually, but you fail to address several parts of the issue.


No you don't ya lying sack of communist CRAP.

ROFL.. Whatta LOAD!

Do you ever have anything to contribute other than your incoherent and moronic gibberish? Do you have...say...an argument? ;)


And you're still a lying sack of leftist crap... Your record on this board shows your standing ass deep in the advocacy of everyone of the stated leftist traits...

You denying it doesn't erase that record...

Now last time I checked you were a proponent of the oxymoronic notion known as anarcho-communism... That's PC bullshit RIGHT THERE...


And you're still a lying sack of leftist crap... Your record on this board shows your standing ass deep in the advocacy of everyone of the stated leftist traits...

You denying it doesn't erase that record...

You don't say? Provide specific quotes documenting said record.

Now last time I checked you were a proponent of the oxymoronic notion known as anarcho-communism... That's PC bullshit RIGHT THERE...


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Advocacy of anarcho-communism, perhaps the most radical political ideology in existence, is "PC"? :lol:

You are truly stupid, Pubicus.
The message from the anti-abortion crowd (I find it interesting, by the way, that you insist on replacing "pro-life" with "anti-abortion", as though that should be as offensive to us as replacing "pro-choice" with "pro-abortion" is to you) is that people should take responsibility for their actions.

Apparently, the message from the pro-abortion crowd (Why do you suppose it is that a restatement of your position is an insult, but a restatement of mine isn't, even when it's intended to be?) is that we want you to kill babies rather than giving up fucking like crazed monkeys.

I am anti abortion, but pro choice....Not everything fits nice and neatly into little boxes.

No babies are killed. Foetuses that are barely 3 months in term are by far the most aborted.

You anti-abortion or pro-life (I don't give a shit about terminology - you picked on the wrong person there with regard to that little nugget) crowd just want to foist your religious zeal on others. Now, I know there are those who don't have religious reasons for stopping abortions, and if you're part of that crowd, keep your nose out of other people's business...

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